
needle gets the first kiss

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where are the raws

On Hamada's drive. No chapter until the 25th, and this is from the chapter after that.

Titty witch naked yet.

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My favorite position.

I wonder if she will get another first.

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That's illegal

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oh my goodness!

where is this manga plublished?
no wonder this high Iq mangaka hides his face

It's an edit

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Aren't all those edits using what's copied off streams before being censored?


Nips love it.

Is S2 happening?

I wish they spent less time as slaves during it and more time doing other things.

*flosses on Kiriha fans*

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Are they still in the awful Isekai arc? I'm waiting for them to get out of the fucking book.

At this point I'd rather he end the series and just draw porn

I hope there is some fucking inside the book during this arc.

In production. That's one of the things that account for skipped months lately.

Also in production: Extra-ecchi OVA.

Still in the isekai book. At least one more chapter after the one in OP.

It will be interesting seeing just how far the ova will go compared to the manga.

Based Needle.

where's is my little girl?

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Who cares?

Hey! Keep going

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Is there a more alpha character than him in taiwanese fiction?

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I do ;_;

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She needs energy, so he kisses her to provide it? Someday he needs to learn that he can do these things for fun too.

The lad has some learnin' to do.

Highly approve of "Fast Charge" mode, so far. Wondering if we'll get a "Jump Start" later.

based needle was always low key cute

wait this is is real i can't believe he flossed on stream shirtless.

he is so based

It is

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there is true beauty in simpleness, her design is just too sexy, but I still not like her forgiving cat so easily

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There's been too much time wasted in this arc learning the wrong things.

I hope that's just temporary forgiveness knowing the cat is still needed.

>but I still not like her forgiving cat so easily
It's more pragmatic than anything. Cat was the only one not collared, killing her just guarantees nobody could resist Dadga.

Honestly, of the current squad Flute and Needle are nice. But I'd want to drink deeply from that sake cup if you catch my meaning?

at this point i'm pretty sure the cat is the girl they have been looking for as i don't think we are going to spend more time in this world after her little sister is saved then looking for the girl they entered the world for

mirror is my favourite i want to marry her

she has already been taken

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i think about this kiss a lot and how cute and soft she looks in that one panel


i am only following in the foot steps of yoshi

what will be in ecchi OVA?

Isekai Arc

i'm hoping for some bisexual milf action from kanaka

The last time I watched hims stream, he was making adjustments to his tables again. Damn

he really likes doing d.i.y

This author is pretty based. I like how he covers a ton of fetishes

Still waiting on him to do a lewd exhibition scene with another girl watching the MC with one of the girls do stuff

has there been pee yet?


I get the impression an onsen scene might be involved, but there's been no outright announcement yet.

Also: it'll be either a couple of OVA, or a longer one than originally planned.

it makes you think think what might be his real fetishes.
he has even crossdressed to draw better fan service so he is beyond based.

yes a lot the most memorable one is with flute after she loose in a fight she gets scared and pees herself in the open.

Quite a bit in the current arc. It's still ongoing, so if you want to get the whole thing in one go it'll be at least a few months.


Based. You can tell he has a lot of fun writing and drawing things. Is he the same author that has the weird upright desk setup or is that to luv ru's author?

do you mean this desk? because i think it is him

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He's constantly tweaking his setup (to keep from tweaking his joints)

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how does changing his setup stop his joints getting damaged?

Kyouka pissed herself in her first introduction

I can't tell if this setup is autistic or just too smart for me to comprehend

probably both

Is drawing porn like unprofitable?
The plot of this manga sucks ass, but the contrivances for boarder line sex scenes are always a-1, and the art is good.

Why doesn't he just draw porn, and cut out the boring battle shounen story?

Trying to minimize stress on his back, elbows, shoulders, wrists while he draws. That's also why he only draws for a couple of hours at a time.

that's what he used to do and got tired of it.
before he just used to only make porn doujins

Market is much smaller, lots of retailers won't stock R18 titles at all

He did some RPG-related work in between, illustrating modules and manga stories set in the "Sword World"

no wounder he likes drawing fantasy type settings so much

It was love at first sight.

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that's some death flag

>punching her in the womb
he was claiming his property

I want my crow back so I can impregnate her

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There's a lot of impregnation needed soon.

women eat more when pregnant as they eat for two and she already eats for two when not pregnant so you will have to feed her every meal like you are feeding 4 people if you get her pregnant.

user she will drain you dry of all your money

it doesnt matter as long as I do it for her and the three babies I pumped inside her in one go t. Kazuya

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I want to pour my white stuff inside the Oreo as well

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The one page where he sucks her tits while fucking her is the sauciest, hottest scene in the whole manga

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I miss sol Tsugumomo

Even a small SoL arc would be good after this.

First season was surprisingly fun with good animation.

the op for the firs season was a banger

wait is this really his first kiss?

no he has kissed mirror before

mirror a slut

Is it the first time he tried to kiss someone for any reason, and not been surprised with a kiss?

It's the first time he has initiated the kiss.

i would have never thought the first kiss he initiates would be with needle but then again she has always been warm to him and was one of the first to trust him out of the ownerless tsugumomo

So now we need him to initiate one that's not for combat reasons.

What if she comes back smaller?

do we have any oppai lolis yet
imagine her as small as Kukuri but still the same bust size


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Do you think the CG backgrounds in the anime used Hamada's original source files, or were they remade?

i think he just sent them the source files to the 3d models he uses and makes

spoiler that shit nigga, kiss and hand holding are forbidden in blue boards

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harem when?

he already has a harem of objects, a crow, and a god and a human tomboy with a sword and his childhood best friend

>before he just used to only make porn doujins
Did he have a different nick back then?
I've never seen any of them.

There are a few that can be found with the same name.

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Its good for your back to do it this way.

jesus christ how horrifying.jpg

>witch sidelined fast
This hurts my soul.

really good fighting panels to piss fetish fuel fucking what a legion what a fucking madman

now if only we could get out of this stupid book arc god damn this should have been 6 chapters tops

She's not the only one, but she didn't even get a chance yet.

Kiriha best girl


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Arc's not done yet, though. Keeping my fingers crossed for the final boss battle.

That scene where the mc goes to sunao's house and her mom keeps trying to get him to fuck her daughter was super hot. She even maid the room for their first night together and waited outside to listen

>you will never be this alpha
it hurts a little to be honest

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Now he just needs to do that in bed while having sex with her.

Order of operations is important.

You mean Kiriha?

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Of course. This is a good start, he just needs to continue and not end up crying or something else.

nope, he's too alpha for that, he only sheds tears when reunited with his harem

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There could be be other excuses too, but he needs to finally start physically uniting with his harem, and not just spiritually.

I wish Hamada would do an Otoyomegatari doujin

she's so badass

I don't really follow this much, are they still on Isekai Rape Namek?

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When does the new chapter usually get posted?

Okay, so I just picked this manga up,and read about the first 10 chapters. It has great art, but everything else is meh so far. What the fuck will this be about anyway? So far it seems like a battle manga, but all you posting is protag fucking svery girl, wtf

it's about coming of chadhood

what is happening?

And so why is every 10/10 letting this shita suck on their tits again? He is gonna be a chosen one isn't he?
Im trying to find a reason to keep reading this. Are story good? If I want hentai, I'll read hentai, you know what I mean.

>And so why is every 10/10 letting this shita suck on their tits again?
Dude, it's basically like To Love Ru. The only reason is because it's an ecchi manga. If you need a reason why everybody is letting themselves get molested, you're probably reading the wrong manga.

>bro its just ecchi
Fair enough, shame on me for wanting the story to make a little sense at least.

It makes plenty of sense, they need his curse energy. Just like F/SN except he doesn't need to actually have sex with them to transfer it.