Justice is swift and cold.
Justice is swift and cold
Other urls found in this thread:
Finally someone who fought back instead of apologizing and declaring himself mentally ill and in need for treatement.
Based Vic. Don't surrender to the hypocrite SJWs.
What happened now?
A whoke fucking bunch of audio clips were leaked from funimation of the DBZ VAs reading incest/rape porn and making child molestation jokes in character
A whole fucking bunch of audio clips were leaked from funimation of the DBZ VAs reading incest/rape porn and making child molestation jokes in character
This whole thing sounds like such a trainwreck.
Nick Rekieta is the true hero.
So what? Are SJWs outraged about this too?
They're angry that they now have to find an excuse to not be mad.
Of course they are
But the important part is they were doing this shit while they fired Vic over a fucking jellybean joke
Audioclips here
So, why going so much against Vic in the first place.
Did they wanted to sacrifice him in order to start an anime #MeToo? Trying to become feminazi heroes, "survivors" of sexual abuse?
It's mainly being pushed by ANN after one of their own (Hazukari) got outed as an actual sex offender and conveniently some people were starting to accuse Vic at the same time and so ANN added fuel to the fire to draw away any negative attention to them.
They were butthurt it was a Broly movie instead of a Cell one, i can understand.
Rekieta said Vic was up for a Directing job and had just moved to Dallas to be closer to Funimation, before he would record lines at home and send them through the net.
Most of the stories the VAs tell about him being horrible are tinted with their butthurt jealousy.
His fans may be cringe but his long lines are undeniable.
Add in Broly's success and its clear they all took their shot to tear him down while they could.
That's dark.
Cant believe this guy is 52 years old
It's funny to think that none of this would've never happened or leaked if Maddox never sued Dick Masterson.
sometimes stupid shit spurns on good shit
thats life
>literal who gets a role in an extremely successful movie
>suddenly rape accusations come up
really makes u think
I actually kinda get it.
nigga what? Ellaborate
or if Meyer didn't sue Waid resulting in weebs like TUG and Yellowflash becoming friends with Nick.
What does the lolsuit have to do with Vic?
The lolsuit made nick rekieta famous
How do hasbeen internet personalities have any relation to this?
Vic got fucking sent to wolves and now his ghost is haunting everyone
Nick Rekieta a internrt black face lawyer that does law analytics on youtube got his big break by covering Maddox lawsuit trainwreck, the leak today was only thanks to people around his community digging dirt on the Funimation voice actor staffs after they accused Vic Bologna, Broly voice actor, of raping several girls in a spam of 15 years or so.
Nick got famous talking about dicks lawsuit.
>Maddox sues Dick Masterson
>The lawsuit is so hilariously incompetent that a drunk Minnesota lawyer does videos laughing about it and explaining how utterly idiotic it is.
>This makes the aforementioned lawyer (Nick Rekieta) internet famous
>This whole Vic situation happens and Nick takes Vic's side even creating the Gofundme for Vic's defense and introducing him to his now lawyer (Ty Beard)
>Nick has many insiders and one of them is someone inside Funimation who leaked this to him
>Therefore if these two hasbeen internet personalities had never fought over some dumb shit Vic might never have even fought back and we would have never gotten these leaks
Funny how life works sometimes
These are glorious
How is this controversial again? Do people actually believe VAs don't swear in their free time?
>Vic get falsely accused of rape like shield hero
>Vic get vindicated by the end like shield hero
What? Is he in jail?
>How is this controversial again?
Because vic got fired because he eat a jellybean with someone's name on it
Because it's in character
Remember, Japan threw a shit fit when Kazuki Yakahashi made Yami Yugi give a political message he was forced to grovel and beg his fans for forgiveness. They don't like unprofessional stuff like this
Twitter. Literally twitter.
Just morons posturing for e-fame and people seemingly caring about it.
The issue is Vic got fired over a joke bec he was accused of making the work place "unsafe"
Then Funi employees on Vic's side released audio to a lawyer to expose the company's hypocrisy.
The things said on the clip are a lot worse than what Vic was fired for.
i think this is far more than just that but you will continue to pretend its just the jellybean thing to protect your idol for some reason
Let's be real though. Claims like the ones against Vic aren't made over the years with no reason. The guy is probably a real piece of work to be around.
Fuck off back to Retardera, tranny.
It sounds to me like it's literally all just misunderstandings.
not anime
Are you seriously asshurt over mentioning what happened
It's really funny though
Judging by the stories, he can't definitively be said to be any more than an annoying Bible-thumper who maybe got a bit more touchy-feely with fans than was advisable. Being a douchebag doesn't make you a rapist.
But this ain't no japanese issue
no one's outraged at VAs messing around in the studio. Vicfags are just gleefully latching on to it because it makes Funimation look bad for being okay with it while firing Vic
Funny though how most of these claims made over the years have been found to be from most of the same people that are saying these things now that are being proven false. A lot of these claims were traced back to old Tumblrs and Fujo forums some of which were from HanLeia who had the first tweet that started the shitstorm and now is trying to distance herself from it. Some other ones regarding conventions and shit were traced back to J. Lynn Hunt (aka Manjaw) and she is a completely insane person who has been caught now in so many inconsistencies its hard to keep track of it all.
Years without a single shred of proof
Weinstein had audio recordings, Cosby had drug tests, ProJared had dick picks and DM logs leaked without an hour of him being accused
>over the years
These claims suddenly just happened to come out all at once, when he got a role in a big movie that wasn't some literal who background character
>pol incels
How does Yea Forums do it?
It absolutely is because it hurts the brand.
Did nothing wrong.
Bologna basically got kicked out over unsubstantiated rumours and twitter mobbing whilst being accused of being homophobic, a pedo, a predator, etc.
People are laughing it up that more and more shit keeps coming out about his accusers that's worse than anything they can prove whilst the people on their side scramble to excuse it.
>giving a single shit about some VA drama
wew, you tourists are something else
Are you seriously implying that Vic was a literal who?
Vic must be the most masterful criminal ever if he can rape and molest kids for 20 years and nobody has a single picture of him grabbing a conslut's ass, dirty text messages exchanged with fans, leaked dick pics or nudes. He's a 200 IQ rapist.
One story said he was caught in a hotel room by police with 3 underage girls in his bed and he walked away and no charges were pressed. He's a total chad who even the cops don't dare mess with.
Turns out he was innocent too.
He shows messages proving he dindu nuffin.
In a bout of dramatic irony, here is ANN founder Justin Sevakis defending Vic Mignogna five years ago
Did you completely miss the Yakuza shitstorm?
The only other big role he got in his entire career is Edward Elric.
>Vic molesting fans is justified to his fans because Goku said faggot in a private recording
What the fuck is wrong with Vicfags
Good thing I don't post my recording of (((someone))) doing drunken lewd character lines at a con...
Obviously they don't want to mess with as prime a cut as Filet Mignogna
ANN, the site that have people say false metoo allegations aren't real, only to get metoo'd themselves and then scream how he was innocent and framed.
I don't watch even watch dubs but I heard of him years before #metoo because of rumors and controversy
Shut the fuck up retard. They do give a shit when it comes to something as big as DB
Kill yourself, dubfag.
They accused Cardinal Pell of some bullshit for long enough that he went to jail over a "he probably touched me 20 years ago but I told nobody and there's no proof or circumstantial evidence. The claims against Vic are because he's a Christian.
Just the underage shit people accused him of
He still ran a nude soliciting ring though which people are still wary of.
All dubfaggots are shit. Schemmel, Vic, all of them should be thrown away.
Fucking incompetent drama attention whores. But "muh childhood" amirite? They never deserved DBZ.
Yeah, he could be a touchy feely guy easy to hug or put his arm on the shoulders of people. But seriously not a sexual offender.
Even if we assume what Monica and others said about him is true, according to their declarations nothing ever gone beyond him trying to seduce them. No violence, no treathening, no stalking, no kind of abuses at all.
In tipical feminazi fashion, they literally consider him a sex offender for the simple fact he made them aware they made him horny.
>this board shitting on Vic last month
>all of a sudden you all root for him
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Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:07:46 No.192581653 Justice is swift and cold.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:11:42 No.192581740
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:12:44 No.192581755
Based Vic. Don't surrender to the hypocrite SJWs.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:14:12 No.192581789 (OP)
What happened now?
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:18:46 No.192581879 Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:19:59 No.192581898
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:23:05 No.192581944
This whole thing sounds like such a trainwreck.
>Funimation will be punished over private recordings
>Vic will be vindicated and free to rape again
How will his fans react when he gets in trouble again and there's no Funi boogeyman to blame?
>he's only got the main role in one the most popular anime series ever in the west
He was also the MC in Ouran, one of the bigger fujobait characters in Hetalia and Kishibe Rohan in JoJo.
>The claims against Vic are because he's a Christian.
I'll bite. What?
I don't root for him. His fanbase is untolerable and FMA is shit because of him being involved.
>Yea Forums is one person
vic has a pretty good voice, it's kind of weird that he hasn't had more main roles in more popular animus.
Why is west taste so garbage?
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Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:07:46 No.192581653 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________84629
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:11:42 No.192581740
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:12:44 No.192581755
(OP) (OP)
Based Vic. Don't surrender to the hypocrite SJWs.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:14:12 No.192581789 (OP) (OP)
What happened now?
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:18:46 No.192581879
>implying these aren't Yea Forums crossboarders and redditors
Not only that but he never actually slept with any of them in their stories, they all end with them saying no and him going away or them saying no and just walking away. He's probably the most incompetent "rapist" of all time
Being touchy-feely with fans is not equal to raping them, you dumb SJW. This is why you guys are a fucking joke.
stand with vic
Being in the same room as a dub actor is tantamount to rape, faggot.
unironically kill yourself dude
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Yea Forums - Anime & Manga Reply to Thread [Original Form] 05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random 10/04/16 New be for details.[Hide] [Show All]
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Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:07:46 No.192581653 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________84629
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:11:42 No.192581740
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:12:44 No.192581755
(OP) (OP)
Based Vic. Don't surrender to the hypocrite SJWs.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:14:12 No.192581789 (OP) (OP)What happened now?
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)10:18:46 No.192581879
The thing that people were giving ProJared shit about was that he was cheating on his wife.
Remember those horror stories which told about Vic having split personality, like a monster mode when enraged or something? Some information from yesterday does point to a certain male but definitely not him. Why do they always love to do projection?
What did he mean by this?
Garbage threads deserves to get spammed.
In which it’s already known they were in an open relationship that she encouraged. There’s DMs out there of talks with his therapist where it was really fucking him up too. I think she was just jealous he was getting some Bird Box from someone they knew instead of random con fucks
Animators are gonna have a fucking field day with all this voice line gold.
He's trying to get the threads removed by spamming.
Idiot is wasting his time since it takes 5 secs to make a new thread.
t.mad as fuck kickvic sperg
That's not bad though
Consenting adults can do whatever they want
dilate tranny
>dubfag convinced people actually cares about his irrelevant drama
>goku Calling someone a fag
ok, this one made me laugh.
>vic the predator
>managed to sexually abuse underages for 20 years
>no one ever thought about doing countermeasures like monitoring all his acts to catch him red-handed with hard evidences to rub at his face after 5 years of bad behavior
>meanwhile everyone else was caught with skeletons behind their closets
I cannot comprehend
Non of this would have happened were it not for Nick. God bless that big nosed lawman.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)12:57:41 No.192584876The thing that people were giving ProJared shit about was that he was cheating on his wife.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)12:57:49 No.192584879
Remember those horror stories which told about Vic having split personality, like a monster mode when enraged or something? Some information from yesterday does point to a certain male but definitely not him. Why do they always love to do projection?
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:01:31 No.192584944
What did he mean by this?
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:03:27 No.192584986Garbage threads deserves to get spammed.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:05:53 No.192585029
In which it’s already known they were in an open relationship that she encouraged. There’s DMs out there of talks with his therapist where it was really fucking him up too. I think she was just jealous he was getting some Bird Box from someone they knew instead of random con fucks
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:05:54 No.192585031
Animators are gonna have a fucking field day with all this voice line gold.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:06:29 No.192585041
He's trying to get the threads removed by spamming.
Idiot is wasting his time since it takes 5 secs to make a new thread.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:06:50 No.192585045t.mad as fuck kickvic sperg
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:09:46 No.192585100
That's not bad though
Consenting adults can do whatever they want
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:10:02 No.192585108
dilate tranny
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:10:12 No.192585112
>dubfag convinced people actually cares about his irrelevant drama
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:10:46 No.192585126
>goku Calling someone a fag
ok, this one made me laugh.
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)13:12:11 No.192585161
I cannot comprehend
>Chad Vic cuckes user even in his dreams
Yeah, he could be a touchy feely guy easy to hug or put his arm on the shoulders of people. But seriously not a sexual offender.
Even if we assume what Monica and others said about him is true, according to their declarations nothing ever gone beyond him trying to seduce them. No violence, no treathening, no stalking, no kind of abuses at all.
In tipical feminazi fashion, they literally consider him a sex offender for the simple fact he made them aware they made him horny.
>dubfag drama
Kill yourself cancer.
There were those who testified about him going aggressive on them, but my hunch told me it refers to the chopper of dogs
Who are Iago, Igor, and Renfield? I Sabbat and Schemmel, but idea about Renfield.
Can somebody go onto the Yea Forums IRC and ask them to do something about this spammer, I am a retard and have forgotten how to connect to IRC
The unnamed Funi insider, perhaps? He's the one who brought these clips to light
Can Dubfags fuck off with this shit, can Yea Forums fucking ban these threads already
>dubfag with a shitty voice and million of drama issues
I smile every time a dub """actor""" gets fired.
Based. At this rate 2020s will be finally the era where they get public execution.
Yeah nah.
I get that people may dislike a VA but how is it okay to get them fired over unproven rumors? Or is Yea Forums full of tumblr and resetera now?
sadly thanks to twitter, grown adults have reverted back to their highschool mentality and pick sides based on false allegations. I am all for believing women but when its obvious that they are abusing good faith to hurt someone elses career, this proves to me you shouldnt believe all women.
>or is Yea Forums full of tumblr and resetera now?
its been a while since this shithole got infested
>unproven rumors
But muh 20 years of allegations! Smoke and fire, user!
20 years?
>20 years of smoke and not a single burnt victim until now.
Meanwhile some train otaku only need less than half an hour to kill 37 people with a single fire.
get on with the times
>Or is Yea Forums full of tumblr and resetera now?
Are you trying to samefag to make yourself look more than a vocal minority?
You believe all women user. Even if they're liars.
user, anytime something big happens just assume crossboarders are polluting a lot of these threads.
I hope so. Fuck funimation and their shills. Their dubs have always been horrible.
what the fuck is this?
Hope so, dubniggers need to be BTFO'd for their constanst shilling
It's based is what it is.
Oh look, a SJW is throwing a tantrum as usual.
oh noes.
Toei is about to dab on these idiots
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)14:39:07 No.192586506▶
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)14:39:15 No.192586511▶
Hot damn
Why aren't voice actors doing this as side job or Patreon? Especially ones who worked on anime, you know how much shit they could make off from fujoshi if one requested for hot BL audio drama?
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)14:39:24 No.192586514▶
They can't touch Sabat and are probably going to protect the others
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)14:39:41 No.192586516▶xhdjwny
Kamehasutra is canon
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)14:40:12 No.192586529▶Sean also did this
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)14:40:20 No.192586532▶
File: file.png (656 KB, 720x540)
656 KB
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)14:41:18 No.192586547▶
There are bloopers, and there is intentionally using your various voices to make a 4 minutes gay stuff, along with added bgm and sfx
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)14:41:44 No.192586558▶
Oh no! Look's like we;ve got more DISGUSTING voice actors' lives to ruin!
Anonymous 08/30/19(Fri)14:42:24 No.192586567▶
>this is your most popular dub VA
absolute state of this ""industry""
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but they are.
Not anime or manga discussion crossboarders
this guy is?
>Announcing sage
i gotta be honest
I lost it with the whole "bend over Yamcha"
Why the fuck are there multiple threads about this? Sasuga nu-Yea Forums.
NOW that's the content I'm willing to pay for!
>could end the english db franchise
Good. Fuck americans and fuck that atrocious dub. True DB fans listen to the original japanese cast.
Based. Not these manbabies put "in charge".
>not a single burnt victim
But that's wrong. One of his peers lamented about her name not on the box cover
You know, it's funny that you never hear or read of things like that among voice actor of other countries. Americans are a bunch of embarrassing hypocrites.
thats because 3rd world countries focus on their poverty more.
Because Americans make themselves center of the world. It's why these dubfaggots think they're allowed to do anything and go unpunished.
First-world problem.
thats cuz we are
Do you mean of the things that Sabat and Schemmel did, or of Funi's hypocrisy? Because sexual innuendo and homoerotic/phobic jokes are part and parcel for a lot of voice actors in other countries, sometimes even just being in the dubs themselves.
>actress with a brother who was caught sharing Cheese Pizza
>actress with a boyfriend who divorced twice with both ex-wives asking for restraining order
>con leader who was known to make false claim
>actress who dance on her undies with Penpen
It's like a rogue gallery of misfit
I meant Funimation being literal shitheads
>Yuki Matsuzaki is a Japanese actor who has appeared in movies and on television. Matsuzaki appeared in Clint Eastwood's Letters from Iwo Jima and in The Pink Panther 2 where he portrayed Kenji Mazuto, a technology "wiz-kid". He appeared in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides as a character named Garheng.
Well, they are Texans after all.....
Does this fall under off-topic, extremely low quality or this user is underage?
An eye for an eye fag
so an actor that thinks he has pull?
>mfw irl Shield Hero is still happening
Vic is 57
because no one cares about your shitass espanol/italian dubbers
And you think jap seiyuu are free from controversy ?? haha how cute
White people age like fine wine.
Can't say the same about Mongoloids though.
I've also seen a 60 year old black person in Atlanta who looked like 30.
Clearly he practiced Hamon
>Or is Yea Forums full of tumblr and resetera now?
There are numerous discords full of people who raid this shithole daily to try and make it sjw-compliant
go back to moe general retard
He voiced Usagi in the 2012 TMNT cartoon.
Fuck yes.
Hamon> Shittyghost spirits
This user is lying to you, he has no source.
>watching dubs
>not checking them
And die, shill
how can gohan be a faggot if he's fucking goku's wife?
checkmate, goku.
You don’t have to be gay to be a faggot.
>embed embed
The only one who's going to get in trouble for this is Schemmel.
That’s not the point of these leaks. This is justice for Vic, they obviously don’t care about off color jokes. They set him up.
none of them unfortunately
>jap seiyuu
If there's any controversy, it's a REAL controversy unlike Amerifats having to deal with SJWs being butthurt over retarded stuff or big companies pushing political agendas which end up causing disasters. Also you can bet nips are discreet and professional enough to not let anything leak out.
Italian and Spanish VAs can act at least.
>Dub drama
Peak mutt distraction.
Reminder that Hong Kong is currently getting occupied by half of the chinese military if you wanna be off topic.
Being a dub actor is enough for anyone to deserve getting fired.
Really? I hope they fire his faggot arrogant ass then.
Hello funimation employee! You are all fucked.
We're not rooting for him. We don't give a shit about him. We just think that the blowback on the people who accused him is hilarious.
if he did nothing wrong then he has nothing to fear but just look at him. He fits all the rapist profiles
>Non-japanese VA
Can we get dub drama out of here pls
Who cares.
>defending dubs on Yea Forums
And Yea Forums says dub actors are not based.
I have no idea what this site is or why Yea Forumsfags are so obsessed with it, but it just makes it even easier to identify you.
>laughing while funimation is getting glassed from orbit for being SJW is “defending dubs”
>that first one
Has anyone ever thought to hire actual dub actors for hentai content?
>second one
This is just fucking hilarious
There's nothing wrong with dubs.
Check these out, for example.
Based mutt
This thread is obviously about the justice for a dub actor that some people love for some reason.
Defending dub actors is defending dubs.
Good try user. Now watch this.
Do you remember NeoGaf? Resetera is their new place to go.
This thread is for laughing at a dub company getting fucked in the ass
You are a funimation employee.
>not checking out dubs like these ones
>amerimutt dubs
You must be actual redditors, because I can't even imagine crosboarders giving a shit about those.
Just look at the OP.
>Justice is swift and cold.
And unless this makes Funimation close down, it doesn't matter.
Finally a dubbed version of Kamahastura
>getting fucked in the ass
All I see is shitposting, call me when there is any actual repercussion.
>2nd one
Ignore it you corporate shill. We’re allowed to laugh at Funishits and react to real life piccolo dick and there is nothing you can do about it.
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
Go to reddit and talk about it or something then, faggot.
I am sure they are very interested in dubs.
>Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
nazi moderation
How come you don't say the same thing to 3DPD chink threads aka "seiyuu" threads aka thinly yellow fever threads on Yea Forums?
Go to twitter and cry about it. Tell Monica I said what’s up.
>real life Piccolo dick
If something leaks of Sabbat pretending to be Piccollo fucking Vegeta and doing both voices, I'm done
RN TOEI be like, Someones fuckin wit my money
Yakuza will sort them out
We got Piccolo raping Yamcha, that’s probably as close as we get.
I always redirect seiyuu threads to /jp/ when I see them.
Most of your fav jap vas do this in radio shows/drama cds anyway
The content isn’t the problem. It’s the double standard firing Vic over less.
Fuck no, they don't throw repeated insults and talk about cocks in those, you dumb dubfag frogposter.
>another random person people are supposed to know about
You are not making a compelling case.
needs TOEI cat over the gunmans face
>ADV makes a joke dub in Ghost Stories which openly shits on retards, Jews, and conservative Christians
>Everyone laughs and thinks it's hilarious nearly 15 years later
>Funi fucks around in-studio doing joke dubs
>Everyone outraged
This might be an even worse time for comedy than when it had to go up against the Moral Majority of the 80s/90s. The fact that evangelical progressives are now targeting Dave Chappelle should really tell you something on a large scale.
No, sweetie. They belong in Yea Forums or /trash/.
No they dont you little retarded amerinigger. Japanese people have pride unlike you dirty mutts
It's vicfaggots, they're crying their shitty Fullcrap Alcheshit is forgotten and buried along with thier shitty dub "voice" actor
The new generation of fans are just complete retards.
I’ve already cum to that sound clip. Wish there was more like that and less of Mr. Popo polishing Kami’s knob.
>they have pride
Did you know a lot of a-list seiyuu have done numerous eroge/hentai roles usually under another screen name?
This isn’t an outrage thing, it’s funny, the point is the double standard for firing an employee who wasn’t an SJW because of a joke that is less offensive than this stuff.
And honestly, who needs to justify it? I’ll dab on funiggers any chance I get. This might actually get some faggots fired.
>off color jokes
I thought this whole thing happened because of the harrasment accusations, not "offensive" jokes?
>fits all the rapist profiles
>he looks suspicious I swear! Arrest him!
Ghost stories was funny. Funimation deserves to die. Fuck american "voice actors". Burn in hell for tainting anime with your faggotry
Japan are inventors of the most depraved porn shit imaginable, what's pride got to do with it?
The original voices actually have direct relationship to the industry. Even if every single one of your ameriburger dub actors dropped dead tomorrow, it wouldn't change the slightest thing as far as the production of anime is concerned.
Why do Sean and Monica Rial hate Vic?
What if what happened to Vic happened to Sean and Sabat?
Women ruined the western anime community
Shut the fuck up white cuck
I'm sure animators like Zone will make use of it.
just like your law and order special victims shows?
Vic ate a jelly bean with Monica’s name on it.
I’m serious.
What was Vic's joke?
>The original voices actually have direct relationship to the industry
Go fuck yourself with your delusion.
The accusation was a joke about a jellybean. It had a name on it and he told the actress “I just ate you”. That was the “harrassment” that started the witchhunt.
>Burn in hell for tainting anime with your faggotry
Breh chill no one is forcing you to watch dubs
The fucking monster!
where are all the anti vic fags? people calling this shit dub faggotry and not wanting it here were a minority. the vocal majority were retarderatrannies shitting on vic
where are them? all i see is damage control now and lots of COPE
not him but thats how most in japs Get VA jobs because of family or ties with friends, very rare do you see someone who work their way to the top.
What a monster.
They would never do what these faggots did. They actually respect their work. They would not dirten the characters they voice for. They have respect for it. They are prideful people unlike you little niggermixed degenerate country
>thinks anime isn't voiced
Yeah, I'm the delusional one. Fucking retard.
It’s not a big deal in the sense that this shit happens all the time, storyboarders drawing sex and profane shit, VA’s recording dumb shit,, etc
The dumb thing is they kept the recordings and even mixed them, all while they knew they were being heavily scrutinized once the Vic lawsuit went public.
That, coupled with Japanese not fucking with people misrepresenting their IP, could mean that they lose the license and likely even more, this is honestly a big fucking problem for funimation, and I doubt their Sony overlords will care about firing the lot of them to try to save face
wait what? That was a are you jelly monica choke?
Funimation employees. I’ve known they were here since they defended the ABYSMAL bluray set earlier this year. Just call them out and keep spreading the hilarious clips of Gohan fucking ChiChi and Piccolo fucking Yamcha.
>They actually respect their work. They would not dirten the characters they voice for. They have respect for it. They are prideful people unlike you little niggermixed degenerate country
Dude its just cartoon characters,
They do. There are ton of anime that is marked almost entirely based on seiyuu casts.
Or they sell chance for concerts tickets in the BDs to boost sales.
There was a stealth trans bait thread on here a short while back. Rather than the thread just getting deleted, all the anti-trans posts were deleted and the posters were banned, while all the pro-trans comments stayed up. Got my shit unfucked by someone on the IRC but I don't know about everyone else. I know in my case, the comment I made wasn't malicious. So there is a mod here who's a genuine ResetEra tier crazy.
>but thats how most in japs Get VA jobs because of family or ties with friends,
You are an idiot.
Ah so that was the official scapegoat used to justify firing Vic, since that was the only thing they could substantiate?
You also forgot that Sara Widenfeth also a Funimation associate, tried to take her part on the whole kickvic scandal along with Minica, Toye, Sabath, and the crew at ANN. But then her brother was convicted a for molestation, and que kickvic crew jumped in defense of a fucking pedo because “You just don’t know the guy, don’t judge him!”
Stop this shit
Fuck off touristfaggot.
>end the English DB franchise
Last I heard, Drummond, Kelamis and R.I.C were still doing VA.
>concrete proof that Vic's accusers are violent scumbags and hypocrites
>feminists and cucks STILL defend them
>while also trying to ruin Vic's life over a jelly bean joke and consensual kiss that a roastie decided she regretted a decade later
When did we transition into the clown world timeline?
>Half a thread of screeching subfags throwing a shitfit
>half of board is screeching dubfags wanting everyone else to carry about their shitty human beings
go back
There would be a special kind of ecstasy if the second Broly movie came to the US and the only same VA was Vic, and everyone else was replaced
I'm just here to listen to Picollo railing Yamcha, this is great
Whether teenage girls can consent to being virtually felt up in public or not aside, he's behaved inappropriately with female costars and con guests and stalked Mari Ijima to the point the staff had to bodyguard her from him. It's clear he's a fucking creep.
>English dub industry are a bunch of thin skinned faggots
Why yes I only watch the superior spic sub of Dragon Ball, how did you know?
Patrician taste.
>english dub thread
yikes. what are mods doing?
They are attention whores just let them have their fun.
They are on the same tier as Yea Forums, spent more time complaining about shit or entering threads about shit they don't care about just to complain more yet keeping the threads alive
>frogposter thinks he holds some sort of moral high ground
One out of the 3 accusations used to justify firing Vic. Yes, 20 years and they couldn't provide better evidences from 100 victims
/pol/ man bad
It's america as a whole. It's fucking weird to watch that shithole country go apeshit on everything as an outsider.
>do i fit in yet guys ex dee us sub watchers that don't understand japanese am i rite
>Yea Forums is a bunch of raiding discord tranny goons
Nah, they're just loud and soon dead (40%+)
Enabling raids.
Murricans make a shitstorm out of everything and they always live in their bubble, but you better not point it out or you will get insultet with some /pol/ shit because they can't accept that their country might actually have flaws.
But I do understand Japanese.
Didn't mention /pol/.
Frogposters are shitposters no matter where they post.
friendly reminder that the spastics that always unironically post in these threads are the same type of people that think mr redditor and his unfunny forced edgy "lol world is a shit" streams are the coolest shit ever, gamer gate accomplished anything and thought trump was going to fix literally everything and that they played a core role in getting him in the white house
internet super hero/villain culture is pure cancer stop being a faggot you can't change anything your faggot opinions don't matter stop forcing them on everyone shut up and stop being gay
Most of Yea Forums, and I mean old Yea Forums, wouldn't even be hear without DB and Eva's dubs.
kys english dub cuck
Seriously though. How incompetent you could be to only fire a guy after 20 years? Nips got fired in mere months when they got caught in some scandals.
Good, I hope this takes the whole american dub industry down. Or at least a good chunk of it.
Funimation is a bunch of retard cucks. They're to blame themselves
>stop being gay
So like, stop browsing Yea Forums?
As someone who has been to numerous cons, participated in anime clubs, and generally been around the worst of the worst of this hobby, I can tell you that almost all female weebs have some form of mental illness or social ineptitude. They can’t behave normally in social situations, especially with a normal well adjusted person.
Vic is a former cop, worked with the church, and while he got a lucky break in anime it was not his goal to voice anime. If you’ve ever seen the guy, outside of his borderline metrosexual attire, the dude is an alpha. For most girls at cons they can’t say no thanks, I’m uncomfortable, etc, or really much of anything, they need nonthreatening orbiters to protect them, or they just wander off like a lost animal.
>america as a whole
Nah, tacoland’s been doing this OC dub with fag jokes and rape stuff, even during expos for a while but they aren’t affiliated to a brand like Funimation that exist to pander the SJW crowd that will burn their actors to the grown just to get internet woke points
take your meds schizo
Rent free
I don't get this. So is anyone with even a whiff of celebrity supposed to be celebate because anything else would be assumed done under a power imbalance? It sounds fucking insane.
For the love of God, use punctuation.
Is this even Yea Forums-related at this point?
Threads like this are just providing a platform for flaming, raiding, trolling, with nothing productive or informative coming out of it.
nothing is fun anymore because of self serious niggers like you
It stopped being Yea Forums related when it was about dubs.
They hate him because he's christian and conservative
Not him but it seems to me that Christians are automatically treated as sexists or homophobes in some circles of the media until proven otherwise.
Vic is an unabashed Christian (I think even a worship leader at his church) and it's not a stretch to see how the people who have an automatic prejudice against him for his faith would jump at the chance to prove he's a hypocrite and a womanizer.
I unironically do. Because I'm not on the side of a psychopath who beat his ex-wife, threatened to kill her, her dog, a judge, and his children. And I'm not on the side of the hypocrites who spend all day trying to crucify people for pronouns or whatever while crying about /pol/ack types, but then secretly say way more vile shit in private.
What? That's fucking stupid, he must be an actual angel if that's the best reason they could find to fire him
Frogposter, go and stay go.
Tranny identity is invalid. Jannies can go suck on my turd.
Yea Forums-related thread or not, it's interesting to see funimation shills and resetrannies make their coping so obvious. At least post some loli if you want to kill the thread so bad.
Have no idea what you are referring too, but frogposter are at least as bad as psychopaths.
The dude acts like a typical youth pastor if you ever went to church. Super friendly, in shape, and a little handsy. The kind of guy that hugs you even if you’ve never met
Based Taco
>go back
>been here since late 2006
He reminds me of a director I had in a stage play. Very gay, married to a woman, had kids, deeply religious, kind of touchy. Not a bad kind of person but you'd have to be an autistic fangirl to not see he's a little light in the loafers.
Different social climate.
Vic Lasagna is almost 60, he lived in a time when all his sexually-charged behavior was rude at worst, and sometimes even taken positively. Now, though, the American bar for sexual abuse is so low it might as well be below the ground, so his casual feel-ups and "I'm eating Monica" dadjokes while eating jelly beans with names on them are literal rape.
>not being here at least since 1992
That's basically the only thing they can prove that happened. The other stuff he is "guilty" of is just stuff like propositioning women for sex and then not having sex with them when they say no.
dilate and suck your boss cock funim*tion wageslave
That you sargon?
I’m still on the fence of Vic being straight
>tight leather pants
>affliction T-shirts and similar apparel
>lots of bracelets/necklaces
>All this asshurt and autism from dubshitters, subshitters, outrage fags, dramafags, funishills, ISWV fags, Yea Forums "oldfags" and twatters
I love this dumpster fire.
broly chads always win
I can't go. I'm the sheepdog who pretends to protect women. That way I can beat them when nobody is looking
Does anyone outside of America care about the American dubs?
It's always the Americans who star the dub vs sub threads.
Based and new material to shitpost
I hate subs cause I'm too lazy to read. I wish more dub fans would openly admit that.
Finally a brother.
Spic here. Not really, but whenever the topic is brought up it starts an obnoxious dub vs sub debate (massive shitposting) all the time
On what?
fuck anyone who defamed vic and fuck everyone who continues to
>this is canon
Based and incestpilled
Based. Fuck that jew Schemmel.
Exactly this.
That's funny because everything, not just anime, gets dubbed, and nobody starts arguments over that shit. I like to compare dubs of shows I like. Too much of the argument around anime dubs is focused on what's "better" when that's never been what I was concerned with. I can count the dubs I outright prefer on half a hand, that doesn't mean it's sacrilege to enjoy a dub or acknowledge its merits.
well, when someone woke causes it, it sure ends up in a trainwreck
Fuck off, dipshit. You don't have all the facts.
I really hope someone will use those voiceclips in some porn animation.
>Vic Mignogna successful defected #Metoo bullshit
>Mainstream media that demonized him suddenly stop reporting the story
Really makes you think. Who gonna fight back against #MEtoo by suing next?
Australia n here. Only English dubs we got were the Funi ones, so I enjoy Schemmel and co. purely out of nostalgia purposes.
i love how they want to diminish nick's law analytics when it starts to look bad for them
>Who gonna fight back against #MEtoo by suing next?
As much as it will trigger Yea Forums. It will probably be John K. They literally have nothing on him beyond proof-less rumors and John k pedo jokes. The women who accused him careers were dead until the social media angry mob John k. Hell, zero people including the women went to police even though John k looked at CP in public according to them. Worse John k did was admitting to having a sixteen year old girlfriend at the time. That was legal in California.
>Mainstream media
its double standards you twat, why vic gets all the shit for the same shit they also did? seriously are you being retarded on purpose?
He’s already started. He hired a new PR lady and there are rumblings.
I'm just waiting for all the animated clips
i don't get the joke, was it a majin buu reference? or vore?
Yea Forums Believing John k bullshit is worse than believing discredit finding leaving neverland HBO documentary. Ironically there now more proof the Simpsons creator a pedo than Micheal Jackson.
he literally had god on his side
of course he won
One in particular for me. IMAGINE
John k might be a hack and scumbag. But he probably not a rapist. Same with Harvey Weinstein.
>Implying Toei will give a single shit about decades old bloopers
>Toei is about to dab on these idiots
And potentially give the DB license to Crunchyroll.
yeah sure Monica
>Yea Forums Believing John k bullshit
that's why Yea Forums gets called Yea Forumsmblr
Now it's discussing Hollywood celeb rumours regarding pedophilia. How is this on topic?
I thought CR didn't do dubs.
>>Implying Toei will give a single shit about decades old bloopers
Toei sent lawyers after Monica for trying to sale #MeToo stand behind Bulma t shirts. They are aware and not happy with funimation.
The do, sometimes.
>Crunchyroll gets their hands on DB
God what a day that will fucking be
Do you not know how anal Toei is about their property? Especially something as big ad DB? It doesn't matter how old it is, this entire shitshow is a PR nightmare that even nips are catching wind of, so you can bet your ass Toei is going to get involved because this is their property.
Will you watch it, Yea Forums?
>>actress who dance on her undies with Penpen
First I've heard of this, who are you refering to
ANN is silent, as expected.
CR is producing dubs for Mexico and Brazil, the Konosuba one was actually great
>that's why Yea Forums gets called Yea Forumsmblr
Yea Forums far more cancerous than /pol/. Sure /pol/ uses killed a lot of white people in the name of winning whites over to white supremacy. /pol/ help elect the most pro-Israel president ever that pass more gun control than Obama in the name of fighting Israel. But /pol/ at least didn’t cause bronyism to happen or made homostuck, Steven universe and RWBY popular. That was all Yea Forums
What's wrong with RWBY?
why would they care for what 1% of their market share did
>As much as it will trigger Yea Forums
That should be too hard considering that they're fucking tumblr faggots
>As someone who's been to a con blah blah fishcakes but what I'm saying is Vic is an alpha and I hate women for not talking to me
As a staff member of multiple North American cons, I advise you to fuck off with your incel whining. The majority of ALL con attendees engage in retarded behavior of some stripe, not just ooga booga yucky girls with whom you have an axe to grind for whatever sad reason.
>a normal well adjusted person.
My fucking sides. As expected of dubtards.
but tumblr were uppity against john k over allegations
Weiss isn’t stepping on me and insulting me is what’s wrong.
There's this 6 year old parody video that Sean did about a character named "Nic Mangina" doesn't age well. On one hand, this is another example if improper & toxic workplace conduct if they not only film but PUBLISH a video lambasting a fellow employee, but on the other hand even as a Vic fan I could see all this having a grain of truth in it. If he's a twofaced workplace diva who's an angel on camera but a nightmare to actually work with behind the scenes, then I get why so many people at the studio hated him.
However, if you hate working with the guy, just get your big bestie director head honcho Sabat to pull some strings and make sure he doesn't get any roles in the shows that you're on. Or, shocker, take those alleged recordings of him getting heated and deliver them to HR so they can quietly deal with him and he moves to a different studio. Step One should never be "Ruin this man's whole life and career", but that's what happens when bitches get involved.
Yes, but why the hell are you posting it in this garbage heap of a thread?
Gen Z what a failure you are.
this shit is nothing new voice actors everywhere probably say crazy shit in the booth
If your going to watch fake western anime. At least have taste and watch French fetish fuel cartoons like miraculous ladybug, 80s heathcliff Cartoon, wakfu and totally spies. The French even had implied rapists villains in a children show. That’s rare even for anime
It's been too long since we've had a good fun thread like this anywhere on the site
To get more people to watch it.
I want to discuss the show with Yea Forums as it's airing.
>can tell you that almost all weebs have some form of mental illness or social ineptitude
Fixed, and my god, why'd you subject yourself to that not once, but multiple times?
Yeah, but after the woke blokes went rampant on twitter about how vic was immoral and degenerate and then having actual recordings of them doing gay pedophile orgies
is kinda funny
This shit reminds me of MGS when David Hayter threw a temper tantrum for being replaced. Why are VA's such primadonnas?
so you hate it for the most retarded reason ever
just a prank guys
What people trying to get funimation in trouble for this doesn't realise is that they are only contributing to the same culture they claim to hate.
If funimation gets in trouble for a few offensive joke then it simply sets a precedent for the future.
Because voice acting sucks as a job. The pay is shit, and nearly all of your fans are autistic turbovirgins.
This wouldn't be a big deal if they didn't act so self righteous like recently when they fired that one fag based on pure hearsay or when they added dumb jokes about feminism and gamergate to their dub scripts for Dragon Maid and Prison School.
>Setting a precedent that hypocrites should be dealt the same punishment they dish out to others
I'm okay with that desu
Name senpai service moments in Rwby beyond girls having big tits and reading ships. Wakfu showed a pirate captain forcefully kiss a elf girl butt against her wishes in a Saturday morning French cartoon. She blushed like she enjoyed it too
There are far simpler reasons.
The art style is hot garbage, the writing is shit, and the voice acting is painfully gay.
RT should've stuck to their gay halo cartoons.
Yeah. Remember when China succeeded in killing an anime?
fuck off retard
the funny things is they never watched OG DB and refer only the brand by DBZ
are you retarded?
they kicked vic out for less than what these voice actors did. its this entire double standard from woke people and their stupid cancel culture getting out of hand that is ruining someone's life over some allegation or because they can't take a joke and their feeling got hurt and the irony is it always backfires once their skeletons are out of the closet
Sabat, Rial, Soye and any other faggot ass dub VAs
The goal isn't to see them punished for the same shit, it's to force people to acknowledge that making racy jokes isn't grounds for punishment of any kind.
>The art style is hot garbage
looks fine to me whats the problem and using gay a real argument im thinking you are 12 or something
Fucking this.
These assholes need to be held to their own standards.
Once they get a taste of their own medicine, the adults can step in and put an end to this faggotry.
this thread is awful
Yea Forums already butt hurt on the thread
not that guy, but probably because its 3D
Long story short, if you have evidences to pin a guy down, then flay him. Pretty sure there was this case where a good Samaritan got metoo'd that he stated he wouldn't be helping any bystanders in the future, especially women
That won't happen though.
>Claims like the ones against Vic aren't made over the years with no reason.
No. However that doesn't mean that the reason is that he's a horrible person, sexual harasser, etc. The real reasons so far seem to mainly be people not liking him for being a relatively outspoken christian, people not liking him for not being a fan of yaoi, and people being jealous of his success compared to their own.
Nah I just wanna see their career's ruined by the same witch hunt bullshit they used to ruin Vic.
Funimation already set the precedent by firing Vic. Now there is no way for them to come out of this shitshow looking good. The best they could do is settle with Vic out of court and hope people just forget about it. But roasties and cucks would seethe eternally if that happened. And if they continue to stand by Vic's accusers then they are facing legal issues over the double standards they used to fire him
who is worse Texas or California?
Get a life. Why do you care about celebrities?
Not only that but these dumb faggots USED STUDIO RESOURCES TO MAKE THOSE CLIPS! They are going to get fucked up the ass so hard.
The only clown thing about this is recording yourselves in that kind of horseplay as if it wont be used as evidence in the future
General idea is not to say some stupid shit on the internet. Kokoro Connect fiasco got brought to light due to some cocky idiots bragging about it, if I recall correctly
'Texas' and 'California' are not people.
Based desu
This. I saw a couple episodes of Camp Camp (which isn’t much better) but it looks so much better to look at.
So was there ever any actual proof of this Vic Mayonnaise guy being a rapist or whatever the fuck the claim was that started all of this? Guy has been going to cons for like two decades now, you'd think there would be physical evidence of his supposed deviant behavior by now.
>Kokoro Connect fiasco got brought to light
Wasn't it because of Sugita's show?
Because seeing people hoisted by their own petards is hilarious. I wouldn't care if it was celebs or Joe the plumber down the street.
>Not only that but these dumb faggots USED STUDIO RESOURCES TO MAKE THOSE CLIPS!
Exactly. Contracts are pretty explicit about what is and isn't permitted, what can and cannot be done. For example. Kevin Conroy got reamed by Warner Bros for doing an answering machine message in his Batman voice for a friend.
Do you really want the kind of people doing all the arguing in this thread to come? I'd prefer slow comfy threads with a handful of people discussing their appreciation of old men who like rakugo. No need for VIC IS RAPIST HASHTAH BELIEVE SURVIVIRS and NO VIC WAS WRONGED FEMINAZIS REEEE types to shit it up.
Nothing but longstanding jokes about him online made up in response to his faggy personality.
Google it. It's not hard to find.
god i hope this teaches everyone a lesson to grow a thick skin and stop these accusations with no evidence, its only going to diminish actual cases in the future, like a kid crying wolf
No, some punk made some remark about another female VA, something to the length like "People without talent should just quit already. Just like that guy.", which prompted the hunt
Nope. Actually there’s a lot coming out about Ron Toye being an abuser who beats his wives and threatens Judges and their families tho
Eh, a nice post count in the first thread may attract more watchers. I'm hoping for a snowball effect.
If there were proof he would be in prison. What do you think?
I did, but aside from photos of him hugging people at meet ups with fans who still support him and 100% have his back in this case I've found nothing damning.
No proof at all.
Some of the claims made against him not only have zero evidence, they are PROVABLY false.
The latest gossip was that Funimation was about to give Vic a staff position (apparently they were gonna let him do some directing) before all of this bullshit blew up.
It's why Vic moved from Cali to Texas.
>burn down the entire DB English cast just to get a win for Vic
>does nothing to help Vic
>everything is fucked now
lol well done speds
exactly, for years these fucktards have been getting away with their allegations because they simply don't like someone, now its time to face consequences like an adult
So you are 12 then.
Better than letting life-ruining cunts and the company's double standards go unnoticed.
>Female was the one who makes the gohan fucking chi-chi jokes 20years ago
>Somehow he has his shit trashed
Trannies and SJWs should leave.
>does nothing to help vic
after all these revelations, i think is helping vic a lot now
I love the English DB cast and the games just wouldn't feel the same without Sean screaming like a manchild.
But they deserve it. They started it.
get fucked tranny
>everything is fucked now
>implying this is a bad thing
You give a fuck about dub VA drama?
You ain't a real anime fan.
Consider rope.
Fuck off, /pol/.
>American justice system
>working correctly
Why is this off-topic shit still up?
What? I simply stated I haven't found lick of actual evidence supporting the initial claims agains the guy. The fuck are you even going on about?
>tranny SJW fucked in ass for being hypocrite faggots
>trannytera and trannytwitter seething im flames
>vic still fucked
so? i dont care
>DUBS fucked
Of course, you need to insert hard proofs into the machine, idiot
I sincerely fucking hope everyone in this thread gets banned. Mods, take the initiative. You'd be banning DBZfags, dubfags AND grubbing Yea Forumstards in one fell swoop.
>i think is helping vic a lot now
It absolutely is helping.
It will destroy the credibility of Funimation, Rial and Marchi in the lawsuit.
And it's very likely that Sabat will be the next one to get sued.
Oh boo hoo. I'm sure complaining on an anonymous image board will magically cure it!
Fuck off, it's off-topic.
Shouldn't you be trap posting?
You didn't properly respond in the first place.
>Trannies and SJWs should leave
You can take comfort that women now complaining trannies are BTFO them in sports. Women voted to normalized trannies. They have to leave with men beating them in sports.
>I sincerely fucking hope everyone in this thread gets banned
But you posted in this thread, user.
Sounds just like a resetera poster
>Lost control of the narrative so demands bannings
Are you pretending to be retarded?
>burn down the entire DB English cast
Pure heroism.
Cry about frank miller saying means things and how the joker movie going to flop on Yea Forums. We know your a Yea Forumsmblr
>posting in a thread that makes you mad
Fucking summerfag niggers.
>everything is fucked now
Not everything, but it's a good start.
>Ghost Stories and the Berserk outtakes are now considered 'problematic' by Yea Forums in current year
kill yourselves nuf/a/gs
>A female will never work in voice acting again thanks to men who want to be women
Makes you think
>discord trannies seething
only good thing to come out of this thread
>by Yea Forums
Those tourists are not part of Yea Forums.
We could ask you the same question.
Go one, show us the proof
Show us the PULL thread where somebody claimed that she was dreamraped by Vic.
Show us the tumblr blog of "horror stories" who the owner admits were unsubstantiated hearsay.
I can live with that.
I saw more people saying they hope it takes down Funimation than people against Vic. Which threads were you in faggot?
>Thread went from "hey this is kinda funny to John K and Metoo drama"
>This kills the Yea Forums in 2019
(fucking 8 years ago)
Way to miss the point you fucking retard. Them making dumb edgy jokes behind the booth isn't the issue, them being massive hypocrites is.
That isn't how you spell fun.
Wow. What a wall of text. You sure are triggered easily.
It ruins the credibility of Funi's claim that they kicked Vic out to "protect our workplace environment" or whatever it was.
"If your work environment allows such distasteful jokes, why is it that it can't excuse Mr. Lasagna's misdemeanors?" sounds like something that you'd hear in court now.
My country had some pretty dubs for all the anime i grew up with, but i don't have to throw it in everyones face.
Most of the so called discord trannies came from Yea Forums. You giving discord too much credit
>discord trannies resorting to moving goalposts
Why am I not surprised?
>4 lines
I thought anime fans were supposed to be autistic, not retarded.
>make it known to everyone in the world that screwing over people with fake accusations has major consequences
Even if Vic doesn't get the Broly role back, it's still a major win for the dub industry that has been plagued with Tumblr tier morons for far too long.
4 lines is a lot for you? I feel bad for that user if four lines is too much
no its just faggot from cali
now i want them to stay on just to see idiots rage more i love the assblast
>Yea Forums caring about a dub actor, for Dragon Ball, in 2019
What the fuck went so wrong?
>cries and throws a tantrum because somebody is just asking for proof
>can't produce a singe piece of it
>resorts to calling others triggered
Oh my fucking sides.
It would be nice to see Funimation fall apart because of this.
Wow you mean to tell me that Goku said F*ggot and made jokes about r*pe* and in*est? I hope that someone loses their job over this!
A bunch of audio clips of people goofing off? Give me a break. I don't agree with what happened to Vic but this means nothing.
So still triggered.
>DBZfags, dubfags AND grubbing Yea Forumstards
That's the mods.
Why is it only funimation? You never hear actual/co/ related voice actors like this getting into dumb drama or Yea Forums voice actors doing this
I really liked him as Rohan
>4 lines
>a wall of text
Before SJW got Vic fried. John K was a victim of #MEtoo. Yea Forums already butt hurt over Vic winning. Sighs point to John k fighting #Metoo next by hiring a lawyer.
I was sure Sean is one of their potential targets once they are done with Vic. Does that idiot even know that as he does the bootlicking?
These audio clips have to make it to Toei Japan somehow, it's the only way something will actually happen.
The Chi-Chi recording is pretty hot.
This is holding these assholes to their own standards.
It's not a hard concept to grasp.
You just KNOW, that guy doesn't have a single real friend. i mean im a dick and even i have 2 real friends i've known for over a decade and hang out every week. but this guy thinking this are disturbing people?...unironic yikes.
I'm telling you man, GG ruined the fucking internet forever. Now everyone is obsessed with this sort of bullshit because they've convinced themselves they're in a culture war to save the west. They'd be doing the west a favor if they all just killed themselves and stopped shitting up Yea Forums with these threads.
Calm down hanleia
>People not getting that the whole point of this thread IS that these tapes mean noting. But they fired and demonized a man for doing the same thing, but there's actually evidence against them instead of the other way around
It's hilarious.
>Vic gets raped in court
>blackballed by industry
>nothing happens to based Sean, Chris and the Funi Gang
>incels seethe cos his power wasn't maximum
>trannies seethe because Goku said faggot and got away with it
Nogga I was there, most of the people were just doubting the claims and laughing at the people who thought cans without labels was going to release. Or "so apparently all the kickstarter money went to lawyers"
iTs AbOuT eThIcS iN aNiMe DuBs
>Vic Career is in shambles
>Funimation is also burning down
This is the best possible outcome, now we just need the Vic fanboys to get banned from Yea Forums and everything will be gravy.
That's assuming the judge was ruling in the defendant's favor. Reality is harsh though
Compound that with the complete lack of attention span these people have. At least if we HAD to have this discussion 10 years ago it wouldn't continuously crumble down into yelling "seething" and "cope".
Why are you typing like this?
How much are voice actors paid?
Oh wow I thought the tumblr invasion was a meme.
Chi-chis voice actor shouldn't have made incest jokes. She went too far.
Fuck you /pol/, women are victims.
I'm hoping they're just pretending to be retarded because they went to fish for (You)s.
Remember when some donkey Kong speed runner used cartoon network for libel and the judge didn't know what video games were so he just gave up and CN was innocent
>They had to dub DBZ three times before they got it right
What went so wrong?
>lady bug and heathcliff
>furryshit and a repetitive hawkmoth minion of the week show
>at all good
There's a difference between making edgy jokes for a blooper reel and accusations of being sexually pushy that spanned back 10 years. VIc shouldn't have been fired and deserved a proper investigation, but these are in no way comparable you hypocritical retard.
This. All of them are equally as shit.
In shambles, yes, but don't forget being couple millions richer. Just ask the Gibson family
>Fuck off, /pol/.
Cry about fat acceptance squirrel girl not selling on Tumblr.
Remind me how they multiple threads on Yea Forums of them circle jerking over thinking the joker movie will flop. A movie about the most popular and iconic comic villain if the not modern villain in fiction. Yea Forums Same board who said captain marvel, Aquaman, venom, Wonder Woman, Black Panther would flop.
kys faggot
>Chichi was the one who did
Women get away with it again
>"If your work environment allows such distasteful jokes, why is it that it can't excuse Mr. Lasagna's misdemeanors?" sounds like something that you'd hear in court now.
What are the best arguments against Funi that you could use in court?
Don’t project too much there. If it helps you can also use other buzzwords Virgin, trumptard, mgtow, rapist, altright and lives in moms basement are still on the table.
Yes, EVERYONE at cons acts weird, but we aren’t talking about everyone are we? We are talking about the supposed victims of Vic’s sexual harassment. Did a man or boy come forward saying he grabbed his junk? No? Then shut the fuck up you absolute retard
Most of the fags here wouldn't even be here without Dragonball's dub. They've grown past it now but it's relevant enough to their interests that they should be allowed to discuss it.
>Dude GG brought in DBZ dub watchers
Paranoia and autism
Did you see the latest filings? Funimation's lawyers and the courts are sick of Vic's representation continuing to use delay tactics.
>Yea Forums triggered that Yea Forums violated tiger safe space
Be Yea Forums. Cry for mods to restore their safe space
He did?
Right, you know what? The fun thing about this case is that anime term needs to be explained to the judge, and it did pique his interest on this mess judging from the transcripts
The official reason for Vic's firing is the jellybean incident, because none of the other stuff was substantiated.
Mods, don't be lazy.
Back to the degenerate discord with you.
Kek so many apologist.
>w-w-well it not THAT bad VA do this all the t-time!
Ok but they kicked Vic out over a jellybean joke and acted like he was creating an “unsafe work environment for the women” when those same women were actually making jokes about a “rape corner” and fucking their fictional son in character.
No evidence, no anything. A lot of shit has been proven as a which hunt where the opposition literally fucking photoshopped shit together in an attempt to discredit him. Vic is either a 200IQ criminal mastermind that perfectly silence and removed all supposed evidence in the past 10 years, or he didn’t fucking do anything. Meanwhile more and more dirty from his detractors keep surfacing, including wife beating, kissing a minor, etc
Are irrelevant. They falsely accused and fired a man and refuse to present evidence because they had none. Then they had the gall to act like perfect angels and now recordings of Piccolo anally raping Yamcha show up. They are all fucking hypocrites and have been caught lying multiple times while Vic has yet to be.
I know you are trying your best to spin this, but you can’t. Funi either fires them all for “creating an unsafe work environment” like Vic supposedly did (but they won’t), or they are massive fucking hypocrites. That’s all there is to it. If you disagree than provide actual fucking evidence.
Kazuki posting PERSONAL opinion on his PERSONAL social media account outside of work is now unprofessional?
I did not care for Vic's performance as Broly or Bubsy the Bobcat.
Good, let it burn. Maybe next time they won’t pull this shit, or a better fucking company can take its place
you are not a man of culture
Writing this much, seething. Sorry but Vics career is dead and the only good thing he has done is burn funimation down with him.
His skin insists upon being cold, Lois.
>The French even had implied rapists villains in a children show
give me the name
>Same board who said captain marvel, Aquaman, venom, Wonder Woman, Black Panther would flop.
Thats /pol/ and Yea Forums
nice damage Yea Forumsntrol faggots KEK
Why do people hate on Funi? I don't care for dubs, but their disc releases are always pretty good and cheap.
Sorry Funi is burning and being exposed for hypocrites. Oh and sorry Vic is now going to get a fat fucking check since he’s absolutely winning this case now. Maybe you’ll have better luck next time, tranny
>with nothing productive
You just described all Yea Forums threads.
>tranny picture
>call other retard
you shouldnt have remove your tiny dick
Why are the vic fanboys trying to say that anyone who dislikes him is a Yea Forums user? The faggots over there absolutely love him because they're retards who subsist on bullshit e-celeb drama.
>why do people hate a company that actively fucked someone over for no discernible reason?
i dont know but some retards hate them over small dub changes
Last dragonball Blu-ray was dogshit, I also have a problem with them splitting from Crunchyroll to do their own shit.
Same shit with Disney and Netflix. Instead of paying for one streaming services that has a lot of stuff, I’ll just go back to pirating because I’m not paying for 5 different services
>Then they had the gall to act like perfect angels and now recordings of Piccolo anally raping Yamcha show up. They are all fucking hypocrites and have been caught lying multiple times while Vic has yet to be.
Pretty much this. The tapes of them doing rape jokes would have been fine and not an issue if they didn't constantly act like they're saints with the moral high ground.
Only you say that, SJW. You don't even read comics
>rewriting an entire scene to push gamergate shit is “small”
Nobody wants burger politics in their fucking anime, when will you learn?
> Yea Forums violated tiger safe space
So Yea Forums wants into beast? Nice, hope there's video of that too.
>tranny picture
what retard
funny there is no thread about it at all on Yea Forums only here
yes it is small and they changed the line and the guy got removed so you have nothing to cry about anymore
All this fighting and blaming should all remind you that E-Drama is too nuanced for 4channel and we should just stick to talking about HxH.
Absolutely. Hell I was giggling at the one with Goku calling Gohan a faggot. But when you act holier than thou and virtue signal so hard, it’s absolutely amazingn for something like this to blow up in their face
Nice try. Go back to Yea Forumsmblr
What does a shit American comic have to do with Funimation going away?
>being a dubfag
Nobody wants (You).
More like people are laughing and Funi shills are on full damage control. You seriously have to be brain damaged to not see the delicious irony in all of this
>Should the entire cast be fired for recording goof rape and incest jokes like 10 years ago?
>Should the entire cast be fired for recording goof rape and incest jokes like 10 years ago after ruining someone's career over something much less severe just because they didn't like him?
Remember. This could happen to anyone, even you. Hell, Sean is one of their potential targets after they're done with vic and he doesn't even know.
You know you're only proving his point, right?
she probably took it as in eating pussey
Why do you out yourself like this?
Not true. Some threads for airing shows have in-depth analysis and lots of fun content. Not to mention drawthreads, Yea Forums sings threads, getting help from buyfag threads etc.
Honestly it’s really funny, I wont pretend to act offended. They just shot themselves in the foot with the Vic stuff and this getting released due to it
This. But people don't want to accept that anyone with principles just wants to hold Funimation to their own garbage standards, so they pretend that "ugh these newfags are triggered by rape jokes xddd!!!!"
Nice narrative.
>she probably took it as in eating pussey
And didn't raise a stink about it until 9 fucking YEARS after it happened.
Oh it must have been soooooo traumatic.
>I wish I was eating your bean, instead.
You might be better of discussing this on /r/AnimeDubs!
who cares, they're both adults.
That’s such a stretch holy shit
why are retards on here crying about Yea Forums when there is no thread about this shit there at all
You might be better off returning to Yea Forums instead of trying to engage in damage control!
No you don't get it. Vic has eyes that can freeze you on spot. He's a terrifying monster, I tell ya
They gotta justify themselves to someone.
I wonder if team four star will hire Santa and schemel for their dubbing talents
People don't want to accept that Yea Forums got pozzed by Redditors and SAfags a long time ago.
Man, this guy is living the dream.
It's pretty obvious that you're samefagging with the "Back to Yea Forums" shit.
this is from the old dragon ball times so why are people acting like its from now
what is the show on the DVD?
>English dub will get revoked will abridged stays
What a timeline
A terrifying sex monster who nearly had a wincest threesome with twins.
Like this or hate this autismo slapfight, the sheer speed and growth of this thread is more proof that /incel/-internert celebrities board is needed to contain and siphon this shit
Why are people acting like Vic eating a fucking jellybean like 5 years ago is grounds for firing and proves he’s a pedo?
Yeah, and most accusations against Vis are from a decade ago. So it checks out.
oof, you can taste the jealousy in this post
this mich damage control should be illegal
this shit only happen with DB so i assume these dumb VA dont work on other famous anime like MHA or OP?
Because they're a bunch of fat lesbians who are assmad that Vic refuses to sign yaoi fanart.
Sabat is in both those dubs.
>don't work
USA has like a voice pool of 10 people
all of them have been in what you mentioned
Mods, do your job.
Franky and Bakugo?
This kind of shit is the cancer thats killing Yea Forums.
Deal with it faggot.
>Everybody who can easily see through me is the same person!!!!
>not enjoying the drama
You can't even pay for this entertainment
Using characters he potentially doesn't wholly own? Yes very much so.
isn't bulma's va frog in mha?
This cancer will only attract the sort of crowd that is not welcome on Yea Forums.
Goku doesn’t need chi chi anyways
All Might and Zoro.
not your hugbox sweetie
That crowd is already here. It has been here for ages and you have harbored it, you idiot.
"muh circlejerk"
Triggered much?
amazing argument tranny
It's true, though.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
VAs are extremely restricted by contract when it comes to what they can do with character voices.
Most VAs don't even get residual income - they only get paid an hourly rate.
>isekai Marry Popins
>storage Pussy tits
triggered you by the looks of it
thankfully i watch the sub
Brett, why are you posting your fedora tipping here?
Thanks to this garbage fire my hatred of dubs only deepened. Learn to read subs you lazy fucks. Don't you think its embarrassing that non-natives can handle reading subtitles in your language better than you, burgers/anglos?
It should go to Sentai.ADV SHALL RISE AGAIN
>it's true that Vic ate a jellybean nearly a decade ago.
oh god what a monster.
Former Tekkoshocon Staff Allege Mignogna Harassed Macross Voice Actress Mari Iijima
>ANN contacted Weaver, who confirmed he wrote the Twitter comments, and clarified, “Mari asked me to make sure that Vic wouldn't sit next to her. That's when I suggested she sit to my right and made sure that he would sit on my left. I've been raised to where if someone needs your help, you give it. I am saddened that this hasn't been the case in this industry.”
what kind of retard are you dont think the Japaneses dont have fun with what they do
Has nothing to do Takahashi and its again because they don't wholly own anything.
There's other people that have a stake in that IP that want to make a profit. This secret recording crap is the reason why all those restrictions are a thing in the first place. Companies and Businesses want to protect their IPs/sources of income.
>citing ANN
Weaver? He did seem so protective in this picture. Literally facepalming for Ijima's sake
Not an argument.
holy shit this is amazing
You should reread.
Yes it is. ANN is unmitigated garbage.
There's zero context for that photo.
The truth could be completely innocuous.
ANN has already been caught blatantly misrepresenting photos of Vic - they had to "update" one of their Vic pieces five fucking times because of people coming forward and demanding corrections.
you have them
its not just they cant read, they also dont like nips voices
It is when ANN have been proven to be an unreliable source.
Neck yourself, faggot.
>There's zero context for that photo.
Try better, naruhodo-kun. Brett suggested Ijima sit to his right and Vic on his left. Which means he should between both of them
>stalked Mari Ijima to the point the staff had to bodyguard her from him
chadvic vs virginguard
Naw man this is #weebwars it’s 2019, we don’t do that gate shit anymore.
I probably know more about the Vic drama than you do.
The accusations have been an enormous bunch of nothingburgers and outright lies.
There are multiple witnesses who completely contradict Brett's account.
But user, we are still only at a handful of witnesses out of 100. Hell, last I heard, it bumped to 200. Those poor victims
And yet when Rial filed a responseto Vic's lawsuit, the very first citation is to a fucking tumblr blog.
Who the fuck cites tumblr when there are "real victims" out there?
>Quad fours
Vic confirmed to be a celestial being made flesh for the purpose of chadding all over us lowly mortals.
Reread the reply chain.