Alright Yea Forums's, Which series is the best. Objectively

Alright Yea Forums's, Which series is the best. Objectively.

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Komi sucks

Art by definition is subjective

isn't anjou supposed to be in these compare threads as well

Nagatoro is the one with the most progression, so I feel like it's a lot better than the others
also this

They're all shit.

>Yea Forums's
Shit thread made by a retard OP.



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Apples and oranges between the first two and Komi. Nagatoro is the better of the first two. Komi is my favorite of the three.

Of those?

Nagatoro followed by Komi a decent ways behind, and Takagi hasn't rated for years at this point. It's terrible and its spinoff is worse.

People rag on Nagatoro but it's adorable and sweet. It doesn't actually have sadism like the original, but that's fine. Komi is still good despite people hating on it. It is what it is: a gag manga with romantic elements. I feel like it found a fanbase that largely doesn't understand it and projects expectations on it it shouldn't have (WHY ISN'T THERE PROGRESS? OMG MANBAGI IS SO MUCH BETTER!!! I HATE X). Meh.

Again, Takagi is awful. It used to be pretty damn incredible, but success drove it to suicide.

Takagi is a Mary Sue
Komi is cute but still a Mary Sue
Nagatoro is the most adorkable being on the planet.

Takagi has won the girl(male), so "objectively" speaking, that makes her the best.

Right is shit, I don't know why Yea Forums shills it so much.

How can people still like Takagi when Nagatoro came out? The teasing was fun at first but it's literally the same shit every single chapter.

>repeat forever

1. Nagatoro
((power gap))
2. Takagi
3. Komi

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Nagatoro doesn't even bully anymore. The series is completely toothless and lost the reason people were into it.

Takagi has stayed true to itself, though some people demand "progress" out of a weekly gag manga and call consistency stagnation.

As someone who doesn't really think all three are that special --

1. Nagatoro
2. Takagi
3. Komi

Komi offends me. The manga's entire basis is "Okay so we have this cute main couple, now let's fill up the rest of the cast with some of the most one-note annoying assholes you've ever encountered in a manga. The author will even name the characters after their stupid little gimmicks to mock you in your face even harder". The only really decent characters besides the okay main couple are their siblings, their parents, and those two girls that are Komi's friends and don't have any other stupid little annoying traits.

>lost the reason people were into it
You're clearly one of those faggots obsessed with the doujin version of Nagatoro because the series is more popular than ever. It has at least progressed.

Nagatoro is a watered down version of its former self.
Takagi is just innocent cute stuff and doesn't pretend to have a plot
Komi pretends it is going somewhere but it is not.

what now

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theyre all shit but Nagatoro is the only one which makes my dick hard so that one I guess

>The manga's entire basis is "Okay so we have this cute main couple
see this is what I meant here >I feel like it found a fanbase that largely doesn't understand it

Look. Look at this.

No, you're wrong, that is not the basis. The basis is we have a large cast of weirdos, AND here's a couple who is cute. Comedy first.

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i don't know the other two but watamote is the worst of the three

WataMote is leagues above either. I like Bocchi but it's not amazing or anything, it's just pretty good. Of the three protagonists, Komi is the most likable.

WataMote unfortunately has a dedicated contingent of haters ever since people remembered that it exists.

>WataMote unfortunately has a dedicated contingent of haters ever since people remembered that it exists.
but why?

>you're clearly one of those faggots obsessed with the doujin version of Nagatoro

Never even read it. There's a night and day different between Nagatoro's low effort "bullying" now and those early chapters, where she meticulously broken down his shit manga and how it represented all his shitty personality traits, or otherwise preyed on his insecurities to destroy him.

>the series is more popular than ever

Mangadex stats say otherwise. Chapters regularly broke 100k-125k hits, now they barely break more than 75k. The series is bleeding readers because it's getting more and more shit.

>implying popular = good

Chadano > Paisen > Takagi's bitch

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Yuri-shit disguised as a series about social awkwardness, I guess.

See what I mean? >spend years in obscurity, uniquely building up character relationships and development
>people who only look at the memes in the thread assume it's generic tripe and shit on it because, funnily enough, it's popular now

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Don't pay attention to him. There are some yurifags that fap to Watamote and try to not think about how the manga has become shit.


It's actually really simple. The series is very much beloved by its fanbase, but like any fanbase the fanart and burned out discussion is going to get simplistic. In actuality, for years--actual YEARS it's been called a yuri harem as a joke. It is not serious, and if you actually ask any fan about it they'll readily admit you can only call one character definitely a lesbian, another definitely bisexual, and a third probably gay.

The rest? Unknown or known to be straight.

However without reading it people just see the discussions and jokes and assume that it's a yuri series when it isn't. The main draw for a long time has been that it's a really interesting take on character development.


None of them has any substance whatsoever.
At this point those titles are examples of popular widely acclaimed manga that are no different to popular shounen.

It's the worst kind of HS-SoL that there is, only waifufags keep them from fading into oblivion.

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they are all different and this comparison is stupid

Does anyone else feel that Komi-san is out of place in these comparions?
Nagatoro, Takagi, Sanpaku, Usaki, and Anjou have traits that can be compared, but Komi doesn't actively tease the mc, in fact she's very shy.

So you don't read them but have an opinion.

Komi does have substance, it's just slow.
Nagatoro definitely has substance.
Takagi even has substance, but it's terribly executed overall as a manga so whatever.

just notable romcoms, that's the connection

>definitely a lesbian, another definitely bisexual, and a third probably gay.
>The rest? Unknown or known to be straight.
Interesting, I've never been in the manga threads because spoilers, I'm currently in chapter 49 I'm not sure if I saw the characters you're talking about

Kagami > Takagi > smug bitch > rest

btw I'm aware that the manga does a huge change of tone during Tomoko's 2nd year and I think I'm close to that

One should be obvious: Tomoko herself. She's down to fuck boys or girls, as long as they're hot. She won't consciously admit that she's bi though.

The two other characters... I think they've appeared at the point where you are, however they won't have importance until over 20 chapters later. Keep reading, it's honestly mind-blowingly good once it starts changing.

Romcoms are so fucking shit, I can count all the decent romcoms running right now with basically half of one hand.

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Try Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu

genuine recommendation as it is very bizarre and honestly has a weird way of developing. Not even saying it's the best, it's just so different that you may actually find that you like it.

thanks lad

Say hello to your new queen.

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Komi is too pure for me to lewd. Nagatoro superior in that aspect.

Koi is normie trash for fake weebs whose ideal woman is unable to speak and loves them unconditionally for no reason whatsoever

Anyone who self inserts into a beta-male herbivore like Tadano deserves to be shot

The average komitard

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>for no reason whatsoever
read the manga

dont know which is best but nagatoro is obviously the worst

>he thinks the other two have a chance against Takagi

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I'll check it out

What the fuck is wrong with her head

A new contender has arrived

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Author has a hard on for 5heads

One of these isn't even a romcom. Komi is just slice of Life. I still hate you guys for doing these comparison threads. I started reading Komi wile having completely wrong expectations of it. Stop mentioning Komi in any anjou, takagi, uzaki, Kaguya, 5toubun, Nagatoro, jitsu wa whatever threads.

this is better

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>mangadex stats
user, I...

I can't see the appeal.

Komi-San is boring as fuck and nothing ever happens and Nagatoro was interesting until the bitch of a club president showed up and ruined everything.


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komi san is shit period.

between the other two, takagi is best because the writer already confirmed the ending 30 chapters in, and started a spin off for it.

That's actually why it sucks.

It was cool that that happened but in practice you don't see progress, and in the spin-off there's fucking no actual sign that they're in love. It's the same shit, and it's awful.

I have read none of these, but Nagatoro makes my pp feel the most tingles when I see her pictures posted, so her manga wins


painfully underrated

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What is this?

learn to read

art is subjective
though in my opinion, early Komi kings the rest of them

the others aren't trying to make the mc commit suicide so dunno about that...

I want actual bullying.

I've seen none of those.

WataMote is shit, it's way too cringe to even be enjoyable.

all three of these are shit after the beginning chapters

The one that most advances the development of the couple.

Shame we don't get more series like this.

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Once again Yea Forums being contrarian just because Komi got popular on chinkddit.

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>Chapters regularly broke 100k-125k hits, now they barely break more than 75k.
Why would you lie like this when it takes 30 seconds to check that you're full of shit?

Takagi sucks and has been the same shit for over a hundred chapters it is absurd. Between it and Nagatoro, Nagatori is not only more entertaining on a chapter to chapter basis but has had more happen in half as many chapters.

Komi san has nothing in common with either of the other two, but honestly I just stopped reading Komi at some point. For a period while I was keeping up with it I really thought it was something special but somehow I lost interest. I actually think it happened to a lot of people.

Youtsuba is a romcom look and youtsuba and yanada.

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I thought 5Toubun and Kaguya were
Yea Forums's romcom of choice (both gained immense in here and are/were translated by Yea Forums)

>I actually think it happened to a lot of people.
it did, a lot of new pointless characters and everyone deciding that Komi doesn't need to learn how to talk and she can keep using her autistic notebook because she's cute and perfect killed all my interest


Watamote has gone downhill, realize that people have actual reasons to gripe about and and don't just brush them off as "haters".
It started out strong, ended up running on fumes, revitalized itself for a bit but now has lost its original premise and in a sense "sold out", turning into a yuri-bait harem in order to sell better.

Imagine the shitstorm if Tomoki's fooball senpai comes to her graduation to meet her, at least three of the cast would try to stab him.

Yes yes, user, if you repeat lies enough they become truth. That's how it works.

>Art by definition is subjective
God I hate your sort

Komi and Naga are likely going to stick with the current storyline and end without any real closure, Takagi's author at least went out of his way to show them getting married and conceiving a child. Even if people do complain that it's still the same plot, that's something sorely lacking in not just the romance SoL's but a lot of anime in general.

>Komi and Naga are likely going to stick with the current storyline and end without any real closure

what a fuckin stupid thing to say

Paisen will snap and turn his bully harem into his actual harem.