Oh no...
Oh no
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I hope Deen animates it again
how was the latest adaptation? i heard it was shit and didn't capture anything well
Will probably be good, isn't Junji's work very respected in Nippon?
Hard to know what to expect until there is information on who is working on it.
yes but it has never successfully been animated
Production IG apparently.
Directed by Hiroshi Nagahama (Mushishi, Aku no Hana) / Production IG, music by Colin Stetson (Hereditary)- coming exclusively to Toonami / Adult Swim
>coming exclusively to Toonami / Adult Swim
Yeah, no.
Yeah, they generally sticked close to the original stories, but the directing was really mediocre so a lot of the impact was lost.
I hope it isn't english dub only.
>more naruto
umm.... yikes???
Will probably be good, isn't Berserk's very respected in Nippon?
>guy's face digitally transforms into a spiral
>deathcore music with rapping starts playing
I hope they change the ending. Because manga ending is dogshit.
If it isn't someone that is mentally insane and autistic like Takeshi Koike producing a 7 year long visual masterpiece, this adaptation will never work. A lot of what sells Uzumaki is the visuals, the concept keeps the visuals engaging but you're always looking foward to that next page turn into the grotesque.
The story is whatever as most ito stories tend to be shit, you only really care about the characters/story because as long as they're alive and rolling you keep getting to see the insanity keep going. Only a very well made animation production could capture the look and feel of a Junji Ito comic.
Would watch.
Today I saw a spiral tree
I hope this adaptation is total shit, because that would do the manga justice.
halfway through when Ito runs out of variations of the same setup-to-SPOOKY FULL PAGE SPEAD REVEAL OF SOMETHING SCARY it just devolves into a shitty Akira ripoff
Thank fuck we can finally put Boruto in the DBGT camp. The new continuation of Naruto is fucking here!
Reminder that Uzimaki ending is dogshit. Nothing is explained at end and MC dies, so what was the point of all that. To tell a story about spiral aliens? HAHAHAHHAHAHH
If only satoshi kon was alive, that man knew how to animate a thriller, I'm sure if he was given creative control he could really bring out the nightmare vibe junji ito inspires
>music by Colin Stetson
Wow, that's a bold choice. He's great at establishing a claustrophobic, nightmarish atmosphere.
Example: youtube.com
Soma's soundtrack is something I feel could match the tone of what Uzumaki could have as an ost.
>Ito Collection
Just leave Ito alone.
>production IG
>funded by toonami
It will be fucking trash like the flcl sequels
Looks like kino
Didn't Naruto already get an adaptation?
Toonami and Crunchyroll are owned by the same company.
i still have nightmares about the GREASE one
did it ever get adapted? please say no
The ending is fine, it's just left vague because it's cosmic horror, not meant to be explained. The problem for ito's writting is that characters tend to go full cartoon villain when they get infected by whatever is the cosmic horror involved in the story, which isn't deep and psychological, it's just grotesque.
I love Ito's stories because of their concept and visuals, not so much characters and story.
>did it ever get adapted?
Yes. Episode 2. DEEN 12 episode anime. Look it up
thank you
It's a seinen adaptation so expect PS3 models with 5fps animation.
>All the Naruto jokes
Very original, anons.
At least with this one they have a story already. Of course that doesn't guarantee anything but we'll see I guess.
>All the Naruto jokes
To be fair I genuinely thought it was getting another adaptation until I read Junji Ito.
As long as the faggit in charge of toonami doesn’t have a say what goes in this time around it should be fine.
>The problem for ito's writting is that characters tend to go full cartoon villain when they get infected by whatever is the cosmic horror involved in the story
This is the main problem I have with Ito's work. It's hard to be scared when the people don't act like people.
it looks good sorry
Yeah, I understand the concept, it's trying to show people being consumed by the madness and the insanity, but for most characters there is no progression. A lot of characters in the Tomie series for example, just flip from obsessed with tomie to murder hungry, while others get a nicer progression where you get to hate tomie along with the character. It's just not consistent because the stories are short and there is no time to fully develop each character and make their transition more realistic and in turn tragic/horrific.
Yes the 1997 version and Golden Age exist thankyou
This actually looks pretty cool.
I remember watching this thinking my player was choking
Hold the phone, it actually looks interesting
For a teaser this looks promising, especially Kirie's animation, if the whole thing is animated like her, with good flowing movements keeping the character's design consistent (which is not common in anime style, which compromises on quality by cutting corners) there is hope this will look good in motion and will make sense to be made into animation.
Because why are you animating this if you aren't going to make it better or as good as the original? What is the point? The whole draw of the manga is the amazing illustrations, why make a shitty drawing and make it move and pretend it's an adaptation?
doubt they'll animate it like this desu
Smoke cloud could've looked a little better, but the soundtrack carries the eeriness for it
Hard to tell how representative such a teaser is, but animating the whole thing in black and white would be a great design choice.
It was comically bad. There were some small things I liked about it like the ED, but overall it's not worth watching. Just read the manga.
How many animes are in black and white?
wow this looks and sounds amazing
Considering it's Nagahama, I would believe this is what it'll actually look like.
>4 episodes
who cares lmoa
DeMarco confirmed that the whole thing will be animated in black and white.
that's fantastic. what a good choice.
You are such a mongoloid that I will help you understand it.
Everything is explained by the MC and the poing is to tell a story about spiral ancient entities.
>kinomaster Nagahama is directing
There better be a nip dub. I can't stand eng dubs, there's just something really wrong with the voice acting or directing of English anime dubs. Even other countries like Italy and Latin America do it better.
From the faggit who brought you the FLCL sequels...
>he doesn't know about the absolute madman that is Nagahama
I’ll believe it when I see it, that guy is a known bullshitter.
>The Junji Ito panel at Crunchyroll Expo announced on Friday that Ito's Uzumaki horror manga will have an anime adaptation. Hiroshi Nagahama (Mushi-Shi) is directing the series of short stories at Production I.G, and Adult Swim's Toonami block will release the anime in the United States before Japan. Colin Stetson (Hereditary) is composing the music.
> Adult Swim's Toonami block will release the anime in the United States before Japan
Enjoy your C-tier dub.
>coming exclusively to Toonami / Adult Swim
already getting bad vibes
I just hate that the girl was still able to walk, and the source of the spiral was just over there, and she decides to just lie down and die next to the dude.
I vaguely understand her losing interest once the guy died due to their relationship, but still.
Yep he is the only reason why I’m not feeling hype for this.
drr drr adaptation when?
fuck man, i had hopes for it being good but i shoulda known it wouldn't translate well
But it's not coming to Crunchyroll.
What they have to do is an abridged Shippuden series without all the pointless filler
Guaranteed to be shit. FLCL Alternative style
Alt was mediocre, progressive was the one that was hot garbage.
Most of Junji Ito's stories have the main character die. Ito likes to paint hopeless situations and then at the end the monster wins. That's like 90% of hi stories
>already confirming that there is cut content
so what will they skip?
nah that's actually good barring the AS premiere part of it
The FLCL sequels came to Crunchyroll after a year. It'll likely happen faster with Uzumaki considering Toonami and Crunchyroll established a partnership earlier this year.
Anything involving breasts
>Alt was mediocre
Pretty much. It was innofensive honestly. I liked that it tried to do its own spin on FLCL without trying to directly copy it with the main girl not wanting to grow up vs Naota's aboutl learning to let himself be a kid. Also kinda dig how the irons end up winning in the end. It's got kind of a bitter sweet vibe to it.
>Only 4 episodes
I read the whole series and from what I remember every chapter or two could be a single episode. Maybe this will be like Castlevania where the first season is only 4 episodes and depending on reception it'll get more
I like the direction
Adult Swim aired FLCL with subs on April Fools, I doubt they'd only do a dub.
I feel like you could cut out stuff like her hair turning into hypnotizing spirals and not lose much.
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
>And yes, before you ask: the whole series will be in black and white.
Many chapters before the not!Akira part are basically spiral of the week
You know what, I'm gonna be hype for this. I certainly have way higher hopes than I ever did for the Ito collection, which I knew was gonna be dogshit from get go. This has potential.
already pointed out, slowpokes.
I really doubt the whole thing will look this but hey, for a teaser trailer it's pretty good.
God I fucking absolutely need to see that girls eyeball spiral back into her skull. If that's not in it then it's shit. It's honestly the part I'm looking forward too most.
it's literally the most iconic scene from the manga, why would it not be in
Fuck I can't type. I mean to say the animation probably won't look as good all the way through, but who knows.
>Nothing is explained at end and MC dies
Yes, that is how the cosmic horror genre usually works.
>Mushishi director
>Colin Stetson from Hereditary doing the soundtrack
All good so far, have high hopes this might be the first good Ito adaptation.
I dunno how much gore is permitted on television. Or if that counts.
to be fair, top is (accidental) molestation, not just fanservice
I don't think any anime has been censored for violence on Adult Swim (at least not in the past 10 years). Like, they aired Hellsing Ultimate uncut. They do censor sexual content though.
It'll probably be garbage, but if it ends up being passable, that's fine, too. Of course, the manga stands by itself.
Its a joke that has been done a million times in different shows, Demarco is a fag for cutting it.
If it manages to be at least 100 times better than the Deen version, it could be an ok show.
They either air the episodes uncut or use the censored Japanese broadcast.
The attempted rape in SAOA was censored because that was the version Aniplex sent them.
Get ready for a FUCKTON of CGI
The one clip we see is already 100 times better than the Deen version
well, it honestly shouldn't be difficult to surpass the smoldering dumpster fire that was the Collection, so I'd fucking hope so
Someone gotta start dumping the wembs.
Demarco is a fag for not researching the source material before acquiring a show. Should have learned his lesson from PTE.
>Let's air a comedy that demands the viewer be familiar with the source material beforehand
As much as I hate Demarco, that wasnt his decision.
the pregnancy chapter for sure, even if it is one of the scariest
Yes, it was. Every show that airs on Toonami has to be approved by him.
I'm still extremely skeptical but based on this it's worth at least giving it a chance.
Fucking narutards
Nope PTE was from the top guy Mike Lazzo
I seriously hope they don't cut the hair chapters, they are top tier horror comedy
Is this Daiz's fault again?
Uzumaki will be animated in 1997? Cool!
How much pull does he have though? I'm going to be honest, I don't really understand the role toonami plays in anime production when they make shit like FLCL.
Mike Lazzo has never watched an anime outside of Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, and The Big O.
This reminds me of AnH a lot already
Honestly can't believe how hard it slapped me on how the composer is probably the perfect choice in making music for Junji's stories.
Airing PTE in America would be like airing Family Guy or Archer in Japan. None of the jokes would land with the audience at home. You need to have read the manga to appreciate the humor of the anime. And the dub kills so many Japanese seiyuu references. Their parody of Professor Oak was done by Oak's actual Seiyuu.
calling it now, this is gonna end up being great and Yea Forums's gonna have to begrudgingly live with the fact that it's a toonami exclusive
It depends on the show. He gave a lot of input on IGPX, I'm pretty his only creative involvement in FLCL was making sure it could air on American television, and for Blade Runner it's confirmed that he's hired SJW writers.
Shut up, Mista.
>The music in the teaser
I...I don't feel good...
> I'm pretty his only creative involvement in FLCL was making sure it could air on American television
Yes and no, he had little involvement with Alt but he has said that he had a large creative input with Prog.
>4 episodes long
Uhh there’s no way they can cover the whole manga then right?
Already confirmed there will be content cut.
guess i have to add another word to the filter
cannot wait to see the laughably shitty endings in animated form with awful 3d
If they cut the right stuff, they'll hit it out the park.
I imagine they'll do away with most of the one off spiral incidents around town and focus majorly on the grand scale changes. It kind of sucks a bit, cause the one off spiral shit sort of adds to the atmosphere as the town slowly starts to experience more and more bizarre incidents and everything starts to fall apart piece by piece.
I honestly hope they keep the Lighthouse
That chapter ingrained itself into my memory
most of the one offs are better than the later parts where the plot takes over imo
I think they vary, but they do add a lot to the story even if they are spirals of the week sort of.
Missed opportunity, now it’s being ruined by dubfags.
It was fine, retards wanted movie quality and forgot that it’s more a of a comedy horror than actual horror.
>dub only
>just take the manga and use blue and photoshop animation
Into the garbage it goes.
Besides being exclusive to Toonami, this sounds really good.
You fucking retards. It's just Toonami for the west and dub airing first. JP is likely getting a limited release on the big screen then BDs. Nowhere they stated the eng dub is the only dub.
You talk as if Mr. Toonami himself is going to direct the anime or something. The director is Hiroshi Nagahama:
>director of Mushishi and Aku no Hana
He's at least competent
the chapter with the corpse with a spring in it seriously broke the flow and atmosphere of the story for me
what are some good horror anime ?
massive pussy in need of some spooks
what junji ito should i read? only read the one with people stuck inside a mountain or some shit. fast so i can have nightmares about it.
That one was retarded, even for Ito standards, however I wouldn't mind if they keep some of the most absurd ones like the one about the couple or the spiral hair
Yamishibai is the only anime that has genuinely scared me
Long Dream
They don't exist
The closest to good for me are Shiki, Higurashi and Ghost Hound.
Hellstar Remina if you want to laught but also have nightmares.
Tomie if you want a boner but also nightmares.
Why can't they anime Remina?
too funny. the animation will only make the flying scenes more goofy.
Holy shit that's spooky.
Just call them voice actors you fuckin weeb
>Hiroshi Nagahama
He was fucking top tier on Mushishi and DMC, but remember, he did The Reflection.
But I want to see the landing on Remina scene with uncanny purple colors and flora.
shut up baka gaijin
Just call them cartoons and comics you fuckin weeb
It's gonna be shit but Ito is fucking boring so who cares.
It's not really possible to make 2D animation truly scary in my opinion. At best all an anime can do is make you uncomfortable or give you the creeps.
What? Most of the stories animated in the Horror Collection weren't supposed to be comedic.
My hair is suddenly going all curly.
>not comedic
Good thing the 1st ep was a plep filter.
Can you read? I said "most".
The slideshow 90's anime and the golden age movies are both retarded trash. Berserk will never be good animated, and neither will anything from Junji Ito. Some things will just never translate to animated form well.
Is the manga worth it? I'm in the mood for some good horror kino right now
Look again, most were comedic.
>tfw no spooky supernatural gf
This new teaser seems to translate the material to animation pretty well.
Its america, we don't give a shit about violence but we throw a fit over slight sexual imagery.
Nah that one has to stay in, they are probably just cutting the dumber stories like the flying kids, the hair chapter, or guy on a spring.
Yami shibai 1 is the only good one, all of its many sequels are garbage
The latest episode may have been the worst
Why? The whole point is visual I dont see how this could be adapted. Hell I dont think any of his work could be adapted, unless you had a animation masterwork going on.
Hell I'll be optimistic though who knows, mabey they have some interesting way to adapt the visuals properly.
>inb4 it is an "animated comic"
It's another Production I.G. x Cartoon Network thing.
If you want to know how this will probably go quality wise, just look at the FLCL series they produced.
The show had a lot more comedic stories than horror stories. I would imagine for kids a lot of the horror stories would be especially terrifying so have the lighthearted stories mixed in feels about right to me.
holy shit this is already AOTS 2020
this manga pissed me off
>literally watch a bunch of supernatural haunted bullshit happen
>"this town is infected by spirals we gotta leave"
>"nah shuichi you're just overreacting"
>directed by Hiroshi fucking Nagahama of Mushishi
Im now glad that Artland closed down. Fuck I'm so hyped by now
>Hell I'll be optimistic though who knows
Don't be. This guy named Jason Demarco thinks because he is buddies with Mitsuhisa Ishikawa he can just throw a little money at his favorite Japan things, get industry no-names involved, and it will somehow just magically work out ok. Except enigmatic low quality production, dishonest promotion, and just utter disappointment.
This is what gets me the most about Ito's long stories, nobody actually acts like a rational human being, they all operate on horror movie logic where the only person who realizes that something weird is going on is promptly ignored
They'll cut the spiral galaxies for certain. Even the manga cut the part about spiral galaxies.
Shinsekai Yori isn't exactly a horror anime, but it's pretty creepy. If you make it through the gay shit in episode 7 or something, it keeps getting better.
They revealed that. Im hoping that every page they showed in the teaser is kept in.
the pregnant mosquito ladies definitely aren't in lol
That sucks ass
i remember them being pretty reasonable in Gyo but it's been a while.
I love the beginning of this series, but it quickly loses its appeal and becomes schlocky
>US first
dead on arrival
He is talented at the opening pitch, but abysmal afterwards. Really the only long form manga I can think of that doesn't become absolute dreck is Black Paradox, although it immediately forgets the "double" motif that started the whole thing off, which annoys me.
Read layers of fear if you want to see some fucked up shit
>Not understanding the main girl was under the influence of the spiral since they first showed up
>tfw you will never kill Tomie and cut her into tiny little pieces
But Immortal Grand Prix worked out just fine.
I'm a different user but I'm already not liking where this is going
kagewani s1
>that director
>that musician
>that studio
>that animation decision (B&W)
I don't want to be excited, but I am.
God I really love that one, but I wish it went a bit longer.
Not too much, but just a bit more. I feel like the premise deserves more narrative.
Guess I’ll be cautiously optimistic about it
The FLCL sequels weren't directed by Demarco either, and they still sucked.
Because they were directed by shitty directors.
Also aside from language and nudity edits, Toonami always airs its programming uncut and even aired the Hellsing OVA's. As far as violence is concerned there won't be any censorship.
>Had a large creative input with Prog
So that's why Prog was the shittier of the two sequels.
Nothing aside from prolly Ghost Hound
Cool. Now air Black Fox you cowards.
>Mushishi, Aku no Hana
How the hell do you go from Mushishi to Aku no Hana
This was a play on those old American cartoons. The joke seemed to pass over everyone's head.
They're both extremely non-standard works, visually speaking, doesn't seem that odd.
Aku no Hana isnt even that bad.
I can't afford the fas gois or Caviar she craves.
So? How does that confirm that this is going to suck when a new and arguably competent director is at the helm of the project? Is it just because it's Toonami? You can't be this dumb, user. Like I said, it's not Mr. Toonami that's going to make the show all by himself, that's not how studios work. Toonami is just a brand.
I'm just saying Toonami seems to be fucking cursed. Pretty much all their originals and co-productions since the revival have either been busts like the FLCL sequels, or crashed and burned despite a very strong start like Samurai Jack. Granted, the fact that Uzumaki is an adaptation rather than a completely original story or continuation means things are looking brighter already.
True. It's looking very promissing and I think there's little chance for this to suck, given that there's competent people behind it now. The fact that they chose to go for a black and white look rather than full color tells me that the direct has a good head on his shoulders. Even though it isn't as detailed as the manga, it still looks league better than the Ito Collection.
Impossible to adapt.
If only all manga adaptations are animated like that.
It looks like you're reading a manga but it's moving.
Bet you think the end in I am a hero and Liar Game suck. Fucking brainlet
the end of I am a Hero does suck though
>twitter screencap
>Oh no...
I'm excited and skeptical at the same time, especially after the debacle the last time they adapted Ito's stuff.
If they can adapt the snail chapter well, that enough is going to creep out a lot of people.
junji ito has the best girls
but DBGT is based and redpilled
I like IaaH ending, but Liar Game just stops in the middle of a sentence.
Netflix exec here, we just bought the licence for this but apparently it's a horror anime or some shit?
Not sure how we can fill it with progressive diversity ideals as we need to, any ideas? Thanks.
Just fund the adaption of any yaoi manga, that's ultra popular as a genre and gets you LGBT points, plenty are even SFW and not lewd at all.
Honestly the only animation that’s made me uncomfortable was the Kishin’s revival scene in Soul Eater
What's the point if there is already a live-action version?
Holy shit that was pure kino
Fund a Murcielago anime you cowards. It has a lesbian protagonist and is super woke. Go for it, your leftist audience will love it.
I thought the stilted motion of the cloud worked really well for that single scene
What is a motion comic
isnt that enough?
Is this the glorious beginning of the age of Yea Forums twitter threads?
Will it be an anime themed Yea Forums?
calm down, it's an announcement of an anime, not some twitter drama with e-celebs.
are directors tied to studios? i'm guessing not
From the guy who can't write and ending to save his life.
Nobody even brought up twitter until you showed up nigger.
Should have went with hell star remina
If its good or bad, my reaction is:
Wow it looks just like the original. It might be just as good....
Guys, what if someone hacked & released Ito's porn stash?
It'd probably just be really vanillia stuff, user. At worst he might have a few guro or some fucked up drawings for inspiration.
I don't get it
>regular school shootings are A-OK
>tits and ass are the devil though!
God I hate America so much.