>Najimi Osana (長おさ名ななじみ Osana Najimi?) is a mysterious person whose gender is unknown. They also possesses phenomenal...
>They also possesses
fucking faggots
>Najimi Osana (長おさ名ななじみ Osana Najimi?) is a mysterious person whose gender is unknown. They also possesses phenomenal...
>They also possesses
fucking faggots
>still reading this garbo
it's a good manga
*it was a good manga
"they" is the proper term in this context. How else would you refer to someone whose gender you don't know in English?
Ah yes the person who goes by the totally legit name of CHILDHOODFRIEND sure
waiting for the reveal that it was actually a girl all along
There are at least two Najimis that have been swapping places, which is how they seem to be everywhere, know everyone, and have unclear genders.
that's the "safe" option so it's obvious
You'd be wrong then. This isn't something you can argue about, it's how English works, plain and simple.
>a proper gender neutral singular pronoun doesn't exist
English sucks.
>literally stated to be a guy after like two pages of introduction
>gender: unknown, yep totally a mistery
what did xe mean by this?
That's just how things are
"It" refers to objects, not people. "They" is the word you're looking for.
It's an unholy chimera of other language quirks, a true entity of chaos.
I love her(him[?])
there's the "ze" meme the trannies are trying to force but it isn't very good
probably a girl, she dresses in a skirt and in nipland a guy probably wouldn't be able to wear the female uniform to school without getting some sort of punishment for it
*still is
probably a girl, she dresses in a skirt and in nipland a guy probably wouldn't be able to wear the female uniform to school without getting some sort of punishment for it
What made it bad exactly
The inevitable forced drama of the love triangle I presume
Katai/Tadano OTP
Tadano literally said he's a guy
Najimi himself literally said he's a guy
Not sure why people still pretend it's a mistery. Just fap to his trap ass and move on
It's fun to play pretend.
I didn't realize how shitty and stale it's gotten until the chapter where Komi and Tadano's siblings were featured instead of them and it made me realize how fun they were instead of the incredibly generic shit we end up getting shoved down out throats.
do Yea Forums really hate this manga because they know the gyaru is going to lose? and I thought this thread was gay.
best girl(boy)
Inevitable gyaru loss
Everyone knows she has no chance and yet the author keeps pushing it.
"It" has been historically used to refer to babies and animals, which are clearly not objects. The English language just happens to be garbage like that, mate.
Stopped reading it a year ago because of studies. Went back and caught up on it on one sitting. It's still good, just stop overreacting over every little thing you don't like.
Let's get this thread back on track
Which characters do you want to see more interactions with each other, my vote goes for yankee sister and Komi's brother
who am I kidding, we all know he's going to end up with Toda's annoying sister
this is the gayest thread for this day on Yea Forums
Najimi apparently flips their manner of speech around all the time but that doesn't translate well to english. The TL is probably a mix of kludge and Early Installment Weirdness, but Najimi was basically trying to let the guy down easy and switched to straight masculine speech to give him an out, but they didn't take the hint.
she/he looks like she/he fucks plain guys
Katai's sister
How did you reach this conclusion, user?
Even faggots despise faggotry
katai, both of them with anyone
Katai and Tadano, best pairing hands down and I say that unironically
based pairing
I'm so glad the official English release just went with 'she/her' instead of some woke bullshit
>draw a girl
>call her a mysterious gender entity
Too many characters, the old ones were removed for the benefit of the new ones without having much development.
And we still have no information on knight-chan.
Same old shtick.
Here's the thing, more than likely it's a dude. If it's a someone dressing up as a female they are nothing more than a trap. This one is also flat chested. Have they ever been shown with their shirt off? Traps don't have tits. If they have not been shown showing off any real amount of skin then more than likely it's a dude.
The fucker even rejects EVERY dude who asks him out which makes me think he's heterosexual. At no point has the trap been asked out by a female.
>half the joke is ruined by sticking to one pronoun
Sounds like an english release alright.