Hunter x Hunter

This is my ability, Countdown. It lets me plant a bomb on someone when I touch them and say "bomber". The bomb can only be disarmed by touching me and saying "I caught the bomber". This ability is ten times stronger than Little Flower and cannot be blocked by Nen. The bomb is then conjured and its countdown timer starts at 6000, counting down faster if the targets heart rates increase. When the timer reaches 0, the target explodes from the inside. Additionally I can detonate the bombs at anytime when touching thumbs together with my friends Sub and Bara, and saying the word "Release" in unison.

I must explain my ability before I can use it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What is your favourite story arc? Vote in here!

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I caught the bomber

Genthru will come back in the final arc against Gyro.

York New & Chimera Ant are the obvious choices.

They will surely get the majority of the votes. I also expect a fair amount of votes for Succesion War.

York New city because Kurapika and spiders

Why didn't they kill Genthru?
He deserved to die.

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This is Gon's new girlfriend(she would be 15 by now). Say something nice about her.

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posting from the other thread that got deleted
Chimera Ant > Succession Contest > Yorknew > Heaven's Arena > Greed Island > Hunter Exam > Chairman Election > Zoldyck Family > Dark Continent Expedition.

Nice pigtails.

Old polls:

Reminder that the only reason Greed Island doesn't get much love is bec it's sandwiched between the 2 best arcs of the anime.

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>Succession above YorkNew
Not at this point. Maybe when the arc ends.

i disagree. i think its already more fun than yorknew

Post crackships!

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Gon didn't want to kill Genthru after he killed like 100 innocent people in one sitting, but Gon was ok with killing Komugi who did nothing wrong just because Kite was dead

Stay on-topic retard.

So if this guy's Not-Kira and Tserriednich is Not-Diavolo in terms of powers, does that mean we'll one day get Not-Pucci?


That's called recency bias.

I like Genthru and Chrollo.

Any actual MMOs where I can PK with explosives?

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Genthru is more discount Karasu than Kira and even then both are a stretch.

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Does Countdown have the potential to have Dirty rose levels of megaton and if so, could Genthru have PK'ed Meruem.

>Yorknew and CA both have equal number of votes
Is this a joke or just one autist with multiple IP?

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This png looks clean as fuck

??? They are the 2 common fan-favorite arcs

How strong is Genthru compared to Hisoka & the Spiders?

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He would job, his ability isn't the best in 1v1 combat.


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This word doesn't mean what you think it means.

How does this hack continuously get away with ripping off Jojo?

Well, bombs are Hisoka's weakness..

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By making it better than original

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I disagree that Little Flower isn't a good 1v1 ability. If a regular Ko punch can be a staple for an enhancer, having an explosive melee range attack is also a very strong option to consider. Plus he's actually good at CQC although that's where I think he'll be lacking compared to some members of the Phantom Troupe.

But just remember what he did to the one guy who tried to blitz him, catching an explosion to the face or any part of the body is going to be near fatal. And because the opponent has no choice but to defend with as much aura as possible unless they just completely dwarf Genthru it's never not a dangerous thing to pressure with.

King crimson is:
1. Use Epitaph to predict future x seconds ahead
2. Use KC time erasure to erase unwanted causes and skip to effects

Terror Sandwich's 2nd nen beast, on the other hand:
1. Activate zetsu
2. Enter period of 10-second predictions, instantaneous in the real world
3. Maintain zetsu, stay ahead 10 seconds in prediction WHILE continuing with the 1st prediction in real world
4. Open eyes, maintain continuity in the real world, re-zetsu as needed

While KC is definitely more "flashy" with the erase time thing, it's really a lot simpler than tserriednich's power.
I'm just interested to see how togashi will present his use of the power in an actual fight.

Genthru did nothing wrong. He played the game to win just like he was supposed to. Everyone of his "victims" had voluntarily joined the game knowing they were risking their lives.


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He only ever won against jobbers

except this one is canon

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The same applies to Hisoka tho

Hisoka is strong, but not nearly as much as he thinks he is.

>Kurapika and spiders
Then Succession War is your 2nd.

They are everyone's weakness.

Or maybe it doesn't mean what you think.

Kinda right. Everyone knew what they signed up for.

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>This is my ability, Countdown
Why would the opponent not rush you down right when you finished this sentence

Killua is canon gay. Reminder:
>Togashi previously wanted to write a sports shōnen with a canon gay crossdressing boy as the protagonist, but Shueisha shut him down.
>Togashi would then go on to write Yu Yu Hakusho, a hugely popular series.
>as thanks, and because Togashi had worked himself halfway to death, Shueisha allows Togashi free rein to do whatever he wants with Hunter x Hunter (hence his erratic schedules that would get any other author fired).
>Togashi also has full ownership over Hunter x Hunter, giving him absolute control over the story.
>now that he has so much power, Togashi plans on getting revenge on Shueisha for canning his gay sports manga all those decades ago by making Killua gay and they can’t stop him.
Further reasons:
>in chapter 286 (episode 121), Killua literally says he and Gon will commit "shinjū," otherwise known as "double suicide" — a term connotated with lovers.
>Togashi clearly has an interest in the "weird," as seen with Hisoka and Alluka.
>Togashi is married to Takeuchi, author of Sailor Moon — a series that features canon lesbians. In addition, the current Hunter x Hunter arc features a lesbian kiss between Morena and one of her followers.
>Yu Yu Hakusho has a gay couple: Sensui and Itsuki, showing that Togashi is willing to include gay characters and relationships in his stories.
>everything Togashi does is for a reason. When he includes scenes such as Killua's "Gon, you are light" and "shinjū,” he knows how fans will interpret them. To say otherwise implies he’s ignorant.
>to claim this is all bait is to insult Togashi, because that implies he's a hack who has to resort to the lowest form of writing: pandering. He is not that desperate.
>as seen in chapter 323 (episode 139), even Hisoka thinks Killua’s most “beloved” is Gon.
And the main reason:
>Togashi is a mad man.

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But is Gon gay?

in raw strength he is probably more deadly than chrollo
Chrollo wins in the sheer number of tools, threats and strategies he can concoct.
I mean, raw strength doesn't count for much when you can't attack because of the threat of manipulator abilities, clones and whatever else he showed last fight.

if hisoka corners him in an unprepared 1v1 things could get dicey for chrollo though, and that's exactly what hisoka is trying right now.


At the time it was a cave full of people who trusted Genthru and had no reason to be immediately suspicious and by the time someone realized what was up it was too late, the bombs had been planted.

This isn't the kind of ability you pull off in a fight, it's an extortion tool.

Jobbing is when you lose deliberately. Like an athlete bribed to let his opponent win before a match.
Just bec ESL's have been using it incorrectly for so long doesn't mean they're right.

>characters changing after facing difficult situations is bad writting
That's what I read

>it's the "bec" poster
Go look up etymology then come back.

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The meaning of a word can change over time user. In this case most people in here undertand what i meant.

>"bec" poster

So this is the chick we've all been emailing for the past decade. No wonder she's crying.

ok so why isn't there a school of assassin that kidnaps orphans, makes them make a nen vow to only kill one person and them uses them to kill high level nen users like ging?

and that sounds like cope for you not liking that i like something even when its not fully finished.

Because there isn't a person in the world that would devote so much resources into killling a person.

it might work. they might also develop their own feelings and not like the job anymore.
nen is the strongest when personality, affinity and ability converge
making suicide bombers seems like a small bang for your buck

This is a good idea.

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Well lets be honest that is Gon's best ability

What happened to Neon Nostrade (the girl from Yorknew arc that can tell fortunes)? Since her ability disappeared from Chrollo's book he assumes she's dead, but is she really? My guess is that Kurapika found an exorcist (possibly while he was looking for Chrollo) and had Chrollo's nen power exorcised from her. It's made pretty explicit that the Nostrade family is basically worthless without her power, and yet it still exists by the time they get on the boat. That, and Kurapika told the Nostrade boss that he would get her ability back.

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So Camilla?

I don't know who does them but he is (they are?) based and nenpilled and a true Hunterchad

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nah you overthinking she ded

I never considered that, you gave me hope again user :)

>target person dies in some epic anime battle before the orphan assassin fully developes
>orphan assassin lost all purpose in life and now holds a grudge againts whoever trained him for the purpose of assassination

I'm really bad at this

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I can't tell if you people are being sarcastic or just haven't read the manga.

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They're the best arcs though.

it's in the nen vow user
if they fight anyone other then their target they die

She's dead Jim. A shame. She was a cutie.

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camilla is a dumb fucking idiot by the way, happy to help
should have put the money and time into getting some good henchmen instead

It was implied she died. How would an exorcist work on her though? She doesn't have Chrollo's nen in her. There's nothing to exorcise.

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>Implying people wouldn't pay for netero or pariston's head

Hisoka killed her. cope.

They would need to know the targets years in advance.


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Netero would casually bitch slap any would-be assassin before they could react. And Pariston is the kind of guy who would make the assassin disappear and kill the person who hired them as well for good measure.

still would be the best bet for someone like netero or ging

The best crackship

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Wang >>> Giorno

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Quiet please, Togashi is sleeping in his comfy sailor moon bed.

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anyone >>> Giorno to be honest

what's the point of having a hunter star?

Sleep tight Togashi!

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Is he still even married? Wasn't he like, too lazy to get even a proper marriage?

Jesus Christ, Togashi. I know you painted yourself into a corner by giving Chrollo the power to tell the future, but is that really a reason to kill her off? You could have just had Chrollo's powers come back with his book being empty or something. That would actually be kind of cool, since we could have a mini side story with Chrollo hunting down nen users to regain his abilities.

Quiet please, Gon and Killua are trying to get some sleep.

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Lmao no. Gon is a kid who sees everything in black and white. There is no gray area for his judgement. You are either useful to him or nah. That's why he's confused when Pitou begged for his mercy to allow him to finish healing Komugi (because it is the King's order/wish and they are honourbound to follow it). His isolation from interpersonal relationships (being in Whale Island and all) contributes greatly to his attitude.

Killua probably killed ten times more people than Genthru

>I was unworthy of their loyalty
I miss him bros

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What did togashi mean by this?

in vanilla WoW, player crafted bombs are an important part of high level PvP because they're a really easy way to increase your burst damage

Yes he is still married, they have been happily married for 3 decades now and have 2 children.

based edit

yorknew is pretty shit
greed island is where it's at

Yorknew is good but it's really nowhere even close to CA, voting YN over CA is just outing yourself as an anime-only or speedreader.

I don't remember but there's nothing that limits you to having only one hatsu right?
why don't nen user keep on developping some?

Me too

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so many kills back in the day were secured solely thanks to that 3 second incapacitate from iron and thorium grenades. the arcanite grenade's 5 second silence was major too but it's expensiveness was absurd. should have gotten multiple grenades per bad. i hope if they do a 1.13 update or beyond that they balance some things like that that were just bad game design.

Nobunaga Prudo

There is a memory limit on nen, Hisoka explains in his fight against Kastro, that Kastro's Doppelganger is such a complex technique that Kastro can't develop another hatsu, having hit what Hisoka calls a memory overload. So depending on the complexity of your techniques you will eventually hit a limit. The only way around this shown in series is in stuff like Chrollo's power, that actually steals the abilities of others, so he isn't using up his own memory, but instead the memories of other people.

>and have 2 children
Will Togashi's kids become a great mangaka like him?

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CA is better in the anime though

lynch and hinrich are cool gangsters

Can't he reincarnate?
Just like kite asspull?
Im hopeful and want pitou and meruem to live again

If they feed him to Chimera Ant Queen, maybe

What's her Hatsu?

Kite reincarnated because of his Nen ability, Wouldn't make sense for them to live again..


kurapika is wasting his time looking for his clan's eyes instead of looking for females to revive the clan

biscuit is on the boat

stay on topic in a general?

This. How much time does Kurapika have left before he dies?

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Biscuit is already taken.
Genthru cheated. He was just planting bombs on people and using his powers to kill people. He never really bothered to play by the rules and win people in proper battles to earn the cards until the end. He was cheating more than Quwrof.
>Not as strong as he thinks
He killed a Spider easily to join the trope, jobs anyone that doesnt have plot armor, and had to be a guy with 6 nen abilities and cheated, to defeat him. He is pretty stronk. Quwrof no preparado would never have a chance on him.

>Biscuit is already taken.
by who

based. HxH has always been meant to be gay. 4 MCs, 2 Partners. Hunter x Hunter = Gon x Killua, Kurapika x Leorio, Chrollo x Hisoka, and So on and So on

There's a prince guard that likes her. Forgot who.

Did Wing tap this kid or not?

Idc what your fav arcs are. What I'm saying is that the common fav arcs from HxH fans is usually YN & CA so it's not surprising to see them get the most votes.

what's killua gonna do when he finds out his little brother became a man before he did

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how come kazuto already knows nen yet kirua didn't know what it was?

Bec of Illumi's needle.

Kalluto is a good boy. Killua is naughty.

buffed biscuit a best

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because togashi didn’t have nen thought up until heavens arena

No it's because the anime butchered it cutting tons of stuff and having shitty art, color palette and music. GI is way better in the manga, like every other arc for that matter

the only thing decent about greed island is bisky

He should have been able to come up with an ability that would have allowed him to survive no problem, especially looking at all the wacky abilities we've seen since then by people with a fraction of his aura and talent. But plot demanded otherwise

>He killed a Spider easily to join the trope
>jobs anyone that doesnt have plot armor
He only fought nenless noobs, a fucking idiot who didn't understand how nen works and yet was able to take two arms from him and could have killed him with ease if he went for the head with his first attack using his final move. And then a fucking butler. First time he fought someone decent in Chrollo he got ass fucked like never before in the history of battle shonen. He's a clown alright

>liking She-Hulk

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One is shit villain, the other isn't.


truly are...

So very fascinating.

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hunter x hunter is "ok"

Why would he need that when he has Leorio?

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>not liking strong independant woman with the attitude of a naggy but enthusiastic mother

Probably around mid tier spider. He could beat the likes of Sharnalk and Shizuku but would lose againts fighting specialist like Uvogin.

Kurapika understands deep inside that the Kurtas were subhuman and deserved it. He should just turn himself in to the spiders and let them complete divine justice.

what the actual fuck I typed that entire king crimson/tserriednich text
in a thread I made about the two why the hell did you copy paste it
what the fuck thats so weird

Not him but where do you think you are?
Everything gets meme'd here. I've seen several of my original posts reposted by others for months.

i mean thanks for liking my post enough to copypaste it but damn

Yeah that makes sense. I guess it's just a little trippy to see it in another thread. First time it's happened to me

I like it actually. Makes me proud of my shit posts. It's a compliment when your comments are worth reposting.

wow, that's a really nice outlook. now i feel good about that post. thanks user

>death by snu snu

Naoko Togashi

Yea but how powerful is the Pepe-Meruem hybrid?

Morena Hazama

Greed Island is the pleb filter arc.

>want pitou and meruem to live again
I don’t.


Replace Chrollo with Ilumi and you’re good.

Kura Pika

Kura Ma

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If Gon-san and Netero teamed up they would have beaten Meruem without using the rose.

Mario & Luigi


>cannot be blocked by nen
why the fuck not? because he said so?

Chrollo had to run away from him the entire fight just because he was afraid to 1v1 Hisoka in the arena

Not him, but your statement is literally
>he no punch better than hisoka
Chrollo fought the battle with his mind, which is why he won.
For Chrollo the fight was not about who is better or who is worse, he needed to maximize his winning chances and chose the stage and abilities for that.

he didn't run away because he was scared, he did it to counterpick him

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Hisoka = classic shonen antagonist who beats his opponents by punching very heard - panders to the MHA/OP audience
Chrollo = seinen-esque antagonist with multi-layered subtext and strong themes, also makes use of his high IQ during combat

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Does Kalluto have a spider tattoo?

He could only beat Kortopi, that's it.

Maybe 2 lewd

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No need to, Kurapika Junior will be the king of Kakin.

Not satisfied of antagonising every single other battle shonen, Hunterfags antagonise each over characters and arcs.
Isn't it tiresome? Is it because there is nothing to discuss? Do you find this to be a good way to spend your time?

Now this is the kind of homo ship I like.

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He's fucking underrated. His abilities are fucking great and have huge mindblow potential ("now, will I catch your arm and explode it or will I punch you in an unprotected area while you focus your Gyo on your arm ? You can't know since I have activated my Gyo in both my hands"), and you basically can't survive it unless you already know his abilities OR you have absolutely insane reflexes (but only top tier fighters like Biscuit, Chrollo, Hisoka, etc. are able to do that).

I'd say he would go toe-to-toe with the likes of Phinks, Feitan, Knuckle, Kaito, etc. He's a monster.
God damn, he was even 10x stronger in CQC than Gon at the end of GI, at a time when Gon's Enhancement skills were already enough to get veteran Single Star Hunters pee on themselves.

This guy's a beast and a genius like Gon needed 1) to know his ability beforehand
2) follow an insane training during 1 month created specifically to counter Genthru's ability
3) prepare a perfect plan, involving the environment, the cards, his own ability, to counter Genthru

And even with all of that, he almost died.

Would he had fight him under normal circumstances, he would have been killed in 1 second.

Attached: genthru.png (400x225, 129K)

This is something that's always bothered me.
It's pretty bullshit that he died in the first place. I mean alright, the poison is somehow powerful enough to finish the job a nuke couldn't, but I can't believe that, with his superintelligence, talent, and power, he couldn't come up with an ability to purge himself of the poision.
Even Pitou developed a powerful healing ability on the spot, and Meruem had two cell modifying abilities at that point.

Genthru is based and the best antagonist in the series.

I wouldn't say he's the best since we have divine tier villains in HxH like Meruem, Chrollo, Hisoka or Tserriednich, but he's totally based and he deserves much more recognition from the Hunterchad community.

Poor man's Killer Queen



Here, i made it better.

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>He could beat the likes of Sharnalk and Shizuku
Implying he could beat a supersaiyan.
Even Shizuku would bludgeon him.

In his cute belly, Machi made it for him.

I personally like him way better than Meruem and Tse, maybe my opinion on Tse will change in the future, naturally.
Chrollo and Hisoka are cool, but they function overall more like a wild cards, even if mostly antagonistic, it's not always the case, at least in Hisoka's case. But both are characters that have their own interests and are not stuck in the narrative position of antagonists.

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>But both are characters that have their own interests and are not stuck in the narrative position of antagonists.

Well, you can say the same with Genthru. If he was hired as a bodyguard by a Prince, he could very well become the ally of our MCs. He has his own agenda, and his goal seems to be mainly to make money and have a good time with his two buddies. It's not something like dominate the world. He was only an antagonist in GI because of the circumstances and the game. Would he had met Gon and Killua outside the game, their goals could very well have been convergent.

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This was so stupid

>and you basically can't survive it unless you already know his abilities
Gon survived it and he isn't as tough as most of the good fighters we've seen.
>I'd say he would go toe-to-toe with the likes of Phinks, Feitan, Knuckle, Kaito, etc. He's a monster.
Kek they would all finish him before he could say "bomber".
>God damn, he was even 10x stronger in CQC than Gon at the end of GI
If he was then Gon wouldn't have been able to put up as good of a fight as he did.
>2) follow an insane training during 1 month created specifically to counter Genthru's ability
They trained to become stronger, not specifically for Genthru.
>And even with all of that, he almost died.
Gon almost died because he was too prideful to follow the plan, and wanted to btfo Genthru himself.
>Would he had fight him under normal circumstances, he would have been killed in 1 second.
No, he wouldn't. If he could've he would've.

Best is a strong word but I do actually really like him. He's smart, powerful and looks cool- I just rewatched a few of his scenes and he actually comes across really well. Having Yoshino voice him really makes him go from just okay to great as well imo.

>Gon survived it and he isn't as tough as most of the good fighters we've seen.
And Gon knew Genthru's ability beforehand, you confirmed my point.
>If he was then Gon wouldn't have been able to put up as good of a fight as he did.
You didn't even read the fight, did you ? Gon says himself that Genthru is way better than him in CQC, and Genthru could defeat him without even using his ability, if he wanted to.
>They trained to become stronger, not specifically for Genthru.
Based speedreader, you litterally skipped 3-4 chapters where Gon trains specifically to counter Genthru's ability.

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But none of that happened. Within the narrative, he's strictly an antagonist, even he has the potential to resurface as something else later on. If that were to happen, he'd gain a new dimension to his character, but wouldn't change his status as the GI antagonist.
Well he's my favourite. I like how he's straight forward and the story doesn't try painting him as sympathetic like Meruem.

>And Gon knew Genthru's ability beforehand, you confirmed my point.
If Gon could survive it at that point in his development then Hisoka, Phinks, Morel, etc definitely could without knowing about it because of their better defense and aura output.
>You didn't even read the fight, did you ? Gon says himself that Genthru is way better than him in CQC, and Genthru could defeat him without even using his ability, if he wanted to.
He was way better, sure. 10x better? No, that's too much of an exaggeration.

>best antagonist

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Pic related, my Nen

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Theta is a cutie

Imagine Genthru in the Black Whale during the Succession War Arc.
Imagine Genthru in a suit without the glasses and without his homo buddies defending one of the 14 princes.
Imagine Genthru working with Kurapika, Hanzo, Bisky, Bill and Belerainte.

Theta is for lewding

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Why would I want to imagine such a boring character doing anything?

>all that forced genthru wankery in this thread
he is forgettable-tier desu, but it could be that togashi planned more fot his character in the future

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>without his homo buddies
Then he loses his most powerful ability.

Who would win in a fight? Illumi or Hisoka?

Because it would give a boring character a chance to do something interesting for a change. Who knows, he could become useful.

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Your taste is pretty shit.

Literally the other way around, my newfag friend. The vast majority of CA is a boring slog to go through and only gets good during the final third starting with the invasion of the palace. If only 1/3 of your arc is good then it's an overall bad arc. The anime at least makes it more bearable. Yorknew was great from start to finish no matter the media.

Illumi of course.

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There's enough characters in the arc as it is.

Manipulators are kind of overpowered. One needle is enough to win the fight. If you that singular hit, you automatically win.

Illumi with puppets, Hisoka without.

Probably Hisoka in a 1v1 because of better enhancement and bungee gum. If there's a big crowd like in heaven's arena, Illumi's needlemen plus his ability to disguise himself would give him a pretty big advantage.

What could one more do any harm?

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It's another character that detracts time and attention from an arc already bloated with characters.

Then maybe Togashi should write and release more chapters instead of taking long ass hiatuses.

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Hisoka is like that kid that was smart in highschool and thought he was a genius, but when he got into college he realized he was average at best.


Chrollo was the smartest kid in highschool and stayed the smartest in college.

Hisoka is still a genius, it's only the genetically engineered freaks who dwarf him.

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Any video where he says this?

Wtf, Hisoka is literally me.

So people want to see a Leorio spin-off arc? Does anyone still has the image?

I want to drown in Shizukus's tits. I'm going to be sad when Hisoka kills her

Shut up

What is the best place to find HxH art?


I sure hope he doesn't. Such a shit villain.

>kills sub and bara
nothing personel

God, if only we could get at least 10 chapters this year
Why is Togashi such a lazy piece of shit

Look at the calendar

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10 days before the event that changed the world.


You are right but
He still was too scared to fight an arena battle like it should have been. Also he only won because he used random people as colletral somehow without canceling the fight

Why are you an ungrateful fuck?

He wasn't scared, he went for the 100% secure strategy because he isn't an idiot.

>1v1 arena battle
>I'm gonna run away and use random innocent people as bombs disregarding everything just to have a chance

I've only read the manga and prefer YN over CA. SW is shaping up to beat out both of those arcs for me too but I don't think it's reasonable to compare it until the arc is finished.

Baby steps, user.

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>use random innocent people as bombs

Are you talking about those anons wanting a FKMT-style gambling arc with him? Why would it need to be a spin-off, every arc within HxH is wildly different to the others anyway, unless they meant FKMT himself writing the spin-off or something

How do you think Hisoka would fare against Silva and Zeno using the power of rubber and gum?

Togashi defense force going full retard again

Genthru's ability would be very powerful in the current arc and useful for the troupe The boat is Greed Island 2, small area with lots of people spreading rumors as information, you could easily spread news about the bomber on the boat. If Togashi wants to reuse him at all he would make a great addition to the troupe.

Also it's unbelievable how hard Togashi cannibalized this dude from the Dark Tournament in HxH. He's got Genthru's ability and Hisoka's homolust for killing people he's interested in. I wonder if Togashi wanted to do more with him but accidentally killed him too early

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Hisoka could take one of them 1v1, he's too strong against these close quarter combat types, but probably not both of them together.
Before Chrollofags see that as some sort of victory, Chrollo's only good at running away and that's basically what he did in his fight against those two, and he got saved by the skirmish being interrupted too.

Stop being an ungrateful spoiled fuck, the man has chronic pain

Yes or something like that.

Zeno, probably ; Silva, yes
He is specifically strong against close quarters fighters so that makes him a really bad matchup in Silva's case

>Fukumoto writing a Leorio gambling spinoff
Where do I sign

Lets be honest: Killua's backpack is fucking stupid

Post pic


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Favorite banter

Why do you guys prefer 2011?
HxH would be perfect with the 99 style and the 2011 animation

The tone of 99 is so much better, darker and serious. 2011 is too family friendly and cute
In 99 the Spiders looked like a gothic bizarre mystic powerful gang while 2011 they look generic

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>Watches Aleczandxr videos



Well, for you to know what he is exactly talking about, it means you watch it too, fag

Yeah, I'm a 99chad. How could you tell?

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We all watched his videos faggot, including yourself.

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Because HxH is suppose to look lighthearted and cute while still being gruesome and serious, that's the tone in the manga that Togashi was going for that 2011 replicates better than 1999.

I didn't, I can't stand pretentious fags

1999's style is all over the place. Personally I like the sharper eyes and subdued colours mainly because nostalgia. The Hunter Exam and battle city look cool if you like that sharper 90's style. I adore the Phantom Truope because I am a sucker for dark neony cities. Greed Island OVAs look like fuck ass and are unintentionally hilarious, the transition to pencil to digital was rough. Also I much prefer the VAs in 2011

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Well, Illumi will probably cheat and use his needles to control other people to win! Amirite Hisokabros?

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Oh no no no, hunterbros...
Can we ever recover?

So how do you know he has watched it?
You have to watch it to know...
Stop preteding you are better than people just because you don't watch a certain silly youtube video
And for that you end up being the pretensious one, fag

Wtf ant arc is where i dropped it because it was boring and stupid.

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Not well seeing as how the spiders are able to destroy the chimera ants who go to meteor city and Gone was also able to fight those ants. Gone just about beat Genthru so it makes sense that he is weaker than the ants and by extension the spiders.

low tier bait

I didn't mate this post , and you are mistaken if you think most people here watches your e-celeb videos.

Imagine the 5 main characters reaction to 9/11 twin towers.

Only Leorio would care.


I'd only Togashi were to come up with such an original idea.

And why would Leorio be the only who cares? Also I said their reactions!

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killua arguing that it was an inside job by his family

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Why would you want to kill people like Ging or Netero? They obviously wouldn't give a shit about anything you do unless you are trying to destroy the world or something equally retarded.

Also, Prince Camilla literally does something like that in the current arc. Just that a rando's death powered Nen is still not nearly as powerful as Gon-san.

>Gon survived it and he isn't as tough as most of the good fighters we've seen.
To be fair, we're told that Genthru was holding back specifically so he could get the Cards off Gon as killing him in the game would guarantee losing everything up to that point and more time spent recooping the now no longer monopolied cards.

Kurapika will become King Regent of Kakin and get a harem.

99 butchered Greed Island
11 butchered Yorknew
Just enjoy them both.

That make sense, on Killua’s part I guess.

No, Kurapika will be loyal to his wife Oito. It's she who will get a harem.

Kek at the gif

Nice fanfiction but no such thing will happen.

Prepare to get subverted kiddo

Prepare to get disappointed boy

Based and Kurapika Hui Guo Rou pilled

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>The boat is Greed Island 2, small area
Dude, Greed Island was a huge island of hundreds of kilometers from north to south, and dozens of cities. It's not a small area.

+What's the name of this dude ?

Oito's going to get cucked by Cummy

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Did Pokkle and Ponzu get reincarnated into ants?

No und no.

Prove it.

>and cannot be blocked by Nen.
1) He didn't say that.
2) He didn't say that because there is no unblockable Nen attack.

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I could totally see why someone would draw parallel between Genthru and Kira. Both of his bombs are deployed by touching someone and there's a strong emphasis on his hands. Killer Queen's primary bomb is activated when it makes contact with an object. I understand Little Flower's actual detonation is different, but I don't think the Kira parallels are a stretch.

I mean, hell, both of them are blonde.

Based & nenpilled.

Ponzu got shot in her head and eaten by an lesser ant und Pokkle got butchered by the pig cook. Also neither of them ever returned after their deaths took place.

>und Pokkle got butchered by the pig cook
So that means that the Queen ate him, which means that he could be reborn

You clown cucks expose yourself as speedreaders and shonenbabies every time you come up with this retarded argument. You're basically saying Chrollo should have disregarded everything we know about nen and act like a dumb fuck so that Hisoka could have stand a chance. According to you faggots, manipulators shouldn't manipulate people because it's not fair but they should fight it out trying to outpunch the opponent even if it's a dumb strategy sure to fail. Nen is too smart for you, go back to something your brain can handle

He could but he didn’t. Pokkle is dead, just like his waifu and they will not come back to life ever again. Pokkle und Ponzu found peace in the afterlife.

Honestly, Pokkle and Ponzu were pointless characters in the manga. The only good thing they produced is that one Pokkle x Ponzu doujin.


The simple and undeniable truth.

The cope.

He's pretty dangerous if you don't know about his ability but pretty shit if you do, Gon was struggling even then just because he's a noob with way less aura than Genthru. If you have comparable aura and know about the ability, he can't harm you no matter because you'll always defend successfully even if he's using two explosions, him having to waste nen in both defense and offense with every explosion. Now if you don't know about the ability, it's tricky but good nen users would out match him physically and they'd clue in early on the fact that he needs to make direct contact to deal damage and wouldn't let him grab them that easily

>He could but he didn’t
Prove it

He didn’t show up as a chimera ant after his dead.

Am I the only one who found him unbearable and hard to respect as a villain? He just looks like some pathetic loser nerd slash "onion" (if you know what I mean) milk addict. I could probably beat him up with no Nen, as a black man.

Hello TV Tropes

>No proof
Pokkle will return!

>Hello TV Tropes

It wouldn't have bothered me too much if we didn't see nen doing crazy stuff after he died, Nanika to begin with, but the guardian spirit beasts in this arc in particular. He could have definitely pulled a Nencho, create a perfect clone out of nen, transfer his consciousness in it like Halkenburg's arrows do and keep living happily with Komugi thanks to nen after death once his main body perishes. There are many ways

Prove it!

Someone in one of these threads posted a massive TV Tropes rant of how Ponzu and Pokkle should't of been killed off and made a cute couple

What's the difference?

He is cute, that's why. Togashi can't help his homofaggotry.

How is the manga going? Is there any signs of gon/killua entering the story? If we've already seen the strongest character get stomped by an ant, what hope do the characters on the boat have in the dark continent?

>His friends names are Sub and Bara
How did I miss this? I thought the Hunterfag was just shitposting when he said Genthru had BDSM symbology. What the fuck else did I miss?

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>being so far up your own ass you can't even watch informative, well-made videos in fear of being branded an e-celeb follower
It's then new form of pleb.

What if Pika actually managed to undo the ability theft? That'd mean he has had access to Neon fortune telling and might have hints of the days to come on the boat.
Or simply Hisoka killed her. Occam's razor I guess.

Each of those guardian spirit's you mentioned could only do those individually, cumulative is hyper speculation even for someone like Mereum. Nencho as far as we can guess is just the guardian spirit itself now acting through it's conjured body, Halkenburg's ability only works because it pulls from a reserve of what is considered one of the strongest nen abilities around and arguably the person possessing a target can only continually do so if their actual body is still alive. Nanika is a whole other can of worms because I don't think that's nen to begin with given it's origins in the Dark Continent and blatant disregard for anything we know about nen already.

What your asking for seems way too complex to pull off, on top of it all having to be post mortem nen. Even for Mereum the guy who turned his aura into photons that's too much. He knew he was dying and wanted to spend his last hours with the only person he cared about.

>How is the manga going?
slow but good
>Is there any signs of gon/killua entering the story?
none at all
>If we've already seen the strongest character get stomped by an ant, what hope do the characters on the boat have in the dark continent?
The only individuals in the DC as strong as Meruem would be the calamities. Those are the ones that could give trouble, but otherwise they should be able to survive with teamwork.

>informative videos
More like a 10 minute rant of a guy trying to find hidden meanings behind everything and selling it as the truth and as Togashi's intentions when he wrote it.

This makes no sense...

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It would need a lot of others constraints and probably will kill the user too.

That backpack is fucking stupid

It doesn't matter, Halkenburg's spirit beast has other abilities other than that one so it's possible to do multiple things, and someone not being able to do it or having some restrictions doesn't mean Meruem wouldn't be able to, since he's stronger than any of those nen beasts, nor that he couldn't use other restrictions. There's no such thing as "it's too much for him", there's no formula that tells you if a certain condition is enough or not for a certain power, it's just a loose principle and as long as Togashi wants it then it will work. Kite's ability allowed him to survive in another body, Meruem could have done the same and better. Shizuku could have sucked up the poison, Breath of Arcangel could have healed him, Meruem could have done all those thing on his own. And Nanika is nen, it even has restrictions and such, it's just your headcanon

Meruem didn’t had enough time nor did it came up in his head. Also he had other things on his mind.

You can come up with an ability in a second, we've seen it more than once and with nen users worth shit compared to him. He had all the time he needed.
>nor did it came up in his head
Kek, what kind of bullshit excuse is that? He's the smartest character we've ever seen and he just forgets that nen is a thing? Try harder
>Also he had other things on his mind.
Yeah sure, immediately playing Gungi with Komugi for a couple of hours takes priority over finding a way to survive so that you can do that without bleeding on the board, in total relax for the rest of your life, avoiding killing Komugi in the process too.

>Halkenburg's spirit beast has other abilities other than that one so it's possible to do multiple things
It only has 1 ability, marking people. This mark carries the effect of amplifying the aura of all those marked when their wills are unified. Halkenburg then created an ability that allows him to utilize this pool of aura in the form of a bow and arrow, sending any marked person's consciousness into the affected target. It's two separate abilities.

>There's no such thing as "it's too much for him"
There very much is such a thing, nobody has absolute power with nen and Mereum is no exception. You're saying he could both create a perfect body double with functioning internal organs, and also send his consciousness into this thing perfectly even after his original body dies of poison. Both of which very specialized abilities in their own right.

>Kite's ability allowed him to survive in another body
By also utilizing the chimera ant soul transfer which isn't nen in-and-of-itself. It's a side effect of Phagogenesis

>Shizuku could have sucked up the poison
Too bad she isn't there nor would be willing to help him
>Breath of Arcangel could have healed him
Sure, if he was on greed island and someone used a card on him

Both of those abilities are now not things Mereum already had, nor had the will to even attempt to replicate as he only cared about finding Komugi and had reached a sense of enlightenment.

>And Nanika is nen, it even has restrictions and such
Operating on rules =/= nen
And it very much is ambiguous since Nanika doesn't conform to any concept of what nen is shown to be capable of. She's a minor reality warper and the DC is filled with crazy logic defying stuff.

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>Thinking the Phantom Troupe working with Gon and Killrua against the ants would be good
This is retarded. The Troupe don't give a shit about the ants in general, they only care about Meteor City and I doubt Gon and Killrua would ever work with Kurapika's worst enemies

Nenchou is a Parasite with Kachou's memories latched on to Fuugetsu, and I would question if she is biologically identical. The Construct would also be just about as strong as the person it is latching on to.
Souls Swap akin to Halkenburg and Kite might have been able to save Meruem's memories, I think. But Meruem would have been reduced to a mere mortal without a purpose. Not sure if he'd prefer that to death even if he thought about it.
Sucking out the "poison" is nearly impossible when you realize that the "poison" is probably radiation destroying Meruem's cells.
Angel's Breath is a regular fucking healing ability powered up by the Greed Island Master's Covenant. It shouldn't be able to heal Meruem at all if whoever created the ability was probably also unable to heal Gon.

Nanika might have been able to heal him. But:
1) She is probably not Nen. Nen turns aura into a list of magical effects, all of which we know about. Nanika doesn't appear to consume Aura, and her rules make it seem like it is the wisher who is using the power
2) If she is Nen, she probably has more aura than Meruem, judging from her Teleport ability and the whole "kill hundreds of specific humans all over the world from her basement".
3) MIGHT is still just a possibility. We know that Nanika is bad at healing.

>and I would question if she is biologically identical.
I'm actually waiting for a scene where Melody meets Nencho and realizes she can't hear a heartbeat.

In the end, that’s what Meruem chose and did. Nothing more he could do or wanted except the things he just did.

Because it's a common shonen trope

So which one is it?

>Hunter EX Hunter
>Hunter by Hunter
>Hunter times Hunter
>Hunter and Hunter
>Hunter squared
>Two Hunter


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there is nothing wrong with pakunoda’s nose! i only hope she found peace in the afterlife.

Maybe one will take over if he dies before ending HxH


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Cazador Equis

>He's pretty dangerous if you don't know about his ability but pretty shit if you do,
Like 99% of HxH abilities. The Succession War Arc emphasizes the importance of seeking information on the enemy's abilities because it greatly increases your chances of victory.
Plus, Genthru's ability is not shit even if you know it and his fight with Gon demonstrated it clearly. He can mindbreaks you whenever he wants by simply using Gyo on his two hands simultaneously. From that moment on, you have no way of knowing if the next time he catches you he'll set off an explosion or hit you with his free hand in a spot that you're not protecting.

That's a great fighting ability. It's almost a sure victory if your opponent doesn't your ability, and it's still extremely vicious if you know it.

>Gon was struggling even then just because he's a noob with way less aura than Genthru.
Dude... Razor called Gon a "monster" a few chapters earlier because of the absolutely phenomenal amount of aura he is able to deploy.

>If you have comparable aura and know about the ability, he can't harm you no matter because you'll always defend successfully even if he's using two explosions.
No. The point of aura is that you have to make choice, you can't defend your entire body all the time and if you do, you'll basically decreasing your overall resistance on your entire body. To protect against Genthru's Little Flower, you have to focus your aura on the spot of the explosion, except if you're a beast like Uvoguin (who trained specifically to become a freaking tank, which is not the case of most HxH fighters, far from that. Most of top tier fighters in HxH are pretty fragile).

>they'd clue in early on the fact that he needs to make direct contact to deal damage
The point is : He doesn't let you the time to guess that. The first time he grabs you, you loses a limb, or just dies if he catches your throat or your head. You need top tier reflexes to survives his first attack.

Weakest(narrative-wise) villain in the series. Even the random serial killer got more development.
Pretty punchable, though.

Hunta Hunta Hú.

Just use a long-range ability. Wow, so hard. Gon just had a hard time because his only strategy is to go unga bunga and punch people in the face.

Uvogin was too pure for this world.

>ywn fuck pitou in pink pajamas

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So? He is reformed without any outside influence.
Meanwhile bomber was beaten in a fight.
There is a difference between being sorry and being sorry because you was caught.

September huh? Chapter announcement when?

After Kamio Yui is axed. And if that doesn't happen, after Tokyo Shinobi Squad or the Shogi manga is axed.

Hunter Hunter

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This week

May Budha bless you and cure your back pain.

>You can come up with an ability in a second, we've seen it more than once and with nen users worth shit compared to him. He had all the time he needed.
Not him, but he also was scared. Probably for the first time in his life.

It's obviously up to interpretation since there is no clear cut answer. I just call it Hunter ex Hunter because that's what most people call it.


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Viz departement.

>this magnificent woman got railed by a fat fuck and gave birth to his child

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Does Oito have the power to make Kurapika straight?

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>Hisoka's shirt says "O!"
what a thing of beauty

Just like IRL. Money and power can buy a lot of pussy.

Genthru was just playing a game the way it was intended to. Blame Ging for creating real life game for sociopaths (hunters)

Yes. Oito comes from a humble peasant stock. She is a commoner, part of the smallfolk. She knows poverty very well.

>intended to
No spell in the game harms people.
There was an option to be a total sociopath, though.

i want Bisky to force me against a wall and use me as a living dildo

Give it a rest already

calm your tits chrollolet

Kurapika can steal your girl and your kid

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Post your favorite cover

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When can we expect the axe season?


this but with Kalluto in the middle


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You already did

Togashi loves his wife

Chimera ants for me, york new is cool and all but Kurapika is a fag and ruins everything.

You deniggafy him right this instant!

>Genthru cheated. He was just planting bombs on people and using his powers to kill people. He never really bothered to play by the rules and win people in proper battles to earn the cards until the end. He was cheating more than Quwrof.

He didn't break any rules. We see what happens when someone does (a gamemaster like Razor intervenes like when the Spiders tried to come from the outside). They did nothing about Genthru because everything he did was perfectly allowed in the game.

Benjamins guardian beast has 2 abilities: broadcast
He can play and save audio from the distant future like a military grade radio. The beast has to be in the room he wants the audio from.

The second is called stealth spot: Beast becomes untracable at night as long as it does not move.

Uh oh..

Chimera ants for me, york new is cool and all but Chrollo is a fag and ruins everything.

yes but they were those two ants Killua instantly killed in front of the elevator for ikalgo


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Still, killing people left and right is not against the rules

Stop lying you piece of clown.

Doing society a favour by killing people who unleashed their inner psychopath at the first opportunity is not against the rules too.

Hunter x Hiatus

This looks good and i hate it

Pica still doesn't look black. You need more than the heavy tan for him to look the part.

for me, its Hunter versus Hunter unironically.


I don’t want innocent people to die anymore :(
Please Togashi, censor some stuff that in HxH.

murder is generally frowned upon

For me, it has just got to be the Hunter McChicken Hunter.

Holy fucking Based and Redpilled

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But for me and my nephew, it’s Hunter x marks the spot Hunter.

>Plus, Genthru's ability is not shit even if you know it and his fight with Gon demonstrated it clearly. He can mindbreaks you whenever he wants by simply using Gyo on his two hands simultaneously.
Only because he had more aura than Gon, if he's using two hands with Gyo than you just use Gyo in both hands to protect yourself, if he catches you with one hand only you'll just protect that spot and use nen on the rest of the body.

>Dude... Razor called Gon a "monster" a few chapters earlier because of the absolutely phenomenal amount of aura he is able to deploy.
That's when he had all the time to build up his aura for a Jajanken, and that doesn't mean he has more aura than Genthru, he's just a noob with good potential, he's good for someone with his experience, it doesn't mean he's better than more experienced fighters, he was still outclassed by Genthru

>No. The point of aura is that you have to make choice, you can't defend your entire body all the time and if you do, you'll basically decreasing your overall resistance on your entire body. To protect against Genthru's Little Flower, you have to focus your aura on the spot of the explosion
No, if you have the same aura as him, when he catches you with both hands anf sets up two explosions, he's using nen for the explosions to begin with, PLUS he's using nen to protect himself from those explosion. You instead are just using it to defend, so you have more aura at your disposal and you can easily tank the explosions because you're not wasting any aura on another ability like he is. It doesn't matter that you have less aura around the rest of the body, you will know if he's only pretending or if he's going for two explosions. Gon took damage only because he decided not to protect both hands, if he'd used nen only for protection, he would have taken way less damage, but according to Genthru he would have lost one arm regardless, and the only way that can happen is if Gon has less aura than him

It's not, Togashi himself calls it hunter hunter so that's how you say it.

>greed island has more votes than succession contest

He managed to tank an explosion from the nuke. He will be fine.

Genthru was probably about as strong as a Shadow Beast.

Fuck Togashi and fuck his words and back pain. Also Kurapika is female.

It's not murder when they've all agreed to enter the game and risk their lives. It's the same as the Hunter Exam, where tons of people die but nobody cares.

I am pretty sure you're talking out of your ass because me and my 6 buddies call it Hunter cross Hunter (because they do cross eachother) all the time.

based crossbro.

Reminder that a Shadow Beast effortlessly bit into Uvo's flesh as it was butter, and another one easily pierced through his arm with his hair.

These guys were fucking strong. The dog-guy could have actually one-shot Uvo by bitting him to the throat instead of the shoulder. What a dumbass.

shadow beasts were true jobbers

Where is the Cammy poster?

you dont have to say this every thread kalluto

Also I finished Hunter x Hunter & Yu Yu Hakuso 2 weeks ago. Any other work of Togashi-san I should read?

Hunter +- Hunter

you have to read the entirety of nietzsche's work in order to get a proper understanding of hxh


Wait, so you hand't read HxH but you know of the Cammy poster?

Start with the greeks and get a taste of Nietzsche. Then and only theb, start slowly eating through HxH a second time since most of the stuff will go over a typical viewer's ahead upon first time reading

Seems like the orphans would instead develop a nen to kill only their kidnappers.

I met him/her at a thread in /int/ and he/she talked the whole time about Cammy, the same character from Hunter x Hunter.

Why did Gon get so butthurt when Kite got hurt? After all, he just met him and only knew him for a very short amount of time.


How good is Level E?

Level E sucks. Those are his only 2 good works.

Gon's motivation isn't justice.

Togashi’s work consists of only 3 series?

In German, Greece or English?

No, but those are his only good works, he got better with each manga he did

How long is this current hiatus going?

You have to learn German to fully capture the author's intent.

Why was he such a pussy faggot?

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It marks people, awakens them to nen and amplifies their aura. It can also rewrite memories as another ability. And it doesn't matter anyway since Pitou had 3 abiities, post rose Meruem could have had way more with no problem
>There very much is such a thing, nobody has absolute power with nen and Mereum is no exception
Yeah too bad you can't measure absolute and being able to do whatever he needed to do to survive is not an absolute, just a strong ability like many others, for the strongest characters we've seen by far
>By also utilizing the chimera ant soul transfer which isn't nen in-and-of-itself. It's a side effect of Phagogenesis
That's false, as Ging said he used his own ability to survive, he had a specific power that allowed him to do that, he didn't just reincarnate like the other ants, or else mentioning an ability wouldn't have been necessary, and we've never seen him being fed to the queen anyway
>>Shizuku could have sucked up the poison
>Too bad she isn't there nor would be willing to help him
>>Breath of Arcangel could have healed him
>Sure, if he was on greed island and someone used a card on him
That's not the point, the point is that those abilities exist and people who are worth nothing compared to him came up with them so Meruem could have too, with ease.
>Both of those abilities are now not things Mereum already had, nor had the will to even attempt to replicate as he only cared about finding Komugi and had reached a sense of enlightenment.
He could have stayed with Komugi for the rest of his life instead of killing her after spending a few hours with her, so yeah he had all the reasons in this world to attempt to replicate them, implying he'd rather die and take Komugi with him instead of choosing to live a long and happy life together is pathetic
>And it very much is ambiguous since Nanika doesn't conform to any concept of what nen is shown to be capable of.
Headcanon, there's nothing that suggests Nanika is not using nen

Leave my boy Know alone.


Wellgay is a man of culture.

I'm rewatching all of Aleczandxr videos as part of my journey to become a Hunterchad.

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>I must explain my ability before I can use it.
Is there a greater sign of a hack than this?

Well you and your cocksuckers buddies are fucking idiots and should kill yourselves, ignorant anime only newfags

Sorry for noob question, but how does one even become a Hunterchad?


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killua was supposed to learn nen at age 6, but he bought some snacks instead

This doesn't confirm jackshit. What if that's a poser? What if Togashi changed his mind prior? What if Togashi allows everyone to have an open interpretation of the title?

You are a slave.
You only repeat what others spout.
Get out of my fucking sight.

Start with the Greeks, then read the German rationalists, and then Schopenhauer.
Then, and only then, start following this chart in order. Nietzsche is extremely valuable if you know to read him as the nearly erudite philologist and voracious reader that he was, engaged with an immense spectrum of the Western tradition. If you just jump straight into him all you will get out of it is meme self help bullshit.

After that you can get started with the HxH manga.

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I don't get why he got so freaked out by Meruem's Nen: he is the only one of the bunch that can literally scape him
he can fuck off to a portal and Meruem wont be able to reach him, right?

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You have to be up-to-date . Read the chapters after the anime. And be able to defend hxh against the speedwatchers & shitposters.

Meruem could reach him before he even started opening it

>expecting me to read all of this
Man, i don't got time for that. I just want to know the basics before I can start with the manga

It was a joke...

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just read kant, cunt


Go suck your buddies ignorant cocks you dumb fucking faggot, not my fault if you're a newfag anime only who knows jack shit about HxH, you've only yourself to blame for being an illiterate monkey

Yeah he was the safest of he bunch aside from Meleoron maybe, Palm took on a way more dangerous mission, and the others went on to fight the royal guards themselves. Gon and Killua also experienced Pitou's nen upfront and suffered a traumatic experience and they still didn't back out like little bitches. Fuck, even Welfin had more balls than Knov.

Not a crackship tho

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Only a fucking idiot would die to this, so of course any character stupid enough to be written by Togashit would be an easy mark.

>fucking idiots
>kill yourselves
>anime only
>Go suck cocks
>fucking faggot
>jack shit
>illiterate monkey
well, someone is angry

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Yeah, its interesting how powerful Nen affects certain people
Maybe because Knov and Wulfin are more sensible? I don't know

That’s intentional. Gon’s Character is supposed to be that of a hypocritical kid who doesn’t give a shit about any of the fucked up shit someone has done as long as he and his friends benefit. There was a scissor wielding serial killer in that arc too, and despite knowing about all of the killings he had committed, Gon treated him kindly simply because he was an asset. If Hisoka wasn’t enemies with the Troupe, you know damn well Gon would have joined them.

God, Oito is such a MILF


He saved his life and provided him with his life goal.

>awakens them to nen and amplifies their aura
The awakening is a side effect of the marking much like Kurapika sharing an ability with steal chain. Memory manipulation is also just a function of being marked. It's all 1 ability. Pitou made different types of ways to manipulate puppets she created but that's not the same as creating a multi-functional and multi-stage clone of yourself that's self sustaining and carries your mind perfectly. All while being post mortem
>That's false,
Ging only says that Kite has an ability that only shows up when he desperately doesn't want to die. It doesn't tell us anything about how it works so your headcanon is just as good as mine at this point.
>the point is that those abilities exist
The point is that at least one of those abilities only worked because 11 people made a shit-load of restrictions on the usage and application of it. Shizuku's ability might seem simpler to reproduce but even then the act of removing the poison would probably kill a host since it seems to infect someone on a cellular level, you can't suck up infected tissue without causing harm to a person. Remember how Illusio in Jojo part 5 survived being infected with something by literally sacrificing an arm? Imagine if your whole body is now permeated with something you're trying to forcefully pull out.
>implying he'd rather die and take Komugi with him instead of choosing to live a long and happy life together is pathetic
He realized too late what he could do and Humanity proved that it wouldn't tolerate him further. There was no outcome for him that didn't include death as technology and evolution were never on his side.
You keep saying this but it's your own headcanon that Nanika is using nen. How about you simply post the page that proves she is a nen user and that the Ai operate on nen. I can wait.

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Watch Aleczandxr videos on youtube after you're done with the anime.

I think it's a tie with Shizuku.

Killua doesn't like girls, that's why this is a crackship.

I will repopulate the Kurta clan myself.

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>So how did that guy get the eyes back?
>What did he do with the spiders?
>What happened to Chrollo lolifer?


Control yourself, Leorio!

Hunter squared

based kunt

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But he's a boy

He will feel like a girl by the time I'm done with him.

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You're arbitrary putting all those abilities into one because you want to, they're different abilities that do different things, one is enhancement the other manipulation. Not everyone who marked gets an aura boost, so they're not the same ability. Regardless, they're doing different things so Meruem creating a clone + putting his consciousness into it would be the same, that you wanna count it as one or two abilities. Pitou has three separate abilities and that's a fact, it doesn't matter what they do, and they all do different things anyway. There's literally nothing stopping Meruem from doing all that, it doesn't matter if they are complex and multilayered abilities, Meruem is the ultimate being and he can do more and better than what multiple people put together could
>Ging only says that Kite has an ability that only shows up when he desperately doesn't want to die.
He tells us that he survived thanks to that ability, that's a fact not headcanon, while yours is just a wrong interpretation of the events since you are saying he just reincarnated like the other ants. The ability exists and it saved him, the fact that it wasn't explained in detail how it works is irrelevant. And don't try this pathetic trick anymore, I'm sick of this shitty tactic, it's not my headcanon vs yours, I'm right because I'm using what's being said in the manga, you're wrong because your interpretation is in contrast with what Ging said
>The point is that at least one of those abilities only worked because 11 people made a shit-load of restrictions on the usage and application of it
So? Meruem alone is worth more than all those people put together and he can use restrictions too if he wants too, assuming he even needs to, since restrictions are needed only to boost power and obtain more if don't have enough. Plus he only needs to replicate one card, not GI in its entirety.

What Nen category would you like to be your main?

I personally think that Emitters are very underrated.

>There was no outcome for him that didn't include death as technology and evolution were never on his side
He could have disappeared without a trace with Komugi and there's nothing anyone would have been able to do
>How about you simply post the page that proves she is a nen user and that the Ai operate on nen. I can wait.
We have a power system in place that explains the occurrence of magical events like those Nanika had happen, it's implied that power is being used every time that happens so you need to bring prove when you're stating that a kwon and obvious plot mechanic is not in place anymore for some obscure reason

I'm a manipulator
My Hatsu is but without being specific to little boys.

The troop members that'll die before the series ends

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I'm a manipulator
My Hatsu allows me to control my enemies the moment they try to attack them. The condition is that I cannot attack them or else they are immune to it. As you can see, I automatically beat everyone with my clever conditions because manipulation is irresistible and unblockable.

Atleast Illumi won't die on the Black Whale, he still has unfinished plot lines with Alluka and Killua.

Nope, Kalluto can't die. I won't allow it.

They can attack you not directly. For example emitter can shoot aura in the ceiling above you and it will crush you

>You're arbitrary putting all those abilities into one because you want to
Having multiple types of puppets counts as having multiple abilities. Having multiple types of chains counts as having multiple abilities. Having an ability that does 1 thing and has some caveats to it's activation isn't the same thing. If you mean the ability has several functions than sure, I don't disagree.
>Not everyone who marked gets an aura boost
You only keep the mark if you're loyal which is a condition for keeping it.
>Meruem is the ultimate being and he can do more and better than what multiple people put together could
>Meruem alone is worth more than all those people put together and he can use restrictions too if he wants too
Citation needed bro. Can a single entity reverse engineer stuff that requires multiple parties to work as good if not better than them?
>e tells us that he survived thanks to that ability
But not how, which tells me nothing for how Mereum could hypothetically do the same. So yeah, it's still your headcanon about how easy it would be for him.
>Plus he only needs to replicate one card, not GI in its entirety.
All the cards on greed island only work because you need to play the game to acquire and use them. AB isn't a standalone power it's part of a system.
>it's implied that power is being used every time
And nobody knew what that power was. Nobody said "that's a lot of aura" everyone said "what the fuck is that?". So still ambiguous and I'm still waiting for my page of proof. Otherwise you've actually done nothing more than what I've done. Looked at the story and drawn your own conclusions based on inferences. We know that magical stuff independent of Nen exists in this setting. We also saw that some of the things from the DC don't fall under nen at all. Nanika is 100% a DC entity, it most likely plays by it's own rules and not nen for obvious reasons.

>unfinished plot lines
Killua history is finished. cope.

Nope, my condition considers it also an attack. Us manipulators cannot be beaten if we have conditions :) you just need a plan for everything like my gal Liz Warren.

Bump limit!

At least you waited until the end of the thread to start shitposting about manipulators.

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So you're agreeing that you lost the argument, and that my ability is invicible and unbeatable?

>mentally ill redditor from BnHA generals is unable to understand the difference between a mistranslated character inner monologue and objective reality

Knuckle also said that his Hatsu is indestructible, but it was destroyed.

But your condition is garbage, even kurapika, restricting his main abilities to 13 people was said to be weak, there's no reason why just because you don't attack, you will be able to to control anyone without even launching an attack, which is the basic step.
You are delusional.

Yes sir, thank you for being so smart.

Now this is autism

Read the manga. Only those with high potential would do any real damage.

You couldn't even resist it's pathetic at this point.

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>he thinks that him pretending to be a retard and spreading his BnHatardation is "bait"
I am merely correcting a retarded child of hispanic origin aka (You).

When you prove that Hakoware was destroyed and that manipulators who fullfill their conditions can be resisted. Only then will you find true peace.

Phinks can and will survive.

Togashi kills off all the waifu targets to FILTER waifufags. deal with it

>When you prove that Hakoware was destroyed
It was destroying by Hirin in the manga. Try reading it sometimes.
>and that manipulators who fullfill their conditions can be resisted.
Baki the Grappler (the ant controlled by Boki) resisted Shartnart's Manipulation attempts without any issues.
Killua resisted Illumi's Manipulation after he became strong enough.
Meleoron and Knuckle resisted Shaiapouf's Manipulation because they were too strong for his low level mass hypnotize spell.

Lul, redditor btfo

IIRC Killua resisted and removed Illumi's needle.

make a new thread


>It was destroying by Hirin in the manga
She put it inside her body, the ability didn't leave until Cheetu subsequently died.
>resisted Shartnart's Manipulation attempts without any issues.
First come first served, you can't manipulate an already manipulated target
>Killua resisted Illumi's Manipulation after he became strong enough.
The needle just gave him suggestions, it wasn't controlling his body or stopping him from removing it either.
>Meleoron and Knuckle resisted Shaiapouf's Manipulation
They didn't get scales spread on them, by the time they tried to hid in the parade grounds they got captured by mereum and Pouf didn't re-seed that area.

>the ability didn't leave until Cheetu subsequently died.
Nice try, mentally ill fuck but he could not track Hirin's movement.
>First come first served, you can't manipulate an already manipulated target
>The needle just gave him suggestions
Even more excuses.
>They didn't get scales spread on them
Lying. Even Morel resisted Shaiapouf's manipulation.

>mentally ill fuck but he could not track Hirin's movement.
Genthru didn't blow up Abengane for the same reason. Storing an ability like that renders it non-functional but it's still there.
Some low level cope here. Did you also forget that Morel held his breath the moment Pouf showed up?

>Genthru didn't blow up Abengane for the same reason.
Fanfiction. Abengane destroyed Genthru's Hatsu just like Hirin did with Knuckle's Hatsu.
>Some low level cope here.
= Your posts.

i fail to see ur point

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Kurapika is a girl.


>Abengane destroyed Genthru's Hatsu just like Hirin did with Knuckle's Hatsu
We're reading at the speed of light here.

already up
