What happened, is he gay for Maou-sama now?
Maou-sama, Retry!
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone loves Ray—I mean Maou-sama
Me on the left
usa > pyon
Good question. What the hell was that all about?
Remember to wash your poop.
Look at this motherfucker, he is the epitome of masculinity
Also, I would really appreciate it if there's some creative user who could shop this into something 'magnificent'.
only if you plan to have some buttstuff fun
I think that Kunai is able to rewrite their programming through touch
Kira Queen, please.
is that just a wild guess, or is there more to this?
Is that why he rubs Luna's butt?
someone asked in the last thread for Waldo so I did a edit of because why not
Here is another user edit from a thread that died
It's my theory since he was the one to program them in the first place, and since he summoned them and has admin privileges it's not unreasonable to think he could rewire them to be cool with comfy town building when they are supposed to be mmmorpg murder hobos
Someone should add the butt execution from
and where you think it will even fit?
Is the real Waldo hidden in there somewhere, or is it just Accelerator dressed as Waldo?
If it's the latter, I am disappoint.
It was late and was tired, just wanted to humour an user with something fun and maybe get a few chuckles, not do a serious one
prior that edit I made another one from
Excuses excuses
kden then Im not doing more lol
Is this show good?
what happened here?
if you liked Konosuba or some other "its so bad its good" self aware show, its then "good" indeed, also if you have a thing for Daughterfus
an hero
Ok, give me a whole day.
not him but id suggest pasting it over waldo
I thought it was Kei
if you want an Ojisan that is voiced by Seto Kaiba VA, has a daughterfu and is not an edgy sociopath, gap moe yankee and the show being self aware of isekai tropes and such yet having fun with it, yeah mayb
My hypothesis is that it instills loyalty in NPCs and slowly changes their alignment to better align with Maou's.
clearly pyon is the more popular of the two
you guys think tahara will have his own bunny harem?
actually you make a good point considering how donut said he had a pretty color and was a kind person
The alignment seems to be more about Yu, who is clearly described as chaotic evil, but seems to be fine with being chaotic neutral. Or even bit good.
Tahara only needs one bunny
But he can't have her. Thus he'll have to compensate with a huge bunny harem. He'll never be satisfied either.
Very cute Aru
I tried
This show needs more Yukikaze
not bad not bad mate, good job
Pretty good, anonymous!
Well done. Is it possible to do the same to Butt Slut?
I am not confident about their cute and funny parts but I'll keep trying!
ganba user!
Does his imouto actually exist? By that I mean, was his imouto just part of his background setting, or was she an actual character?
>Maou-sama didn't include Tahara's imouto in his Summon Aide
Damn that's zannen
too many best girls already
I feel like this is overdue but at the same time I didn't want to cover up anyone's face, best I could think of
yeah same reason why I couldnt find a place where to add at least until
Basically: a creation meeting his creator.
whats with the c&f on the right
wrong pic lol
i preferred the one that was more cute and funny
Why do they always describe the NPC he summoned like we're supposed to know them beforehand?
Is there same sequel work regarding the great empire or whatever?
They detect "god". Didnt happen as blatantly in the book.
Because he knows them. He created them. Why would he talk as if he didn't know them? That kind of exposition is unnatural. The light novel also gave a light description of most of his aides, bet the anime glanced over it too quickly.
It's Shit Day! Don't forget to throw your shit out.
does it come with perfume?
What is her role in the story other than being a stinky homeless loli who got randomly saved?
At least Luna is actually a holy maiden
Best girl
what's her legacy?
40 days and 40 nights
I love how Maou has multiple anal sluts around.
I never understood that reference
Ok, Im leaving, dont let the thread die guys
no one contests this.
Because how her rectum looks?
She is The Heroine.
She is future princess of The Great Empire.
No, because that vampire dude penetrated her.
I hope Maou-sama eventually summons the imouto, this season or next
Heroine, she is destined to fight Kunai one day in the future.
I want to marry her and make love with her missionary
Aku was dirty and also smelly so there is a justification she is still a virgin, but there is not way this girl survive in a place filled with terrorists and sociopaths without being an onahole for at least a dozen of them.
it's from a shitty LN called
the holy bible
I made/pasted together this one
luna looks like a dude
yfw its really yukikaze in disguise
That's explain Mao's disgusted face.
I thought it was the NPCs experiencing strong emotions for the first time after becoming alive in isekai. I get pretty hyped when my bros slap my ass before we dunk on the other team.
and then you have some mutual jerking in the showers I assume?
What, no. Jerking off it limited to single person showers. We're not gay.
>I get pretty hyped when my bros slap my ass
Did they also put you in a wig and a cute skirt?
Kazuma and Megumin give the whole scene a more cozy vibe
honestly the way its so silly is a pretty good depiction of the anime itself
Cute girl (male)
id proudly be gay for him
anyone has the original pic of the meme pond screenshot? :p
yeah, I dont think I could add more folk around without starting to cover other ones already
I love these couple of idiots so of course I would add them, I was initially use the Kazuma version of that same scene were both bath together though but found a better one later on, I finally edited out the goat that it wasnt until the threa died I found it looked like a fucking dog rather than a goat by how squeezed it is
She isn't crazy enough to be Albedo tier,
its more like She wanting her creator dick most likely
her albedo crazy is balanced out by her demiurge reasoning
anime skipped the part she even has Demiurge leaps of logic parts
lol wrong one
anime also skipped superior manga designs with the exception of yukikaze
but hey, what can we do?
You should do this professionally to every frame.
>superior designs
lol I think almost all anime designs which are the LN new designs are better than the old manga ones that looks too generic in an unironically way instead of being ironically
the Holy Maiden sisters look too similar unlike its distinctive character designs of the new version
My wife (husband).
I prefer LN Yu and anime Kunai and Usa. Otherwise they look about equal.
That's not necessarily bad considering they are sisters.
they are not related though, they are orphans
Oh. My bad then. Goddamn animeonly problems.
Yeah having them look too similar despite not being related is bad.
something the anime skipped again
being orphans doesn't mean they can't be related.
just saying
true but im pretty sure its specifically put there to imply that they arent
even though the big sister and the small sister have similar looks
Then why not just straight state it?
I mean, when you read this you can get also the idea Luna's holy talent was discovered later than their sisters and maybe that is the reason she is so obsessed with being recognized and praised.
up to speculation, just like how we arent sure about who maou referred to as "another annoying holy maiden"
personally i think he was referring to zero, but again thats up for interpretation
It seems the manga also skipped a few parts from the WN and LN. And the anime skipped parts from the manga.
WN translation: blobtranslations.com
LN translation: isekailunatic.wordpress.com
Both state they're not related by blood.
Yu looks really bad in this pic
Me on the left
Too lewd
Someone edit a dick in their drawing
this.... THIS!
I’m gonna impregnate that girl (boy).
best girl
what about Rym?
Where is Elizabeth?
LN-Style Yu
>Queen basically in this episode and next one
this vs
cute chipmunk, which one guys?
What a ride
Really like that artist. Even if half of her Maou art is BL.
Post the other one
lol no, you do it
I would but I don't have it.
Anime ver is cuter.
chipmunk is soul, so i'd go with that, but both not bad.
and you can be sure with his new helper being voiced by fucking Gilgamesh VA, we are more likely are going to get more of that
fine imgur.com
It's funny how Kunai always does what Aku says,
He is just a doting Papa after all
Papa should teach some table etiquette to his daughter.
He is quite a busy businessman though, his wife or butt mistress should do it
why not his donut?
post the full ver of that pic. pls.
>poop loli only got his left hand
>shared the same bed
>carried on his back
>seated on his lap
At this point, Aku doesn't neet to display her dominance.
first is not enough but the second is too much
somewhere in between would be ideal
Why does he look angry?
Because Pochi is a faggot dog.
Oh no, Yu is trying to rape Aku again!
why does he only look like this on the manga
long story short the LN designs got changed multiple times, manga is based off an older design
So did it already catch up to the manga translations?
not quite yet
its close though
Thanks, I'll start with the next episode then.
Still trying
hes trying not to get a boner
because the yellow thing in front of him smells like shit
You disgusting poop-eating little kid
He's wishing he was rubbing Luna's butt.
This and Bolice Craft thread always makes me laugh. No homo but I fucking love you user-tachi.
How does it feel to be raped by Aku?
I mean Yu,
I imagine it's like being raped by a hot woman in a lab coat.
And scalpels as fingers.
I don't want to know how one uses scalpels in rape. I means sure syringes, scissors and probes I get but scalpels? Nah I'm out.
you are doing a good job mate, keep goin
That is rude
Why does Luna's butt feel like?
Bags of sand
probably like mochi
I can't be the only one who loves the work being done by Luna's VA in this show. It's perfect.
absolutely, honestly her voice is the main appeal of luna
Post the sounds post the lewd sounds NOW!
exactly, hes not in the right hole
the butt is only for slaps, not for penetration.
Luna is such a cute bum slut
Look at the size of that thing.
I remind them
both good girls destined to die alone
>same VA
>only good for their tits
>no friends
>falls for the first bad boy she meets
>both dress like a slut
You are wrong and everything you love and respect is wrong too, pyon.
her upper lip reminds me of Zoidberg
You're doing great, user.
you too
You'll have to ask the artist for it, there's only the downsized version she posted on twitter. Maybe she'll dump the full version to her pixiv later.
We're never going to meet those other people, are we?
at the pace the anime is going? lol no, then again the author is really slow too so there isnt even material for a second season either
This guy's about to find out. Yu about to go full Mengele, living up to her title 'Witch'
The WN does give brief descriptions of their characters traits and hangups.
Plus the translators dropped the WN because they didnt like slice of life chapters.
The translators are waiting for the new arc to complete before resuming.
do not touch the poop
Is this series good? it looks liek a rehash of Isekai Maou, but there's a fucking drought this season.
>Isekai Maou
Except this Maou isnt actually trying to act like a villain because He has crippling social anxiety disorder and is mostly a father figure to the loli rather than trying to fuck them, dont get me wrong I do liked Isekai Maou too on its own way but is not similar, this show is kind of self aware of its genre and just tries to have fun with it so its good for shitposting reasons
Kondou Yuuya, 16 - otaku, hikikomori genius archer
All we've been seeing is Oono Akira's personality. Maou's persona (Kunai Hakuto personality) hasn't really appeared yet.
What about the loli on the bottom left
i thought thats what the ring was for?
Not unless we get a season 2.
The WN is dead. The author dropped it for the LN, and removed 70% of it from his narou page when the anime got announced. He just posts side story stuff sometimes while waiting on his editor.
>The next candidate who came to mind was another one of the younger advisors, Akane Fujisaki. She was the same age as Ren, but Akane was the sun to Ren's calm and collected moon. A less polite way to describe her would be as a thoughtless idiot. She enjoyed anime, comics, and video games, and was an extroverted geek. She would appreciate being summoned to a fantasy world more than anyone else. In combat, she specialized in close-range brawl. For some reason, she wore a china dress and wielded a pair of tonfa, making use of being the fastest among the advisors.
That's Akane. Maou summons her in volume 3 of the LN version.
Not sure, it could be Throne's leftover.
>The WN is dead. The author dropped it for the LN, and removed 70% of it from his narou page when the anime got announced. He just posts side story stuff sometimes while waiting on his editor.
Thanks. Has the LN enough material for a second season?
Probably, since this season only seems to be covering the first two LN's and the fourth just came out.
if Tate no Yusa was able to get a S2 with stream power maybe there's a chance for Mao Retry.
>Tate no Yusa was able to get a S2
as much as i liked shield hero, sometimes anime need to stay at a single season.
This show has the best threads ever.
Jahy anime when?
I wish I could go back, is what someone said but I don't have a past
For eternity, that nothing would change is what I thought
Over and Over, rubbing my eyes to make sure, Im overwhelmed by emotion
the lyrics of the ending which should be instead its opening if you skip it or dont even bother reading it
is the MC really dead?
is his world really fucked by nukes?
Is there a webm of the butt rub?
> They see me rollin, they hatin
i see, never really payed attention to the ED lyrics
yes, yes
Maou sama is a pedophile.
he isn't trying to fug the girls, tho.
these threads are priceless
Reminder Maou is voiced by Seto Kaiba VA too
Maou-sama is a daddy
and a certain bolice officer
>Sasuga Chief-sama, now give me your seed
He looks fat
The LN explain why?
I mean the nukes
so they must recreate this scene with Angel and Luna then
It's not gay if you want to fuck this.
is that finished yet?
Im leaving so can you guys dont let the thread die? that would be really nice thanks
why am i upset that queen is actually really hot?
no idea desu, i never read the early chapters and i dont read the backstories/ pre isekai chapters
No promises
is this ntr?
did the isekai mom threads die? i think youre in the wrong place my dude.
i clicked the picture and bad apple didnt play, what gives?
You're not my boss.
post chara sheets, need them cuz reasons
>Miyaouji Ren
>Ren gives the impression of being calm and cold like ice, but her heart is that of an incredibly kind person. Ren must have felt adverse feelings at the ruthless Game that was being promoted by the Grand Empire.
>The best close-aide that could be said to be the one that has all Oono Akira ideals packed together.
When will we get the best girl in the LN. We need to see how she will react now that Kunai (Akira) shares her values.
what should they do on the beach?
I dunno,, maybe pooping??
Very gay.
wait which one is gray hair?
the boy
Wizard girl (male)
Because she's shitting on him
Does she fall for Zero or Maou?
Look in the archives or wait 8 hours.
Huge ass for a boy.
>huge ass
>tiny dick
the perfect girlish boy.
Fuck you, now I have to go listen to it on repeat again.
>Legal wife demanding her connubial rights.
the nearest thing I have seen is this type only
and this one is Yukikaze's
also checked
how the hell did i forget
Smash melons
i see youre a man of culture as well
I thought he sounded familiar, but never got around to checking.
since he created them whenever he touches them in this world they feel a godly sense, since Yuu's emotions are all messed she finds pleasure in it, for tahara it's just weird. They didn't explain much in the anime about the godly sense he gives off to his aide.
You better fix it soon by giving her a girlish penis
Is this aots?
Is fun at least
But only because everything else is shit.
That angle and thighs.
It sure something else heard her make constant butt related takes
I hope they don't ruin Kemono Michi next season, or we get another dry spell.
So cool
we get it queen
Living the dream.
For me
Luna and Aku shared too much in common.
unironically is for me too
Is the only anime that i'm watching this season, so yes.
>nico nico anal~~
you mean fido
Yes, but that is a low bar this season.
sick bastard
why is luna still wearing the schoolgirl outfit?
Why not?
ok, you win this time
It looks better than her saint outfit.
Reminder that she is 16 voices the best girls of this season
source? google gives me jack shit
Are you retarded? Read the post.
>I hope they don't ruin Kemono Michi next season
guys... the copcraft thread was a warzone
I love Koyasu
I watch it to bore myself to sleep, pretty good overall
would have been funny if she had voiced aku
Superficial wounds on the outermost cell later of the skin heightens nerve sensations. As long as she puts everything back in order when you're done, it's okay. She could probably even do a genital swap with her magitech surgery.
Literally lifted right out of a JAV.
> Kiwito-sama!
>voicing two MCs already
no but people here will defend it like rats in a dumpster defend their trash
She sucks exec dicks.
previews when?
Why is she half tanned?
have you even ben watching the anime?
Aspies are so cute
for those that heard it without knowing where it comes from yeah, it sounds alot like something straight up a hentai OVA
at the end of the episode like usual, already posted the one that matter the most anyway
Yeah, her tits look a little lopsided, but make another one with her hair covering her fun bits and you've got a daki cover.
>Yukikaze with that "bet you wish I was the one in Maou-sama's position" look on his face
Made Maou-sama look a little too old there.
It's in 3rd place after Machikado and Nymphoqueer
Potayto, potahto
How fat is ebifry? Like DISGUSTING fat or REALLY CURVY fat
Fat Opera Singer tier
so just barely fuckable gottit
And the last one I guess, I wanted to make a new template for editing like the previous one (Driver-san edit) but my dog died today so I will be busy making a whole for her, also it will be cool if the thread dont die when I come back, that will be really nice
I missed one actually
Tron's voice is so weird. I like it.
she sounds like shes high and doesn't want people to realize
she has vitiligo
Doing God's work
Any preview out yet?
Plus the usual screenshots.
Finished. Also
Comfy pic of father and daughter.
Nice to see it did survived so far
it keeps getting bigger
RIP doggo
Everyone wants Maou-sama to be their daddy.
where are the anal doujins?!
If his harem keeps growing at this rate, then Rabi village will be covered by a 12m layer of lolis by the end of the year. Rip in pacem, maou-sama.
Just wait until the rest of Maou's aides show up.
And that is bad because?
Yui >Kaori.
That's what you get for killing not-bernie sanders.
It's mostly JK's next.
Butt sluts
That's a tiny goat
Will all of Kunai's servants get summoned eventually?
Anime-only here. Only 2 assistants were in grayscale in the ED so I assume that's it for the anime.
This is adorable.
Have the reprint of the LNs been translated yet?
>I assume that's it for the anime
That's almost certainly correct.
JNC is officially translating them, but the quality is awful and they're only up to Maou summoning Yu.
Does Aku still smell? Can't just wipe away years of shit, not even with magic soap.
I want to cover her with my magic shampoo if you know what I mean.
Soap is pretty damn good at removing shit. That and you replace your entire skin every month or so.
If she washes body and clothes, she should be fine.
Is luna a SSJ?
a what?
super sayan
supa saiyajin
super sayin
The gold thing Goku does
Sick spicy jelly!
i laughed wayy too hard at that
suppa サイヤ人
semen-soaked jk
post the other, you know THAT one
The third
just got summoned in the LN.
is she best girl?
Do you like extrovert otakus that specialize in close combat?
What kind of we are talking about?
The type that would love the fantasy world setting she was summoned into.
Isekai Otaku?
>the classic meme fast jobber
into the trash
Very homo, extra homo, new years tier, but only if you also browse nakanohito threads too.
What a fucking good song.
These threads remind me of older Yea Forums, at least several years. It's not quite the same but its close. I really miss it. I haven't enjoyed threads for almost anything in a long while.
Wait till you meet Maou's other aides.
only Aku and Luna is what this show needs.
I dont know which one you are referring to actually
this one
Do evil dung imps have a soul? I don't think any amount of magic soap could clean it. It is going to smell like a cesspit forever, throughout the 17 afterlives and the 48 hells.
>fucking her in her nightsoil uniform
That's a fast way to acquire dickrot.
>fucking her
That's not happening actually.
yu too
>These threads remind me of older Yea Forums
thats the vibe im getting too actually
>2 of the Love Live girls on this show along the other AA VAs there are
further remind you where most the budget went
the edits of the last thread were fun, not gonna lie, perhaps Driver-san edit user will come back
I have been here most of the time actually, I just dont have much will to do stuff though
Wow, I like this a lot. Thanks, Yea Forums.
freindly reminder that jahy-sama only takes baths once every 3 days.
she smells as bad as poop loli
better version
Cute and sexy
Because we are mostly old guys here.
if something the last threads has showed us is that yes, alot of the folk here are unironically ojisans themselves indeed
Now put Bolice Pusst innit.
read the early chapter translates of the WN. no mention of any nukes.
see you soon guys
That's onee-san not ojisan to you, little girl.
Yamero. It's time for sleep.
Are you okay?
The only thing that got 'nuked' was the Infinity Game where Maou, aides, and Zero came from.
Tahara, please.
Then Akira is not ded?
We don't know yet. The anime and manga are still in the worldbuilding stage and the antagonist has only just showed up.
Who's the antagonist?
you guys could let the fucking thread die, so we could make a new one soon? how fucking new you guys are
There's also the option of waiting until the next episode when there are things to discuss.
shudda let the thread die so we could have a fresh one for the new episode...
shes so cute!
It's isekai of the season.
Zewoo sama
and 500, this is dedicated to the faggots that couldnt let the thread just die and wait a few hours for a new one
I hope today's episode is a Zero episode.
thanks m8
>155 cm
>43 + ? of something
Just imagine.jpg
43 and 48 are M.ATK and M.DEF