Dumping the latest tl, chapter 84. He is dropping the series, would be awesome if some group could pick it up.
Otoyomegatari - A Wife's Tale
Other urls found in this thread:
Credit page, kindly remember that he did it for free
Henry's family isnt the one from Emma is it?
Why is it getting dropped?
Short chapter.
Bummer. Are the official TLs any good?
Thanks to Duralumin for the translations and if he wants to stop then he wants to stop, but he's completely wrong here. I've bought Otoyomegatari when it came out here entirely off of the strength of the fan translations. It helps that Otoyomegatari is beautifully drawn and especially worth getting because they release it in a larger than normal format and in hardcover. But there's plenty of series I've bought purely because they're good enough quality to keep rereading and I only knew that because I read the fan translations earlier on.
There has never been any evidence that fan translations hurt actual manga sales. There's plenty of evidence fan translations actual support it, what with them being the basis for interest in many series outside of Japan to begin with.
This is what the third time this has happened with this series?
It's a real shame, the quality of his work will probably make other TL teams hesitant to pick it up due to fear of comparison. Nonetheless I'm thankful for the time he spent as mine was well spent reading his translation.
muh official translated release so scanlator is a copyright fag now.
Don't think so.
But I like the fan translation more than the official
>Shonenshit with a million english publishers and even more TL groups gets insta translations for eternity
>Actual good stories with damn good art only have one dedicated translator who drop off into oblivion after awhile
Damn the sad reality continues to suck but Duracellbattery has been a real one for a long time so I very much appreciate the work he put in for us piratefags who will now only look at the pretty pictures and never buy shit. Thanks, guy.
He's probably overloaded as hell but any hope from Hox?
why the fuck billion isekai are getting translated every day meanwhile TL groups avoid seinen like plague?
>becomes a moralfag and drops the series
>official release lags a good eight months behind what Dura was doing
I can't really be mad because the guy did it for free, but god damn just put a fucking bullet in me
This. Releasing DRM-less games increases their sales as well. It's like the No Country For Old Men quote, "while you're trying to get back what's took more's going out the door"
Mixed bag. Sucks that moralfagging has prevailed, but quite frankly I get the impression this manga is going to be going downhill in quality pretty soon as well. The luster has worn off and the characters feel more two-dimensional than they once did.
>come home to see a chapter waiting in my feed
>get hyped
>short chapter AND it's getting dropped
Well there goes my weekend, how does the official release stack up to Dura's?
I want to believe.
Even if he just translates here that's good enough for me, this is probably my favorite manga that I can never get enough of
>scanlator becomes a moralfag
Why couldn't this happen with some shitty run-of-the-mill shounen throwaway trash? Why Otoyome?
Because this is mostly done by immature tweens who by now have grown up in web 2.0
I need more of this historical and slice of life manga
Tenju no kuni is kinda close
Really wish new chapters would get translated for it. It's cute.
I haven't read it since it got licensed years ago and the translators got so scared they stopped doing it.
This is pure shit. If he didn't want to do it, he should have said so, not play the retard "I am so moral" card.
Well I sort of understand the TL, I can see Otoyomegatari being sold translated in the supermarkets over here.
Thanks for the translation. Personally I always buy the volumes once they are available in my country.
Dunno if you check these threads Dura, but thanks for the great work with the translations.
>Just buy the official releases Goy
>Official release drops only every ~6 months
>Have to go for half a year at a time not knowing what happend in the story
Yeah fuck you too pal
>this excuse again
30+ years, dozens of billions spent on research and still no proof whatsoever piracy impacts sales btw
Fucking tard, I bought all 10 volumes currently available without ever actually reading them because I had this translations
No way I'm still spending money on the books if I don't know if they're good
Most isekais "translations" are barely above google translate level, but they're really formulaic & target audience is teens so nobody cares. If you did the same with any good seinen it would be quite literally unreadable.
If he just said that he was tired, I would understand. But all this “I repent of pirating this masterpiece” shit looks like a cheap excuse. Anyway, thanks for the work.
>piracy hurts sale-
This is a single study, we have countless others that show different results, weird how this one is the only one 4ch ever posts, right? How many of you are buying every series available in English after readinf raws? Or buying vidya after pirating them?
>countless others that show different results
Post them.
>inb4 he thinks some blogshit can compare with a 400k study done by the EU itself
I do that a lot, faggot. Most of them I wouldn't have even considered if I didn't pirate them first.
I really hope someone picks this up, I don't want to have to wait nearly a year between releases
/ak/ should take over.
>complimentary tfw no steppe waifu song
Life will pass in no time
It's good to have fun while you are young
Someone else's waifu won't be wife to you
No matter how good you treat them
oh this false life, false life
Oh this dream that never became true...
How hard sweetheart suitable to be my waifu
Makes feel my soul!
Atten oi atten oi!
How sweet this life was
So hard to see person you love
to be happy with a stranger
Someone is happy to turn in circles in the sky
Someone is happy to turn into a prophet
Who do you think is perfect?
Only a baby is innocent in this world
Are they kazakhs or mongols?