I've been in a coma for over ten years.
Is Rider still best servant?
I've been in a coma for over ten years
>still best
Was she ever?
Best at getting anal doujins and that's it.
absolutely, she and Archer are still the best fate servants
>Being in a coma for ten years
>First thing to do is go to Yea Forums and ask if Raider is best girl.
Welcome back, user.
Fuckin right she was.
She never was.
You plebeian ass motherfucker.
Servants Rider canonically jobbed to:
Under Shinji
Under Sakura
>Archer in FSN wog and HA
>Cu according to Nasus word of god
Would job to
She never was the best
Rider thread time? Here's the menu: Bathing suit, Business suit, Casual, Chibi/loli, dressed up, Lingerie, luka rider, Meido, Naked sfw, Rider riding, school, whiteshirt, battle suit
Also, things she ridees
>Whole villages
Meduseless isn't even best girl of her own family.
Why do they keep bullying her?
Don't you cheekily Kohakupost and think you can get away unnoticed.
Lmao don't tell him about FGO
Isnt she cold?
Don't post kohaku to bully her spiritual succesor's servantwife
based Medusabro
>Gwalchmei had also being compared with the greatest Irish hero, Cu Chulainn, who was the son of the solar god Lugh. In the tale of Culhwch and Olwen, Gwalchmei was the hero who "never returned without fulfilling his quest". Gwalchmei was also the best walker and rider. This Gwalchmei was the precursor of the hero Gawain.
>Gawain is canon best Rider
Best Rider Gawain when?
>plebeian ass
very poor choice of words
Imagine if OP was actually in a coma and came back to see what happened to the Fate franchise.
"Fuck, just put me back under."
I was going to say rider could probably take on EMIYA, but not that I think about it... Shirou was holding his own and trash talking her in UBW.
She does have a strong NP. Too bad she got summoned 5th war against GIL/EMIYA/Saber/Herc. I mean she's probably only able to beat assassin and 50/50 against lancer. She'll probably win against Medea, but probably a 50/50 if it's at the temple.
Prisma Illya is great.
That’s my girl Kama
Dark sakura is better
Debatable, but doesn't take any of her good points away. She's great specially when you go the Sakura 2x1 deal, man is Shirou lucky as fuck.
Now, if you allow me to post my wife Caster.