Are they going to die?
Boku no Hero Academia
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>literally an e thot whoring herself out on social media
Hey Kamui is pure you leave him out of this
man they really fucked us on this chapter bros
She's dying for Shoto's cock
Reminder that women don't like the little splurt
They want the BIG ONE and you know it
this arc ends with both Mt Lady and Midnight pregnant from unknown father.
kissing ochaco
Todorokis wife.
that's not true, i like him
I yawned hard this chapter
Deku's 7 quirks gimmick can be explained by the fact that the AFO's brother's quirk has the side-efect of stealing whatever quirk the previous user had before, therefore leaving former OFA users quirkless.
Also will get Shaggy AFO
todolady is cute and canon
>Ujiko "Not a teenager? Into the chamber" Daruma
>Ujiko "Baby born? Time for a brain reform" Daruma
>Ujiko "Local doctor turns your child into a helicopter" Daruma
>Ujiko "Farms your kindergarten" Daruma
>Ujiko "They grow up so quick" Daruma
>Ujiko "Pimp my kid" Daruma
>Ujiko "Child in rehab? Time for the lab" Daruma
>Ujiko "This abortion need more locomotion" Daruma
>Ujiko "Prefer we had a dog instead" Daruma
This chapter was great
I can never tell if I want to hug her or have her step on my dick
I miss them
The villains are almost always the best part of any superhero setting/story.
I love how optimistic and happy he looks, nigga should be able to wrap shit by the end of this arc.
>not wanting to be lovingly hugged after a hard session of being dommed
i am happy that deku is back and we got to see him smile, it made me smile
I love the Todoroki/Bakugo dynamic. The autism is so strong.
as gross as you are, i like you
you're very nice.
Is too optimistic. That's freaking me out.
I like all of them but shiggy
I still dont get why they are still following him
Rank your favorite lov
Why are all of hori's women filthy pedos?
Shiggy is unironically my favorite but I love all the LoV members. Even Spinner.
he got molested as a kid. poor guy
why are all of hori's teenage boys so cute?
Mr. Compress
Fill LoV characters
And why are all of his men a bunch of homos?
i wish i were this poor guy
imagine all the babies this thing could make
Imagine trying to fuck her in giant form, wouldn't that be something ha ha
Imagine her fighting whiles you are in her vagina ha ha
Who is Deku gonna be an intern under?
>Casually demonstrating his allegiance to Re Destro
When will Hori reveal him for the traitor that he is?
Anyone have a screencap of All Might similar to this one?
Haha imagine her peeing while doing that
>Re-Destro being happy and excited
>turns out he's just hiding his stress to a higher degree, improving his quirk output
Doubt it's the plan, but would be based.
Hopefully the "big 3" all go with Endy now that both Deku and Bakugou's bosses are dead
maybe kamui since the black whip is sorta similar to the way he uses his wood powers, i don't know
Imagine Mt. Lady using her piss to put out a fire.
The sludge monster incident would've gone a lot more smoothly if she had a full bladder.
Everyone dies eventually. Ask Chitose.
He is a jew. Jews surrender and bow their heads and kiss ass when they meet someone they can’t defeat or brainwash.
reminder that tomorrow we are getting a new trailer for S4
I still hope the eye-patch is temporary.
Someone should do an expansion of this
I'm really not into vore but haha just imagine her massive tongue
I would not be surprised if Ochacho likes the little splurt.
no it was shit, fuck school arcs
Either Miruko, Endi or kamui
me too
about fucking time
She could also wash buildings with her piss if she was giant
it's 100% a ruse from Hori.
way too close to the MVA arc, he's using the wrong hand, also uses fingers to do just stungun attack pose, is posing here and looking smug exactly like he would try to be in an interview.
way too obvious, it'll be someone nobody expects like sugarlips or tape.
Hey guys guess what yesterday I married Shiggy
Nomu #1
Chainsaw Nomu
wow really
i'm so happy for you two, did u have the wedding yet?
the eyepatch is great, get taste
True, this manga would be shit without Twice
The only way Bakugou can learn some manners is with this man
Now that its over, I want to know. How did the nips take the villain arc? Did they like it? Could one of the villains actually be on the Top 10 in the next popularity poll?
Finally I will listen to the Opening theme
But Toga has such beautiful carnivore eyes that gleam with life. I want both of them.
Nobody cares sperglord
>Could one of the villains actually be on the Top 10 in the next popularity poll?
lol no
Leave black whip to me.
Mr. Compress
Compress will probably shoot up to 2nd or 3rd once he gets any actual focus
neck yourself
>way too obvious
You say that as if Hori is a master of deception.
What is your prediction for the Top 10, user
>Deku still a cuck
>Bakugou still a cunt
>Shouto still clueless
>Class 1A still irrelevant
>All Might is now dying suddenly
Imagine giving a shit.
Retards like to forget critical dialogues in the manga whenever it's convenient for them often. Ice girl cannot be touya because endeavor specifically said he had firepower greater than his.
My prediction is hawks will call endeavor and they'll both end up being ambushed by the paranormal army of neets, just for dabi to kill them off while saying something along the lines of "Good riddance, dad" Screencap this
it is, fuck her power is changing form how hard is for to get a new eye even if she is permant blind?
She was disfigured (and almost dead) 2 chap ago now is in better condition than twice who still has the broken arms
yeah toga's eyes are so so pretty and it would be really really sad to see her lose one of them
Close to the same as last time, except the Jeanist meme being replaced by Aizawa. That seemed like a freak one time thing, like Jirous was.
>My prediction is hawks will call endeavor and they'll both end up being ambushed by the paranormal army of neets
This is why you are not a writer
>it is, fuck her power is changing form how hard is for to get a new eye even if she is permant blind?
We don't know, do we? And while yes, she is right now in better shape than Twice, and I am thankful she was rescued from the brink of death (even if they apparently had to bleed and kill her clone to do it), I really want her to make a full recovery and go back to being the Toga we know.
Kaminari is perfect because it's the most obvious choice, and therefore the one that would surprise the most when it actually happens since we were all expecting it to be someone irrelevant
>since we were all expecting it to be someone irrelevant
Kaminari is irrelevant
>we were all expecting it to be someone irrelevant
Like Kaminari.
Name a more deeper fight in MHA. The way it resolved Naruto's greatest plotline about love conquering over war, by demonstrating it, and subsequently the fruits of peace when Pain used his (plot-backed) Rikudo Rebirth jutsu to revive the village that he had just assaulted; which Naruto still remembers when Obito uses it and is why he doesn't try to stop Madara with Sasuke (that's what you call A-Grade detail). It all came together perfectly.
Its trash, but this is nips we are talking about here
literally every fight in bnha
You already know that Kaminari isn't that irrelevant. He isn't like Sato, Hagakure, Kouda, Shouji, Ojiro or Sero.
Have this instead.
Crazy how much better Nardo manga used to look.
I think you are overestimating Shinsou's popularity, and underestimating Hawk's
Mirio vs Overhaul
>tfw Mount lady will never mount you between training sessions
Why life ?
He isn't far off from them. He has a boosted fanbase due to being friends with Kiri and Baku but he really hasn't done a fucking thing in this series.
He is an irrelevant character who gets screentime.
Which makes him the perfect traitor for the readers as well.
We don't know much about him, but we do know him enough to care if he turns traitor.
Hawks and Shinso were the hardest ones to place for me, what about then?
He has a boosted fanbase due to being an attractive twink. If he wasn't attractive people would treat him as a Mineta 2.0
nighteye's force ghost
>Shiggy says that with all of his power he doesn't need to lurk in UA any more and it's time to keep up the pressure from their last event
>Asks for Hawks to pick up their informant for the internship
>Hawks prods him for info as they banter with Kami acting ignorant for the most part
>Eventually finds out that Hawks has been working as an informant for the government
>Relays to the rest of the LoV
>Hawks getting nervous and impatient to report back, hasn't had an opening
>Skeptic sets up a trap, implicates Hawks as working with the villains
>Pits him against pro heroes or the government directly, possibly given dequirking serum to weaken him and have him taken out by citizens instead
>Gets killed, trust in heroes plummets
>Shiggy is having too much fun, springs his trap and tells Kami to put the final nail in the coffin
>Kami goes full nuclear at UA, Hawks further implicated post mortim (or maybe he's just on the run with nowhere to go now other than villainy)
>UA news explodes publicly
>Public trust in the hero system drops to near 0 in under a month as paranoia ramps up
Feel like you should put Hawk's in 4, and Shinsou in the lower of the Top 10. Also no way in hell Ochako is in the top 10.
You should put Endeavor instead of her
>just for dabi to kill them off while saying something along the lines of "Good riddance, dad"
This is silly. Endeavor wouldn't fight Dabi and still not know who he was before that kind of moment. He had the excuse of not being able to see him clearly last time, but if his vision isn't impaired, I doubt he would be like "who is this boy who looks and has fire powers exactly to my eldest son?" They've been teasing him around the Todoroki family without having them directly see him for a reason.
>Retards like to forget critical dialogues in the manga
Kinda hard to remember every little detail when none of them pan out
You're blind if you are comparing Mineta and Kaminari. Mineta has issues. Kaminari will settle down thanks to Jirou.
And Class B has been forgotten again
people should have known this
>Feel like you should put Hawk's in 4, and Shinsou in the lower of the Top 10. Also no way in hell Ochako is in the top 10.
Thats fair
>You should put Endeavor instead of her
As much as I like Endeavor, im doubtful that he will make it a second time, all he had was those two pages during match 3. I mean is he even that popular with nips now??
They probably just got to do the same thing later with Kamui Woods.
Sero is also friends with Kiri and Baku and nobody pretends he's relevant.
Kaminari appeals to fujos, which means he appears in merch, which means he appears more relevant than he really is.
Hey maybe we'll get to see them during the intern arc 2.0
What did people expect, outside of Monoma, Kendo and T4 no one else got any focus from class B and the rest of the arc focused on class A
Yeah we did
>Kaminari appeals to fujos
Not enough to beat Gang Orca in a popularity poll
I don;'t know, I still feel like he has more chances of being there than Ochako, but you are right, its a toss up between them for me
Shiggy is so handsome
>Gang Orca
This is gonna be interesting, the first popularity poll in a while that doesn't have the anime to influence votes. I wonder how it will turn out
Enough to place 10th, 11th, and 8th in the first 3 popularity polls.
the whole battle against overhaul in general, peak heroism
Let's follow the chain of events here
Shoto and Bakugo fight the Seltzer Bandit and his gang only hours after getting their licenses, whop their asses.
Media interviews them.
Shoto is good, Bakugo is Bakugo.
Aizawa decides his class needs help, asks Mt. Lady to provide it and Midnight to keep her in check.
Class B not forgotten so much as, just not a part of it.
Seriously, she's one of those characters that should be OP but the author blueballs and doesn't do shit with.
If she can create shit, why can't she create nitroglycerin like Bakugo and just use his grenade cannon things? Or make sleep gas like nightshade but make a mask too.
Whole series is shit anyways.
>the only reason Eri could trust Deku was because of Mirio, which is represented with his cape holding them together
Now that is peak kino
>Popularity poll ends before season 4 airs
>Mirio is still cucked out of top 20
If anything I wonder how AM and Endeavor do now in the polls since they both were pretty silent in the past year
my dick
Oh yeah. when is the poll released? I don't know
The clone was almost dying for bleeding too
i would have liked to go but i'm still really happy for you!
Not sure, last one was late November and the voting ends Tomorrow
Mirio would be even lower if season 4 started airing during the poll.
Imagine how normalfags will react to Chisaki dragging Eri into an alleyway in full motion, color, and sound, while Mirio just lets it happen with a dopey smile on his face.
Mirio has a better chance because animeonlies haven't seen that scene with him yet and all they know is that he's a badass with his quirk.
I really like badass old man characters
I hope he's a powerhouse
>joint training was all for nothing in the end
Welcome to one year ago
Well dabi is likely a todoroki too
will you be more surprised if Hori reveal is it or is not?
yes it realy had its moments
>People still falling for the kaminari red herring and just allowing Hagakure to sneak around traitoring
I know right
his eyes reminds me of all might
only villains get character development
heroes = gay
Why didn’t you come?
lets screencap this
Who would even be affected by her being the traitor except monkey boy, who is irrelevant as well?
hagakure would be disappointing
pain arc was pretty good for that
I wish hori did full spreads, and not just half-measures with extra panels in there
I cant wait for Dekus o my six quirks moment while dabbing on the League of Villains the tears will be delicious
Who the fuck would be affected by Kaminari being the traitor. This idea that it can't be Tooru because its too obvious or shes not developed enough is laughable and the thing everyone defaults to when they can't come up with a reason it's not her.
Truly a fucking best
Do they ever mention it being a salute?
yeah i'm not sure about that
I think I found our first addition to this arc's Wall of Delusional Retards
Who would be affected?
All 1-A and since he participated at the band it would be a scandal.
Hagakure is a literally who
haha yeah man. It's like how his quirk hurts him and he can barely use any of it's power. What a loser. He'll never improve.
There is no traitor, right now having one is redundant.
We have hawk who is a traitor (double agent, but a traitor in the lov eyes), then Toga who can shapeshift (and who know if she had some blood from someone with invisible quirk) and she is perfect for infiltration mission.
So you have 2 who can easly gives lov info, why adding a third ones?
yeah bro hes seriously struggling nigga he managed to to get it under control in two weeks
mirio's arc is unironically really good
it's a good example of hori's ability to write character arcs that aren't just about getting stronger
sorry i didn't know, if i knew i would have loved to come!!
A shame Deku took the credit for Mirio's effort and ended up saving Eri instead.
well the villains are not going to wait for him
what's with all the super predators in this manga
>Who the fuck would be affected by Kaminari being the traitor.
>maybe Bakugou.
thats more than just one monkey boy at least
can't spell takeshita without take a shit
gentle did nothing wrong
>Deku who beats overhaul get no attention
You say that but Hori could come up with a reason for them to not do anything
it was a collective effort
USJ Nomu
don't worry bro I will just get stronger during fights while discovering new quirks Tomura will be easy mode when deku magically gets quirk that hard counters him
you do, kiddo?
take your Yea Forums meme and gtfo
don't taint his good name with your faggotry
those are just other no name shitters
>whitebeards /v
Grown men don't care about grown women in his universe.
But the one who planted the seed, the one who gave Eri hope was nobody other than Mirio and on top of everything he lost his quirk for her sake.
Deku lost nothing, and got the final blow. It sucks.
Also mineta since sparky is usually his partner in crime.
>substantial status quo changes
highly unlikely, but you have my wishing energy
Mirio isn't a homo.
>gentle did nothing wrong
He was still a waste of time though
yes honest, i would actually really like to be the flower girl in someone's wedding, i asked my cousin if she'd let me for her wedding and she said i could but my parents wouldn't let me, they said i was too old
was this supposed to be a comedic moment ?
none of the students are the traitors because they would literally be the most pointless traitors in existence. The league is literally getting 0 info from them about their classmates.
The only useful stuff they got was stuff the teachers only knew.
no they are going out
Because she is a die hard moralfag, that's what holds her back, quirks like hers are regulated as fuck, it was mentioned very early in the manga, probably a foreshadowing of the current thing
pikachu also hangs out with tape and more recently bakugo and his pet fujobait
All Might literally beat all for one and deku suddenly needs to have six fucking quirks doesn't this remove the whole point of why deku was quirkless to promote a protag that doesn't suddenly get op quirks and every wish granted yikes
Meant to be a fapbait panel to get the juicepoints with the jap teens.
>everyone is so up their own ass about the traitor that they forgot when Mic first mentioned the possibility of one everyone ignored him
This. Everyone is hyping up this traitor without realizing the Villains don't really have that much extra info on the students. They just got some scheduling info a couple times.
The only reasons the students are in dorms now is cause of the possibility of a traitor
Yes I’d let you be that in my wedding, super honest!
half the reason the dorms even exist is for the principle to sniff the traitor out.
Reread. It was one reason, not the only reason.
the mole plot point was dropped sorry fellas
I hope we see Young Might in upcoming OfA flashbacks.
Seems more like a symbol given they positioned Girans fingers to form it.
That would be unironicaly kino as fuck.
Oh shit I didn't know a new poll was on the horizon. I wonder by how many votes bakugou is gonna slaughter the competition this time.
Damn that's a prime pussy.
She's a fucking hag
L for Liberation
Apparently the vote ends tomorrow, so maybe we will get the results this September, or at least on October, before the anime releases.
that's really nice of you!
: )
Are we friends?
He's learning to be a hero, not steal bikes.
Did he ever get an info page in a volume like other folk? I feel like I never saw one for him.
yes!! we're best friends and i love u
I'm a die-hard Togafag but I honestly really like the look of the eyepatch
Do these still and the other volume extras still get translated?
How the mentor/successor relationship should go:
>All Might and AfO fight each other vicariously using their respective successors and only pass away when said successors have fulfilled enough of what they wanted to accomplish but couldn't
How it will actually go:
>All Might and AfO die and their successors spend years learning about them posthumously and possibly missing the point of their teachings because they aren't here
Hawk, so he can discover hime being a double agent for the plot
And also him killing Jeanists under the government orders to make him actually go rogue
It's part of some sort of fashion style I can't remember the name for. Girls wear eye-patches, band-aids, bandages and look wounded and such. Perhaps it's medical kei? I think it fits with her theme
I love best friends I wish I was best friends
How it's actually going:
>both successors are disappointments, like going from Johnathon, Joseph, Jotaro, and Josuke to the scrawny bitch boi that is Giorno
I like MHA more but to be fair, fights isn't a strong point of Hori. Naruto on the other hand had really good fights.
i hope we'll see more of this nigga
Todoroki is taller than him
you are best friends! you're my best friend
I don't. I hate niggers.
Deku disappointment he literally has the o my six quirks are you delusional he will surpass all might from that alone
telepathic sexting/ joi even in public with none the wiser
Man Hero Academia (the institution) is really boring.
It's either battles, quirk training or internships. Those "media" trainings are practically nonexistent.
>I have a wife four years younger than me
>can't call out it's power like All Might could naturally because he's a beta cuck who never trained until promised power
>is a scrawny whiny faggot
>worships his bully's cock
Just read 7 volumes of this.
>zoro slashes enemy fwooosssh epic
>luffy punches tyrant
>sanji kicks baddie
is this seriously the peak of shonen? this is probably the lamest most formulaic thing I've ever seen. i assume it gets good at *some* point?
>Deku punches enemy with 5%
>Deku punches enemy harder with 8%
Yeah much better
At least it doesn't tease people with a plot for 100 chapters and then forgets it outright
Difference is One Piece has world building and tons of fun characters. Plus an actual plot outside of "I WANT TO BE THE STRONGEST _____ IN HISTORY!"
Just today a nip tweeted about sending in 200 votes for him
I still find it ok, but I stopped reading it weekly and only come back once a year to binge read the year's worth of chapters.
>Endeavor getting higher ranks
>Fujos spamming votes for him
Im conflicted
literally why is there deku haters they are already getting cucked because of the oh my six quirks imagine what's going to happen in the future
Then why didn't he fuck Nejire?
seeth boku no tranny
He can have 100 quirks and still suck
Who says he hasn't?
noooooooooooo chadeku cant keep winning like this cucks in the future
Based. Oda actually knows how to utilize Devil Fruits and give people the most out of their power. There's never people asking questions like Plus haki unlike nen actually has restrictions and a system so it doesn't feel like bullshit when wishmaking nen is brought in
I think it's more like Hori is straight up not creative enough to think of intelligent uses for her nearly limitless ability. He's never done any clever tricks in the entirety of this manga. You can tell he wants to, he makes heroes and students with these interesting toolboxes that they need to use creatively to succeed, and he makes these one-panel spreads alluding to prior AFO battles being elaborate and multifaceted ordeals, but he doesn't have the mindset to follow through so everything actually shown is about raw force and blasting harder.
Because Nejire is for Tamaki.
nigga the most creative thing hori did in this manga is make deku kick people like lmfao nigga please
mirio should have been the MC
Oda gave Ruffy a shitty power but at the same times he still managed to keep him in power with the others, not to mention Zoro and sanji who are top fighter without power
He is gayer than Kirishima
Hori did my boy so dirty, I'll never forgive him
Aww man that was fun
Same here. I usually hate spamming, but it's only fair he gets some considering every single character in the top ~20 gets spam votes
>Luffy and friends have awesome fights that they win without asspulls
i.e. something Dekuck and company will never experience
Hori refers to Kaminari in his character page as being like Kirishima, meaning that he's glue that helps hold the class together. If he's the traitor it would effect a lot of people.
That's my point exactly here
Oda is way more creative with powers and how he utilizes them. Luffy has an entire arsonal of attacks and power ups just because he's made of fucking rubber.
Alternatively the author should learn from Araki's JJBA. If you don't want super OP power ups for basic skills at least learn to make the most of what you got for strategic battles. Like how well Josuke utilizes healing in strategic situations such as on the motorcycle chase.Or Giorno letting himself get gassed because he already created an anti-venom with his power. Or fucking Josuke using magic tricks to outsmart a shapeshifting vampire eating demi god
There's no way that All Might will drop out of the top ten for fucking Ochako
*gets himself arrested for no reason*
Empty, because Kaminari never actually does much. He facilitates dialogue in between arcs when nothing matters, just like Kirishima and Mina.
I thought the glue were Bakugou and Deku according to Jobzawa
deku's wife
Mirio is Erisexual
>he's glue that helps hold the class together
fuckin kek
why does this board seethe over deku so much he's literally the main protag you are just cucking yourself
I like how Oda turns seemingly absolute shit powers into the strongest things ever
Meanwhile Sugarnigger and Stonecuck did jackshit in almost three hundred chapters
based, boys getting pegged is cute, look at him begging, so cute
Kek. Reminds me of the scene where Gintoki gets kicked during his fight with Hosen and Hosen starts explaining that legs are stronger than arms.
Based. Chopper is a perfect example. A reindeer with a human fruit and got tons of strong human abilities like martial arts point from it.
Lies all lies.
Also Kiri isn't gay.
One piece worldbuilding, also known as a straight line with islands that all have a bad guy oppressing the people
We have a changes of pace like Pro Hero and LA arcs between Deku fighting villains. One piece is like a 900 chapters of the same thing
>all the piece fanboys in this thread
Go back
I really enjoyed this chapter and I hope you guys did too
It may not be very apparent but that's Hori's intention with his character.
what you posted is not all like "Keeping the class together". What the fuck
uh, we don't post re destro anymore here, if you didn't get the memo he has been turned in the most pathetic character in history of manga
Ok what the fuck did he mean by this? What is this in reference to?
Based herochad
>"he was created to round out the class"
pick one
Was in volume seven where shibukai and four emperors are introduced?
now 20 years later we got 2 emperors fighting togheter, talks about world building
She already married Deku tho
Let's not turn this into a fanbase war
I don't know but that's what he gets for trying to drum up fake excitement
i really liked it as well, mt lady saying she liked shoto was cute
>kota and Eri will never meet
I smile every time
Yes I love that lots can we play oh please oh please
young boy x older woman is cute and wholesome
That's one translation. Here's another.
One Piece has several kingdoms and conflicts and history within each one, different factions such as different pirate groups, different pieces of world government, the marines, revolutionaries, mercanaries, etc; warring armies within each countries, different islands around each island (alabasta went from desert to a snow island to a jurassic island back to the desert), fun settings like sky islands, and everything else.
MHA has japanese cities and that's about it. They have heroes and a weak villain faction. They finally just got around to adding another group and it instantly cucked to the villains and became nothing more than a plot to make the villains stronger because the author had to do something to equalize the power after o my 7 quirks.
>posts a pathetic wimp cuck who surrendered his entire group instantly
MHA fanbois everyone
yes!! i love to play
You're a little autistic, right?
Same I missed the class more than I thought.
I'd say Oda has more of a sense for the big picture, since there are clearly at least some things over the course of story that have slowly been built towards, whereas I'm not sure how much actual thought Hori puts into the overall world building outside endlessly inventing new quirks. I'm not a huge fan of One Piece and stopped reading it many, many years ago though so I really shouldn't be commenting on the quality of it's storytelling.
meh, thats nothing more than what said. He's more similar to Mina.
defend this.
*yawn* go back and read your kiddy one piece shit
it was comfy
In one piece four emperor and 7 shibukai were introduced after Sanji joins
Four emperors are still a treath after 900 chap.
Destro was only mentioned, and Redestro was a joke
God Kaku was so based
I haven't watched that fight in 12 years and I still remember it like it was yesterday
All the Bakgugo moments and Shoto moments made me fucking giggle, and Deku being ridiculously bad at interviews was pretty interesting too. I wonder how he'll work on that, because he definitely has to.
Pretty based and redpilled
That's the face he makes when he pulls a brand new dragon dildo out of the packaging
>his basis of a series greatness is how much gore is in it
Go back to middle school edgelord
And because UA decided - belatedly - to ramp up security. You had students traveling by train and walking from all over town to get to campus with no protection. The LoV could have killed most of them with ease. Now, attacking them - and UA, with all these high powered quirk users inside its walls 24/7 - would be a bit harder.
>commenting on what the actual manga shows compared to what meaningless (at this point) characters pages says is autistic
The heroes aren't going to develop much until the big pivotal plot shift where society crumbles and UA and the Hero Association are dissolved, with all the students becoming vigilantes who still call themselves heroes.
imagine crawling intio her vagina and just staying there while she does hero work, which gets her really horny, and when she turns normal size she just explodes into guts ha ha
>never once said “I want him” to Deku
>the mole
>plot point
niggas, please, we all now hori dropped it just like how he forgot Twice had already clonned Toga
>name of the show is MHA
>the academy is going to dissolve
k. Hori doesn't have the balls to make big moves like that
>We have a changes of pace like Pro Hero and LA arcs between Deku fighting villains.
"X characters vs jobbers of the month" is not a change of pace
which won't happen
In one piece there were told of child slavery/prostitution (Boa) and cannibalism (big mom) and self cannibalism (zeff)
That's fine, I accept that he can't be perfect. He still makes a very entertaining manga with very expressive artwork despite his flaws. I love that he is so passionate about his work and has such admiration for his peers.
Yes, it's like you can't understand how characters's relationships works.
yeah i laughed a lot at shoto's interview with mt lady, he's so funny lol
>He still makes a very entertaining manga
The relationships that are never actually shown and 90% headcanon because said characters don't ever do anything
He makes popcorn. He makes what you eat when you're bored and need something to kill time while waiting for a good series. That's what he writes you nigger.
Mt. Lady's explanation for what she was doing in class confused him, but he was willing to go along with anything. When she finally said "Practice interviews" he exclaimed "OH, that's it?"
He may have been thinking with the small head. Mt. Lady does that to men.
Bro the shit you are trying to say is never ever shown in this manga
Out of anyone Kirishima would be the one to own a dragon dildo.
The plot in Boku no Hero is a lot like the gender wage gap.
it doesn't exist
Friendly relationships? Do you know them? It's not that hard to read them.
Not mention, but it's how they great each other.
One for all
yes, the ones that are mostly headcanon outside of the mains because there is not much actual material
Decuck is a fucking loser
20 students. Ochaco and Iida voted for Deku. Shoto voted for Momo. There should be 17 names up there. I see two columns of 8. Is there a third column of 1?
yeah bro amirite?
Why did Hori drop the mole subplot
what is Eri storing in her horn?
I don't know, they let Deku just wander outside to shop without a guard, without telling staff and without a fellow student (the very least they could do is insist on buddy system). UA currently is aware that Deku is literally a primary target of the LoV, including direct threat from the leader Shigaraki, explicit instruction to kill as conveyed by Muscular, and Toga, who they know is a fucking shapeshifter serial killer, has successfully gotten close to and stalked him twice, one of those times in a fucking testing facility.
Nobody at UA gives a FUCK, they are just phoning it in until the government dissolves them.
Did this actually happen? I don't watch the anime
What does Shouto have in common with Harry Styles?
they're both pretty boys going in One Direction
Eventually Mount Lady will join the cake brigade
I don't think he did. I think he wants us to believe he did because we all figured out who it was.
I hope so
the wage gap does exist though, boys get paid more for no reason, it's stupid.
Someone else told me that face is popular in Japanese memes on things like snapchat and shit. I got the impression that it's supposed to imply a strong confidence and charm, aka Kirishima is excited because he knows he's good with people and would be good in interviews.
he doesn't know how to write something that isn't
>me punch your face
yes, you're an autistic speedreader
No. Its drawn by a Kachacco artist.
>no reason
Ask how I know you've never had a job. Women do fuck all in the work place and are always first to leave when overtime is needed.
And I'm glad he's making it. That's what he set out to do and is achieving it. He doesn't have to become the god of manga or something, he's telling simple fun stories that make people smile and there's nothing shameful about that.
>Delu fucked all of them
I met a herocuck in public once. We got talking to music and he mentioned he liked the band Fugazi.
His favorite song by them is Waiting Room
>not canon
What do black men and Bakugou have in common?
They're both assholes who've fucked Dekuck's gf
Nah my mom is a vice president, works longer and is relied on more than anyone else in her company, and we'd be living in a fucking mansion if she got what her male counterparts make.
harry is my favorite in one direction and i like shoto too
You’re a faggot relying on headcanon. In none of these 240 chapters does the guy have some elevated role within the class, emotionally or otherwise. The only reason you would even think so is a character page created years ago, which is why it was brought up in the first place
You can’t even claim speedreading for someone with like 5 lines of dialogue in the last year
Literally just called Bakugou a nigger always thought he had low iq
She should just be chugging milk nonstop actually
>This idea that it can't be Tooru because its too obvious or shes not developed enough is laughable and the thing everyone defaults to when they can't come up with a reason it's not her.
The reason she's put forward as traitor is because she's invisible. That's it. Justifications are found, but it's all because people are in love with the idea she can take off her clothes and sneak around and do things.
But. There's a problem with her sneaking around UA, and that's the scanners. If you go wandering around UA without a student, teacher, or visitor pass the alarms will go off. And to wander, Toru has to take off everything. No pass, unless she puts it in her mouth. Which might work, but would be messy. Also, for a student to find a schedule like the one showing which class All Might would be teaching would be a matter of luck; they apparently don't just hand those out. The idea of Toru as the traitor is no more rational than those who propose some other student is.
and boys are stupid and try to hit on me, you're stupid and misogynistic
You know how some of these characterfags of non mains are.
What does MHA and a bikini have in common?
Neither will ever be as tasteful as one piece
>ITT: Retards who don't read the manga fail to understand the intention of a character
shut up vaginigger. Women deserve less because they're the niggers of gender and haven't done shit for society. No one hits on your whale anime watching ass you liar.
Soon my brothers
> Deku
> not Todoroki
The absolute state of deku's fag
No, but All Might will
hori fucked up, it could be a class but it should be like azumanga daioh, 5 or 6 characters with 3 to 4 supporting ones and make them have very distinct personalities that play off each other
we have so many people in class that are just who's, like sugarnigger, cuckrock, the dude with the tape arms, or the one with the kangoroo tail
its been 250 chapters and most of the classmates feel like randoms
MT Lady is a fucking womanlet
>There's never people asking questions like
>Who is Jack
>Who is Robin
>Who is Chopper
>Who is Smoker
Thanks for proving that you don't participate in the threads.
Sounds like you are insecure think you should have a check-up for mental illness
Me on the right
glycerin and sleep gas isn't a living thing nigger. That shit is easier to make than a fucking gas mask, and is way less weighted down than a bunch of steel beams. Hori is a hack and you're an ass kiss.
Deku can tease now?
>Oda gave Ruffy a shitty power
No where in the manga is it stated that Rubber is a shitty power
Just like your mom
gross incel, go away
Just keep reading. The main appeal is in the worldbuilding, side characters, and general charm.
The main characters and fights do get better later on, though.
>Alternatively the author should learn from Araki's JJBA
Have an asspull in every fucking fight?
>Todoroki: On TV she's so big but why is she so short now?
ohnohonohonohno bakucucks our boy got rinsed maybe we are cucks after all
Literally me on the left
the only one I can agree on is Robin, Chopper is always saving huge amounts of people he just did in the prison, Jack fought the minks for 3 days, Smoker is just weak
Sero is pretty fun though whenever he does show up.
Cope. Luffy's fruit is a mediocre power that he made strongest through training and creativity,. Deku is a Gary Stu faggot who got handed the strongest power in the setting for free and his biggest innovation is learning that he has legs.
>already fanart
My god.
>back to the snooze-worthy slice-of-life boring school bullshit
why do nips have such shit taste to prefer this to the villain arc stuff
Yeah, but that's too subtle.
BLOOD and GORE are the real mark of maturity.
it is in the flashback of him as a kid, he had to train to even throw an elastic punch in a can
>Chopper has a wide array of human abilities and can modify his power to reach other humanoid abilities
>Robin has all kinds of strange ways to use her powers like a rope of arms and eyes to spy on people, cloning herself for stealth, giant haki clones of her limbs, choking and disarming even stronger members by putting limbs on their back, stair cases made of her own limbs
Other two are cherry picked fodder.
SoL's infest Otaku culture.
>lol isnt it funny when a chad like Todoroki doesnt realize how hot he is xDDD
>Lets make fun of socially akward incel Deku xDdd
Fuck you Hori
Imagining Kacchaco shippers just sitting on the edge of their seats just waiting for this shit to come out of nowhere, convinced it is about to happen soon, just sent me cackling thank you
Deku already ditched Aoyama
>5 or 6 characters
>3 or 4 supporting ones
>most of the class feel like randoms
Satou, Sero and Hagakure are literally the only students who haven't had at least one moment to establish who they are. so you're talking 3 out of 20. definitely most of the classmates.
Because 3 people randomly evolving midfight last arc just in the villain league wasn't asspull?
So you guys agree with each other. Shake hands
Wow you are a retard
Chopper is under utilized and stopped being creative once he became a mascot. Jack and Smoker are laughingstocks.
there's nothing wrong with SoL the problem is that the classmates don't play off each other very well, and worse than that Hori tries to force EVERY SINGLE CLASSMATE to be butt buddies with everyone, this is not how it happens in real life, sure you -can- talk to the entire class but you always have a closer circle of 4-6 friends, this is why the SoL is so shit in this manga
>O MY ASSPULL is okay when villains do it
Explain why he's a retard instead of just calling him one, anyone could have done what you did.
>Luffy's fruit is a mediocre power
>Defeated one of the most strongest fruits in the manga WITHOUT EVEN USING HAKI
>Deku is a Gary Stu faggot who got handed the strongest power in the setting for free and his biggest innovation is learning that he has legs.
Look at all those shitty buzzwords
Chopper just saved everyone in prison though. And on Zou.
nigga chopper saved the kids in punk hazard, he saved the minks in zou and he just saved the prisioners poisoned in the prison
the fuck do you want from him, he is the fucking doctor
The idea that Todoroki is considered attractive is still bullshit. That's not how kids with massive face scars get treated.
are you that insecure that you have to force an imaginary dick measuring contest about your favorite anime vs others? Is that how little you got going in your life? Despite this youre not to mention youre not even giving a legitimate flaw as your argument
And MHA fags think we're the shallow ones
No where does it state it was shit he was just a fucking kid.
>Chopper has a wide array of human abilities and can modify his power to reach other humanoid abilities
All of which are underutilized and has shit to do with her fruit they're his own invention.
>Robin has all kinds of strange ways to use her powers
AND SHE NEVER USES THEM! She xan sprout any part of her body and all she uses us arms and ir took two years for her to realize she had legs.
todoroki has always his stupid boring poker face on, bakugou is always sperging, lida has been irrelevant for ages
The only ones who really interect are Deku and Ochako and even this is kinda being ruined by them sperging because of muh sekrit romance
I don't know, I don't like how the relationships between classmates are handled
I'm not implying he has an elevated role, but it's not hard to understand it would be a impact between the class. He's not like some completely irrelevant Kouda. Even if you read the manga again, I don't believe your autism could see beyond the character's interactions. I'm not even a Kaminarifag.
Oda makes wide shots such clusterfucks
it looks alot better in the official scans
>One manga established tgat powers can evolve from the beginning
>Hey bro! Here's a super important stand arrow that would have been useful before and is never going to be relevant again but its only needed for this one ocassion
I wonder which is which?
>there's nothing wrong with SoL
Yes there fucking is. Batttle Shounen by it's nature should involved fight scenes. There are no major problems with having entire chapters where essentially nothing happens so long as they're once in a great while (20 weeks out time), but to get them back to back like what we had post Yakuza is the ultimate killer of both thematic pacing and in direct conflict with the target Weekly Shounen Jump audience, the teenage Japanese.
You can say that MHA was succesfully because it incorporated both aspects effectively along with being superhero related while it was at it's peak, but the SoL scenes of the manga and anime are definitely the weaker ones.
>give tons of unique examples of Robin using her powers from Skypiea saving Luffy with her arm eye rope, choking people out in Alabasta, creating stealth clones of herself in Wano, giantification in fishman island, and ladders/stairs of her own limbs in Dressarosa
Clearly you're the retard here
Mt. lady will live. Kamuit will die.
Stop crying you ugly beta.
Yes me too can we play now
>Luffy's fruit is a mediocre power
>Defeated one of the most strongest fruits in the manga WITHOUT EVEN USING HAKI
Who? Enel who was using electricity against rubber? talks about bad match up
Get over it already faggot
lol based
Juan Piecespics BTFO
he could be talking about Crocodile
This. I bet they think Bakugo creating light with his power to fight the shadow bird is brilliant writing somehow though.
stop projecting your issues, bnha world isn't our world
>I-I-It doesn't count
even hori admits he fucked up with deku, there is no explanation for him 7 more quirks, the only reason is because he just cannot write interesting fights with deku because the only thing he does is punch hard, I actually think Hori is embarrassed about the >I CAN USE MY LEGS chapter
Crocodile vs. Luffy was kino as fuck usage of his power though.
>Crocodile can use sand to drain water from people
>Luffy brings a water cooler on his back and uses his powers to fill himself like a water balloon and puts water on his fists to harden the sand and deal damage
Back when devil fruit fighting was about finding ways to overcome your enemy and not just haki'ing them. Not that I dislike Haki, it's one of the few systems that actually followed it's own rules pretty strictly.
Why did hori kill kamui x mt lady?
>I can sprout any part of my body
>but I'm only going to use my arms
Iida really doesn't want Mineta's butt touching anything.
He does this ANYtime a girl shows attraction to Todoroki.
What should we play
She isn't a powerful person. She uses disarming people and choking them. Have you ever tried choking someone with your legs?
>I-I-It doesn't count
>Crocodile vs. Luffy was kino as fuck usage of his power though.
>O MY SWEAT even though Croc should all in likely know Haki given his status
Nice season 2 jobbrou
BorosCHAD wins again
looks like some Japanese pop culture thing. Old Yea Forums could probably know immediately. nowaday, if it's not on reddit...
yeah, it's pretty pathetic feeling jealous of a fictional character
Reminder if Hori wrote pic related, Zoro would have won at the last minute with a 1000000% OniGiri
>Assasin for years
>Only realize she had legs recently
How embarrassing
it's illegal for employers to pay one worker less than another if they have the same qualifications, you can take them to court over that
the reason women make less money than men on average is because they get worthless degrees, like to get pregnant and work shitty jobs
Zoro fights have always been terrible don't drag Hori down like that.
>the wage gap does exist
it literally doesn't. The data was a prime example of fake news, the journos reading a vague headline and not the report. women don't get paid less at the same job. they just have shittier jobs on average.
What is that art? It looks so blotchy and lacking of serious detail.
Oda hadn't created Haki yet. He winged it together later by combining stuff he already wrote in like when Shanks intimidated the coast king, or the Mantra's from monks, or black swords and hardening.
We all know he bullshit it but at least he did a good job picking things that already existed in the series.
You can see the author signature above Ochaco and Jirou's heads.
If you're talking about Enel, Luffy's fruit was the only counter against him, and Enel could still read minds, control gold, and move at lightning speed even if he couldn't directly hit Luffy with his lightning.
Luffy's fruit is mediocre because it makes him rubber. That's it. He can't turn it on and off. He can't stretch at will, instead needing to throw his body parts in order to reach far. Anything impressive he does is through skill and creativity.
ironically his quirk prevents bikes from being stolen
it was basically the same thing
This is ripe for editing. Someone needs to make a comic with Dekuck and Ochunko in bed, with Ochunko looking unimpressed, and Deku excitedly saying exactly that, verbatim
>arch and shpo are both decukfags
assassins don't kick people retard. She only used that power because she actually has power moves now that she can giantify
Croc beat Luffy two times out of three
what do you want to play
He might not be a traitor, but rather, the kinda guy who very easily turns traitor when given the chance
Like the kind of guy who is politically clean but then starts curbstomping homeless people during a right wing uprising
Probably decuckfags
>Zoro spends entire arc trying to cut steel and can't perfect his master's technique
>fights an enemy in a do or die situation
>manages to use said technique finally
>we learn later that it's haki
>we learn later that haki becomes stronger when pushed against the wall as you fight allowing you to pull off do or die moves
>Old Yea Forums could probably know immediately
What happened to us?
Shut up, Deku is ten times more charming than Boredoroki. How has he not gotten his dick sucked yet? The guy canonically has a harem
They pan out, just way slower than you'd hope or expect and then you're called a retard for having moved on
Pls give me your filters
>Luffy's fruit is mediocre because it makes him rubber. That's it.
Yeah it makes him imperious to bullets and any physical attack. Allows him to move his body in any direction and way he wants to get himself out of any situation and makes him physically stronger to the point he can even ignite fire. What a shitty fruit.
Because he only worries about being a hero.
after all these years we still talk about crocodile and enel huh, what about Overhaul?
So its an asspull like Gears.
>third in the popularity poll
It also helps that all of Haki's abilities are standard shonen bullshit.
Sensing power levels, superhuman feats, and the death glare that makes everyone back down are all par for the course.
Oda just went the extra mile by establishing a concrete mechanic for these abilities, even if he only came up with the idea later.
I'm going to go ask /int/
if you don't consider his trainning and just the plain ability of being made of rubber, yes, his fruit is shit when you compare to someone like smoker, sugar, big mom, enel or even baby 5
>Assasin for years
Yeah assasin she could grow a hand out of nowhere and pickup a poison to kill someone, even two hand chocking her victim while they sleep, and she is not suited for fighting, color me surprises
In bnha you have an high school kids like Toga beat eraserhead a prohero with cqc fighting experiences
>gears has consequences for using them on the user's stamina, each one has different powers be it speed or strength or toughness or stretch length and power so can be used in different fighting situations
>but going up in gears is somehow worse than going up in percent power from 5% to 8% to punch harder
Cope hero tranny
Gears was foreshadowed in the movie, speedreader.
every gear was just luffy trying to copy something cool his enemies did
Fun fact is the hardening haki is actually based on a Shaolin technique iron shirt/iron fist.
Fist of the North Star had a villain use it too, even turned his limbs black like haki. Kenshiro used a technique to make him soft then Rei killed him.
>Yeah it makes him imperious to bullets and any physical attack.
Only blunt attacks. He can still be cut and pierced.
>Allows him to move his body in any direction and way he wants
He has to reel back to stretch. He can't just reach really hard and have his arm go out further.
>to get himself out of any situation
Once again, not any situation. In Logue Town, he's stuck in the gallows and he can't even scratch his nose because he can't move his arms.
>makes him physically stronger to the point he can even ignite fire
Sanji can do that too. That's just standard superhuman strength in the One Piece world.
Luffy's fruit isn't shitty, probably not even in the top 20 worst, but it's mediocre.
He did some things wrong like getting caught.
He didn't do any complex training at all and a lot of this shit was mace up on the fly or are incredibly simple. His fruits is strong but simplem
>smoker and Enel
Fall to haki easily
>big mom
Her fruit makes no sense
>Baby 5
Was worthless
>The guy canonically has a harem
So hes a copycat like Deku
Twice doing that slide with both his arms in casts gets me every time.
The gears actually made sense though. Luffy already had an ability to blow himself up in size at the beginning of the series, Gum Gum Balloon. And Gear Second existed since Kuro used it in the third arc, Luffy can just use it better because rubber muscles don't tear
>Dekuck self-inserters
That's better than Deku be given a quirk, force ghosts, meme gloves and full cowl
and realizing he could kick people. and saying fuck percentage of power anyways somehow.
>>smoker and Enel
>Fall to haki easily
Luffy falls to haki just as easily. And Katakuri has shown that any Logia fruit or fruit with Logia properties lets you just shapeshift around incoming attacks. Smoker and Enel could hypothetically do that. Luffy can't do that no matter how good he is.
>>big mom
>Her fruit makes no sense
Sure it does. She can take pieces of people's souls, or their life force, and put it into nonliving things to bring them to life.
>>Baby 5
>Was worthless
The user was worthless. Not the fruit.
>Only blunt attacks
When the marines shot at him he was able to push back the bullets with his fruit
>He can't just reach really hard and have his arm go out further.
Except he's done that before.
>he's stuck in the gallows and he can't even scratch his nose because he can't move his arms.
Which doesn't make any sense
>Sanji can do that too. That's just standard
Nah the fruit did make him Stronger. They're characters with fruits that dont do anything physically (Kalika, Sugar, monet, etc.) And they're fruits that do (every Zian fruit)
watch yourself with that edge you might cut your wrist
yeah he ain't about that life he is now about stopping white mass and school shooters
They're kids who live together and have gone through life and death situations. It's not that weird. And they do have their cliques it's just not nearly as rigid as fandom sometimes thinks.
>So hes a copycat like Deku
Did he uses only punch because shanks or roger used it?
Did gomu gomu actually gives him 6 new powers?
For them having the same history you must have gold roger alive and giving Luffy his Ship/crew telling him he was worthy, and that the onepiece is on the ship
Western funimation fans really hate her huh
Even Bakugo is cuter than Deku and he's a huge sperg.
Luffy also actually trained before being given a power. Garp trained him in the wild in flashbacks. Deku didn't do shit to earn his power until he was given it.
Logias easily fall to Haki since it was created specifically to counter them since Oda made them too strong in the beginning. That fight was mostly just a slugfest
And that makes sense?
She can sprout any weapon in a world where most of the cast are impervious to them.
>Did he uses only punch because shanks or roger used it?
Yes>Did gomu gomu actually gives him 6 new powers?
Actually 8 unless you're going to tell me how the fuck rubber can turn your body into an engine
You have no idea what your talking about.
>Luffy also actually trained before being given a power
No he didnt. He had his fruit when Garp started training him.
Kill yourself. No, don't kill yourself. That way I can laugh at you, and you can suffer public humiliation for your shit taste.
Kacchaco is the patrician's choice. Stay seething.
he got his power accidentaly
Destroyer trips strike again
i like games, what kind of games?
Super cool games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool like you!!!!!!!!!!!
He trained first with Garp wanting to be pirate king, met shanks and got the straw hat and Gum Gum, then trained with Garp some more. Then Garp dumped him with Sabo and Ace for training.
Traitor Club arc when
My Traitor Academia
Starring everyone anyone thinks could be a traitor
Why Koyomi stayed friends with Tomo is one of the great mysteries of anime.
Vlad's dog.
What is your obsession if he trained or not before meeting AM? to my knowledge AM was the same or worse than Deku and nobody complains