On the eve of the battle, Issei visits the onsen and is worried that one day he’ll lose someone important to him based on all the enemies his fought so far. He says devils lived for about 10,000 years, and this was only year 2. Imagine 10,000 years of experience. He hopes that after defeating Hades, both mythological and human world will finally now true peace. Suddenly he feels something soft and is hugged from behind. He sees Yasaka.. He thinks that he is in a mixed baths but Yasaka says that is the women baths he was cheated for Yasaka servants who guide him here.
She was cleaning herself before Issei nocturnal visit. We return with the topic that Yasaka wants Issei children as Kunou often says she wants a younger sibling. Issei tries to calm down, but then Yasaka kiss him and their tongues intertwined. Kunou appears saying that she is too shameless. Yasaka tells her that she’s lonely and wants a man. Yasaka tells Kunou that he should look and learn.. Kunou is not interested to have Issei as a father.(she thinks that Issei replaced her for Yasaka?) Yasaka says that this is one Devil&Youkai matter and that Kunou should not be worried about that.Seems that Issei hears Azazel voice saying that the Oyakadon is good too. Rias and Akeno appears, with Rias saying she had a hunch and Akeno saying that her husband’s marrying another woman. The Church Trio arrives and Issei gets a nosebleed and vows to win tomorrow.
Afterwards, Issei sees Kunou and her expression has changed from worried to brave. Kunou says she’ll protect both Kyoto and her mother and Issei notices a rainbow colored Dragon necklace she’s wearing. She says she got it from Phis.
The cockblocking has gotten tiresome, but I'm so glad this truly confirms Yasaka is in the harem. Now Ishibumi needs to remember that kiyome and Yura like Ise.
Daily reminder that Ise won't fuck his harem until it's complete.
Juan Hall
This is such a weird declaration How does Issei know when his harem is complete? Does he just guess? What happens when he meets some girl from the parallel universe after 30 years and after he already has a small army of kids?
Oliver Howard
How many does he have now? Maybe he'll stop at 12 since that's the number of heavenly breasts.
Don't forget Ishi said he would complete Ise's peerage. That could be anything beteen 3 to 10 more girls.
Hudson Flores
Cao Cao asked Issei “So you will become my friend?”. Issei surprised asked why you suddenly asked this. There’s silence and Issei says it wasn’t a bad chat and as Cao Cao was about to reply, Heracles wearing a Dragon mask with a group of Youkai wearing Oppai Dragon and Darkness Knight Fang mask interrupted them
>God-Dragon Emperor Issei continues to breed super dragon hybrid till supernatural population is replaced with his descendants
John King
Azazel was dumb He should have told Issei to make as many OP dragon kids as possible to help with the interdimensional war Issei masturbates a lot, just use him as a sperm donor for everyone His genes are recessive since none of his kids look like him, they'd just have to deliver it all over the world, supernatural and not and keep track of all the kids as they grow up In 15 years you have a dragon army numbering in the thousands already
He doesn't care, he has milf fetish but Grayfia is off-limit so he has to use Yasaka.
Ryan Barnes
No but given his absence we can only assume Yasaka fucked him to death but he went out like a boss and made a cute Kitsune loli daughter so it's all good.
Evan Mitchell
Huh judging from this its not that they cockblocked Ise. Rather he himself pulled the classic nosebleed retire. I guess he still requires more training after all.
Anthony Gonzalez
What a way to go.
Adam Cook
Issei notices Yasaka and Kunou wearing casual clothes. Issei is surprised seeing Yasaka wearing casual clothes. They decided to be their guide. Kiba and Tosca are sightseeing together. While visiting Kyoto, they visited a coffee and sweet shop where Issei feels that dairy products heal his body and mind quickly. Issei secretly bought hairpins for both Yasaka and Kunou. Yasaka says this was an unexpected critical strike and blushes. Rias appears and smiles at Issei and praising him. Issei said he was taught something, so he decided to practice. Rias watching Issei and knowing who he is, can only admire him. She whispers that she's worried he'll become a playboy under her guidance.
Jason Miller
>Be Joe Mc Average. >Be chillin in just outside of Kyoto. >Suddenly knocked the fuck out. >Awake to find literal kitsune looming over you buck naked with your sword of omens less than an inch from a warm milfy hole. >She's panting, body flush and dripping with sweat. >Gives her name yasaka then apologises because she can't wait any longer. >Drops her hips with the force of an atom bomb. >Sayonara Virginity-kun. >Been fucking all night and now the sun has risen. >Literally being fucked to death by a literally foxy mega milf. >Dick refuses to blow for some reason. >Milf totally in her own world, Moaning and panting as she seeks to quench her mating heat. >Super powered hips are crushing your pelvis. >Don't give a shit as your drown in pleasure. >She suddenly drops down hard and loses her shit. >Even as your hipbone collases you finally nut while hilted deep within. >Milf coo's as her breeding instincts are finally satisfied. >Die the death of a thousand heros with a vision of a cute loli kitsune daughter.