ITT good characters trapped in shit series

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>good characters
>jobbers of the week with some hamfisted "tragic" flashbacks

How low are your standards?

>reasonable and clear motivations
>not edgelords
>play off each other really well
>decent backstory

they are good.

Dude looks like elderly Dr. Strange

They'd fit pretty well into Vigilantes.

If you have only watched 3 animes maybe.

Don't reply to me or your father figure will die in his sleep tonight

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Not an argument

Fuck off newshit

These are probably the only designs for BNHA I've seen that I've actually liked.

How are they good characters?

Snoozefest of an arc

Literally an unsuccessful Youtube star and his one fan.

Pic unrelated

La Brava looks like something Hori drew up after playing Splatoon and then realized he was supposed to be working that whole time

you just want an excuse to fuck the midget

>Unsuccesful people in the real world become youtubers

It cheks out.

I kinda wonder why she's called that, as well. "La brava" means "the good one" in Italian, so I expected this to be adressed but nothing. Raburaba could also be read as Love Lover(rabu-raba), which makes much more sense for the character imho

Also including Itachi

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Good character design
Shit series

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This guy
Fuck natsu

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I think it's a reference to a book about a reporter that falls in love with a criminal

their arc is bad but it is mainly because of the students not because of them

Wasted potential with such a godly design

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Yes please

In latin spanish is something like "the angry" although the word has connotations of "passionate"

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Back to /aco/ with you.

Her anime is so shit, it's honestly pretty fucking sad
Only a spin-off centered around her could save this franchise

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Half of Naruto's cast didn't deserve the Kishimoto treatment
Itachi was shit though

I really enjoyed them, but i dont think they are great examples of GCiSS, their arc definetly sufered from "mc HAS to be in
it" IMO

He was pretty cool

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Wait what the fuck? She isnt the MC of her anime?

Look deep into your hearts

You know it to be true

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I wish Vigilantes was popular and not BHA

I wish they were both popular

Replied. I want my dad dead ASAP!

>Good character design
>Good character
Hotaru was a fucking shit

First of all how dare you

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There was a fairly popular webcomic about her where it seems like half the people reading it didn't even know she came from an established series. I guess that says something.

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Pretty much everyone in HeroAca except Deku and Shiggy.

i've never even met him but fuck that guy

>>reasonable and clear motivations
>>not edgelords
>>play off each other really well
>>decent backstory

Literal, bottom of the barrel bare minimum, they are shit just like the series they are in.


Every single "fictional" character in Re:Zero was great but their circumstances otherwise made them just annoying.

This is the only acceptable answer.

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I mean, when all you do is post fanart that makes the character look better than it does, then it can be applied to anything.

But that's just a jobber...

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yeah, but her official art is time goddess-tier as well so what's your point?

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