This is a main female protagonist for a boys anime

>this is a main female protagonist for a boys anime
And people wonder why Japan isn't reproducing

Attached: EDRvbs5XoAIjJdn.jpg (1206x2047, 284K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont recall Rosa ever appearing in any anime

She was in the animated shorts

fuck off to Yea Forums with your goobergate crap

She has big oppai

She's great though.

Attached: 1567289646495.png (668x815, 798K)

you have to be 18 or older to play gacha games

you have to be 18 or older to be this lewd in a gacha game.

Attached: 1567289646495.png (750x1334, 1.13M)


I want to be her biggest fan

Do you love a good climax too?

Attached: 1567289223481.jpg (1229x2172, 1.33M)

>Yea Forumsfag
Double yikes

>TikTok reference
>Game Freak confirmed for bros

Attached: excited dnk 2.jpg (1280x720, 320K)


Attached: 1567298219284.png (1000x1000, 837K)

Rosa is a JAV star confirmed

but it's an edit


Attached: 1556344792289.jpg (2205x3743, 651K)

i would fuck her hair balls

What do you even do in this situation?

She's basically an American though.

>extreme res

Attached: nigs.gif (400x266, 2.6M)

I'm craving donuts

Hilde is better

Attached: f6a091c4b506fdf0726dc84038ec8975.jpg (736x736, 57K)

This is an edit and you know it.

Attached: 1567237829298.png (1229x2172, 2.53M)

Prove it

nicely done, user

Cynthia is a pedo now?

Evidently quite the opposite.


Post her ass

Attached: da943f72d72fb1cf41aa4fd92495dcb2.jpg (1400x1187, 204K)

Post more.

Why does she strap wheels to the sides of her head?

touko is a murderer

Attached: file.png (880x1587, 1.01M)

The face is kinda fucked

i'm about to shoot some reproduction juice while looking at this image, if you get my drift ;)

Attached: 73884041_p0.jpg (2132x2763, 2.22M)

So she doesn't fall. You never learn to ride a bike, user?

Wait, she has a major role in a series? Is that why there's been a sudden surge in Rosa art? Not that I'm complaining, her design was wasted by only appearing in a single spinoff sequel game and its game trailer.

Attached: 1352853418022.gif (188x106, 261K)


She's one of the free trainers in Pokemon Masters and she's extremely good on top of that.

Attached: 76377384_p0.jpg (800x1133, 701K)

Don't make fun of Snorlax like that.

She's one of the starter trainers you receive in the new Pokemon Masters gacha mobile game.

Gen 5 was truly the absolute peak of Pokemon as a series

How can the other pokegirls even compete?

They can't.

Attached: __touko_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_sakurai_muto__2d89fa1c7c1cda46e15aa2df000e5b5a.jpg (700x700, 156K)

one more

Attached: 7b04c4415e1172a372c09ca80457945c.jpg (1024x1226, 277K)

>She appears in a new mobage

Okay. I was just wondering why there's been such a huge influx of new artwork. Glad she's getting more material, like I said she was wasted before and always one of my favorite player characters.

Attached: __mei_and_oshawott_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_igakusei__sample-8bee31a127663f1adcbea8c3e25d5f9f.j (850x1200, 178K)

Goobergate will never come back now that Zoe Quinn has an actual death count

Depends on if the adjective "J" refers to the actress's ethnicity or the film producer's.

Back to back best pokegirl champs.

America best region

Attached: 1561940206077.jpg (892x973, 155K)

perfect ending

>best pokegirl champs.

Too bad B/W2 had the worst ever champ in the game itself.

Harassing someone into suicide seems to be a viable strategy for scumbags regardless of ethnics and politics though. And after the person is dead, they often are unapologetic and even publicly proud of what they've done.

Granted, the only examples off the top of my head are SJW raids, like that porn star that offed herself and all of her bullies talked about how good a thing they had done to make her do so, but I know this is not just an sjw thing.

Attached: frenda sip2.jpg (226x234, 26K)

Mei and Touko are the best.

Glad you liked it.

Attached: 1567232929095.jpg (2373x3541, 1.1M)

I meant in terms of the playable protagonists. Not the literal "champions" of the region.

Attached: 1542504005804.jpg (800x917, 133K)

Better than the previous guy, I don't even remember his name.

Wasn't bad at all on that front.

Attached: 7c084b5d9988707703c5605e18b591a0.jpg (672x900, 174K)

Gen 7 has 3 very good girls to compete with.

Attached: e743530d8e2778963ebc81fc10c13cd8.png (1000x1316, 1.93M)

I know, it's just that even after 7 years I'm still bitter about getting to the end and the champ turning out to just be Iris in an ugly dress.

I was wondering about that too.

Attached: (1197x1596, 928K)

Gen 8 is shaping up to be pretty good on the pokegirls front too.

Attached: 1563710814983.jpg (3024x2624, 519K)


Attached: 9ea5860e4fa25bf0e86460dfc7a034df.jpg (700x700, 197K)

Now we just need them in their own Gen5 anime

Attached: __mei_and_touko_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_enpe__fa224ed2628020b84292bb5fc83c1025.png (1111x1283, 1.03M)

My favorite one so far.

Attached: __sonia_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_pae_ac40935_m41__8839d2a19671b27cdff399f3d99873d3.png (3112x2984, 2.98M)

Wake me when Serena's in the game

Attached: 1560740368099.png (522x652, 310K)

I did not care for Hilda. Gen 5 has a lot of underrated girls who deserve more though.

Attached: 1350016508047.jpg (1200x1380, 264K)

I don't get these stupid Mickey Mouse ears

Our favorite trainer never shows an elite gym leader her respect.

Attached: 6d7e9788b1f8f013b040957bb8222dad.jpg (850x850, 166K)

Don't mock the doughnut hair.

I always wondered why Yea Forums was more accepting of all gens than Yea Forums.

I just want a nude mod.

Yea Forums is just all around less angry about everything than Yea Forums

How can 3DPD compete?

Even the anime had good looking girls. The region was just filled with lots of good girls.

Attached: 1426700353259.jpg (473x700, 117K)

Why does gamefreak waste their time designing pokemon, when clearly their talent is in designing cute little girls?

Attached: 1517600848935.jpg (1061x1490, 252K)

>I did not care for Hilda
That's a mighty fine objectively wrong opinion you have there.

Attached: __touko_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_sakurai_muto__d88d80ec21ddefcaa845b9f86253f5b0.jpg (800x800, 150K)

Attached: Flat.png (800x1458, 477K)

Sailor Moon inspiration.

Attached: __mei_pokemon_masters_and_etc_drawn_by_kibihimi__da9f5dc0bb6e4bc5b6d72bda98a81083.png (1075x1518, 1.08M)

Is it bad that I know what this is referencing from B2W2?

>no May in the mountains category

Attached: May.png (640x480, 480K)

>bitter about that
That was great though, especially the battle theme. The best since gsc.

Is pokemon masters actually fun, or is it just the regular gacha shit?

Attached: Not Lillie Yo.png (350x350, 133K)

Attached: c29164365c7fe573a4205968f18791b8.jpg (701x800, 530K)

They missed a few. Its fine though.

Attached: 48d3d1d52d96e771b3803fecbac3cae2.jpg (627x885, 223K)

Those are actually meatballs

Attached: Rosa.jpg (720x826, 108K)

Holy fuck that art is CUTE.

Attached: 1432548173113.png (500x661, 371K)

Don't molest

Attached: 31095990_p0.jpg (1000x1000, 81K)

She has some of the best art.

Well if it is Nintendo then it should be somewhat respectable... however its still gacha.

Attached: 96cecac110d57eeae3426f81e54dff8f.jpg (1200x1800, 985K)

Where can I get her 3D model?

They're trying to 1up FGO on the greed factor and can only possibly get away with it due to the popularity of pokemon.

Shocking lack of the Pokmeon Queen in this thread.

Attached: a7a0d9ca1c1aa68e5bd1708706548f72e0a63dd7_hq.jpg (564x802, 57K)


Attached: 1551916724026.jpg (249x250, 6K)

Nice ______

Attached: 0ebba58256a093d68c47ca7abb34a6c1.jpg (825x1200, 287K)


i wanna get into her animated shorts

I like hilda only because she has hotpants like misty. In my personal heaven I'd be a pokemon trainer and rail them for weeks at a time in the woods.


Gameplay is meh but honestly I can respect the game. You can clear the story at your own pace. You can grind as much as you please with no stamina. Outside of small daily rewards you don't have to put that much into it daily. Only problem is the game doesn't give much in game currency and burns through battery really fast. I don't know where the complaints about it being Jewish come from though. You can get by most of the content without rolling.

Someone post that one pic shere she eats the buns on her head

Attached: 76498289_p0.jpg (939x1400, 435K)

What a cute dork.


Attached: __touko_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_endou_masatoshi__526aedebb06c71d39e9188b431320938.jpg (1000x1381, 781K)

Gacha isn't really about content, it's about collecting. The content is just there for you to flex with your collection.

>Years and years fans ask for more crossovers and older character appearances in a game or anime
>Gamefreak stubbornly say no
>Eventually 21 years later they finally give the fans what they want but in little amounts
>GF says they need more money
>Shill out new gacha game
>Character appearances everywhere
>Giving fans what they want
>All at the price of your soul
I new there would be a price to pay for this.

Attached: 34r3ff3f.jpg (757x1136, 79K)

Out of all the pokemon girl designs. Which one is your favorite?

Attached: Game Lana.png (1000x700, 752K)

Still is

Attached: 73877277_p0.png (800x1280, 330K)

And it doesn't even work for a bunch of devices anyway.
Thanks Game Freak you load of money-grubbing hacks.

She's so cool.

Attached: 4283841-7112991735.jpg (1023x787, 92K)

My wife Lillie

Attached: __lillie_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_itamochi__702841784351fae64c1f82d85d6c2900.jpg (500x950, 55K)

Idol pokemon trainers

Attached: 0b810fdeeff95618c6fe4ec867b135da.jpg (580x900, 299K)

People need to quit reproducing anyway. Third worlders espescially.

>tfw war flashbacks to the billions of shitty doujins of her doing "casting calls" with ugly old men

being a vanillafag is fucking suffering. just perverted enough to be into 2D but not enough to find the fetish shit appealing, and that's everywhere these days

Attached: 1567015070226.jpg (1355x807, 416K)

You all ready for her new anime?

Attached: __female_protagonist_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_cat_with_a_brush__4543c607ec71497d9b1a39ae9964feb (900x900, 466K)

What if the anime doesn't give her a british accent?

Attached: 1551430668239.png (597x1000, 441K)

Mei is still my favorite trainer after all these years and I'm glad she is not forgotten. I remember bought BW2 just for her.
Not only in that region. Sometimes it gives you pleasant surprises.

Attached: 1460834290327.jpg (1280x720, 498K)

Attached: DIUIrpLVAAEe_Ec.png orig.png (707x592, 297K)

Who ever had the idea for them to wear bodysuits under their clothes has patrician taste

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 04 [720p] (00_04_30.769) 0001.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Seriously we need the game protags to have their own anime.

Attached: __ayumi_and_blue_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_rame__47d8efefac77741ff536638bebefc41a.png (2048x2048, 2.55M)

>check /vp/
>it's flooded with gacha threads
>check archive
>hiroshima is endorsing this
Welp, at least they are nailing the girls' personalities well. I would like to have a bro like Rosa.

She needs a scottish accent or people will be very dissapointed. The meme is too strong.

I like how the text bubbles block the pants on all the girls

My Queen was a pleasant surprise for me.

Attached: u7jtyujhyu.jpg (2120x1193, 289K)

>the player character is explicitly younger than most if not all of the named trainers

Fuck man I just wanna self-insert and pretend Rosa is into me

I thought it was like this

Attached: __touko_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_kakkii__167e4544a60a367a5f6f91a8686dd555.png (1134x1134, 783K)

I wish this game didnt kill my battery and also run slowly and also take up so much space and memory too

Attached: Pokémon.full.1076233.jpg (800x1500, 203K)

The japanese version of the anime will have typical japanese voice, hoping for a dialect
The dub is going to be the interesting one, many want an authentic accent for the kicks

Attached: __female_protagonist_and_roddy_piper_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_pae_ac40935_m41__293bf54411297933 (1364x1934, 1023K)

>muh boogeyman

Prove it to me that she was in the wrong first

How does gamefreak have the insane capacity to always deliver cute and sexy girl designs?

Attached: It was.jpg (800x1630, 742K)

That's not how burden of proof works. If you claim something, you have to prove it first, and she sure as fuck made 0 effort to forward anything to the police, and just relied on internet outrage to do the work for her.

Don't lewd poor Sonia... too much

Thus is the life of gacha.

Attached: __female_protagonist_and_sonia_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_pae_ac40935_m41__4cf225a612f41ca8adb7f2 (2741x2400, 2M)

Luv Marnie
Simple as

Attached: 1566693326174.jpg (898x1273, 476K)

I figured that the white were just stylized pocket flaps hanging out the bottom hems.

She has beautiful personality, sweet, goddess qualities, helpful, wise and lovely girl

Attached: Serena-Pokémon.jpg (1376x1815, 819K)

God I hated the rotomdex in that game.

It would have been nice to see Pokemon as a regular anime. That way I could see Erika do "that" to poor Ayumi.

Attached: (2000x2900, 1.72M)

Haven't played a main Pokemon game since her gen.

Attached: 1567309406709.jpg (719x427, 84K)

How can Rosa compete

Attached: EDTvdcYW4AIanPK.jpg (584x1200, 99K)

I think Serena's perfect

Attached: 1560821830478.png (689x1020, 199K)

Following games were okay. Except Gen 7 which was subpar.

Same. When I finished playing B2, I knew it would never be topped.

>this is a main female protagonist for a boys anime
>And people wonder why Japan isn't reproducing
I don't understand what you're implying OP.

The girls in this franchise have gotten so much more fashionable.

What is she doing now in Hoenn?

Attached: __sonia_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_kamu_kamuuei__f7983b2157c9448e4aced3a0c53ec3e9.jpg (1200x1205, 143K)

I also haven't actually played a pokemon game since gen 5.

Because that was the last emulatable one.


Attached: Ruri.jpg (584x753, 477K)

The text box covering he lower half makes this look way more lewd than they probably intended.

Pokemon has a nice amount of waifu.

No pan

Attached: 85c01dbbb50df08539718a6d890f0c75.jpg (640x800, 322K)

Haven't played a Pokemon since Red. Still fap to the girls though.

Ace trainer.

Attached: ddccfcbd00e03c2eae7f94c829c.jpg (762x1200, 597K)

You can emulate all main title.

Why would you even play gacha? Just watch some youtube compilation with character dialogue, scenes, moves and so on. I mean, I don't see the appeal of grinding to death to get a roll for something random, and more often than not allowing a lot of the ones you got to rotten in up without being used, or even the collection factor when it's entirely random. That's not even including the money you might spend on it, which you could be using for other stuff, or even complete games.

Attached: Bea.jpg (1450x2048, 236K)

Gotta impregnate them all

Attached: __eevee_pokemon_drawn_by_kippuru__602b558617cadc8f55fc3eb8de8c0c50.jpg (724x1024, 122K)

When you realize that Pokemon is actually a harem.

Attached: 704004C9-908C-4BED-9BB9-8371E2DAF805.jpg (1400x2030, 273K)


Attached: 1559531760959.jpg (600x600, 53K)

Basically what I do. I just wait for people to upload card images, cutscenes, misc online. I've never played a gacha ever but I got the general idea of what they are.

Attached: __female_protagonist_and_unnamed_girl_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_pae_ac40935_m41__2c2e794e2ac7b23 (2589x1578, 2.15M)

Attached: EDHKkBTVUAIQI38.jpg orig.jpg (579x867, 60K)

But which Ace?

Attached: 1446001363238.jpg (1279x1218, 366K)

I love how popular she is. She has so much top tier art for an NPC.

Also, time to get out of gaming anyways. Gaming is being co opted by the IRL gambling industry. Gamers aren't gamblers due to you never being able to win gambling. Las Vegas is panicking due to younger people not spending money there so they had to come up with something devious.

Attached: __hex_maniac_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_nazonazo_nazonazot__f1214d049e92169a31a61156d2b598c8.png (2831x2337, 2.09M)

Post one more.

Be careful. These pokemon girls are actually devious succubus waiting for the right chance to strike.

Attached: Lillie has a fever.jpg (850x4816, 2.01M)

Tanned youmu!

Attached: Youmu bea.png (401x735, 138K)

Is she supposed to be the lewdest Pokegirl?

Attached: 990701af92b27f5.jpg (500x564, 173K)

>tfw you call a cute ghost girl cute.

What a baka. Even back then, you can hear her walk into the stage *thud*

Attached: __hex_maniac_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_nazonazo_nazonazot__3741737331bcd9559928cf (1687x2086, 2.35M)

God, how I hate Ash. If only he would stay in not Hawaii and the female MCs of the games are becoming the main characters of the anime.

Attached: Pay up buddy.jpg (500x564, 85K)

The NDS games were the only ones which were good from a technical point.

Body wise, but personality wise I say this one. May is a also a lewd one anime wise.

Attached: __blue_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_mokorei__e20256be92cccced2c05d3f6a5655433.png (1200x1600, 1.04M)

>female MCs
Yeah that would never happen

Sabrina (original) will always stay the most beautiful Pokegirl!

Could they opt for Double MCs like in the mangas?

What's the deal with Japan and hating the female MC option?

Faithful Tepig

wait a minute this isn't Yea Forums

Attached: 1552268705899.png (213x184, 12K)

Third part never

I wonder if she was Rosa's co star in movies?

Attached: 1381168756979.jpg (1600x1200, 1.48M)

The games are primarily marketed towards 10 year old boys who think girls have cooties.

you can do this for any game. Why bother participating in anything

Slim chance but most likely not

It's mainly a shounen for younger boys.

Attached: 1413327327502.jpg (1000x1400, 448K)

Sure, but Gacha is just particularly repetitive, and made to be grindy so you become compelled to spend money, and often the "content" amounts to building up a collection and grinding more with no end goal aside from keeping this up.

Attached: I guess they never miss.gif (600x683, 1.78M)

Joltik is just too damn cute

Its the problem with modern games. This was not even an issue up until 10 years ago. Now its like all games want to be casinos. Kids don't need this and the adult players are just going to waste their money and turn into the casino zombies that prowl Vegas. I think gaming is due for a market crash.

Attached: 3c3a82c54ff073315a0fd15027ee0b05.png (1680x1180, 1.19M)

Sword and Shield sure have a nice amount of waifu.

It's not Hikari, so it's understandable.

yeah thats true, but in a game like girls frontline you get a fuck ton of resources your way. you just need to keep yourself from falling victim to addiction, which is harder to do that it sounds
modern vidya sucks anyway. they sabotaged CTR so badly with MTX

Attached: Eiki_46.jpg (600x750, 240K)

Well they have to make up for the lack of pokemon.

I actually like that Pokemon Masters female MC design.

>this thread
You niggers I can't fap right now

Attached: 1567259774129.jpg (720x762, 174K)

Attached: 1547690467651.jpg (724x1024, 212K)

Wanna bet?

Attached: Bea_4.jpg (1036x1450, 172K)

Don't be silly horny user.

Attached: __mei_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_debutya_aki__998e206db79fe20a9df0967c48753909.png (1066x1526, 1.54M)

waifu > pokemon

GF knows what is important.

Attached: 1556877670441.png (675x851, 426K)

Attached: __mei_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_hasu_hk_works__079882b9adb3ebf934210ff06e69a675.png (700x812, 393K)

Attached: 1566251049138.jpg (850x1100, 576K)

there's nothing wrong with a collecting game especially if it's for mobile

gachas have been around in korean mmos long before 2009. And no, the gaming industry is doing just fine with moving towards a 21+ target audience


Attached: EBtXzoLUEAA87iR-orig.jpg (2150x3036, 231K)

Is there another franchise series that gets the same absurd levels of fanart and lewd art as quickly and as big as Pokemon?
I know Fate is pretty big right now but it feels like Pokemon still beats it overall.

Attached: Lillie can't believe you said that.jpg (400x400, 23K)

Canon, official design, obviously created by a genius and greenlit by a madman.

Attached: 1562733504465.jpg (2508x3541, 1.96M)

This one's a goddamn classic


And that is why I haven't played anything since 2014. I haven't gamed in 5 years. I still follow the gaming news but that's it. It's weird telling people I'm not a gamer, it confuses them.

Attached: __lillie_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_starlight_stage_and_etc_drawn_by_kokoroko__4d3df2c71d28f754f8ef (613x900, 89K)

Attached: 1551332538410.jpg (1374x2444, 1008K)

I barely play vidya besides 2hu and the odd console game like smash or mario. Gaming sucks lamo

Those aren't mutually exclusive

Stop looking only at big game releases and search around for smaller indie stuff, or even some non giant game devs and there's still plenty of good stuff around recently.

Attached: Risk of worms.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

KanColle, Fate

Hilda is a womanlet tomboy for contrarians.
She belongs to Mommy Rosa.

I wish i didnt have a laptop cos RoR really does look fun

It's literally the highest grossing media franchise on the planet.

Attached: cynthia perfect.png (240x160, 12K)

You've got more than 20 straight years of horny men raised on a series filled to the brim with sexy cuties in revealing outfits. Nothing can compete with that.

t. genuine ignoramus who can't be bothered to look for 5 minutes

Delete this.

Attached: 1562802863994.png (1023x1200, 1.89M)

iM@S, Kancolle, whatever waifu thing that is going on.

Nah, you sound like an addict in the denial stage.

Attached: bcd02124c891fbbc3adbb54b41a956ff.jpg (900x638, 703K)

Risa is taller than Hilda, always has been.

What about Pokeboys?

Attached: Red's outfit.jpg (850x1200, 437K)

>Look up highest grossing current media franchises.
>Somehow Fist of the North Star is in the top 20 world wide just behind Barbie.
>Nearly all of its 22 billion worth comes from Pachinko machines.

Of course.

Nope, I'm out. I don't even own any old consoles or anything anymore. I just don't find video games interesting.

Dildos on legs.
Stage accessories for the girls.

And you sound like you're going to shoot up a game studio

Wait is that what that is? I thought something was screwy when most of its profit came from "video games". I literally never heard of any Fist of the North Star game. And that actually counts as a game? I wonder what makes these pachinko machines so special.

Gen5 even had good boys too.

Attached: 96e7df6e6811e5e85b2970ae8485c9fb.png (716x716, 662K)

Why not?

Attached: 006.jpg (1280x1833, 663K)

>I wonder what makes these pachinko machines so special.

There's probably just a fuck ton of them making them common in casinos and pachinko parlors.

The reason you don't hear about it is because there are restrictions on advertising gambling no matter where you go. Gambling in some places is called "gaming" and is therefore counted in the same category in video games. Gambling lobbyists even use the same terms and video games as a way to push more gambling in gaming. As was stated before, gambling is on the decline but the numbers can be changed if you join up with gamers. Gaming is also changing and they are co opting gambling as a way to make more.

I used to hate it cause
>muh kris
But Lyra's design is really cute.

Attached: Kotone.(Pokémon).full.2296065.jpg (1000x1150, 1.09M)

Big is good

Attached: bfbdfgd.jpg (1996x1193, 283K)

She was fun in the anime. I wish she was permanent. She mixed real well with the rest of the characters. Although the OC childhood friend character attached to her should have been replaced with the game's main boy.

Attached: [PM]Pocket_Monsters_-_Diamond&Pearl_-_614_DP145_-_I_got_Fukamaru!![SUB_720P_H264][F4DA29DE].mkv_ (1280x720, 145K)

Attached: 21F1B516-BCAC-4EC3-A4A2-D424CB14146B.jpg (850x1063, 180K)

>Proper Diamond/Pearl subs never


Trips of nips

Attached: 6BCEF9B6-AFBC-488D-9766-A63C6E662372.jpg (137x160, 15K)

So now that we are almost done with SM, what did you all think of SM so far?

Attached: [YE] Pocket Monsters SM - 116 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_10.20_[2019.04.14_01.05.45].jpg (1280x720, 126K)

I think they updated it and changed the positions of the characters to avoid that now.

It was a short dream

Best Pokemon maybe. I hope Sword and Shield doesn't change back to the boring visual direction of the previous Pokemon titles.

Fun anime, but one of the worst games.

I really don't like that the fandom made her a weird pervert.

Attached: __shirona_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_yukin_es__516d516ffb183be4d463d69a0bc239e6.jpg (1162x1500, 248K)

The fandom lewding her was the best thing ever.

Attached: __shirona_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_geso_smith__2f35ef1b87ce78a59c678d480458c507.png (800x1254, 311K)

Best Champion, she's like the only one that actually does something.
Steven is also pretty cool.

Pokemon girls just keep on getting sexier

Attached: EAy4sneUYAE6sOy.jpg (530x942, 58K)

She has claws. This was probably one of my favorite parts of BW.

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All those zoomers who don't know what is good for them!

Attached: (839x1217, 951K)

Attached: Capture.png (131x104, 22K)

Nah. Lewd's good, but there's such a thing as going to far.


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I wanna watch the anime but I don't think I could be bothered to sit through the entire thing. Were there any good Team Rocket episodes?

No, that's fanart made by a horny china man

How could any 5 year old not want to repopulate with that?

Those armpits will be the graveyard of so many sperm camerades!

Misty is not thick. She is a cute slender tomboy

One episode had a Megumi Hayashibara tribute in it. The episodes for the league are TR heavy but more towards the inner team interactions and not their catch Pikachu one. I know the early episodes were fun too.

Attached: [Some-Stuffs]_Pocket_Monsters_Sun_&_Moon_93_[7E487C19].mkv_snapshot_10.13_[2018.10.21_20.59.46]. (1280x720, 186K)

>Megumi Hayashibara tribute

For a moment I thought she was dead.

I'm pretty much good with any TR stuff. They were without a doubt my favorite part of the XY anime.

Has anyone made a guide for S/M yet? Like what episodes are worth watching/plot/trial stuff?

>Lewd text bubbles in gacha
>Awkward camera plus strapless top in anime
What is it with Pokemon and these weird shots?

Attached: [YE] Pocket Monsters SM - 102 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_17.47_[2019.01.07_21.43.02].jpg (1280x720, 58K)

shut the fuck up you stupid cunt
i hope to god your exit from this world is lonely, lengthy, and excruciating, you miserable inbred sack of pus
i can't imagine a universe where someone like you deserves oxygen, let alone to be anything more than the barest scraps thrown into the darkest corner of a rotting bunker which hopefully when it collapses leaves you just tenuously alive enough to feel the rats gnawing at your slowly suffocating, useless flesh
i swear to god i hate not just you, but everything related to you that has ever infested this world
eat glass and rejoice at the favor you're doing the world

Pokemon anime these days

Attached: 13243455.jpg (1146x1282, 147K)

The rule of pokemon as a franchise:
>The better the game, the worse the anime..
>The better the anime, the worse the game.

Attached: __eevee_lillie_and_risa_pokemon_sm_anime_and_etc_drawn_by_chappy_kanata218__bf68ac911256c7a708a59c43 (820x1024, 234K)

Dawn is still the best

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>Gen 4

Gen 6

She can be my traveling companion any day. Really though, she is rich, she could be my sugar mama

Attached: __hikari_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_koudzuki_reshika213__93bb1fa13d7e06adfce33b0ca64b5ce5.jpg (1200x1620, 272K)

Elle is between the cutest & sexy bodies

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Shitty performance filler ruined Gen 6 anime.

shitty genwunners &/ hater

I want to join Team Rocket

Yea Forums - Yea Forums

I loved her elegant styles. She really knew how to wear a dress

Attached: [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY&Z_012_Satoshi_and_Serena!_Getting_One_at_a_Dance_Party!![H264_720P][EC694 (1280x720, 108K)

I want a more team rocket-like antagonist group again. I'm tired of all the factions that are noble intentioned but either misguides or happen to be led by corrupt asshats. Just give me a faction who's open about being out for world domination with a swag leader.

Reminder that >she is 女の子(おとこのこ)

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She was lovely

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For me it is crazy game Iusamine

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Being a crime syndicate was a decent way to go. Galactic was cool and all but their ambitions were little too big with messing with time and space. Plasma is stupid and so are Magma/Aqua. Skull tried to bring us back to Rocket but Skull were more like delinquents than gangsters, too low. Rocket was the best gang and had better looking ladies too.

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Pokemas models are really something.

Attached: daily dose.webm (640x720, 1.27M)

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Definitely Wicke, I want to motoboat every part of her body

Attached: __magneton_and_wicke_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_poch4n__bb68bf049b3e27124198f810c479e3e2.jpg (950x1204, 138K)

Wow, Lusamine is fucking flat.

Rosa's literally from B2W2 though so it's not even like an obscure reference. Especially when you're forced to partake in at least one PSS session each playthrough.

dawn's fat thighs will always activate my boner

I guess that varies if we count some Pokemon as "girls". I mean who wouldn't with that free system of slavery, it's free real state

Attached: 56355591_p3.jpg (896x645, 102K)

She can hold Lillie closer

Attached: __lusamine_plumeri_gladio_lillie_guzma_and_etc_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_hsin__96e54e6bfa4387291 (943x1500, 1.51M)

In her official character outline it is pretty clear to draw her FLAT.

I don't understand how Gladion can wear that shit and not be paranoid about getting a boner

Gladion is gay.

Even flat my meat still becomes diamonds

I wonder how big Lillie will be.

He dresses like his sister and gets fucked by random men in public bathrooms, he's terminally gay

I want to give Lillie new siblings.

Anything is fine as long as she still has her mom's hips.

Attached: __lillie_pokemon_pokemon_anime_pokemon_game_pokemon_sm_and_pokemon_sm_anime_drawn_by_washizuka_shou_ (1000x1413, 463K)

I can't believe there is no love for Natsume, she is pure sex

Attached: pokemon-natsume-sabrina-purple-hair-gloves.jpg (1920x1080, 268K)

I would make millions running a pokebrothel
If I got MC like qualities I could even include legendary pokemon that cost several thousands a night

I'd hit it.

Attached: __lusamine_pokemon_sm_anime_and_etc_drawn_by_bomhat__5430a7b045a3fc5ac28a99aef6283efb.jpg (1346x2048, 402K)

They didn't have to make her so sexy

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Attached: a80.gif (250x382, 965K)

I can't believe I played Moon just for the Pokegirls.

I'm a 100% sure that there's a doujinshi made by Mizone about that exact thing

She is too lewd

Attached: __natsume_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_hizuki_akira__46bdcc5089601023554ae242ccec19b2.png (878x1240, 1.04M)

And it's a good thing

Attached: d22.png (815x1151, 888K)

I would lick every nook and cranny of her body, she's absolutely delicious

Attached: 9e999894bb4e9a008df1f62b81d9c054.jpg (708x502, 473K)

They knew what they were doing when they drew that exposed waki

Attached: EDHPJ55U8AAhKDg.jpg (700x700, 36K)

I don't recall Rosa's tits ever being that big.

Attached: __mizuki_pikachu_and_popplio_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_kuroonehalf__ffe681da8b78962374838d2909b9 (1428x907, 820K)

Fucking hell guys I keep getting horny you can't do this to me all day.

Attached: 72229580_p7.png (1516x1196, 1.36M)

It's the childrens series fanart effect. If a girl from a kids series has a defined chest then the fanart is going to draw her with huge tits. If she has something that shows off her legs then they're going to draw her with a big butt and an increasingly short skirt/shorts.

Cute sword girl on her toning season

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Attached: reeeeee.gif (400x204, 79K)

Why does /padt/ like Serena so much? Say anything negative about her and they will gang up on you.

She has a definite and noticeable bust size in the game but still nowhere that big.


Does she have good milk?

Attached: __mei_and_touko_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_enpe__78b889ec410946d5d4f20ae901624656.png (999x1684, 1.08M)

Gen 5 has the cutest grunts in the whole series

Attached: __team_plasma_grunt_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_emi_emi43__0b20867540c122deae398d03e18ce472.jpg (600x675, 131K)

Yes but it is defined, more so than most female player characters get. Therefore it's going to be exaggerated the hell out of in the fanart.

How new

That's an easy one.

Attached: __shirona_pokemon_game_and_etc__1fe08c867b9060205cedf654acc51409.png (900x1000, 411K)


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I love her more everyday

Attached: __mei_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_yomogi_black_elf__12cb6e5c1303dc94c601ea0c5a346f25.jpg (1024x908, 116K)

I would love to see her reduced to a sweaty and sticky twitching mess that leaks semen from her gaping holes

How hard?

Attached: __lusamine_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_dean__e0453bbd4f5b68d4bcb62cdbb78e7a3f.jpg (1000x1285, 380K)

Leaf/Blue is fine too
I like her simplistic design, even Mickey Mouse gloves are fine

Attached: JOuya5A.png (466x700, 343K)

love her so much!!!

Attached: S_1076XO4U4AA2E0Y.jpg (900x787, 70K)

She better get prepared to pop at least two more kids

I'd agree, believe me, but 9 times out of 10 that comes with a big dose of mind break. That's no good.

Attached: __shirona_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_kunimitsu__eaff5794f4ad0e61827bae65b57ca446.jpg (570x1158, 297K)

they know their fanbase isn't 5 yr olds anymore

Pffft. Do your worst, user.

Attached: 75046822_p0.jpg (723x1023, 440K)

Lusamine is the only one for me

Attached: b89891fd01cbb09c23b55c5dd5e57242.png (800x895, 485K)

How does Gamefreak consistently come up with such bonerific designs?
Is it the simplicity?

Glad to see her back to her old tricks.

Attached: __blue_eevee_and_kakeru_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_zaxwu__f33ce08097eb51ad561b0ba26d242cdb.jpg (1000x1036, 549K)

By not actively trying to sexualize them.

Source on pic?

Attached: 1565427956118.png (1000x1209, 484K)

By not being a disgusting German.

They need to sell and they know exactly what sells

Attached: 1538056338253.png (1000x937, 566K)

Are they shorts or a skirt i feel like it changes every time and those are clearly pantyhose so why is it uncovered on the top? shes on of my favorite pokegirls btw

They're shorts.

Attached: Rosa by Mimonel 234432243243243.png (675x900, 874K)

They're shorts technically. And those are most likely just black leggings and not pantyhose, despite what the doujins and lewd fanart say.

We got her in a game finally, now how do we get her animated?

Attached: __blue_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_kuraun3__fcfedcd9095da3054998b8d38bdc3c0d.jpg (1980x2460, 2.4M)

dont worry. Hell exists and evil cunts like Zoe will probably burn there

Rosa is fucking perfect and has been my waifu since BW2. I'm glad Masters made her even more relevant, it's the only good thing to come out of that game

Attached: 096730635.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

>one pokemon
Fucking why?


Attached: 9e0c36d20a7927be0a6d37a38c45151a.jpg (800x1131, 344K)

I'm gonna be real with you chief, I've pretty much not seen any of them until the newest ones and the slutty alolan doujins[/spoiler ]since they never seemed to beat the OG appeal. Mind posting a full chart of them so I can see if Hilde is indeed better?

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lord if it's short haired serena i'm gonna be so mad

serena is true love

Attached: 7613075710_p0.png (1500x1800, 392K)

this girl is perfect

Goddamn you Rosa faggots are the worst part of the fanbase.
Why cant you behave like the other waifufags??

I dunno, horny waifufags showing off their hot waifu is pretty normal.

Is Rosa voices by Aki Toyosaki in Pokémon Masters?

I want fuck Rosa while using her twintails as handles


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I love her

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i really like Serena is happiness, love, humble feelings and warm heart. cutest~desu
Satoshi is very lucky boy to have a girl like Serena loves his life.

Attached: Anime Couple.png (1366x1106, 1.27M)

Attached: 7cfa3a172338c26320c0637e2eb4e862.jpg (919x948, 92K)

Too lewd

>remember her redesign

Attached: giphy (1).gif (500x240, 890K)

Yes, she also voiced her in the B2W2 animated trailer.

Pokemon Isekai when?

So apparently Ayana Taketatsu voices Iris in Masters, which is interesting since Iris was voiced by Aoi Yuuki in the anime, and Taketatsu and Yuuki are both members of Petit Milady.

GF sure knows how to make tall blode beauties and brown cuties!

Attached: __saitou_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_kilye_4421__sample-a4553cde440fdf3f1d7cdc05b4ea4ce5.jpg (850x1202, 172K)

PMD is already a thing.

I would instantly join the bad guys. Just saying.

Mystery Dungeon

I wish Ash would die, so the game MC can be the main character of the anime.


Attached: 287d673b56626b9d808a1789581cb8ff.jpg (736x1039, 94K)

I can't wait for her game to bomb.

Attached: 6b9cd39900df15af9c80828d13f21d0e.jpg (716x1100, 90K)

But why

The fuck are you talking about?

The same way Let's Go was supposed to bomb but it's exactly in line with previous remakes?

Very good taste.

Attached: courtney2.jpg (919x1300, 509K)

The pull rates are actually not bad. Also there is differences between one pull and the 10 pull.

She's gonna have samevoice like every one before her.

I will pay good money to give her in every English translation of her doujinshi the worst Scottish dialect.

I doubt teenagers actually talk in strong dialect of their region.

Like with Pokemon origins
Even though this was just one big commercial for mega evolutions, it was still fucking amazing

Attached: maxresdefault1.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Don't know or care about Let's Go.
Nothing I've heard about S&S has inspired confidence, Gen 7 sucked, and Gen 6 wasn't that great either. I can recognize a pattern when I see it.

Don't get me wrong, user, I'd like it if the game turns out good.
But it won't. I'd like that to be realized.

Attached: 0d1f9f40fdde5c5d2fcc1e11718cb87a.jpg (759x1092, 93K)

You know it won't. Kids and normalfags will ensure that it will become the highest grossing Pokemon game ever and Gamefreaks will continue doing the same shit for eternity.

S&S gets rid of the Mega shit. So it's easily the best Pokemon for a long time.

I'd fuck her face

>super lewd design
>barely any lewds
How? Why?

there are people who get mad at you for liking this women
because they aren't 18

Not the financial kind of bomb, user. Bomb as in it'll be shit. I probably should have used a different word.

I don't have any more psychic-resistant Bea...

Attached: 1562696605394.jpg (800x1067, 278K)

I've had a sweet spot for her since forever. I don't know why because I'd fap more to May, Dawn, or Rosa any day.

I will start it for the waifu anyway.

>gachas have been around in korean mmos long before 2009

>korean mmos
>relevant in 2005

Oh no no no no no.


Ash stopped bothering me the moment I realized he basically is a brand new character every generation.


>good longer than 10min
I remember playing this but have no idea what was gacha about it.

Release when?

Attached: file_5.png (500x808, 190K)

What does Pokemon have that it attracts the worst degenerates?

Saber... wait that was Fate with the worst degenerates

sexy lolis

It's popular, so inevitably it gets more degenerates than something obscure.

Honestly is there a gen that hasn’t had a good set of pokegirls?

Why? She's going to be the exact same shit you've seen before.

Attached: (1740x1036, 1.52M)

Pretty much

Attached: Acerola.jpg (931x1267, 744K)

It focuses on inhuman beasts. Females exist in universe and some seem to literally 'love' their pets. So beastiality was inevitable, once that door's open then every other extreme is fair game lolicon just being the start.

so why weren't they in the anime?

Attached: 1549148444794.png (999x1771, 965K)

the anime sucks ass

They'd steal the show from Ash more than whoever his male and female comrade for the region. We know brock and misty more interesting than Ash. He'd merely be the third wheel at that point while the locals play in their region.

She was too hot for a kids show.

Attached: Hilda.jpg (1446x2048, 209K)

No one ever talks about Gen 2 girl

Thoughts on the new anime?

It's about all the regions

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 283K)

forgot link

>Announce a "world exclusive announcement"
>It's just an announcement of an announcement

Attached: 1411018528811.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Like thr other user already said, Hilde's shorts are too sexy for kids

Attached: f16a3b2bff166c87eac47a67eb85e8d3.jpg (736x534, 71K)

That's what the Japanese do, no franchise is safe.

Fucking christ i need sleep not fap sessions

Did Ash finally quit?

She'd make you too horny to focus on the show. You'd just sit there masturbating to her in those slutty hotpants.

Attached: 56222731_p0.jpg (1200x1569, 975K)

Nothing hotter than trainers being dominated mated by their pets

Attached: 5dda179279535362b80521341e4fa7a47afad3be.jpg (1032x1457, 1.5M)

The best pokegirls are pokemon themselves.

Attached: __groudon_and_kyogre_pokemon_drawn_by_takeshima_nia__349bbc636edf1029d4d199238313963f.png (840x1120, 1.05M)

really? it was a fucking gay theme for a champion battle

user, bestiality is not right

Attached: 8a4a21a74580b3a1bf97504a1668f74d.jpg (736x871, 64K)

It would be cool if they just focused an anime on the trainers from the games / manga.

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You'll sleep better if you relieve yourself first.

Attached: 1565529511596.png (1317x2000, 1.91M)

I can't finish my 2nd run of BW2 since I keep getting turned on using Rossa.


Attached: 8f334ff5772eee5c0dc8528.png (350x400, 153K)

I want her to be the new companion in Galar.

Attached: Nessa 3.png (1136x1875, 1.22M)

She's confirmed a gym leader.

Attached: 1565529286699.jpg (1410x2000, 377K)

Just asking where does it say it's not a S&S anime?

It says the story takes place in all 'worlds' and the background says every region's name.

Are there already news for the anime? Clemont and Iris were also gym leaders and were companions with no issue.

Attached: Nessa 4.jpg (3474x3624, 1.6M)

Do you think they've begun to make sexier pokegirls on Abe's command to trigger an earlier sexual awakening in kids?

No, they did it to make money.

I distinctly remember Natsume being busty in the main show.
Not Rangiku-tier, but still.
So was MC's mom, Musashi and Kojiro.
Meanwhile Lusamine is distinctly flat.

Attached: 1565090720136.png (342x192, 96K)

Pokemon is good people

They are already doing that without anyone asking.

Attached: Galar girls.jpg (4149x3028, 1.43M)

>i swear to god i hate not just you, but everything related to you that has ever infested this world
30 generations and over ten billion ancestors.

Abe has a brown girl fetish?

Rosa with Hilda is the way to go.

Attached: 1563589290182.png (700x800, 253K)

People aren't reproducing because value of reproducing is not worth the effort. I would recommend providing greater incentive to reproduce or reduce the challenge of doing so.
I would not recommend disincentivising not reproducing or removing the alternative outlets as those will create animosity.

Attached: 150814135354-shinzo-abe-2-super-tease.jpg (1600x900, 193K)


Attached: Brown pokegirls.jpg (1554x2174, 1.98M)

Based Abe-san.

Attached: 1563218221217.jpg (2067x1476, 271K)

peak waifu

He's just trying to preemptively get japanese people accustomed to brown girls.

After all, importing brown people is the same way every other country is staving off population loss. The only mistake is taking in men instead of just women.

Not him but what is the difference

Attached: 1483785885434.jpg (803x907, 151K)

Normally a 10 pull is more economic than 10 x 1 pulls.

Attached: IMG_20190901_144036.jpg (1200x1600, 315K)

I want to make Lusamine a grandma

Attached: __lillie_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_kei_soundcross__9d8d038c8180065a0df20319bae4fc6e.jpg (487x753, 35K)

The only girls out of Gen 6 to get notable art were the protagonist and a npc trainer class.

I can't tell whether she's appalled or aroused.

>forgetting Olivia


Japan is really liking this semen demon.

Attached: c5c826e9763665baebdfb95d16e0e337.png (1500x2667, 2.02M)


why not both.

Its a shame you can't romance other trainers in Masters. With the MC being a kid and all.

Touhou has been the king since EoSD and will forever be.

It's pokemon, the game could literally be a packaged turd and sell gangbusters because people are fucking retarded.

I'm asking him to specify said differences. I am under the impression there aren't actually any.

not by much, mind you. Yea Forums's still pretty unreasonably mad about things for no reason

my man

Attached: __wicke_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_denki_shougun__9299e657ae8b3f4c04d091c1ad8ec076.png (1036x1450, 610K)

>best wishes could've been Ash getting dominated by Hilda and Rosa
>we got a green haired faggot instead

Delete this one



Because it's lewd

At what level can you auto the very hard supercourse?

If Rosa is in, it will be the best Pokemon anime to date.

2 girls at the beach happily playing with their mons. Nothing lewd about that.

They're naked

>not hydro cannons

No, they have their panties.

Barely, one of them is her skin color.

More like Milk-o cannons

Still counts

Imagine Ash losing to them in a battle.

It doesn't, not remove that image.

The fact that my favourite pokeslut is getting all this attention all these years after her game's release makes me so happy
You're alright this time, gachashit

I don't have to imagine Ash losing.

Imagine Ash getting bossed around by Hilda and Rosa haha

Would it count as /ss/? Ash is eternally 10 and those 2 are much older.

>I'm an artist
>I'm a performance artist

Well it could be the increasingly toxic workplace ethic and internal culture that is causing men to waste their time between working ther ass 12 hour at day and getting wasted in bars instead of finding a mate or fuck the one they might've already gotten.
But no, let's blame chinese cartoons.

I wish I was Ash in that case.

Get the fuck out of here with that buzzword bullshit.

I'm here to stay granpa

Yea. I imagine between panel in the doujin he'd get progressively younger. The female domination gets more intense.
Back to the Twatter and /pol/ with you. It's a joke.

>muh /pol/
>muh twitter
I forgot it's summer, please do try harder to fit in.

Feels bad man I've been a neet for two years at this point and still don't fit. Not that I care. Fuck off back to Twatter and pol and cry some more.

that's not how that works

they are, artist is a pocketlet.

I guess he didn't miss, huh?

Cute american girl

Self-hatred is pretty common here, so yes, he didn't.

Best region

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There's nothing better than blue eyed brunettes

>Linear-donut map

Sonia legit can't swim?

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Would you eat Rosa's donuts?

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Love Love Lillie

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