ITT: adorable autists

ITT: adorable autists

Attached: c1667ddf185707a9bec47a583d8b5d4c81ff2f7c_hq.gif (500x260, 970K)


Awww, thanks, fag


Attached: 853fa0542c4a453c28da102ab8bcad61c416de9c_hq.jpg (1024x1024, 77K)

Kill yourself

Attached: Cutes.png (793x615, 430K)

the quality of the girl is inversely proportional to her height

Attached: eren-jaeger-attack-on-titan-1132040-1280x0.jpg (1280x719, 91K)

Attached: 1508828515693.jpg (573x600, 26K)

Attached: 1498127432042.gif (360x280, 487K)

who is this


Rikka from Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!

Attached: 64dc54fa797c26f5d3b4c57af355f04f.jpg (2343x3473, 1.94M)

Attached: goblin-slayer-06-3.jpg (1280x720, 282K)


Is Bakugo an autist?

Sonezaki senpai. She also has slim, desirable feet.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. - 07 [720p]_1.gif (640x368, 2.92M)

Me, except I'm not adorable.

Put a bit of hair on those feet and she's Frodo Baggins.

Attached: orgasmchu.jpg (571x407, 47K)

>Lukafags and Kurisufags will intentionally let this cutie die for the sake of their own happiness.
Scum of the Earth.

Attached: Roar.gif (500x280, 1006K)