Anime literally insults it's own audience

>anime literally insults it's own audience

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If you felt insulted by any joke you should consider suicide.

>anime's audience is full of subhumans who deserve to be insulted

Asobi asobase is perhaps one of the most based manga ever written.

I don't think you understand who Asobi Asobase's audience is.

quite rightly

And the problem is?
If you're a fat otaku you should realize you're a fat otaku.


You felt for it, it was a joke.

>everyone I don't like is /pol/
Please kys.

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Is that Asirpa?

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dumb smelly persian demon whore

Kill yourself, redditor.


Do you actually think some jokes are okay while others are not? Because that’s not how it works, either every one is an open target for jokes or no one is.

but the guy is a literal chad and his imouto's (little sister, for you uneducated gaijin [foreigners, you dumb baka ]) high school friends got mad wet from looking at him

jesus fuck

Kill yourself faggot.


>best sister
>smooth talker
>get high school girls wet

not much of an insult really

>got 2 PhDs
>is clearly well-educated and well-spoken
>dress like the most degenerate otaku scum the world has seen without a care in the world

I wished I was even half as based as Olivia's Onii-chan

>consider suicide
I never knew that it was even an option, thanks.

>Do you actually think some jokes are okay while others are not?
Not him, but yes. If the sizeable chunk of audience leaves because of it, it probably wasn't a good idea.

thats not really insult if guy is shown kind of rad the only example of author seething at audience can really think of is probably paranoia agent, but that was really short and least of show problems.

fuck off

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asobi asobase? more like asobi asobased

That guy was fucking based though.

Certainly cooler than you.