School Rumble vs Kaguya-sama

Which is better in your opinion and why?

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School Rumble is funnier. But Kaguya is better written.

School Rumble for the inside jokes
Kaguya sama for Chika

>But Kaguya is better written.
Based on what?

instead of having a full class of actual characters kaguya has like 3 characters but those are deeper

>but those are deeper

I miss the School Rumble shipping wars.

School Rumble. Larger cast but the characters are no less developed than Kaguya's, and it's just as funny. School Rumble also has more best girls (and boys).

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Are you sure?

>kaguya has like 3 characters
muh split personalities

Stop posting the same fucking shit everyday you imbecile

Stay mad.


How can Kaguya girls even compete?

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didnt SR have a complete shitshow of an ending essentially ruining the whole thing?

No? It just triggered you shipping babies, who got way too invested in who "wins".

Smarter people understand School Rumble didn't need a good ending, because it's just a silly romcom.

kaguya is fucking trash

>school rumble
mc fell in love with the girl
because despite he looked like a bad boy but nevertheless she thanked him and smiled at him


the 2 MC fell in love because the others told him that together they would be perfect


school rumble is 10000.(millions of zero)..000 time better than this reddit shit anime

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You realize the author of Kaguya was inspired by School Rumble, right?

and mussolini was inspired by roman empire
and what he did?
a fucking shit

The ending was terrible though, regardless of the shipping wars.
It pretty much stopped before the climax and skipped to the ending. And let's not try to pretend it wasn't going on a steep decline before with the sudden fiance arc who conveniently was a douchebag. That was Nisekoi level writing.
And School Rumble's comedy became more and more forced as time went on. Very few of the characters actually developed, since Kobayashi shifted focus from character driven comedy to wacky hijinks.

Mostly you are correct but Harima suffered to much to not get a real ending; it doesn't actually matter who won so long as it created the needed conclusion to his character arc (it didn't) and therefore the whole point of the series.

Nobody will deny School Rumble got worse over time, this is a common occurrence among long running manga. That being said, it still didn't need a good ending, the same way a sitcom like Seinfeld didn't need one.

At the end of the day, the best parts of School Rumble were comedy related, especially when Harima was involved.

If anything, what should've happened is one final confrontation between Tenma and Harima, with Tenma finally understanding how he feels about her after a tsunami of misunderstandings and suffering. Tenma would of course reject him emotionally, as she wants to cure Karasuma in America, but such a scene would make for a genuinely emotional payoff.

The idea that Harima suddenly ends up with another girl would ruin his character. By the end of School Rumble, he's not even remotely close to opening his heart up to anyone else; such a conclusion demands a great deal of development. Fuck shippers.

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I didnt read it you nut coddling faggot hence the question instead of a statement

Didn't you already try this yesterday? Kaguya's author loves School Rumble. There's no beef between these fandoms stop trying to force it

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School Rumble > Kaguya only because it had Kenji Harima who was without a doubt better than any character in both series times 10. He was funniest and the most charismatic while also having solid growth as a mangaka. The anime would have been a 5/10 if he wasn't in it.

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>the 2 MC fell in love because the others told him that together they would be perfect
Have you actually read Kaguya?

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School Rumble's side characters are legitimately underrated.

All of Tougou, Ichijou, Lala, Harry, the pervert legion, Buddah, Imadori, Hanai are fun characters.

There will never be another manga/anime like School Rumble with such a rich assembly of characters in a school life romcom.

Attached: [WF] School Rumble - 22.avi_snapshot_05.55_[2017.03.25_05.21.24].jpg (640x480, 189K)

How good Harima is is sadly negated by how fucking bad of a character Tenma is. She gets too much focus, is not funny compared to all other side or main characters, she doesn't develop at all until the forced ending and she is just a bitch that only cares for herself and her crush

>and she is just a bitch that only cares for herself and her crush
t. didn't actually read or watch

Welp, it's been like 10 years, can you post examples instead? I remember other characters suffering all the time because of Tenmas actions, but I don't remember a single time she helped or encouraged anyone

School Rumble side characters are pretty good (except Tenma) but compared Harima there just standard shoujo characters. You can pretty much tell what a Hanai or Eri story is gonna be about from the get-go. Harima stories do anything from being off the wall retarded or heartwarming while still being entertaining.

I love school rumble but they spend WAY too much time literal who relationships.

She genuinely cares for her sister all the time.

She forgives Harima even though he broke the giant curry bowl she made for Karasuma.

When Eri gets pissy and jealous after noticing Harima has an affection for Tenma, Tenma starts feeling guilty and begging for forgiveness, even though she has no idea why Eri's angry.

Harima never gets the girl ;.;

>She genuinely cares for her sister all the time.
Sure, but her sister is also the character who sufferst the most after Harima because of Tenmas actions or more like her lack of awareness

>She forgives Harima even though he broke the giant curry bowl she made for Karasuma.
Sure I give you that.

>When Eri gets pissy and jealous after noticing Harima has an affection for Tenma, Tenma starts feeling guilty and begging for forgiveness, even though she has no idea why Eri's angry.
So because she doesn't want to be disliked she is now a good character? She doesn't even question why Eri is pissed and doesn't try to help at all. Isn't this one of the many scenes that shows of much empathy Tenma lacks?

Reminder that Tenma knew all along.

>Love is war but we are sentimental generation we all just want love mista

Thoughts on Hanai?

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>that shoot out at the school at night and watching his friend get blasted in front of him by Harima
this show was kino

He was cool but wasn't really funny on his own. He also had some cringe moments with Yakumo. But the recorder episode was kino.

Why do you keep making this thread?

Attached: [WF] School Rumble - 23.avi_snapshot_13.50_[2017.03.25_05.48.09].jpg (640x480, 163K)

Reminder that Kobayashi projected himself the most onto this character.

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The Great Debate?

Don't forget the sea captain.

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Attached: [Nuke] School Rumble Ni Gakki - 14[v3].mkv_snapshot_13.30_[2017.03.30_19.14.38].jpg (640x480, 127K)

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Attached: [WF] School Rumble 2nd Term - 11.mp4_snapshot_05.54_[2017.03.30_16.53.28].jpg (640x480, 160K)

Lala's annoying but go on about based Hanai

t. brainlet

>Tenma finally understanding how he feels about her after a tsunami of misunderstandings and suffering
So exactly what happened?

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That's my point, it deserved more.

School Rumble didn't need a Harima/Eri or Harima/Yakumo ending, it just needed a proper conclusion with Tenma.

School Rumble actually had a fair bit of casual racism in it.

didn't the creator said he wanted to make a seinen school rumble. i wonder if he will ever do it cause last time i check he hasn't done shit in awhile.

He actually wrote a oneshot somewhat recently with all the main characters now college age and in a cafe.

Good. Means it's more accurate to the highschool setting than most things

Pie ending isnt canon (fuck that shit)
Hanai ended up with Suou
Tenma ended up with that sickly stoic guy
Yakumo ended up with her brit nun friend
Eri ended up with Harima

Just accept it anons, it has been ended for more than 10 years now.

Its on work age. Harima and Eri works in same place.

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man I missed the shitposts from school rumble back then

Toubun > school rumble >>> Kaguya

Haremshit is not qualified to take part in this discussion.


You don't compare 5toubun with Schol Rumble or Kaguya. It's an unfunny waifu war manga, only good for fapping and shitposting, so you compare it with Ichigo 100%, Love Hina, To Love-ru or Nisekoi.

This thread again?

Wil never happen. He burned all the goodwill he had wih that ending. What pissed me off is that he only needed a couple of arcs to give the manga a better resolution, but everything went to shit after it was discovered that Karasuma had that brain disease.
