Big Girl x small boi

How common is this trope?

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it's all ogre now

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why arent there any manga with big girl small guy?

Hitomi the shark

then you aren't looking Fujiyama-san or lovecom

Not as common as it should be.

only in (((hentai)))

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>tfw no good series about big gal x smol guy
My life is meant for eternal suffering.

Your projecting a bit
we all know you want a big gf
we all do

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Worst trope. Strong fit tall women don’t want weak small men. Kys self inserters

Not enough.

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if you're not taller you've got to be stronger and tougher

It's kinda 50/50.
Half of tall women/girls have tall bf's or they settle down with smaller guys.
In the end I guess it's because most taller guys still prefer small girls and that's why the can't get tall lovers.
But /fit/ girls either have /fit/ boyfriends (normal /fit/ guys, bodybuilder, deadlifter, strongmen... sometimes martial artists even tho a lot of them look "unfit" and are also often manlets.)
Or really fat guys like they have a fetish for making fatfags fo fitfags or some bullshit. But I've never seen a /fit/ girl with a stick guy or a lanklet.
Some have smaller bf's but then those guys are ripped as hell.

I'm actually fit
where the FUCK is my muscle mommy Amazonian to be my spotter?!?!

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I wish there was a notable anime centered around it besides Lovely Complex.

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You're gonna have to be specific with "small boy", because that can easily be countered with mountains of /ss/ art with tall and busty girls and children.

Seven deadly sins is about to end


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both definitions are kino
fuck my shota looking face and body

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how can small boys even attempt to pleasure girls like this?

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Either by being an Amazon conqueror or an Amazon plaything

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Friendly reminder that big girls are actually normal girls, just bigger.

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I was about to post that myself. Neat.

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What a coincidence. I was about to post what you just posted, except I was going to include more content.

Attached: [Honey lounge (Hachimitsu)] Choushin Itoko to Ecchii Koto Shiyo | I Want to Do Sexy Things with My T (1181x10000, 2.67M)

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It's doing me a service. Now I can stop posting all that shit as separate pages.

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Tall girls are EXCLUSIVELY for being cucked.

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Truth hurts doesn't it?

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There is though:

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Look out, Yea Forums!

Vice Principal Janny is coming to delete your Big Girl thread, because she knows that Big Girl threads always have too much /d/ and /r9k/, and not enough Yea Forumsnime & m/a/nga.

What do you do?

Attached: Fujiyama 1.png (887x2600, 667K)

Manlets lmao

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Where do you hide?

Attached: Fujiyama 2.png (1806x1300, 944K)

Okay, Yea Forums, you did it. You evaded Vice Principal Janny's detection. For now.

Attached: Fujiyama 3.png (900x9100, 2.18M)

Wait, Yea Forums, what are you doing? Don't do that, Yea Forums! No! No! You're going too far, Yea Forums! Nooooo!

Attached: Fujiyama 4.png (900x9100, 2.21M)

Perfect example, decent series.

Thank goodness she does it for free.

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i dont want the girl to be tall.
i just want to be an eternal shota tinier than the girl.

Holy shit you actually killed puke fag?

Lame and childabusepilled.

>no genki tomboy knight x sardonic short mage adventure/romance
I'm going to have to heed the minotaur, aren't I?

My man.

this the closest thing I can find

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>ywn be hugged like that
Why do I still live.

It’s starting become more common recently.

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Exceptionally pleasant to the eye.

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