The Funimation leak was not a Funimation leak. Those aren’t the real voice actors

I understand why you’re all upset. I understand why you’re offended. We all do. I can’t fully disclose who I am, but I’m very close to this situation.

The voices you’ve heard in that video clip are not the voices of Funimation actors. They’re sound-alikes, one of whom has already been identified.

The reason Funimation hasn’t made a statement on this matter is simply due to the legalities involved. Funimation will be, and is, currently exploring legal action against those who voiced and produced this audio real, as well as potentially illegally obtained Funimation music.

The actors allegedly on this tape are not able to make statements at this time, as we have been instructed against doing so. Any actors allegedly on this tape who may be appearing at fan conventions have been instructed not to address this matter at conventions. It’s not that they don’t care. It’s red tape.

Funimation will definitely address this recording when the time is right. Please guys, I know for a fact and truthfully that the actors especially are eaten up by this and want it to be over and rectified as much as you all do. And it will be, as soon as it can be. I promise.

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Other urls found in this thread:

okay funimation PR employee
take your damage control else where

These boards are where you belong.

Not anime related.
Fuck off cancer

it's just some funimation employee trying to do damage control because those are the real voice actors

Funimation? That's not an anime I've heard of before.


and this is why shonenshit threads should be banned period

you can go away to Yea Forums since they have toonami threads

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So you don't talk about anime here? If a studio that dubs anime isn't anime related then what is?

Piss of already!!

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Yes we talk about anime here. I have yet to see anyone actually mention any anime in this thread though.

>Dragon ball fan base imploding
Jojochads win again, muda

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Fuck off

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>I understand why you’re all upset.
>insinuating a single person on Yea Forums gives a shit about edgy Newgrounds-tier humour

Fuck off, PR drone. I hope every single company's dubbing division is eventually put out of business. Not because I'm offended, but because the dubbing industry is a purely parasitic entity that inflates costs and enables literal brainlets who can't learn Japanese or read quickly enough to use subtitles. If fake-woke faggots and mediocre hacks coasting on insider connections get fucked over as well, that's just a bonus.

>I understand why you’re offended.
I'm offended at the hypocrisy.

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twitter drama and celeb shit goes to tourist

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>another scandal involving VA's or something
>havent a clue and don't care because I wouldn't be caught dead watching dubbed anime

The only thing this has illuminated to me is how many of you turbofaggots watch dubs, you should be all be dragged into the street and shot.

Who even watches dubbed anime?

>why yes i watch the sub version
>do i speak japanese, well no but it sounds better
>i just read the bottom instead of watching the show

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eat shit you wagecuck

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>He can't watch and read at once
Cringe dubfag.

>he reads the bottom and misses pivotal scenes
You go cross-eyed while watching?

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>Cant read and watch

not surprising in the least

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I don't damage my ears listening to dubshit, that's already superior to whatever you're spouting.

I can't wait to see when the day when funimation dies and the anime community is just a little bit better. Next should be crunchyroll.

Dubs thread, check 'em

anime usually has so little animation that the only thing moving when someone is talking is their mouth

You can't read and watch at the same time, wojak poster. nice reddit spacing btw upvoted.

I didnt read a word, fuck you funimation and fuck your gay ass VAs
Do you jusg have this shit saved to spam theads? Also MODS!


It shouldn't take you more than a a few milliseconds to read a line of text, user. Your reading speed can be improved with practice. Try for a novel a week.


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So I should take a split second to read each line of text in a 20 minute episode, got ya.

Yes. Is there something strange about that statement?

How do I report the pieces of shit posting animated child porn in this thread?

Is that supposed to be a rebuttal?

Sounds very fun, glad get to read instead of being entertained. It's like I get to read a book instead of watching a program.

the worst thing about 2016 /pol/ is all these larpers thinking they can Qanon post and thinking that is an acceptable use of their time. You should really leave and never come back, regardless of whether your leddit-spaced garbage is true or not.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Goblin Slayer - 04 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_01.05_[2018.11.01_11.24.05].jp (1280x720, 116K)

Don't take Chichi's sex moans away from me.


Because characters surely talk when there is big action on the scene.

Only in dubs, when they edit the script and have characters speak when they weren't supposed to.

if we can't have seiyuu threads then you can't have your dub threads

You seem triggered so it seems like a good one. You're reply shows that. Anime is totally no just EEHH noises at all.

You do it by reporting OP

Of course OP is a phoneposter

This disaster of a post shows the real reason you don't like subs which is that you have a pitifully poor grasp of the English language. You'd probably have to pause every line to spend 30 seconds deciphering what's being said.

>implying reading is somehow unpleasant

Have you never read for pleasure? It's also a form of entertainment. But again, the point is that you can read the line of text AND watch the show at the same time.

Maybe I don't like Japanese women squealing in my ear? I bet you don't even speak Japanese and yet you seem to wanna die on that hill. Maybe if I was a sophisticated as you, my fellow 4channel shitposting incel, I could enjoy subbed anime more.

>Only bit of entertaining voice work produced by Funimation is released
>It isn't released by them
>They go into damage control trying to pretend they didn't make them

If I spoke Japanese why would I watch subs?
I'd much rather listen to a young, talented, passionate Japanese woman than some washed up 30 something American hag trying to sound like a schoolgirl who is probably only doing voicework because she couldn't even land a role in a commercial as a real actress, and just lifelessly reads the script she was handed so they can get their simuldub ready in time.

Believe it or not, I'm shitposting. I watch One Piece in subs. I'm just here because I heard Chuck Huber made some statements and wanted to see people talk about it here and that didn't happen so I just made fun of sub watchers instead

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.