GeGeGe no Kitaro

Episode 71

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Cute boy.

Was it any good

I stopped watching after the western yokai arc and nekomusume un-lolified, has anything good happened?

Nigga is jacked

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Talk shit,get hit.

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Why is Attenborough such an asshole

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My sides.

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This fucking episode man.

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Unfortunately I lost interest in the show. I was on board for about 50 or so episodes, but I lost interest. Are they planning to wrap this one up anytime soon? I'd be interested in coming back for the last few episodes.

Not sure myself on how long this gonna be though.

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>some sort of a love epidemic episode
>someone falls in love with a dog
Fucking furries stop writing that in

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Good episode.

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>Not sure myself on how long this gonna be
Until they start airing Dragon Ball: Ultra Super

I can't stop picturing mama when I hear Kasa-Bake's voice.

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Post cool Manas

No mana manas this episode.


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Then post mana manas from previous episodes!

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Neko!Mana is the best.

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