People usually complain about annoying kid protagonists. Renton was technically one of these kids, but how did he get a pass by Yea Forums? What exactly did this anime do right that allowed Renton be likable when so many protagonists would get shit on for being annoying.
People usually complain about annoying kid protagonists. Renton was technically one of these kids...
You what? Speaking as someone who likes Eureka Seven, I've seen at least a trillion people shit on Renton for being annoying and obnoxious. I think his character arc worked out decently personally, but he's definitely not universally liked by any means.
Renton was treated like shit by pretty much everyone and I think that's something most of us can related to.
even Yea Forums treats each other like shit despite this being a community so I can agree.
He didn't.
It's just an old anime so no one talks about it anymore.
Yea Forums didn't like him
but most of their hate was on those three younger brats
Renton had an arc. He wasn't just a weak pathetic loser the whole show because that's what the average anime watcher can most easily self insert in to.
Because his character arc was literally learning not to be an annoying child. "Coming of age story" gets thrown around a lot, but E7 is actually an example of one where the protagonist acts realistically like an immature brat.
Also, even from the very start, he pulls out a giant set of brass balls when the chips are down. He leaps off a cliff, pulls off a move that he's never succeeded at before, gets in the fucking robot, and leaves home in the first two episodes. Within 20 episodes, he straight up kills people in mech on mech combat.
I was really let down by this show
the first episode or two is so beautiful and fun looking. And then, in my opinion, it just leads to a bunch of boring nothing
still depressing to me
cool house beats helped
he had balls
why didn't Eureka just murder those children
This is how i feel about most anime.
>People usually complain about annoying kid protagonists.
Because they stay exactly the same and never change.
You can have the annoying kid, just a long as he eventually grows up.
Renton had a proper character growth arc from an annoying kid who matures into a heroic man who shouldered and solved the world's Corallian problems unlike Colonel Dewey whose plan was to run away with a space ship filled with drug-addicted child sex slaves and then restart humanity again (the absolute madman)
Contrast with Astral Ocean where it seemed like the inverse happened: we had an MC who started out seeming like he was an action hero but turns into a dumb whiny kid.
Dewey's plan was to get killed so that Anemone/Eureka would transmit suicide orders to the coral after becoming the new control cluster. It didn't particularly matter to him if humanity happened to get fucked in the process because he had to implement his own version of the king sacrifice ritual to cleanse the land of coral.
Realistically written teen or child protagonists that actually mature through a series and don't exist merely to create drama are one of the biggest filters in fiction since teenagers (either actual ones or those who are perpetually so as a mental state) will fucking hate those, while adults will appreciate or at least tolerate them.
This is an objective truth and if you don't agree with this post you're simply not old enough.
Oh, maybe I don't remember the ending right. It's been years but I thought the plan was to scoot off with a spaceship, take a u-turn around Jupiter and come back after the corallians went dormant again
That was what happened when humanity abandoned Earth to the invasive coral however many thousand years before the start of the series. The plan Dewey publicly pushed was essentially just war against corals, but without telling anyone about what would actually happen after destroying the control cluster. He never quite explains his real plan, but you can figure it out if you keep his backstory in mind.
E7 is a high IQ anime.
He grows up and develops as a person naturally, because there's enough time in the show for that to happen.
Also as time goes on you get to understand that he's not really that immature compared to the adults around him, who can all display characteristics as flawed and as selfish as he was.
See all this stuff sounds awesome and makes me want to watch the series. But when I actually try to to it ends up being so corny and lame to actually sit through.
It's okay just wait a few years until you grow up
Which one is your favorite OP, Yea Forums? I'm kinda partial to the 4th one, myself
Definitely the fourth, but the first is a very close second
Didn't read your post properly, I'm not OP
Renton actually had good taste in waifus and proper character development.
What's with the E7 threads lately? (not that I mind)
reminder that renton and eureka's designs inspired ben and gwen's creator because hes an actual fucking weeb
and yes, ben and gwen werent supposed to be cousin but childhood friends but it was kinda weird to have some old guy drive two kids around who arent even family