Why do girls do this?

Why do girls do this?

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Kumiko loves Shuichi

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Practicing for boys.


It's a phase characters go through until they realize that a strapon can't actually replace the warm and fuzzy feeling of seed being pumped into them during climax.

Completely straight thing to do with your completely straight friends. Me and my bros often find ourselves in this situation it is no homo for real.

Kumiko and Reina are dangerously straight.

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That's really hot, haha.

Damn this is the straightest, most non gay thing I have ever read.

"Chase" is a lewd word.

Do boys not do this?

Boys have to dress up like girls before they do this.

>OP never got to experience his bro trapping him in a corner and crawling up to him



literally these

i wish it wasn't so taboo for guys to. Bi girls are hot to society while bi guys are weirdos

A dick isn't complicated to operate, so it doesn't require any practicing.

There's nothing comfier than bisexual male/female couples.

They don't.

Look at these straight girls.

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Why dont you?

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They'd make a great couple, right, OP? Too bad they're straight

Neither is the clit yet somehow boys still don't know that girls get their best orgasms without any penetration needed.

They just haven't been taught correct ways to beg for dick.

Isn't a vaginal/g-spot orgasm supposed to be better than a clit orgasm?

It's a mental orgasm.

>Reina's pale skin seemed unreasonably hot
I agree very much, Kumiko.

/u/phonium is better than Euphonium

Said like a true faggot


y do girls do this????

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Because reasons

Girls getting walked in on while on the toilet is my fetish

Cute and canon lesbians!

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I want to be those bricks.

Which brings up an interesting question.

Why would it be acceptable for girls to do this but not boys? Institutionally we can say "that's hella gay," to do that with other guys but why not girls? Is there some kind of evolutionary reason?

I think that's a misconception.
As I've read, a heating sensation are felt in a vaginal or g-spot orgasm in the groin area whereas clitoris orgasm is the "bursting" orgasm men usually knows of.

To speculate in an uninformed and random way:

Men tend to prefer having many partners , and find most women to be acceptable mates. Women prefer to have fewer partners , and are more selective than men with mates. Throughout human history , most women have reproduced and passed on their genes, whereas the majority of men who have been born did not reproduce. So our evolutionary process was shaped by women sharing the most desirable males. Maybe being attracted to other women makes you more likely to accept sharing a man with them , and therefore same sex attraction among women was an advantageous trait. If we apply that assumption to men, a man that shares his mate will have less children than a man who doesn't ( for obvious reasons), so same sex attraction was a disadvantageous trait for men.

Someone printed out their shipfic?

The original source material is super gay my dude.

The books are even gayer than all those show moments. Kumiko spends all her time staring at silky smooth girl thighs. In fact so does Azusa in the Rikka spin-off. The author has some issues with her sexuality.

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I also had my doubts, but the novels are available online and you can find this exact page if you do a full text search.

According to the author the books are based on her own high school "friendship", so yeah

So basically Takeda never really made meaningful connections with boys as a kid, but still felt like she needed to put a normal romance in.
Which is too bad, because Shoe is by far the worst part of the franchise. He doesn't have much of a character, he doesn't have much of an arc, there's no drama in his relationship with Kumiko. The most interesting thing he does until the final book is buy some coffee at a vending machine to look mature in front of Taki.

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I've read her comments on the blatant gayness of the Kumiko-Reina relationship and remember she said something to the effect of, "it's not romantic or sexual, but they have a super special bond that is even more important than they can have with a spouse." It struck me as really weird. But that up there reads like a romantic scene. I don't know how much of that is because of the translation ironing out ambiguities from the original Japanese, but the attention paid to sensual impressions like the softness of skin and fabric, the flushed faces and tender exploration of each other's body, and of course drawing the reader's mind to the character's underwear by having it spelled out in the text, that's straight out of romantic chick lit and erotica aimed at women. If the author didn't intend for it to be interpreted as a romantic moment then I'm really thoroughly confused.

tl;dr Kumiko and Reina want to fuck each other senseless.

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>Is there some kind of evolutionary reason?
No, it's simply societal exceptions.
Put very simply, society makes people carry the pressure of how they should act based on their sex. Men are supposed to behave in a certain way and women in another. For men it seems like there is a lot of pressure to be emotionally closed off. You can't cry (only under very specific situations) or show any other sign of emotional weakness. Seeking help for a mental problems is also a nono and seeking help because your female partner is abusive is considered shameful. The reverse doesn't apply to women. They have their own shitty expectations.

Hell just look a some European countries and especially middle eastern countries where its totally fine to kiss your male relatives on the cheek.

It's acceptable for girls to do this (from the female perspective)?

Still sad Hibike! S3 isn't happening. I wanted more KumiRei scenes.

There's really no way to know what KyoAni will and will not end up canceling.

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If you ask that, you're a queer.

>embracing her bodily
GJ editor.

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>Why would it be acceptable for girls to do this but not boys?
Imagine hugging your best bro and then moving your hand on his back and gently squeezing his butt, then you start feeling his penis rising and touching your own through clothes as you two get boners while blushing and sweeting...
No homo, right?

two girls hugging, kissing, making out, blushing at each other etc. no homo/ just girls doing thigns togetehr as a phase or just cause they are close, most societies accept this.
Take the same with a guy and a girl, and it only meaning can be roamntic/sexual.
And now make the same be done by two guys togetehr, and that's very heavy gay when no one would even try to excuse it with friendship.
the view on most things was born from patriarchal viewpoint and for male oriented society through ages seeing two girls being close even in sexual maneer wasn't a threat since a girl can't impregnate anpther girl logic.


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For the camera.

Girls can't be gay,

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It's a phase where they believe there lesbians. I had at least 3 friends like that who now have boyfriends.


The series character designer died, and they will probably go for a more profitable series with their comeback.

Hibike is one of their big three profitable franchises at the moment, and the other two are already getting new movies next year.

Based ESL-kun user

why are the vulvas so high def? its like strange perspective lmao

I was being sarcastic.

I thought the recent movie flopped though.

A few people on sites that shall not be named did the math, and it did pretty much as expected for a movie in its niche. The retards on Yea Forums who claim it flopped are comparing it to movies in a completely different market segment with wider distribution, like standalone action movies or mainstream megafranchises.

Only British boys

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>man crushes

>he's never done this

Why would you hate hard-working seiyuu who are hard at work marketing for KyoAni?

This is incredibly dated.

Do girls really do this?

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>watching yuribait Class S garbage

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Say like a true faggot

Will I ever be able to watch the new Hibike movie if I missed showings already?

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If you're in Japan, yes. Otherwise wait for the Blu-ray.,