Why do italian teenagers dress like this?

Why do italian teenagers dress like this?

Attached: AS20180824002423_comm.jpg (660x408, 118K)

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i still don't get why they turned fugo from a strawberry to a block of cheese

They arent virgins for once

Italians are the most autistic in yuroland
ever seen them have a conversation?

Green fugo looks way better

in Naples? Yes

Is naples as bad as people say it is?

lmao they'd get lynched for looking like gigantic faggots

Because the wrong side won WWII and they're forced to dress like faggots as punishment.

It's called Guappo style
>Though the term today often refers to a member of the Camorra (i.e. a Camorrista), the historical figure of the “guappo” is not necessarily synonymous with the Camorrista. It is a historical figure in the Neapolitan area, distinguishable by his smart or overdressed dandy-like appearance, his unusual pose that serves to draw attention to him, and the particular care he lavishes on his body and face. The guappo could be characterized as "simple" or "posh" according to the clothes he wore: the former preferred extravagant and flashy clothes while the latter loved to dress in clothes from the best tailors in Naples
>Originally, the guappo was rather a violent free spirit; free from the law as well as the "official" Camorra, with his proper code of honour, at once an extortionist, a rectifier of wrong for the local neighbourhood and a benefactor of artists of the café chantant. He was sometimes allied with, and sometimes a rival of the Camorra. Around 1860, a guappo was described as an independent and individualist camorrista

Ah yes, the Araki Italians

Attached: .jpg (1520x1200, 1.07M)

I hate how Araki treated Wekapipo and Sandman.
It felt like they were both set up to be really integral to the story and have alot of potential for development but then he just decided to not bother with them getting rid of wekapipo in an anticlimactic matter and turning sandman into a generic villain.

Attached: file.png (225x350, 183K)


to contrast with pink Giorno most likely

It's really weird that the most normally dressed of Bruno's group is Mista and he has a fucking down arrow for a hat!!

They don't. That's just the manga and anime's style.
Are you trying to be funny? Do you think this "uh what if FICTION were in real life wouldn't that be weird??" humor is funny? You fucking eight year old? Wanna try slitting your wrists too, retard? You should

someone's on their period.

Drink mercury


ask nicely and i might

Drink mercury please

say "Drink mercury pretty pretty please with cherries on top"

Drink mercury pretty pretty please with cherries on top

lol what a fag

Dude, don't you know Milan is the fashion capital of the world?