Will Nihei reach again the heights of Blame?

Will Nihei reach again the heights of Blame?
The rest of his stuff feels underwhelming in comparison

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Where is the third season of Knights of Sidonia?

I thought BioMega was okay.

It was okay but the petroleum-thick atmosphere of Blame.

My guess is that Polygon is just busy with all the other projects they're working on and therefore not as fast

>The rest of his stuff feels underwhelming in comparison
All of his pre-Sidonia works were good.

Only the first part.

Nihei should stop writing for brainlets

Isn't APOSIMZ doing relatively well in Japan compared to his former stories? I don't see Nihei changing his ways again, to be honest.

I wish I could live right there.

>implying Blame isn't underwhelming either
It was like far worse Samurai Jack plot wise.

I think user was talking about that "overwhelming" feeling that Nihei's art and architecture produced with Blame! instead of talking about the plot. Because plot-wise the story of Blame! is as simple and straightforward as you can get.

How sad it is that your most acclaimed work is something with just great draws but next to no actual plot.

What's sad about that?

Not everything has to be plot-heavy, user.

I was looking forward to detailed world building and long journey which never happened.

It's Sci-Fi, not SoL.

Aposimz is diet Blame! With boobs from time to time. The plot is basically Blame in an ice planet.... But it's doing sell, so...

Isn't that basically real life for the vast majority of humanity? The scenery of the world is more interesting than the lives of those living within it, barring the very occasional truly great person who managed to accomplish something worth noting long after they're gone. What makes Blame! so crushingly depressing is that given the sheer size of the Megstructure, there could still be people doing stuff like that somewhere but no one will ever know. In the magnitude of what the Builders construct, even the most profound human life lived is a lost echo in its endless corridors, where no human ear will ever hear it, and even if got his way and there was detailed world-building and a long journey, like everyone there this user will never hear it.

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Nice try.

It's not bait, the plot is basically blond Killy on a quest to find the cure for the Frame disease, which is in the core of some place.
Either Blame story was basic, or Nihei can't write anything else.
And I love Blame, hell, I'm looking for the artbook of the movie, I already have the original artbook "And so on'

that and the scale of time the story takes place in. There are time skips of tens of years in there, which is a really cool factor for science fiction -- our great societies and causes can't survive such vast stretches of immutable time

This stupid pretentiousness almost make me believe it's a pasta.

What makes Sci-Fi appealing is the world building and heavy plot. Blame is just shallow wasted potential of what could've been great Sci-Fi story.

Isn't he doing completely digital now? I fear that it's over.

Iirc it was the cost of too much ink that he decided to do cleaner stuff, which I think it's a fallacy, you can make gritty stuff with digital tools.
Nihei just doesn't want to use black.

You can call it pretentious all you want, but it's clearly a case of 2deep4u when you have to have someone spell everything out for you on paper.

This. I really liked Blame! because is one of the very few manga that doesn't infodump you since the beginning. Blame! is basically the definition of "show don't tell".

>what I can't see on a visual medium
Give me break you pretentious faggot.
It's not about the human life on every corner, it's about the details on the technology and how it came to be as well as how the protagonist going to change things. But sure, call me shallow you fucking "poetic" idiot who don't understand the point of the Sci-Fi genre.

It doesn't tell anything in the end

>It doesn't tell anything in the end
It tells you enough to know how the story ended. Though you have to read the spin-offs (Noise, NSE, Blame!2) to understand the whole story.

I don't think Blame! ever pretended to be something more than a wandering journey kind of story made highly atmospheric by the visuals and background implications.

It's not about that, it's about being disappointing work in terms of sci-fi.

I read one of the prequels, I believe Noise, still kinda disappointing.
I understand the story, it's not complex as many already pointed out, it's just underwhelming.

I think APOSIMZ is peak Nihei, he finally reached the most beautiful state of art: ethereal minimalism
However, his story-telling skills are lacking, he's been infodumping a little too much, especially with the Emperor's thoughts and plans.

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looks unfinished and bland, hard pass

Aposimz needs more hentai

Looks mid. Aint no cute trap I aint reading shit

>he doesn't want to fuck a doll-joint android

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Fuck, I'm in. Based Nihei back to his game. Hopefully, there's going be action pack extraterrestrial tentacle mating.

Sadly there hasn't been any tentacles yet. But I'm not up to date either.

What you see as bleak and crushingly depressing I see as space for nigh infinite possibilities, the megastructure is absolutely fascinating the potential, its overwhelming I can't explain it, its the same feeling when you look up at the stars, stretching out in infinity before you

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Reminder to play NaissanceE.

There are Gauna in every instance of the Niheiverse so your degenerate fetish will be sated soon.

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Get your head checked if you prefer his new squiggly line whiteout style to his older works

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Biomega was better

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Didn't Higide in Biomega fucked an octopus princess and got Thanos'd?

Yeah, I was so mad at this part, like why the fuck did Higide appear for two second and then got blasted to oblivion?
Poor guy finally got some pussy and then was denied his right to marry the gal, what the fuck Nihei

The megastructure is the best part of Nihei's work. The tons of tubes, cables and pipes resemble intestines, the Architects' unrestrained nonsensical eternal constructing makes me think of what cancer does to a body; the eternal conflict between the safeguards and the administration is a sort of autoinmune disease. The megastructure is alive and it has its ills

Eh I don't see it as a metaphor in that way, I don't think Nihei did either. Its just a labyrinth of metal and technology run amok, a monument to the sheer power and might man reached over nature, to be able to construct such a structure, large enough to swallow entire worlds, it's awe inducing.

To think that something so unique in the entire universe is centered right on our home star system too, it's mankinds eternal monument, its eternal mark on the stars.

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>There are Gauna in every instance of the Niheiverse
What even in Blame!?

>The megastructure is alive and it has its ills
Well, considering how the netsphere controlled, in a way, the whole megastructure, you could say the whole thing worked like an organism. A chaotic and decadent organism, but still one.

> I don't think Nihei did either.
Yeah sure.

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That's basically a tech demo, at this point.

>netsphere controlled the whole megastructure
So basically BLAME is what happens when the brain dies but the heart keeps pumping?

The answer is no. The moment Nihei sold out his soul with Knights of Sidonia, he lost his integrity as an author. For what you may ask? A mediocre story that had some financial success at the end of it all.

Fuck him for bending to the will of the masses and fuck his stupid daughter for not having taste.

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Even as a fan of Blame that series was never "too deep", it was pretty straight forward actually.

I think Nihei is beautiful in his simplicity.
Knights of Sidonia is bad because he tried to make something too complex, he tried too hard and delivered half-baked goods.
Aposimz is less complex, but I'd really like him to go back to the simplicity of Blame and Biomega.

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Nihei won't. Her assistant Q Hayashida however? She already did it with Dorohedoro. I wonder how her new manga is, but I'm waiting for more chapters to pile up before I start reading it.

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I-I mean his!

>Write manga
>Your family tells you it's too hard to understand
>Dumb down your next manga
>Your family tells you it's too hard to understand
>Dumb down your next manga
>Your daughter asks you when you're going to make something she likes, like SnK
If there were ever a case for justifiable familicide, this is it.

>SnK actually ended up being deeper than anything by Nu-Nihei. To be fair Blame! itself was never really deep, but it was so unique and atmospheric that it was pure art. I miss that so much, I wish Nihei would go back to that.

There is 0 evidence Q was ever Nihei's assistant and she has never mentioned it in interviews. This is a pure bullshit Yea Forums rumour that probably got started by some guy wondering if it was the case and some smoothbrain thinking it was.

Oh really? I read it in her wiki entry in Dorohedoro's wiki but it indeed didn't contain a source. Thanks for clarifying this up then, I'll look into it better. I just saw it there and here so many times I assumed it was true.

I understand, it gets repeated here a lot, but in the years I've been here I have never seen anyone cough up a source, which leads me to believe it doesn't exist.

Have you read her new stuff? If so, how is it?

Haven't tried it yet, but glancing at it looked like it had a very similar style to Dorohedoro, I think she's keeping to her niche more than Nihei does.


He can die proud in my opinion. What he gave as an artist is magnificent.

How can people travel between sections in the mega structure when everything in walled in with said Megastructure?
only a GBE can breach it and Cibo's whole shtick was that she wanted to pass through the ceiling.
Was she just too lazy to find the actual door and is there any rhyme or reason to the size of these sections do you think?
There are no real answers I just would like to hear your guys' headcannon

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they have no reason to make a third season, modern anime pretty much has decreasing sales for every season that is added. it's only worth it if you can produce a lot of new merchandise, and producing an entirely new series allows for even more of that.

I think only symphogear and monogatari(?) break the rule.

when he stops getting cucked by his musume

that's what happened sort of but you require exposition dialoge because you're a NPC

That's really what's so great about Blame. By the time it came out, Cyberpunk had already had its time with philosophical questions about identity, ethics and human nature. In a sense, Blame only took the aesthetic elements and made an apoteosis out of it; the swan song of cyberpunk.
Blame was to Cyberpunk what Unforgiven was to Western films

>the actual door
My guess is that the megastructure grows way too fast for anyone to reach the limit of it.
See from Noise, it's likely been thousands of years since the megastructure's unrestrained growth

I don't think it's growing fast, I think it's just been slowly expanding for so long that it would take millennia to climb to the surface of it. The manga's generally vague about time scales, but it's likely Killy spends years scaling some of the rooms.

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Totally, an alpha af got btfo because Nihei created a hot waifu

It's Doro in space, only read two chapters tho

>The manga's generally vague about time scales
Yeah, I recall I made a conversion of how many time Cibo and Killy spent inside an elevator; the manga said some hundreds of millions of seconds and it turned out it was a shitload of years. Even with that in mind, Nihei is very reiterative regarding how massive the megastructure is, it's fine to guess that a span of time like that it's next to nothing in comparison to the time the megastructure is been around.
Fucking vertigo

Objective Rating:
Blame > Abara > Biomega >> Knights of Sidonia >>>> Aposimz

>shitload of years
Nigga, it was one month.
What did they do to pass the time?


I like the new style but there's just something about the story that feels lacking.

>one month.
I fucked up, I guess
Killygave[/spolier] Cibo a long [spolier]specist rant about the sillicone creatures[/spolier]

I like Aposimz art.

Killy gave Cibo a real long racist rant about the sillicone creatures

Proof that he never should've stopped doing bio armor things after Abara. Shit looks great.

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summer 2020 trinikid.com/knights-of-sidonia-season-3-netflix-release-date-and-renewal-status

you're retarded im sorry

>how sad, this picture book is remembered for its pictures, not its words

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Says the one who likes only to look at pretty pictures without substance.
>no words
>what is comic book

Looks like edgy Kamen Rider.

Red Rider

Are you trying to imply that edgy Kamen Rider isn't the best shit ever?

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Edgy Kamen Rider, best Kamen Rider.

Aposimz could be decent if it wasn't a constant parade of exposition and infodumping that talks down to the reader at every turn. I'm stopping at vol. 3 and I couldn't give a shit

Has Nihei pulled something as crazy in Aposimz as with Biomega after the first half? You know, something like when the world became like spaghetti?

I've done a bit of research on this as well, the oldest source I can find is an editors note in an old scan of dorohedoro, which given its nature of being a fan translation, means it is still merely a rumor. But I'm fairly certain it is where it must have been spread from.

morons like this are why nihei why never make anything great ever again

Killy didn't need words, he was a man of action. And reminder that some user did the hard work and counted how many words Killy spoke in the entirely of Blame!

Killy spoke a total of 693 words, more of less:
Volume 1 = 153 words (22%) in 8 chapters.
Volume 2 = 199 words (28.7%) in 4 chapters.
Volume 3 = 120 words (17.3%) in 7 chapters.
Volume 4 = 16 words (2.31%) in 6 chapters.
Volume 5 = 31 words (4.47%) in 5 chapters.
Volume 6 = 81 words (11.7%) in 8 chapters.
Volume 7 = 45 words (6.49%) in 6 chapters.
Volume 8 = 6 words (.866%) in 7 chapters.
Volume 9 = 27 words (3.90%) in 7 chapters.
Volume 10 = 15 words (2.16%) in 8 chapters.

If you look at the overall average words per chapter, you get 10.5 words per chapter.
Peak words/chapter was chapter 9, at the start of Volume 2. As I recall, this was when he first entered the Cyber Life Institute and when he was talking to the organ traffickers. He spoke 107 words, 15.4% of all Killy words spoken in Blame! just in that one chapter.
The longest he ever went without speaking (page wise) was the 8 chapters between 46 and 55, when he spoke 6 and 1 words respectively. And his one word in 55 was "Hey..."
He had a total of 142 speech bubbles, giving a rough estimate of 4.88 words per sentence.
The majority of his speech was "I'm looking for net terminal genes", followed by speaking with Cibo. I think he spoke a grand total of about 14 words with Mori.

Next year

Ironically this is how his works were debuting.


dai dark is pretty cool so far, the setting is very interesting
waiting does sound like a good idea though, there's really not a lot so far

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Agree with the Nihei part, but SnK is not deep, it is just a convoluted mess.

This has probably been discussed ad nauseum in Blame threads, but I'm a newf/a/g. Anybody here played NaissanceE? It's heavily inspired by Blame both in aesthetic and in general theme and tone. Almost zero plot whatsoever and massive megastructures to just wander around in.

What did you all think of the Blame! movie? The story was obviously way off,, being heavily centered on the electrofishers and not Killy', but I actually thought the visuals and scale presented were very good. I liked Cibo's seiyuu, whoever she is
I did recently it was pretty good; but I really feel that it just demonstrates the need for a real megastructure exploration game. Imagine an RPG set in NaissanceE

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This, Blame! wasn't deep, but it was a.) cool b.) interesting
Things can be intriguing and interesting without being batshit-crazy conspiracies-- and that was part of the driving motif.
Killy is in a really complex techno-hell world, but he is a simple man with a simple goal, to provide a simple solution, bringing back order, to the chaos of the ever-expanding megastructure.
Nihei kept it simple and it worked.
I even liked SnK, but you can tell that he just wanted to finish it off, and rushed a few too many characters and concepts off of the drawing board onto the page in too short order

>Anybody here played NaissanceE?
Yeah, it the closest thing we have to a Nihei game, even if it's just a walking simulator. There was also this project, bac9.tumblr.com but I guess it was stillborn, so never ever.
ECHO is pretty good as well. It somewhat repetitive, but I would dare to say it encapsulates that Blame! feel pretty well.

>I liked Cibo's seiyuu, whoever she is
Are you jesting? It was HanaKana
I thought the visual aspect was very good and the fact that it was CG helped that a lot, since the objects have are better in regards to the movement, therefore the action scenes and destruction are better.

>but SnK is not deep, it is just a convoluted mess.
That's the problem with most "thriller" manga, it gets very autistic in regards to the plot with so many "revelations", twists and new characters. That's what made Blame so different, that plot threads and characters only had any weight inasmuch as Killy had to do with them, which made the journey aspect of it so effective.

Was it HanaKana? My mind or my ears are failling me.
Yeah, as with SnK, the fact that it was CG helped a lot. It felt cleaner than SnK's first season, as well

>detailed world building
It was there, you're just too fucking retarded. Just because there weren't any dialogue boxes explaining everything that doesn't mean there wasn't a reason for the weird shit that went down, and it doesn't mean you can't reasonably be expected to figure it out.
>long journey
This has to be bait.

a picture tells a thousand words retard


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>the point
Imagine thinking a genre has to have a fucking point and that anything that isn't making that point fails as a work of art. Kill yourself you stupid bitch.

Yeah, the animation was so much better than in Sidonia. I liked the way Sidonia looked a lot and wouldn't have dropped it if Tsumugu hadn't been introduced, such an awful character; Nihei must've had a gigantic brainfart.

The only think I disliked about Blame! Movie was the sountrack; I think rock was not appropiated to the atmosphere of the megastructure. I can understand why they'd focus more on the electrofishers and made it a standalone film -so the non initiated had a foot to stand on-. But the election on music was quite cheap. I always imagined Blame! being accompanied with music like this


The first Blame! OVAs nailed the music pretty well.

>ywn have a fistfight with a silly cone qt

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There are Blame! OVAs? I thought there was just one movie?

They are actually ONAs, I read they were made as project to pitch a complete Blame! series. You can find them on youtube, there are six chapters

Sick, thanks!

Agreed, this one is my favorite.

Honestly though. There are so many pics from blame or even (not the same author, I know) made in abyss where I yearn to explore that area thoroughly. Why does real life have to be so boring? Why can't I go on adventures?

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Don't get big ideas, by the third minute of walking you'd get gored by a Sillicone


Halo one-shot > Wolverine: Snikt! >>>>> all

Silicone is a Chad material, no other processing substrate has the capacity to appreciate and thrive in the Netchaos

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Glad to see someone else in these threads recommending ECHO.

As someone who read Blame! 5 times, a sidestory focusing less around Killy felt somewhat fresh.
Megastructre is so damn huge, stories about other inhibitants can turn out niceely

What's the difference between an ONA and an OVA Length?

>Played Echo
My nigga
That game felt like Silicon Life training similator

I don't think it's the lenght that make them different. Aggretsuko and Koyomimonogatari are both ONA and differ in lenght. If I recall correctly an OVA is straight-to-video and an ONA is Web only

Yeah, thank god Cibo was added. Made the story way more fun

Her gun is totally a low powered GBE.

En is the cutest albino reptilian.
Shame the studio's dead

Although NaissanceE is more Blame-y, just without the gun.

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Also some concept arts for ECHO: artstation.com/artwork/3o83zD

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me on the left

Beautiful, I should really play through echo

Is there any other manga/novel with the same Blame's premise besides Shoujo Shuumatsu and Made in Abyss?

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So can we all agree that Blame! is an iyashikei?
they're so damn cute, life isn't fair

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It's more than okay.

It's anime, but Kemurikusa is really about the idea of travelling through a derelict megastructure

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>Being this pathetically existential about recognition and social feedback
turn off your screens, you're turning to slime.

>what the hell built all this shit?
>little things, about 2 meters, but they made machines that kept building after they were gone it seems
>fuck, so this world swallowing reef of lifeless edifice is just a technological cancer?
>yeah, better burn it, burn it all.

About 3 words.

>Cribs from western sci fi novels and makes Blame
>Tries to come up with his own ideas and makes Sidonia
Really brings my processing substrate online.

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>Silicon lifeform bad

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But Sidonia was as derivative as Blame

This, Sidonia was a Solaris fanfic.

That was one of my favorite Biomega chapters. Probably because it was totally unrelated to the protagonist journey and it was a detour from the main plot.
It's the same reason I liked the human clone-machine chapter in Blame!, because it's something that happens in the same world but we don't really know it until we see it.
I wish Nihei had make an anthology similar to the first two volumes of Blame!, placed in the same universe but with totally different characters.

So? Where the fuck does it say that sci-fi needs to be plot-heavy?

But that's exactly what happened? You just didn't get spoonfed setting information like a toddler.

Damn, silicon life-forms like THAT? I wonder if intermolecular (carbon-silicon) couples are allowed in the megastructure.


In a world like Blame!, all we could do is aspire to be slime.

>no actual plot.
>expect everything to be spoonfed to him
kek, 2deep4u pleb. Stick to your harem shit number 143964234

She looks more like a silicon life though

picked up

How the fuck is every Nihei girl best girl?

I guess that makes sense.

Considering most of the plot takes place around the Lem system.

Anime original or they got back on manga track?

it's not because this world is boring, but you just become a boring guy, dude.

Also this spans over centuries.

In user's defense I would argue that not all cities are suitable to be explored. Especially cities with high delinquency or street violence.

>Hating Smoogy
She is a Nihei-certified transhumanist little princess. Nothing is wrong.

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Post more silly cones.

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Or millennia.

Redpill me on Nihei.

One of the few mangakas that I could say he actually reads books (sci-fi books in this case) instead of just manga or light novels.
He was a black lover but now he hates it talking about black ink, of course.
His family is full of brainlets that hate/don't give a fuck about any of his works.

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>In user's defense I would argue that not all cities are suitable to be explored. Especially cities with high delinquency or street violence.
but both blame and abyss are, despite how you feel about it, violent enviroments in which you will have to fight and may die

Blam! Gauken was pretty fucking good man

They are all goth girls

>How can people travel between sections in the mega structure when everything in walled in with said Megastructure?
They don't. The world is that big. Look at how massive and industrious Cibo's electrical city was. Generations live and die in that space and only pass down rumours from thousands of years ago that, once, someone came through one of the walls.

Think about it like this:

The City is larger than our entire solar system. The solar system's diameter can be expressed as 367,3500,000 miles. Earth's diameter is 7,900 miles. Consider how big each subdivision of the Megastructure is. If each and every single 'floor' of the Megastructure were to be the size of Earth, there would still be more than 465,000 separate, non-intersecting floors in The City.

*ALL* of human and hominid history has taken place on just our one Earth. Hominids popped up ~20,000,000 years ago. Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old. That's how long the space was there before we were, and that's how long we have been on this celestial object without even one individual [permanently] leaving. Only now is humanity, as a whole, beginning to consider the technology necessary to make the most rudimentary and survivalist attempt to permanently leave Earth to travel to the nearest planet. Even but a few centuries ago, that idea would seem completely needless and stupid. Why ever attempt to go to the stars? Everything is here, isn't it? It took 20,000,000 years of biological, social and technological evolution for we of the real world to mount *one* real attempt to leave our 'floor'.

Why wouldn't it be similar for the various peoples of The City?

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The Halo comic was excellent. I wonder why people don't appreciate it as much as they should. I'm convinced it's just a matter of how obscure, hard to find it is for the average idiot. Older Halo fans ought to be in love with it.

Blame! is God-tier; Biomega is excellent and original.

Biomega is good but it's obvious that Blame! is his magnum opus; I don't think it's outside of his capacity to recreate it; but a man has to eat and he knows artistic concessions must be made to make a living out of drawing comic books.

Agreed — there virtually is no plot; the sell of Blame! is the world-building and amazing feel of expensiveness; some of the characters and scenery are just amazing.

Cardassians would be all over it; it's a repetitive epic sans a beginning or end. It just cuts off at one point and just starts at one point. The reader gets to see a tiny slice of the gargantuan quæst Killy has to undertake and sells the idea very well that it is but a tiny slice of the huge undertaking and that all the characters he meets on the way are insignificant specs; it makes the reader feel really small in a really cool way.

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but killy did reach the end of the structure, though we dont know how many generations it took for him to do so
the last chapter was a silicon creature leaving the megastructure and going in to space

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tfw no cibo gf