
Takao's takao's are heavy!

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Why did the art decline?

How's this manga? I remember enjoying the anime for the most part but it's been a while since then.

I want to breed her

new chapter?

I'll carry them for her.

funabori is kazama's wife
water is his second imouto
earth, tama, and desuno are his mistresses

s2 when?

I want to marry Funabori

Other than vidya and fucking, what are other things takao is useful for?

never ever

double wife end?

cooking and housework.

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calling it now Kenji will be unaffected by the force because of hair/teukomi

what is takao?

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Roka wins when?

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worst ending
even almost non existent childhood friend ending would be better


she won't

When will Mogusa finally enter the fray?

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The manga is much better and the anime ended right before the best chapters and arc

It's pretty fun, I like it a lot and there are a lot of funny moments. I especially liked the last few chapters with Kazama senior, plus it's a goldmine for reactions

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Have they no shame?

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I can no longer remember where I left off of in the manga.

funabori is perfect angel

>Whatever the outcome, we'll share it together.
No user, no shame.


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What emotion is Takao trying to convey here?

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The need to be bred

Hopefully eventually. I much prefer Roka's chemistry with Kazama to Takao's.

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An excellent way if think if I do say so myself.

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Hope stronk.

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Takao's true feeling are but obvious when you study her extensively

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>puff puff puff
I want Takao to puff puff me

They are?

She's been playing too much Dragon Quest hasn't she?

Roka's mom = best mom

Overwhelming desire to do lewd things with Kazama

Roka is DEFINITELY not sexy

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Probably the only manga that I've cheered for the big titddy girl over the small one. Takao is god tier.

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I enjoy D-Frag, but goddammit the releases are so uncosistant


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does anyone know if we have finally catched up with the raws?



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She's so fucking cute holy shit

which is a shame because Tsutsuji is incredibly sexy without even trying

It didn't


I thought it got better though? I agree with that user who wishes he'd bring back more of his sharp eyes from the early style to the modern style drawings

and sweaty
and unwashed

maybe Kazama likes that though?

>Every character treat Funabori as the official wife at this point.
Do your best Takao!

>just noticed Takafudo screaming in the background


>takao goes by just her last name

oh yeah we still have no idea what her first name is. this author is a fucking cheeky cunt

she's still on the floor

Worst girl, she killed the show

>Killed show
explain for my brainlet self

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>chapter dump thread dies like 10 poster after the dump
>Takao tiddy thread gets over 60 post

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what dis she write?

don't use manga reader

Never enough Tama-chan-sempai. Why is there not more Tama-chan-sempai.

Funabori is better

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I'm the only one who wants to marry this cutie3.14

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>ywn have a funabori wife

This is the power of Takao's Takaos

Kill yourself antiflat stop posting roka while hating on her you fucking hypocrites

Same deal with Funabori

What if their name is never revealed and they just become Kazama-san?

Not much, what's takao with you?

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When will they learn

>Kazama's dad only asked Roka
RIP Takao end.

>Hashimoto's island will never be animated

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takao was the first to be asked

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>double wife

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ominous pause

does TLfag regularly skulk this board as an user or does he only visit occasionally?

To be fair, he seems to like Rola a bit more. Plus,
But did Roka's mom came to help persuade him to let her daughter stay and what not.


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>bows to DARKNESS

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kazama is a breast man, how can roka even compete?

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Is roka a DILF fucker? wow what a slut

He only has eyes for Kiku.

Mogusa conquest?

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Probably just timing homie. D-Frag is pretty niche so you either get lucky and your thread is seen by the handful of people that really like it, or it gets missed and goes straight to page 10

How many times does funabori masturbate to kenji per week ?

Yet she's already way ahead of both her sisters.

Its quicker and easier to draw this way probably, the stylisation of earlier volumes might've been tougher to draw, though with a full month between chapters it's kind of a joke that he has to do that to begin with.

She's too pure for that

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When will kenji paoa unleash his full power ?

Roka is the cutest

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Is D-Frag last bastion of good high school harem battle comedy?

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How tight is Funabori?

fun-sized pussy

>erotic games all night with Takao

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Background plane faced NPC you say?

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I feel the sudden urge to bully

FUCK. I want Funabori to bear my children!

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Yeah hahaha, like how loud she will scream if i punch her haha

Would Kazama be happy with Takao as a wife because of her tits?

I want to fuck Tama chan while holding hands.

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He'd be happy that she's a gamer

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>double wife
best end

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I can't tell if that's Roka or Roka's daughter behind kenji

No ring either way

the boob crusher!

sadly the second page quashes it.

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That can't be Kenji's child the hair just isn't spikey enough.

Whos the best Game Creation Club (Provisional) member and why is it Chitose?

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because Roka is a worst girl and Takao is in the actual Game Creation Club

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Does she really need anything else?

The Great Serpent of Roka

is fantastic, the only complain is that is monthly.

Roka is more of a joke character at this point honestly

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Not enough sensei recently

He just says "at once". Obviously he can do it sequentially.

what happen to this author other manga? one about a group of heroes trapped in some empty dimension with a now powerless and useless demon lord?

Funabori angelic genes overpower Kazama might spikes, that or they found some cream that manage to keep the hair down in a more natural way.

It's still just sitting there waiting for a friendly interested TL group

it doesn't look quite as soft as Funabori's hair and there are little bits sticking up and Takao isn't cringing from getting stabbed

I doubt anybody being interested on picking up, I mean, is not you newest and hottest isekai #7815 with boobs on the cover.

This thread make me pick up this manga, thanks all.


look at the art style and go with your gut on the series it most resembles.

Remember to read Fujimura-kun too.

If some shitty isekai group picked it up I would cry
Baggy deserves better

They all deserve better than being forgotten on a dark corner on mangadex.

I wanna see a wedding dress version of this. Anyone? Please.

It took me a while, but this is the crossdresser right? The flowers threw me off.

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Champion tightness.

If she moved her thighs inward during sex, the pressure would snap your member off.

clean girls > dirty girls

kazama kenji > the rest

Kazama family > the rest

Noe > the rest

Kiku-san > Noe


Water > Noe

real imouto > fake imouto