How common is this trope?
Big Girl x small boi
Other urls found in this thread:
it's all ogre now
why arent there any manga with big girl small guy?
Hitomi the shark
then you aren't looking Fujiyama-san or lovecom
Not as common as it should be.
only in (((hentai)))
>tfw no good series about big gal x smol guy
My life is meant for eternal suffering.
Your projecting a bit
we all know you want a big gf
we all do
Worst trope. Strong fit tall women don’t want weak small men. Kys self inserters
Not enough.
if you're not taller you've got to be stronger and tougher
It's kinda 50/50.
Half of tall women/girls have tall bf's or they settle down with smaller guys.
In the end I guess it's because most taller guys still prefer small girls and that's why the can't get tall lovers.
But /fit/ girls either have /fit/ boyfriends (normal /fit/ guys, bodybuilder, deadlifter, strongmen... sometimes martial artists even tho a lot of them look "unfit" and are also often manlets.)
Or really fat guys like they have a fetish for making fatfags fo fitfags or some bullshit. But I've never seen a /fit/ girl with a stick guy or a lanklet.
Some have smaller bf's but then those guys are ripped as hell.
I'm actually fit
where the FUCK is my muscle mommy Amazonian to be my spotter?!?!
I wish there was a notable anime centered around it besides Lovely Complex.
You're gonna have to be specific with "small boy", because that can easily be countered with mountains of /ss/ art with tall and busty girls and children.
Seven deadly sins is about to end
both definitions are kino
fuck my shota looking face and body
how can small boys even attempt to pleasure girls like this?
Either by being an Amazon conqueror or an Amazon plaything
Friendly reminder that big girls are actually normal girls, just bigger.
I was about to post that myself. Neat.
What a coincidence. I was about to post what you just posted, except I was going to include more content.
It's doing me a service. Now I can stop posting all that shit as separate pages.
Tall girls are EXCLUSIVELY for being cucked.
Truth hurts doesn't it?
There is though:
Look out, Yea Forums!
Vice Principal Janny is coming to delete your Big Girl thread, because she knows that Big Girl threads always have too much /d/ and /r9k/, and not enough Yea Forumsnime & m/a/nga.
What do you do?
Manlets lmao
Where do you hide?
Okay, Yea Forums, you did it. You evaded Vice Principal Janny's detection. For now.
Wait, Yea Forums, what are you doing? Don't do that, Yea Forums! No! No! You're going too far, Yea Forums! Nooooo!
Perfect example, decent series.
Thank goodness she does it for free.
i dont want the girl to be tall.
i just want to be an eternal shota tinier than the girl.
Holy shit you actually killed puke fag?
Lame and childabusepilled.
>no genki tomboy knight x sardonic short mage adventure/romance
I'm going to have to heed the minotaur, aren't I?
My man.
this the closest thing I can find
>ywn be hugged like that
Why do I still live.
It’s starting become more common recently.
Exceptionally pleasant to the eye.