ITT: Yea Forumsnime shit that makes (you) want to lift (or do any sort of exercise)

Manga, movies, series anything (besides Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?)

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Ghost in The Shell

Kengan Ashura
RIP Ohma, you were too good for this world, and your scanlation team is the best, Yamashita "The Best Under Heaven" Kazuo will avenge you.

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unironically, fate/stay night

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using anime as a motivation to do anything is just so cringe and embarassing

>says the guy who posts on a forum that discusses taiwanese drawings

Gurren Lagann. Extremely motivational series.

>Ew cringe! So embarrassed!
How old are you?

Berserk and JoJo's

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Emulating a product of fantasy doesn't make you an adult, what the hell

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>making me want to do anything

It's overrated shit shilled by normies because "le cute girls now webs will go to the gym XDD"

pathetic crap that will be forgotten the minute it ends.

Lookism makes me hyped as fuck wanting to fight someone on the street

you just posted cringe bro

aha yes, because the most mature thing is to be completely uninterested in anything unrealistic and to bow your head in service to whatever is deemed by the collective to be "adult"

Fortunately, he has no subscriber to lose.

Lookism is not a manga you stupid fuck

this is some bingbing wahoo chuuni type of comment. Don't forget to shout really loud when powering up to shoot fireballs at me

Hajime no Ippo

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Look, the EAST is BURNING RED!

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I liked the part where they kissed

The virgin adultposter


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Yeah I wanna see someone irl pull off master asian's "head stays in place while the rest of the body spins like a top" trick

I like you.

Any manly series from the 80/90s

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cringe rebuttal

OPM fight scenes or whenever an anime gets to an intense point, i just watch the bit, stop and begin working out with a strong passion

Dragon Ball Z
Kenichi the mightiest disciple
Naruto (but only because of Rock Lee)
Fist of the North star

Retard, you can't achieve the extraordinary by aiming at the ordinary. Your standards MUST be unrealistic if you want to make it. If not you're going to be just another number like the majority of the people on earth who are just living ordinary lives with their ordinary friends doing ordinary things.

Uchi no Maid, because since I stick to 2D the only way to touch abs like those was having them myself.

I haven't done shit though.

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