Why is she such a bitch?

Why is she such a bitch?

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Because she wants the cock.

She is my wife and I love her

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She's only really a bitch to the boy she likes.

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>At least give me a reason!
>Actually I-
>Fuck you I don't want to hear it
>*proceed to stab his handsome and straight face*
What the fuck is her problem?

Having a vagina does that to a woman.

What's your excuse then?

For being an alpha?
Ain't no need excusing that.

t. Tapioca

Douma likes it this way.

she's a womanlet

lack of dick

i love her

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How is she a bitch? She was doing her job, Tomioka interfered without explaining shit like the autist he is, he even got his sword out.
>but she told him nobody likes him
He's fucking 21 yers old.

So? Being a twenty-something still puts him into the manchild age bracket nowadays.

She said nothing but the self-evident truth, Gayuu.

because autism.

She's toxic, duh.

That's not a bad thing.

Like your image?

she isn't

She's just a tsun

This is why I've sworn off that type exclusively.

mating press zenko!

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female tanjirou is canon ugly

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More spoilers when
OST when
More Genya swordjobs when


>we wuz fiyah godz n shiet

Sex with Nezuko-chan

She's the authors self insert

Cute, but her spregouts would be even more unbearable. It would be interesting to see her dynamic with Nezuko.
Her character development arc would be even more kino though.

She's not a bitch, she's cute.

Why the fuck fujos are so weird, man?

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I hope she dies

I want Giyuu's big cock inside me.

Is the show popular with gaijin fujos?

I want to rape Kanao

cos shes always full of anger inside

>you'll never be Uzui's fourth wife
Why even live

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The sweetest little dorito

Season 2 is gonna be so aesthetic god bless ufotable x the taisho era

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Uzui a shit, man. No one should have 3 wives, right ?

Because she is in a series where barely muscular manlets can fight giant monsters and cut down trees with one swing of their swords but she is forced to use a shitty oversized needle because "lol she is not strong enough to use an actual sword".

im still convinced Inosuke should have been a super tomboy girl

Like real life

Women = weak

So are manlets.

Expecting female fighters in shonen shit to not be marginalized to hell and back is a fool's errand.

Not in judo

does it make a difference?

What faggot point of view is that?


Speaking from experience here, manlets are mad good at martial arts.

What about Mitsuri?
Don't try to add real life logic here.

Ara Ara i see you are a man of culture

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>Nezuko doujins already coming out
Good, good

she cute

if it's not with her oniichan it's worthless

A normal point of view, man. It's just not fair, man.

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So is there any reason why her sword is missing one side in the middle part? It looks so fucking stupid.

Nezuko is for Giyuu

Chad move bro

She's a weak as fuck womanlet, her sword is simply a poison delivery mechanism so she opted to remove as much weight from it as possible because she's too weak to use a sword properly.

How about demons

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>who is Bruce Lee

t. Tapioca

There are better poison delivery methods than a fucking sword.

Why doesn't she have pupils?

don't worry she dies to kill the upper moon 2

She's toxic. Ha ha



shit taste

You are a fujo too if you're searching for that.