Is she impure Yea Forums?

Is she impure Yea Forums?

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An innocent girl doesn't ask that while positioning her arms to emphasize her boobs

medusa watched that entire thing

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What the fuck is Fate even about? I don't understand how these teenagers are in the middle of a jihad, but have time whore it up with cringey virgin shit like this.

The real question is will shirou's dick ever truly satisfy her like Shinji's did?

So did Archer, he just hangs out while invisible spying on everything that happens.

in 2004 an anonymous author by the name of nasu released a porn game named fate stay night with elements from other anime like rozen maiden and borrowing heavily from most shounen
Those years of 01-07 can be described that sex sells, very well

It's porn mixed with battle royale and shounen.

The grail war is a game of magical 7-way rock-paper-scissors that could be ended in a single night with minimal destruction of property, but the heroes conveniently meet each other one or two at a time before falling back to duel another day and cause more damage. During this downtime between bouts, sexy things happen.

Why do her feet look retarded

Because character and background are done separately and there's no quality check when they're put together

the proper answer is "you're about to be"

Not based on the pose she's in.

Also no on the grounds that she's fucked Shinji.

The better question is "does the fact I'm not a virgin matter" because that's what she's really asking.


she's done ass to mouth, absolutely impure

Literally impossible
Shinji is an absolute Chad at highschool fucking multiple girls.

While Shirou spends his time polishing his own sword inside his shed if you know what I mean.


you mean reminiscing

Not confirmed, intercourse does not necessarily mean sex.

Reminder that sakura literally ate the dicks of the people she ate.

Based retard.

She's wormslut.

Reminder, this is also heavily similar to the plot of rozen maiden, sans sex

I'll be honest, watching teenage romance made me feel some despair I haven't felt in a very long time. The whole next day I couldn't stop thinking about it, this is why I avoid romance animes or porn for that matter.

that's unfair shinji had the help of hundreds of thousands of worms

Yes. The only people who think otherwise are averting their eyes from reality.

dumb Yea Forumsshitters like you need to slice your wrists and fuck off back to cuck

imagine her wrapped around your back watching and wispering in your ear what she wants you to do next as you bust a fat nut into her master

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Is Gil the suigintou of fate?

A truly chad response.

I wish Yea Forums was suave like this more often.

No because she only loves her senpai. She is also best girl and heroine of the true route/ending.

But also Shinji's sloppy seconds at best.

it's just mana transfer

C...can gil get pregnant?

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I'd also like to take this opportunity to mention how Homura in Madoka Rebellion heavily copies suigintou

Shinji is a kek with a micro penis

and rin was probably kotomine's fuck toy in exchange for allowance
saber fucked a random nip kid she knew for less than a few days, and saber comes from a time where the penalty for premarital sex was death

Read the VN.

Cool. That doesn't have anything to do with what I said but thanks for the reply.

It's just that average emo girls' deviantart OC.

Don't read the VN, the translations are shit and the source material is a low bar to start with.
It's content is mostly empty filler dialogue running in circles that you'd expect from teenagers (nasu) who never sought to improve their writing skills after high school

Why don't you accompany them, nigger.

All the main heroines are deeply flawed

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Yeah, but sakura is the only used goods.

I would prefer busting a fat nut in her.

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Consider slicing your wrists, double nigger

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No one asked for your head canon, schizoid

while her master watches or alone?

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Honestly I hadn't even considered cucking Sakura until you just brought it up but that would be pretty hot.

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>lived to see the day of HF secondaries
Pretty weird


No, she's beautiful.

they need to just go all in at this point and just do a dating game with some of the fate girls

Why does everyone keep liking this cuckshit. Get better taste.

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>kotomine's fuck toy
Kotomine honours his wedding vows, user. Don't be retarded.

>honoring anything

the sex scenes come off as forced in other routes because thematically it wasn't originally there. i believe it was the same guy who suggested saber should be female, that also said there had to be sex or it wouldn't sell, something nasu had never written before (which is quite obvious)

>there had to be sex or it wouldn't sell, something nasu had never written before (which is quite obvious)
Have you never heard of tsukihime?

Yes, and that's okay,

No, sakura is kirei

I only play patrician Fate releases

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>raped by thousands of worms since she was 10
>raped by her brother for who knows how long
>huge slut that gets off to her brother raping her and literally any sexual act because her body has been rewired to need cum in order to function
Yeah, shes impure.

I would still fuck her though.

>Not canon mobage

I'm not your senpai you whore.

>End in single night with minimal property damage

What are you even talking about? No one really knows who's a master, also the last time they did a massive brawl everyone died. Also it caused a lot of damage.

Sakura is for Shirou so I would prefer having Medusa to myself and busting nuts in her every night. Then laying in bed reading books together afterwards until we fall asleep together

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its canon you deluded wormfaggot