Characters with substance abuse

I won't lie, I love Yea Forums. But I get drunk and end up getting banned/warned pretty often. I wonder if that's normal. It's probably not. I fucking hate myself so much. It's a loathing that is sometimes touched upon in manga/anime, but it's never a pos female character like me. Fuck me, I know I'm hated more than a messed up man. Also I samefag in threads I care about. What is wrong with me. I'm going to get banned again, aren't I? It's probably for the best.....

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It's not too late to change yout alcoholic ways!

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I love my cute wife Veko

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Have you considered contracting the gay?

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i use opiates know the feeling

I think my alcoholism stems from a pedo woman who took advantage of me when I was 14. Men are not my enemy. It was a sick lady who fucked me up.

Blood, its turning I to a real problem, I think its has moved far past a dependence now.

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there's that one yatsura episode where the oni get wasted, it's like ep 42 or 43.
>complains about being banned
>blogs in own thread
you really are a shitter op, I'm trashed rn but that doesn't make me a wistful faggot like you

I put my body through a lot of junk, but it took hitting rock bottom for me to climb my way back up. If you live long enough you'll do something wrong enough that you'll feel ashamed enough to say enough's enough

>mfw im one year clean of sugar because i wasn't addicted to anything else
Feelsgood and i get full easier i also shaved some bodyfat and got more energy.
I always wondered what's the appeal i have tasted alcohol because most reunions with co-workers hsve alcohol involved but i only take half a glass and drink water or carbonated water .
It looks cool when people get served drinks though

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Shaunda Smith, you black bitch on the radio, You fucked me up. I wish to god u were #me too'd you pedophile. Admitted to me how you targeted young girls. I'm too fucked up to bring u down. I grew up that way, thanks to you.

Nice drunk blogpost drunk user

just lift bro

This is her fucking pedophile

she likes young girls. She will prey upon them unless she is stopped. I'm already the lowest of the low, please save others.

>But I get drunk and end up getting banned/warned pretty often

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Not sure if it's a drinking problem per say, but Revy drinks a lot. I feel like there are a lot more female characters who drink but they aren't coming to mind at the moment.
somewhat amusing that you get drunk and post on anime forums and get banned instead of going to bars and fighting.
might as well tell the story before you get banned/warned

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i post something adult, i post stuff that's edgy (make fun of kyoani fire, etc), link twittter

her name is shaunda smith, her radio name is sassy, she manipulated me since i was 14, also would try to go after my 10 yrs younger than me sister. told me she would introduce me to famous publishers because she worked in radio. desu i would probably be fucked up regardless if i had ever met her, but she manipulated my mentally ill ass like a fucking recorder. SICK for a 28 yo to manipulate a 15 yo. FUCK HER FUCK HER FUCK HER.

Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours. Apply here.

>at least she's not a nig~
Lmao, I feel sorry for you bro

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Janitors/mods please delete this.

If only there was a function you could use. They don’t go through individually and read threads, there’s a que for this exact purpose. If you don’t report it, they don’t see it. I hate you.

i tried too, it said the post was too old