Is this show good?
I've seen over 1000 anime series, and it's my favorite of all time.
I think it's good.
It's bad, the episodic plots repeat the same formula.
Like bebop that people call a masterpiece?
It's a good show with a shit ending.
Yes, its episodic but they have a specific objective so there is a overgoing plot but like the other user said, the ending is kinda meh, i wouldnt say its bad since the whole point was the bound created during the whole trip, not the end
>Brazilian mutt mother gets bleached
>literal premise of the entire series is her chasing after her grail white dick
>daughter shits out some half breed
Should have got an abortion.
This. Normies like their realism but forget that reality is actually shit.
I've never watched very far into Cowboy Bebop, but the problem with this anime is that it doesn't go anywhere. There's episode 1, episode 2, episode 22, and the rest of the anime. The appeal of an episodic road trip show is that each episode feels different from the last, and that each place they visit or person they meet is vastly different from those prior. They failed to capture that feeling with this anime because every town, character, and story are too similar.
It is not.
Nigger, so no
When I first saw it, I was pretty disappointed with the ending, but the more I thought about it, the more it felt right.
The ideals we chase aren't always what they're cracked up to be. Hatchin's dad was actually pretty shitty, and things didn't work out between her and her child's father, either. But that's okay, because she'd already found her real family in Michiko.
it's a show about the journey not the destination
also this
the ending is disappointing but realistic and feels like real life, her dad was kind of a shitty person in the past to even leave her and he didn't go on the life changing adventure they did so he is still shitty and it makes sense that way
I loved that episode where some kid falls in love with her then gets amnesia.
It gets boring at times but several episodes throughout are very good.
what's with watanabe having a black lead paired with a white one? what's next salt & pepper?
I got bored of it halfway through and dropped it
Bear in mind I like realistic settings and story. This one is just lame though
She is Japanese.