The cutest

The cutest.

Attached: ushiosmilegif.gif (300x233, 486K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She is pretty fucking cute.

The coldest

I'm not into ayy lmaos

Clannad means means nobody gets left behind

Clannad made me want a qt daughter to love and protect.

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>Reddit: The Anime

That’s Angel Beats, which people still love and praise even though Little Busters has an adaptation now

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>am i kawaii uguu

It takes one to know one

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stop it

>autistic faggot: the post

Cringe artstyle

>Thing i don't like = reddit

This is what newfags think about Clannad

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t. ledditor

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If watched Clannad like 6 years ago. I feel like if I watched it now I'd hate it. OST is nice though

CLANNAD should be the anime Abe is pushing on everyone.

It hurt
Where's my Nagisa
I still can't find her

Don't give him any ideas

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>Abe wants you to think putting a kid in your wife will kill her and then the kid will die a few years down the line

>It's just a prank bro! They alive!

Attached: [Doki] Clannad After Story - 21 (1920x1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [5E153762].mkv_snapshot_17.57_[2019.03.10_ (1920x1080, 158K)

Who the fuck hates clannad

i mean shit nigger it was part of the reason i started trying to become a normalfag.

i just want a qt daughter and wife to experience life with. i want to go day by day in a pretty much normal life and live with the knowledge that my legacy will continue after me and that my family will live on.

i want to live in a small house and be comfy. i want to watch the world around me change every day and simply observe, while trying to make sure that what is mine is both safe, smart, and happy.

i want to be a good father, husband, and man; and i want to die knowing that i was just that.

clannad got to me not gonna lie lol

Go back

Yep. Anybody who hates Key artstyle is a tasteless shitter whose opinions should be wholly ignored

It's a really weird experience watching clannad when your 17/18 then watching it nearing your 30s you get both perspectives and there's something really bittersweet about both viewings.

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Holy goddamn Nagisa is cute.

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A damn moeblob. Children are lively and devious and retarted and funny. That thing just stands there and babbles.

Little Busters' adaptation was kinda bad.

Harem's are cringey shit bro

You could probably fit three screwdrivers between those eyes

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Her Mama's really cute too. I'm glad she's in a universe where she and her Mama and Papa can be together in happiness.

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>actually defending itaru hinoue's art
This bitch has been in the industry for 20+ fucking years and her art still looks like hot garbage.
Just look at these dead bug eyes. What are they even looking at?

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I understand somewhat why people shit on the artstyle, but these are some of the most beautiful visuals the 2000's had to offer, so I can forgive it pretty easily.

Shut up faggot

>the big kyoani return-to-roots with the Summer Pockets anime adaption died in the fire
I hate this.

Oh, my little daughter is pretty ill and she can't even stand up. So sad.


>all children are exactly the same

Clannad and Kanon both look amazing. When I first watched them I was so new to animation that I couldn't even appreciate the love Kyoani put into them.

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You're retarded

Daddy would give his daughter anything. Even if it meant it would be the last thing she'd ever see.

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I never got around to kanon, is it worth the effort?

For me, it's

That's a great one too, friend.
>Sayonara, Papa.

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I thought it was kino, unironically. It has a lot of really pretty scenes. Its more ridiculous than Clannad for sure, and not as sad. But I think it handles multiple routes better than any other VN adaptation I've seen.

Shiori is best girl, a pure angel. Its worth it just for her scenes.

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I lived only because I was alive. Wake up, go to work, eat, sleep. Just repeating the routines drilled into my body. That was my “life”. I worked like I was punishing my body. I worked without thinking, wanting to forget everything. After work and days off were torture. I used money to waste time. Taking a look at reality, and it felt like things would break down from the ground up. I hate this city. But there isn’t anything I can do to leave this city. I lived so I didn’t have to think about anything. I didn’t want to think about anything. I wanted to remain oblivious to everything. I thought of everything as a mistake. The fact that I met her. The fact that I dated and married her. And the fact that I had a child with her. All of those were mistakes.

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that was some powerful shit

Clannad is one of those things that make you take a look at your life and appreciate it or strive for change

Attached: [Doki] Clannad - 23 (1920x1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [86EFA80C].mkv_snapshot_21.46_[2019.01.14_22.41.47].jp (1920x1080, 152K)

Is it too over dramatic to say that this anime really changed the way I view life?

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>episode 17

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No I don't think so. Because for me it did change my life. It made me want to be a father and it gave me a new appreciation for certain things

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>episode 16
>it doesn't end with the first season's ED
Biggest missed opportunity in the history of television.

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>episode 12-22

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I'm pretty sure 18 was the big one that broke everybody, though.

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Did Tomoya use his knowledge of the future to become rich on sports betting like in Back to the Future?

So... I don't get the ending

Magic yo

Key always uses le miracles

Omnibus with progression
It might have an episode or 2 with harem antics but there is a clear winner.
They even had ending routes for Tomoyo and Kyou.

One of my favorite scenes from AS that doesn't get talked about as much is Nagisa's graduation. It was just so uplifting to watch.

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It had more cringy moe but it was as equally as good as clannad. The comedy might be not upto par with clannad though.

you have to go back

Fuuko's sister's wedding was great.
Misae sagara episode got me.

I watched it at least twice. I had trouble the first time because I wasn't used to the tics each character had (uguu, auu etc.).

cockroach jr

Clannad's OST consistently fucks me up

Weirdly enough, when I see this anime, I think back to those days when new anime coming out got popular, it had like 4 or 5 different fansub groups

Clannad means family


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What does that even mean?

Please don't I can take anime waifu's dying, but please don't post crying Clannad man that's legit the only part that kinda sorta made me tear up, well the him breaking down part.

Good taste, knew she was best girl the second I saw her.

Good taste, knew she was the fourth best girl the moment I saw her.

And who would you consider best girl, I know you're going to say Kyou.

So what part slaughtered your feels, for me it was Kotomi's bear.

m8 what are you even talking about.

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1. Sanae
2. Nagisa
3. Ushio
4~. Kyou, Mei, Tomoyo
Last. Ryou

You have surprisingly not shit taste.

don't want 2 watch stuff that's just gonna be sad 4 no reason

better to love and lose than to never love at all

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the girls are cute and great
uguu is peak moe

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Best dad

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Clannad means suffering

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So the whole reset thing at the end leaves a taste in my mouth along the lines of eating Sanae's bread. It just makes all the tears I shed along the way feel a little pointless and cheap. Don't get me wrong I'm glad everyone's alive now but something about it didn't sit right. It's been a long time though since I've seen it. Maybe a rewatch or reading the VN will change my mind. Still loved it though.

I do

i cant ever watch this. no matter how much praise people give to AS i just cant bring myself to slog through clannad

fuck you I will someday
I hope

It's like the author took every cent of my emotional investment into the story and just said "Sike, fucker!"