Is he really evil?
One Punch Man:
Nope just a guy who does anything that benefits himself. Kind of like early tony stark except more serious. He also tried to warn emperor of a greater evil in the HA and not to trust really anyone.
No, he's just intelligent.
What are the chances that he will appear at the end of the MA arc this time? The most underused hero by far
I hope he defeat some remain Dragon monster
that'd be drive knight
Murata's coloring is so beautiful
these threads will be dead (shipping and retarded tiering debates) until darkshine vs garou
and then there'll be max 3 threads about that and it will be back to the usual
why would this guy not color her skin in?
would make it look infinitely better
>The most underused hero
He's used more than Drive Knight, Watchdog Man, and Tanktop Master.
Though I do think he's going to be the next one to bug Saitama after Flash/Sonic's arc ends. We got Tats/Fubuki, then Genos, and then Sonic and Flash, and he's shown an interest in Saitama after Saitama trashed his robots.
If not Bofoi, it'll probably launch into another major Garou-like arc, or it'll follow up one of the other 3 heroes interested in Saitama (Zombie Man, Tanktop Master, Sweet Mask). I just think Bofoi has the most relevance considering he's in trouble due to Saitama shenanigans.
They die out for like a month or two before picking up again. These threads were pretty much dead during the Flashy Flash/Child Emperor segments, and picked up for no reason at all when Sweet Mask showed up and snapped Do-S's neck with his giga chode.
>Is he evil
Probably not. I don't think he's necessarily good, though. On an alignment chart, he'd probably be Lawful Neutral.
some redditor redrew fubuki meeting garou
>some redditor
Faggot that's the redraw user.
I can dig it
how the fuck do you know that?
>or it'll follow up one of the other 3 heroes interested in Saitama (Zombie Man, Tanktop Master, Sweet Mask).
>Tanktop Master
I can't wait for TTM expose us on Tanktop Legend or Tanktop God à la ninja arc
I'm betting that we see that within the next two chapters.
I follow him on Pixiv.
Why is Fubuki a Binding of Isaac character?
>Tanktop Master reveals that his father was Blast's teacher, and that he sent his son out on his own to proselytize the power of the tanktop
>Tanktop Father is strong enough to BTFO Garou in 1v1 combat
Fucking kek
>If not Bofoi, it'll probably launch into another major Garou-like arc, or it'll follow up one of the other 3 heroes interested in Saitama
The next arc will focus on The Organization and how Metal Knight has secretly been gathering data on all the heroes so he can build robots specifically designed to shut them down.
0 chances, he's too afraid
I think the Organization stuff is going to be a slow burn behind the scenes. I doubt it's next, since the next big one is likely the Hero Civil War between Neo-Heroes and Hero Association. I can't wait to see some more of the Neo-Heroes S-class. Maybe Suiryu or Garou will join them.
At last we know why Psykos was so strong. She picked up 20/20.
>the Hero Civil War
Somehow I always end up in a conversation with you.
There's still no proof of this anywhere.
Wondering when he's going to use his robot army arsenal.
i think it would be really cool to get a bonus chapter that shows an average day in the S classes lives
we already got one for tats, which is a waste really since she has nothing going on besides hero work so we already knew what her day to day was like. we do already have a good idea on most of the S class' day to day though. i'd like to see zombieman the most personally since even though we can guess what he does we don't really have much idea of what it's like unlike for the other heroes. also detective work is cool.
>which is a waste
More tatsumaki is never a waste.
>>Tanktop Master reveals that his father was Blast's teacher
Are you meming or is this real?
lurk more
What S-class hero would you like to see the daily life of? We already know what Bang, Tatsumaki, Genos, Watchdog Man, and Metal Bat do daily. Who else would you want to see?
Darkshine seems to mostly just hang out at the base and lift all day. Tank top master with his cronies and maybe Snek.
To save the world, he symbolizes the tech vs monster side that needs to be explored.
Without saitama he would be the last hope for humanity, making tech while hiding from monsters.
we know more than that. CE is always going to be doing work on new tech in his lab or at HA HQ or sometimes attending cram school and the like. we know king too, obviously. TTM is always going to be training or doing something with the tank top army, PPP is in jail anytime he isn't needed for hero work and DS just works out and guards the HQ.
the only S class we don't know are AS, MK, zombieman, DK, pig god and flash. but even then we can still make good guesses as to what AS, zombieman and flash do day to day.
lmao who cares about that jobber?
Also, Darkshine 100% just lifts all day. Especially after he got dicked on by Garou and quit the association out of shame.
why did you guys scare away the namefag? he kept these threads rolling.
where are you namefag? just post fanart of the characters non stop. thats better than these powerlevel/shipper wanks.
he posted literally 5 minutes ago, 4 posts above you. retard
zombieman, flash, drive knight, watchdog man, and maybe mask
>mfw everytime i think of CE i imagine him dressing as a girl
Kill yourself.
not him but the reason why its so retarded is because most people go about it the completely wrong way and usually just ignore feats. 2 threads ago there were 3 idiots arguing with everyone that darkshine was stronger then bang when darkshine literally stated bang beat him
Because the darkshine that got his confidence back after fighting garou is different from the one that lost to bang.
but it was just a sPArriNg SeSsIOn
What did he mean by this?
That scene will forever be as memoriable as things like Mumen fighting DSK. Many heroes act deadly and lol but to see someone actually do it without hesitation was top tier manga intensity. IMO A Darkshine filler right before loss would be as memoriable. People will forget feats, character defining moments on the hand remain
so we're in agreement then?
king really did turn his imaginary attack into a real weapon?
see the panel where black sperm and golden sperm are blocking flying rocks and energy beams.
yes yes i know the second page, but it just means king stopped his attack not that his attack wasnt real.
anyone have any other translations? is this translation accurate? because it starts off as a narration on the previous page.
yes it's totally real, king is the strongest hero in the series user. are you really saying you doubt him?
just that king's power rivals saitama
power is not strength
what are you talking about? king is leaps and bounds ahead of that shmuck saitama. and you call yourself a king fan? pathetic.
Nah, I don't think it's on the level of Deep Sea King. I'd consider that one of the top 5 most memorable OPM scenes, though.
1. Saitama getting kicked to the moon (and also the Boros fight in general)
2. Saitama's Serious Table Flip (and the Garou fight in general)
3. Mumen/Saitama vs Deep Sea King
4. Suiryu's cry for help (and the entire Gouketsu "arc")
5. Elder Centipede's death? I have no idea what would go here, desu. Maybe Vaccine Man, Carnage Kabuto, or Tatsumaki dropping Saitama down a giant chasm
>gag manga has no awesome scenes
who da thunk it
There are very few scenes in all of Japanimation history that compare to Saitama getting kicked to the goddamned moon or yeeting an entire fucking base into the sky to use as a battleground. The only thing I can think of that is more memorable is - maybe - the first time Goku goes Super Saiyan.
If Tatsumaki were Isekai'd into another series, what are the odds of her just taking over that series entirely? Like, if she got Isekai'd into Re:Zero, would she just completely invalidate all the other threats in the world? What about in My Hero Academia? Naruto?
Huh? Dude I'm still here though. I'm just with a friend right now. Also other threads.
idk how strong the re:zero or naruto universes are but she would definitely dominate in mha. she'd have to be taken out by some dumb gimmick power.
I dunno if any dumb gimmick could get past her psychic powers. Considering she can just immobilize anyone within a mile of her, it'd be pretty hard to take her out. Though considering how hard it was for her to use her powers on Saitama, Deku might be able to just ignore her powers. Up until she drops him into a giant chasm and clowns on him.
DO-S's death is no where near that memorable. It's not like that was even the first time we see that Mask is a brutal asshole. It was cool but that's it.
Oops, this was meant for this
It also doesn't hold a candle to him punking Goddess Glasses.
God, why are the Psychic Sisters so cute, /an/?
Murata didn't want to show one of his favorites getting brutally eviscerated
God I hope he doesn't have shit enough taste to enjoy megane
No, he just recognizes that the Hero Association is brutally unequipped for the problems it faces, and so he does the least work possible to get ready for what's coming himself. That means he prioritizes data gathering over saving people, and he probably acts cold because he needs to pretend he doesn't care so he can make it through the day. That last part is pure speculation, but ONE is such a sucker for redemption storylines that it must be true.
I dunno, I think he's just cautious and calculating. He suggests not invading the MAHQ because he saw Orochi and knew no S-class hero could beat him. He did not know of Saitama. If he knew of Saitama, he probably would've joined in to gain data and steal some tech.
New ship: Garou x Tatsumaki
The world is in constant disaster, if not for saitama the world would be in an apocalypse.
He is the last bastion of humanity who is developing robots, bombs and nukes, civilian casualties don’t matter at this point.
We haven't seen any monster that couldn't have been dealt with without Saitama. Boros and Garou are the worst we've seen, and we don't know how they'd fair against Blast, or a full power Tatsumaki. Especially with support from Child Emperor or Metal Knight.
I doubt Tats can handle either, even at full power and with assist.
But if saitama wasnt a hero, Boros would never have came to Earth.
Garou is whole can of worms, tho.
Boros canonically wipes the floor with Tatsumaki as ONE said he is basically a tie with full power Garou. Blast isn't showing up for anything, so it doesn't matter. He didn't even show up when Boros was literally about to incinerate the entire Earth's surface.
Boros wouldn't have wiped out the Earth's surface is Saitama didn't push him to the brink. Blast would've had enough time to respond. And full power Tatsumaki would've beaten Golden Sperm, as per ONE's statements. Which means there's a good chance she would've ended Garou before he fully awakened. He got punked by Psykos, no way is Tatsumaki not OHKO'ing him on sight.
Was meant for
Hot take:
Flashy with forbidden techniques will be stronger than Tatsumaki
King's true power is the service of others to him and from the mangaka
Arguably, without Saitama Garou wouldn't have gotten as powerful either. Saitama gave him 3 zenkai boosts.
Also, we don't know if Boros came to Earth to fight Saitama. Maybe the prophecy was actually about Garou, since the seer told him he'd meet his match on Earth in that year, and Garou awakens within like 2 months of Boros' landing.
Absolutely not. I doubt he'd even match Abandonment Bang, who is severely underrated.
He didn't get any boosts from Saitama because Saitama only knocked him out. It was nothing like a near death experience at all.
Good joke.
If anything FF is underrated/downplayed considering all his feats.
None of the S class except him weren't able to dodge Garou is fact that you cannot dispute.
Theres no way FF will be above Tats. Bang maybe but not her.
>FF is underrated
He is if he's compared to Atomic Kek all the time lol
No, not even Bang. Bang is in a league of his own above Atomic Samurai and below Tats
jobkos got fucked by garou and the original argument was tats vs boros/awakened garou
Garou fully awakened after killing Golden Sperm. It's likely Tatsumaki could've handled him were she not brain damaged, since she could've taken on Golden Sperm.
Also, Blast probably could've handled Boros. Probably.
Ignoring outliners such as Saitama and maybe Blast:
>Tats is the general strongest hero
>Bang is the physically strongest hero
>Everyone else is a good powergap behind them
As some addendum, its possible some esper-resistant monsters exist, so in those cases Bang would be able to beat monsters Tats cant, but i think such monster would be exceedingly rare. Likewise, there are monsters tats should be able to kill much more easily than Bang. Melzargard and the Elder Centipede in particular.
>people talking about Blast's capabilities
>when he hasnt shown up yet
This is what happens when theres no new chapter or episodes
but garou > gs by a huge margin
We know he's managed to heavily wound Elder Centipede, something akin to Bang and Bomb using their ultimate attack on him, both of them being absurdly powerful themselves. It's safe to say that his capabilities are ridiculously high, since he maintains rank 1 despite never reporting for duty. And we've seen how much just showing up can do for your rank, since Metal Knight outranked fucking KING just for shooting shit at the meteor without even risking his life or his robot's.
For the HA to consider him #1 over Tatsumaki is a huge indicator as to how powerful he is.
It's an extra from the manga.
There's still a pretty huge powergap between Tats and Bang. Though Bang is ridiculous in his own regard. If he weren't 82 years old, he might be a lot closer to Tatsumaki than he currently is.
Maybe Zombie Man should get Genus to help liven up Bang and Bomb. Genus is like 40 years older than either of them and looks younger than Atomic Samurai.
I think young Bang was probably stronger than current Tats. If he's still this strong at 82 he must've been godly in his 20s
will the anime animated do-s lustfully dropping on her knees , eyes up, tongue out, begging for mercy in a long drawn out sequence POV ONLY?
pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
Tats would fucking slaughter EC
She has long surpassed him
Or whenever he reached his zenith. I don't think he'd be stronger than peak midget, but he'd be damn close. His disciple is the strongest in the series. Compare Garou to the tanktop crew, Atomic disciples, Fubuki, and so on. No one younger than 25 beats Garou.
i'm not caught up but i highly doubt deku could do shit to tats really. you have to have a really strong willpower to be able to flat out resist her ESP and i'd wager that deku is nowhere near saitama or AG in that regard. and i said a dumb gimmick power because it's a totally possible thing that someone in the mha universe has some power that counters her in some way. i also only really said it to avoid some mhafags going off on me about some stupid power that can bypass her ESP somehow or something
user stop, I'm still struggling to accept her death
If its by an incompetent studio and staff then hell no. Also why?
Deku is strong but he's nowhere near able to touch Tats or the high tier s class except a few.
lol this retard in here thinking blast could beat boros and that tats could beat boros and AG at fullpower. never seen someone wank these two this much before, it's getting to flashyfag and atomicfag levels.
Yeah, the only thing we know of Blast's personality is that he told Tatsumaki not to expect help when she needs it. Says everything we need to know about his disappearance and whether or not he will help even if he could.
its pretty cringe
But it's based on willpower, and he has tons of it. Is it enough? I dunno, but I'm willing to bet him, and anyone with OfA could.
But I never said Tats could beat Boros. You're just criminally retarded.
One for all maybe but Deku hell no. Saitama has both a strong will and body. Garou also had strong will and Golden sperm was just strong enough to resist. Plus the fact tats was injured.
>"it's likely tats could beat AG if she were at full power"
>boros and AG are on the same level per ONE
>"you're just criminally retarded"
right back at you bud
Impossible...the transitive property...
Because Awakened Garou was fighting on the level of Golden Sperm, who ONE said would've lost to Tats at full power. Therefore before he reached his zenith (Boros level), he would've lost to Tatsumaki.
Impossible...the transitive property...
>fighting on the level of GS
>absolutely shitstomped him with no injuries sustained
i kind of thought this would be a lost cause from your very first post hours ago, but this has definitely sealed it for me. have fun arguing with other anons that will inevitably reply to you.
He got his final pre-awakening power up during that part of the story. Literally seconds before popping off on Golden Sperm. There's even a page dedicated to his transformation only 4 pages before he finally finishes off Sperm, who probably gave him another power up mid-DBZ-battle.
No. Garou is too good and too young for Tatsumaki.
Tatsumaki would have made short fucking work of Jobos
Rockabilly, Racer and Girl are the best tank tops.
I just want you to know that you're the thirstiest Garou poster yet. That is all.
shit bait
AS is probably of training, DK might be a mole sent by the organization and might spent all day stalking the HA members, Zombieman does detective stuff, FF is maybe doing training or spending hours to properly style his hair
Otherwise I guess that every hero does at least one of the following
>Maintenance of weapons and clothes
>Buying groceries
>Doing their taxes