Do as pic related says

>Do as pic related says
>Protect your virginity for the one girl you promised to marry in your childhood
Choose wisely

Attached: B18.png (1062x1507, 1.18M)

Is he sitting on Aizen's chair? It looks similar.

What does childhood promise girl look like

I'm going to assume this is one of those lewd cocktease manga where they never actually fuck. The art looks pretty but is there a single person in the world that would prefer this sort of not-quite-hentai manga over hentai with equally good art?

Seeing as I'm cuffed to the chair, I don't really have much choice.

Like this

Attached: X17.png (1062x1507, 1.64M)

protect my virginity

The MC literally goes REEEEEEEEE to stop her from raping him

Protect my virginity

Male virginity has no value. The genders are different, big shock I know

Protect my balls.

Protecc my virginity
Secc promised girl
Secc thot afterwards too


Lewd, will make you feel good, but probably can't be trusted in the long run.
Looks like a stuck up bitch and a pain in the ass to deal with. But things might turn out better later. But a pain in the ass regardless. Seeing that proper face melts in ecstacy is the best shit ever though.
So later I guess. Free sex in manga is rarely a good thing.

Lewd, will make you feel good, but probably can't be trusted in the long run.
Looks like a stuck up bitch and a pain in the ass to deal with. But things might turn out better later. But a pain in the ass regardless. Seeing that proper face broke down and drown in ecstacy is the best shit ever though.
So later I guess. Free sex in manga is rarely a good thing.

I really want scans of this and not to masturbate to it. I'm legitimately really fucking curious about where this series goes.


Are those straps? Am I strapped onto a chair? How can I protect anything?

Read the raws on LH. Some dude gives a summary of each chapter.

>post apocalyptic world where men turn into monsters if they have sex with a woman that they love

So if he doesn't love her, he can fuck her silly? Where's the problem? Or did you miss the "not" as in
> if they have sex with a woman that they don't love
Because then it would make perfect sense to not fuck her.

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that's even less sensible considering they're trying to get them to fuck random whores

anyways does the author draw h-manga and if so what's his pen name?

I just want the fat guy to get his dick wet

Raped Idol best girl

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so that was before the infection shit?

You lost me

Tomohiro Kai

oh shit, hope he doesn't stop making h-manga

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> that third panel

Attached: fap time.jpg (1080x770, 155K)

protect my virginity for wizard powers

I hate to be a nigger, but the left panel says she was saved just in time

Yeah I figured but attempted rape still counts as damaged goods.

Oh I hope there's some sugary sweet comforting after this, that's the best.

Which chapter is this from?


Go back to r9k

So what was that about? I was reading up to chapter 10 and suddenly there are monsters and post apocalypse world? How long has time passed? What is the goal of that place?

>Protect your virginity for the one girl you promised to marry in your childhood
If she also does.

>Do as pic related says
if she doesn't

Attached: 1566779095214.jpg (431x542, 54K)

So what was that about? I was reading up to chapter 10 and suddenly there are monsters and post apocalypse world? How long has time passed? What is the goal of that place?

I thought this was that one battle harem manga with Takahiro as an author, I guess same artist?

I'd reject her since she has horrible taste for her underwears.

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No girl will ever ultimately appreciate you for 'protecting your virginity' and frankly I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone who thought that was important.

Sex is just sex. It's just a fun physical act. Only children and adult children see it as being all that important.



Childhoold friends should fuck off.

my childhood GF cheated on me few days after making out with me, there is no place for a romantic feelings to childhood friends in my hearth now.

1. She looks cute and I like lewd girls. Marry her afterwards.

The only thing I'm more scared of than being lonely is opening up to someone and be rejected.

Holy shit, how can you post this shit so calmly?
If that ever happened to me I would murder the bitch and the cunt she cheated on me with and then I would commit suicide.

Fucking cucks like you are the reason these whores are able to get away with this shit.

Find Jesus user.

How about you erase yourself from the genepool Christcuck?

Woah, kiddo, you need to go back and take your buzzwords with you.

I felt this way (i wanted to kill the bitch and the cunt who she cheated on me with) but first of all i'm not a murderer.
second of all this bitch never liked me, even though she said she loves me, she was hanging out with me because she knew me and she wasn't affraid of me.

She never liked me and was a liar, i never wanted to know anyone like that so i dropped all the contact with her even that she was trying to communicate with me(she thought we could still be friends or sth.).

I was 15 then and i never learned how to cope with cheating induced loneliness sadness etc. so i just curled up in a ball and cried over the fact that i loved a whore for a while....

I still am affraid of "love" and even that i have beautifull and loving GF i have fears and anxiety from that...

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You're pathetic.
Imagine having to live with the thought of your childhood gf cucking you with some other guy for the rest of your life.

Doesn't matter.
Should have fucking killed both of them when you had the chance.

you think so?

I have the feeling that if you would kill every girl who cheated once on someone then there would be like 3 or 4 girls left in the world.

Bitches ain't shit user, love is not real, every single whore cheats on everyone.

World already is shit and i don't believe and don't care about repairing it.

Literally no one asked you. Please, fuck off elsewhere with your blogposting

>I have the feeling that if you would kill every girl who cheated once on someone then there would be like 3 or 4 girls left in the world.
Nah, this didn't used to be the case when they were men's property back in the day and you were allowed to beat your girl.

>love is not real
Oh love is real, don't give me that bullshit.
Us men especially are very capable of it.
Bitches aren't capable of it though, hence why they used to be men's property.

Who said anyone about repairing this wretched world?
It's about honor.

I'm skimming the raws right now. I'm in chapter 44.
The blonde edgelord serial killer is the only interesting character. He'll be killed soon won't he? That fucking sucks.

In these days men like you are fewer and fewer, I really doubt things will change

And he's dead in chapter 49.
Fuck Jap mangakas and their shit taste and fuck that fucking big-haired cuck who gave in. He even fucked the ugliest fucking cunt of them all.

I really wish this planet would get wiped out by a meteor or something.
Humanity was a mistake.

>short hair
I obey

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>No girl will ever ultimately appreciate you for 'protecting your virginity'

>I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone who thought that was important.

When a man decides something he will force his will even if he dies.

Childhood friend turns out to be a sloot so I'd do them lewd things.

This manga is dangerous.

>no value
>entire succession debates/wars happened because some idiot king couldn't keep it in his pants or people took advantage of the fact that he could bed tons of women in a patrelineal system

Neither because I can't allow girls to steal my magical wizard powers before I even get them.

hello dear anons, may i have the name of this manga?