Are puppet shows Yea Forums?
Did anybody else watch Pili: War of Dragons?
First half mostly put me off and confused me, but I got really into it after Su Huan chen revived.
Only thing I didnt understand was Chi Ru-Lens masterplan for pretending to be retarded for half the show.
Are puppet shows Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Also the show had a whole bunch of really big dicks (metaphorically and non metaphorically).
There HAVE to be some Thunderbold fags who watched this as well.
Sadly I didnt make too many screencaps.
Only the ones which make good reaction images.
I've watched up to episode 17, pretty fun.
All that backstory exposition in the first episodes would have been hilarious if I didn't know previous seasons existed.
I wish they would have remade the earlier seasons as well and not started at the 6th or so.
Would have loved to see how the fuck Debater-dude even got involved in all this.
I did and liked a ton. Can't wait for more.
How do you job as much as Lord of the sun.
Was there a single of his 9000 IQ plans that ended up working out.
I can't imagine how this thing has 70 seasons, though. There must be time skips so they do different eras, right? Not even for the powercreep, but the characters having already been through everything.
>70 seasons
Literally what the fuck?
Watching him slowly lose his shit as everything he planned ends up backfiring was entertaining as fuck.
>Are puppet shows Yea Forums?
I would like the mods team to clarify this.
>I'm a genius! - Oh no! .webm
It's not animation, it's live action.
It's also not Japanese.
So obviously mods don't care and think it's fine on Yea Forums. I guess there's no need to get mad about it if people ant to discuss those shows anyway.
I'm pretty sure puppet shows are considered animation.
You're mixing up puppetry with stop-motion.
Puppetry is live action. it's some dudes directly moving them in front of a camera. You can use puppets to create stop-motion animation though:
They use Yea Forumsnime voice actors. That's the only argument these shows have for being allowed on Yea Forums.
puppetfags, I know you´re here. Can I watch war of dragons as is or do I need somethign else first? I remember reading that it was a reboot of one of the earlier seasons.
You can watch it as is.
Its lots of confusing exposition in the beginning, but they do explain mostly everything.
This chart here helps explaining things a bit but it's still pretty confusing.
Thunderbolt fag here
War of Dragons is like 70 seasons or something right? Or was it some other PILI show
how many of these shows are translated? are any of them worth getting into?
>Challenged the demon realm alone but was captured there.
Huh so thats how he ended up there.
Must suck to be him.
Also its sad that the show didnt have much wolf girl in the second half.
It's a remake of season 6 if I remember right and I'm pretty sure this is the only fully translated season.
>are any of them worth getting into?
If you want more puppets in your life then watch it.
It's on Netflix, though apparently not in my country. Theres also a torrent on nyaa
When will Hiro give as an Asian general board?
>Pili: War of Dragons
Is the director japanese? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is any of the staff japanese? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then ANIME JANAI MF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no one cares nerd
time to DL
Oh. Someone DID get triggered.
based and redpilled
To be fair, TBF is also produced by Urobutcher.
Very ignorant.
based and redpilled nonetheless
Watched the first episode when it came out but felt really confused. Will definitely give it another go at some point once I research the lore some.
I'm sure you didn't learn this at school either.
Is that what is going on? I was so confused about who everyone is and names bleed together. But massive amounts of exposition make sense if it's a later season
Dont worry it gets a lot better at the mid-point of the show.
Where do I watch this? Is there even subs? Is it on nyaa?
Its on Nyaa, just search War of the dragons.
If its on nyaa then its anime :^)
Supposedly its also on netflix but every person I have met and watched it said it wasnt on netflix for them.
Netflix. Unironically, one of the few things they've done right.
Netflix UK has it:
how can I use netflix uk in the us?
But the show is available in the US?
derp alright, next thread senpai I'll be in this
I'll hold you on to this promise.
Fucking swords
Watched 3 episodes and really enjoying it so far.
But user, you better start puppet threads with Thunderbolt Fantasy to lower the chance of getting fucked by mods
>unironically being a swordfag
swords swords swords!
Is this good or are people just memeing?
Watch and find out.
It's pretty good, but it's not for everyone
Its very, very chinese.
What does that even mean?
So it's soulless?
Not that kind of chinese
I want to fuck a puppet
Chinese concepts, chinese philosphy, obviously chinese names, chinese thinking, etc.
>when Su made lady vermillion (one of the enemy team and his future waifu) fall for for him using his big brain by monologuing for 20min about a bunch of chinese mythisicm concepts
So do I
Pretty sure Pili mixes in stop motion and computer animation even though most of it is live puppetry.
So S2 when
I want more Thunderbolt Fantasy. Need more Duck in my life.
holy FUCK
How can they get away with this?