You may not like it, but this is what PEAK PERFORMANCE looks like
You may not like it, but this is what PEAK PERFORMANCE looks like
>dad it really hurts to breathe
This moment was top 5 kino in animation, everything about it was godlike
made all of the budgety episodes worth it
Episode 26 gives me more shills than the final episode.
AO exists.
Flipped through some Astral Ocean episodes just to see if its really as bad as I remember and uh, yeah, it is, though there were some cute nods to the original series that were nice that went over my head the first time like Renton's gun and the LFO toy during the first Renton scene
>No more completely unnecessary SOCCER EPISODE
modern anime sucks
I'm conflicted. On one hand it was a legitimately great and fun episode but on the other shits just straight filler that is never referenced even once again
Also pic is the greatest love story ever told
Imo they were more great episodes than shitty ones.
The fuck this pose never became the Bones Pose ?
It's a pretty gay pose desu
do you think renton made his daddy really happy that night?
And the movies that shit all over everything by making all the previous stuff Eureka's dream timeloop bullshit or whatever
Not everything has to be referenced again. When shows are 13 episodes you can never have episodes like that one because the plot has to keep zooming along.
a cute
Truth to be told heh the only good things I remember about AO were Renton scenes, French dad going full badass in his last moments and hypno sand episode.
21 eps to go of the original series and I'm still not spoiled of anything, wish me luck.
I just saw this anime in it's entierty, and I must say it's actually quite amazing, the absolute best part of the this show is the characters and their moment to moment interaction, and usually the plot stuff just serves to bring them closer/make their interactions even more dynamic.
But the last 10 episodes are so are just literally NOT GOOD, the plot really doesn't make too much sense and I can hardly every grasp what's really going on, or if their every really introuble or w.e
They sour a lot of the best interactions for the sake of some kind of conflict, which is such a dumb meme, this show would be just as 10/10 had eureka and renton, never had another contrived bullshit argument. It's just irritating to watch, the kids are used to in site conflict almost like a crutch and all so tiresome.
But right up to the soccer episode the show is pure 10/10. I watched it dubbed with just a few sittings.
The really problem with AO is that they didn't want to tread on too much old ground.
shit like the toxic yet entertaining man child rivalry between Renton and holland was great, just the coming of age story in general and his interactions with the crew, it was all so incredibly engrossing.
AO fucks up trying to be different. it lacks those interesting character dynamics we don't see every day, and it's plot overload of a show without a good plot, made worse by a somehow more boring and convoluted story, honestly fuck it.
the limit of questions, scub coral shit, alternate universe/scub world shit is not explained well at all.
>But the last 10 episodes
Make it 20.
Actually - nirvash, trapars, and anything to do with scubs just follow whatever logic is convenient for the story and easy on the writer. nothing about them makes sense. Its like the keyblade in kingdom hearts, they just make up new rules on the fly for it to do more shit
I still can't believe they did that retcon.
I never finished AO when it aired because I hated it. Did I miss anything?
They are things that aren't explained but most are, if you want more information check the wikia.
no just more confusing time travel bullshit. i remember when it was airing the last episodes were getting delayed over and over again because of TV scheduling or something and when it finally came out in america the subs took forever so I watched like the 1-2 eps raw just to get it over with
Dewey did literally NOTHING wrong (besides losing) and was entirely justified.
Limit of Question is based on the novel Blood Music actually and was mainly implemented in Eureka Seven for the themes it addresses and to create a dead line to raise the stakes of the story.
The Scub Coral is explained but I admit that some of it's powers are at the limit of fantasy (Physics laws maipulation and space-time power).
Scub Coral actually is pretty good for the themes but for the logic part it's the typical Gainax/Trigger types of aliens.
>starts plot driven series
>literally nothing happens for more than half of the show
>Yea Forums: "Wow this show is so good!"
>the plot finally starts
>Yea Forums: "WTF is this shit?! Why the fuck is there plot in my blatantly plot-driven anime? Show is now ruined!!!!"
Like clockwork.
I'm starting to think this is just a huge ironic meme about how most anime are comprised by at least 75% of wasted time and 25% of actual content... I cannot believe such a high amount of people could harbor such a strong aversion to the very concept of narrative, and deliberately choose the genres where they would be most likely to find it
cherry blossom
cherry blossom
Anemone subs fucking when?
The last episodes are fine, but I wanted more episodes directly continuing after what we got with Eureka and Renton.
That's part of your problem.
>E7 thread
Bless this world
Anyone watched Hi-Evolution ep2? I don't speak moon so I literally had 0 idea what the fuck happened
>Limit of Question is based on the novel Blood Music
Even in Blood Music, the Limit of Questions is kind of weird. It's introduced very late towards the end and has basically nothing to do with the main plot other than adding an extra layer of conflict/weirdness. That said, I still love the book and do think its one of Greg's better books. He kind of stays away from politics in it, where some of his other books get too bogged down in the government being retarded and screwing everything up.
Why don't I remember this. Was it cut out at down point?
I don't remember it either but it's been a decade.
You would have to be retarded not to understand those things. There's an entire two-sided exposition dump dedicated to explaining the limit of questions and the nature of the coral's dream world before the characters enter into it. There's even a few foreshadowing bits with the shared dream the first time they enter The Zone and the ghost house Renton encounters in the cave. Similarly, the origin of the coral is clearly and directly dumped.
Like I said Limit of Question was implemented to create a deadline and rise the stakes of the story, it's not neccesarly a bad thing because everyone even the best writters do that, the fact is that some concept of E7 are a little bit too science fiction-ish and are hard to digest for some people and desu I've never seen E7 as a masterpiece of story telling with a complex story, even the staff don't think it is, Eureka Seven is just a cool 50 episodes character driven adventure with great production value, a cool set of characters and some really good themes.
Sadly comittee production don't take risk anymore and prefers to finance adaption of already successful manga/light novel/visual novel or making sequels and prequel to shows already ended.
>completely unnecessary
I agree that it largely is a filler episode, but it is pretty much the first time we see Eureka being openly critical of Renton so it does have a tiny bit of character development.
>Like I said Limit of Question was implemented to create a deadline and rise the stakes of the story, it's not neccesarly a bad thing
I'm not trying to argue against your point, I understand fully why they did it, although I think they could have come up with a more down to earth explanation if they wanted. Maybe the scub coral waking up would lead to them requiring too much food/energy or similar. I was merely trying to point out that it served pretty much the same function in the original novel as it did in E7.
The music/surfer/roaming about of the first about 2 or 3 cours was great, then when the actual plot had to advance I started to lose interest. I don't remember too well but I felt it could've benefited by cutting and consolidating probably at least 6 episodes at the end.
The big flaw with the last stretch is that a lot of other pieces had to be moved into place for the finale even after Renton and Eureka travel to the true surface. They basically had nothing meaningful to do between that and entering the control cluster, thus all the weird survival shit and melodrama on the beach. To a certain extent, that segment shows them develop fully into a family, but that could have easily been finished before they enter the zone and clear up an opportunity to just drop them from the narrative entirely until it came time for the library scenes. There's at least an entire episode of runtime between ep43-46 that could be cut because they are just spinning their wheels waiting for the rest of the plot to catch up.
Everything else that happens during those episodes is great though. 44 and 45 are probably the best episodes in the series, despite the wasteful scenes of beach vacation.
It should have been just Renton and Eureka traveling there and spending more time on that surface. Have them come back with another kid.
Read more Greg Bear.
I don't like it, I love it.
>If Eureka just waited an extra 5 seconds to start caring about human lives we'd not have to deal with those 3 damn kids for the whole show
This show is literally the definition of "dude trust me, it gets good 20 episodes in!"... except for the fact that the episodes are at least 30
> blocks your attempt at sullying mommy
>AO fucks up trying to be different
AO is literally The Last Jedi of E7 before TLJ even existed. Blatant disgregard for both rules of the work you're continuing from and rules of constructing a good narrative, obsession with creators' personal political ideas, subversion for the sake of subversion and turning old characters into complete freak opposites of themselves. There are people who will call the original work trite and AO/TLJ bold, new and more interesting simply because of stated (though abysmally developed) themes. The similarities are uncanny.
This shit made me so mad I dropped the series and didn't come back to it for like 7 years.
If they were going to show any surface time at all, it made sense to have the kids go with them. The problem is that they couldn't do anything to move the narrative forward while down there. They probably should have just been stuck in the zone for a few episodes so that they could be spit out and do their shit in a condensed fashion rather than spread over so many episodes.
However, the way things are structured has one advantage. Their interspersed scenes make the ball/Novak backstory, Joy Division, and rebellion episodes into 3 distinct episodes whereas they would be awkwardly split in the middle somewhere as 2 episodes without all of the Renton and Eureka interrupts. Note that immediately after those 3 episodes comes the point where the beach party ends and they start moving forward again. They really do just spin their wheels in order to enable the pacing of other storylines to be set into discrete packages. Looking at it that way, you can see the orchestration behind it all. Still, it would have been nice if they had something meaningful to do on Earth. At the very least, taking the kids allowed for solidifying the familial theme.
It starts good from the first episode. It has a great first episode. Then they copy the structural trick from NGE to keep the second episode interesting.
Becoming mature enough to deal with annoying kids is essentially the entire point of their existence. That goes for Renton and the audience.
>Becoming mature enough to deal with annoying kids is essentially the entire point of their existence. That goes for Renton and the audience.
This. Viewers not understanding the point of the kids is the biggest pleb filter this show has.
Lol dude take a nap
It's actually amazing how much they add to the show by being the annoying shits that they are. If they were immediately well-behaved and endearing, it would disrupt the sense of isolation Renton has at first after joining the Gekkostate and earning their respect is an important step in integrating into the group. Their presence also puts a mental obstacle to Renton chasing after Eureka; this point even has attention called to it directly. Then, Renton getting so involved in shitflinging with them serves to illustrate how immature he is at the start of the series. They even pull some other duties later on such as showing Eureka fall apart too much to deal with them mid-series.
Eureka Seven was largely an Eva clone done right that forgets it ever was an Eva clone until the end. Hence the "contrived" bullshit.
It has so much more than Eva in it. Obviously there's Eva influences, but there's also Gundam X, Nadia, OG Gundam, certain western sci-fi literature and more, to say that it's just an Eva clone is to expose yourself as an uncultured brainlet. You should write for Kotaku, you'll fit right in.
it was never a plot-driven show
AO a shit
No shit.
I don't think anyone will disagree
it's actually incredible how much they change through the show. It is painfully slow at times but when I suddenly started rooting for Renton instead of wanting to strangle him I noticed how subtly he had developed
Never getting subs for the Anemone movie are we?
cute girls tho
>cute girls
99% of anime
Funny, I felt the same way about Holland. Pacific State marked the turning point.
I should have clarified and said more of a response than an all out clone like Bones' first attempt with RahXephon. Eureka Seven, barring all sequels/spinoffs/reboots, is probably the most complete narrative in the history of the medium.
to me he had the most definitive "arc" in my mind - as in I went from thinking he was badass to an abusive piece of shit to a grown up and hardened but empathetic and misunderstood man
>e7 thread
Is summer over already?
I always thought it was hilarious that Holland mostly disliked Renton because he couldn't shake the fact they were equally mature.
It also neatly follows Renton's arc regarding Gekkostate, as he slowly gets over his original disillusionment and realizes they can both be very different than he expected and still be folk heroes.
>50 episodes
Fuck this shit nigga.
worth it
yup. That was something I didn't quite get at first - why Holland was initially passive but then started beating the shit out of him. I thought about it after and it made sense eventually. Really great show
It's been over well over 10 years, but I'm pretty sure the soccer episode was cut when Adult Swim was airing it in America back then.
Fuck you, and fuck all these 12 episode, one cour adaptions that are purely advertisement for the rouse material. 50 episodes was great and gave us two absolute kino sky fall sequences and one of the happiest endings in an anime.
I seriously hope something bad happens to you and the people you love, you god damn one cour shitter
Absolutely. Can't believe there are ADHD retards complaining about TOO MUCH of a good thing.
I miss 50 episodes anime but I think it's dead forever.
Their characterization is parallel in so many ways. It even goes as far as both being connected to the sacrificial king concept (Axel sacrificed himself to stop the Summer of Love) which they turn around to show the qualities of a true hero when they mature. Even their maturation is shown in the same time frame, Holland doesn't start to become honest until Renton leaves the Gekko. Of course, it wouldn't be possible for Holland to act responsibly before then because it would screw up the narrative by having him lay out the truth for Renton (and the audience) earlier and push him to mature at a difference pace. The way the show plays out, Renton builds up to that change and Holland is ready to move forward when he returns. It's such a precise narrative.
Eureka 7 is a wonder of storytelling
Not him and I support your sentiment, but you need to chill with the Asperger's fueled-tirades.
Pre-2010s Bones was notorious for anime extending beyond the 26 episode cap like Wolf's Rain, Fullmetal Alchemist (both editions) and Eureka Seven.
a lot of 50 episode-ish shows were filler-littered garbage though. eureka seven was one of the good ones, but there was a lot of garbage back then with a lot of care taken not to change the status quo too much in one episode, so you could actually get 4 seasons of something that could've been done in 2
>you need to chill with the Asperger's fueled-tirades
What's the point of posting then?
Just compare Captain Earth and Eureka Seven, although CE probably only needed one more cour instead of the full 50 episodes
E7 was never intended for 2 cours, it aired 7AM Sunday morning for fuck's sake. One of the last series that weren't relegated to otaku only late night territory.
>although CE probably only needed one more cour instead of the full 50 episodes
CE was 25 episodes. I thought it's problems were more with shitty characters than it being too long (though Haru was good). Unless maybe you think it should be shorter because it is just bad. But that isn't really much about intrinsic issues longer series as it is people naturally want less of a bad thing.
CE's problem was wasting half a cour on IA bullshit instead of focusing on the T-Kill Gangs; You know, something interesting.
If every one got the same focus as Bugbear, we'd have had a hell of a show.
I enjoyed that much more than I thought I would when I realized "wait this literally is just a football episode isn't it"
I agree with you overall, but you have to remember that the reason why E7 turned out like it did is that the plans for it were changed during production to prioritize the romance and characters over the lore and skub-related stuff like the illness that made people lose their minds. The first cour literally tells you nothing about the general plot aside from a few snippets and ends with the Evangelion episode. The second cour starts seeding a bit more and then ends (I think) with rescuing Eureka from the mines where we also discover that the Nirvash is organic. If anything, the "plot" is sparsely told via carefully selected character-driven infodumps, culminating in the few last episodes inside the Coral matrix
Dewey did a lot of shit wrong if you only consider E7, it's AO that proves him right
Reminder that Dewey that wanted to destroy everything as a fuck you because muh honor for humanity.
The intrinsic problem with 50 episodes is really only a problem during air when it comes out week to week. It could be six episodes before an arc is wrapped up, which can sometimes be painful to wait on. Or even worse, you have episodes that are boring and that means you have to wait that much longer. The reason the soccer episode is notorious isn't because it was just a random slice of life episode. It is because it is a random slice of life episode right when story is going into over gear and things are about to be resolved after waiting over 30+ episodes just to get there
Dewey just wanted to destroy the coral and didn't care if everything else went with it. If his goal was to destroy everything, setting up Anemone and Eureka as self-destruct beacons would have been unnecessary as he simply could have made them wear explosive collars so as to deprive the coral of new control cluster components and let the destruction of space-time take care of the rest.
It was 25; I said it probably only needed another 12-13 instead of another 25 to fix the problems with it, which was mostly that the Planetary Gears didn't get enough development. Hell, it ended up being so rushed that the epilogue was more or less just "uh, they didn't die in that huge explosion by the way."
Sure. Do you want spoilers?
Watching a long series weekly will give you a much clearer sense of how the story is cut out with cours-ending episodes serving as mini-climaxes closing an arc and introducing new dynamics to be explored
A lot of "criticism" you read on Yea Forums these days is dumb teens watching random stuff because of epin Youtube compilations except they have no proper concept of context or serialization so they end up not realizing the internal story beats. The football episode serves no narrative purpose but it's a good showcase of character dynamics and how they had changed from the start
Pre 2007. Tenpoibun was a disaster, and bones never tried to make long series after it.
Eva clone?
I actually like seeing the characters in this show interact and grow, in eva i'm just irritated by everyone, everyone is shit, no one is actually interesting as a person, at best they have an edgy background, but the characters and their moment to moment interactions suck shit.
The exact opposite of eureka seven.
If you dont like the one-off story arcs I wouldnt really recommend you finish it
Oh no, a story with an actual conclusion
This triggers the zoomies who only watch seasonal bs
Let's #Define Eva_clone
mandatory perks
alive sentinent mecha
world fate decision at teh end
angel of the week
introverts' problems
pseudo-religion shit
Yes, eureka is Eva_clone.
Escaflowne did sentient mechs before Eva, and Renton got into the mech withoit being a bitch.
>world fate decision at teh end
That's like 50% of anime
>>starts plot driven series
And you've already invalidates your entire opinion. Eureka Seven is character driven, and if you're going to do plot it needs to be evenly sparsed out with rises and climaxes a long the way until the final climax.
Now you know where 7 in title came from.
>>starts plot driven series
And you've already invalidates your entire opinion. Eureka Seven is character driven, and if you're going to do plot it needs to be evenly sparsed out with rises and climaxes a long the way until the final climax.
E7 is Gundam 0079 for the first 29 or so episodes.
The only Eva inspiration is in the mecha design.
Imma let you finish, I just have to say this was the best surrogate parent suicide mission music of all time.
I agree, E7 was always plot driven, but they push the main plot at a snail's pace at the beginning to get you more accustomed to the setting and characters.
It's a risky choice, but I think it works.
The way describes pacing is a more standard storytelling rule, but that ebb and flow of climaxes isn't the only way to structure stories.
This is why I find it very strange that people compare it to Eva and not gundam 0079 ,because even the structure is similar.
Gundam did the same thing, there was always plot, but the early episodes focus on building the characters and the last third of the show introduces and explores the Newtype concept.
>The only Eva inspiration is in the mecha design.
Hardly. The way they transform is much more similar to Marcross. They are just Valkyrie that can surf. Not really surprising considering who designed the mechs in E7 is the man himself behind Marcross.
I mean the biomechanical nature of the designs.
that was one thing that exploded in mecha after Eva.
It was always there, but Eva definitely made it popular for a while.
Also the KMFs and LFOs transform nothing like VFs.
The E7 designs were way closer to Kawamori's armored core work than his macross stuff.
Only two mechs are biomechanical. Saying that the mech designs are Eva inspired is overlooking pretty much everything else about their designs. Eureka Seven is much more of a love song to old Sunrise than it is a Gainax ripoff because, surprise suprise, this is when Bones still was old Sunrise staff.
it isn't a plot-driven show though
>Only two mechs are biomechanical
no, Every mech in Eureka seven was biomechanical.
They explained this in the episode where they go down into the mine where they excavate archetypes.
all the mecha are based on archetypes, which are some sort of dormant corallian lifeform.
The End and Nirvash are the only ones that we get to see "awake" in the series.
There are even scenes in the show where after using seven swell Nirvash causes the archetype frames to burst through the armor of the KMFs.
the soccer episode wasn't cut when ASA originally aired it, although they did fuck up the finale by not airing the introduction. They reaired it a week later with everything as originally intended.
It's only obvious in the latter half of the show, but it definitely is.
Like I said the beginning just focuses on building up the cast and then the focus changes after Renton gets back on the gekko after the beams arc.
Subs for Anemone movie when?
probably in a few months
the first one took a while to get subs as well
For a long time I was afraid to rewatch E7 because it was my favorite show as a teenager and I was worried that my memories of it being great were just nostalgia. AO being pure trash didn't help. When I finally DID get around to watching it again it turned out I thought it was even better than I remembered. Shit's pure kino.
it's great when new art actually shows up AND it's good
AO was Ok
i miss tham guys.
Sometimes it feels like it's still around in the form of +50 hour JRPGs, for better and for worse.
read the manga, fuck me that ending hurt me
you're gonna love the ending of LN then
Another view ruined by water that isn't transparent enough.
*the ending of
also notable for being the only version of the story where Renton meets Dewey if I recall
The tease does a lot more for me, but I suppose if someone really wanted to see it, they could just do an edit or get someone to make their own take on it
Teasing is good, but having both teases and full views is better. Edits are never as good as official nipples.
Fair enough although this isn't exactly the type of show that would really go in that direction
why must he suffer?
nips have a huge boner for tragic endings
i love her
Maybe not, although a good sequel should have gone in that direction.
there's the problem. This show didn't need a sequel.
Certainly not one anything like the ones they made.
They had the right idea with the Summer of Love segment of Hi-Evo 1 but mainly fail to deliver on whatever promises they make or tease. At best, they only retread over stuff we all know very well already in an attempt to keep the franchise relevant.
Why don't they make shows like E7 anymore? Its all adaptations and pandering trash. Nobody is even trying.
>Portraying Eureka as anything but dfc
Didn’t it come out that E7’s original ending was the result of producers stepping in and telling the directors that the depressing and bleak ending they originally wanted wasn’t going to work? I heard that was the case and that every subsequent movie or series was the directors trying to have their original bad end.
>not liking all iterations of the awakened coral reef
To the best of my knowledge, that is partially true (New Order, which was recorded and has a manga adaptation) is the original ending before it was changed, although a lot of what people do say on these threads tend to be blown way out of proportion.
>smug mater
You mean loli Fleur.
that whole arc was just weird although it did feel good watching them die
im glad they died
get that jaz out of here
When are they going to dub the HiEvo movies?!
Feels good man. One of my all time favs.
Wait, this is a thing?
the first one is already dubbed, the second will probably follow soon after [insert don't bother with the dubs post here, although seriously don't bother with the dub, Funi is fucking abysmal]
this from the original 2006-07 ASA run or the 2012 run?
I really liked this show when I originally watched it, even though similar to Evangelion it had some shit going on that didn't make much sense to me (I was like 14 at the time). Only thing I never liked was Eureka's cancer patient look for so much of the show.
I remember this show was the reason I first found AMVs were a thing on youtube. There was one guy named TallTim that made lots of actually based ones with hip hop songs that fit way better than you'd think.
I think the dude kept getting banned for copyright so his videos are all gone, but it was an interesting time.
>great ost
>good animation (Decent enough)
>great characters
>MC actually has development, albeit he gets overshadowed by the side characters a bit
>side characters are incredible, even the ones who don't get a lot of screentime still get enough characterization. Holland and Dominic are very well written
>concise from beginning to end
>aged well
>Bad and unnecessary sequel
>comes off as a worse Eva at times
>mc, though realistic, is a bit insufferable, and shows Dominic to be a much better mc candidate
>can get a bit too emotional. It's a very expressive and emotionally angsty show (feels, rebellion, teenage puberty, identity), making it the perfect anime for teenagers but a little too soapy and melodramatic for others
When I was younger, I never really understood all the dimensions going on with Holland and the older part of the crew and usually saw everything through Renton's eyes. Rewatching it now that I'm older, I can relate to Holland incredibly well and find Renton a bit annoying.
relating to both of them is what is expected, you see both why Holland is so insistent on being Eureka's partner because of the burden of the Sacrificial King, but you also see why Renton is so heavily weighed down by the same burden but by his own impulses (mainly hormonal, mind you). It's cliche but they make a good foil to each other, especially in the second half.
I want to have sex with Talho every day
for you
I realized all E7 OPs are great and the last one nailed it
But this ED really stands out among the rest
Don't do this to me user. Reminding me of the days when I'd actually sit through every opening/ending of an anime episode.
Now I just skip them all since newer anime's music is trash.
I really don't like the song but it's a pretty memorable one thanks to the visuals (and the chorus). For those clamoring for fanservice, that was probably the closest the show ever got to it.
I think I watched this show at the perfect time, right when I was in the middle of being an angsty teenager, the basically the same age as Renton. The feels in this show really fucked me up back then too.
Hidden best girl.
All the OPs and EDs are great in their own ways. Even the visuals stand out. For instance, the first ED shows a single mostly still scene with the camera moving around everyone with no cuts. Dynamic movement too, not just a lateral pan. After the intro graphic of the second ED, it does a 16 second unbroken scene of the Nirvash lifting with another LFO each moving in the background and foreground.
Witnessed. You speak of truth, user.
checked and eurekapilled
E7 was a lightning in a bottle. By all accounts it should not have been as good as it was. I'm not saying it's perfect, far from it, the script is really rough and you can see rewrites on the go, but the staff that made it would later go to make some utter garbage, so it's really mysterious how such a fine work could come out of that situation.
Tfw they never did a prequel with the events we've seen in the 3rd ending.
It would've been cool to see the influence of the Scub Coral progression, the creation of new religions, the people that need to migrate because of the Scub Coral being a fat bastard and the impact on politics (geopolitics more precisely).
I actually thought she was Diane hiding in plain sight
The episode straight up has a conversation where Holland is all "wait, why the hell are we doing this?" and the priest basically says "shits about to get real, they need a break". Which is basically it's meta function, too: It's a breather before diving into the final arc.
>>starts plot driven series
It's literally driven by Rentons raging lust for Eureka. The plot is just all the shit that gets in the way of his quest to figure her out and get some loving.
>Limit of Questions
Too much matter = black hole for light and stuff. Too much thinking = black hole for reality. Not complicated.
>scub coral
gigantic hive mind that can basically think anything it wants into existence. Also has an immune system that acts basically independently, just like you can't order around your white blood cells.
>alternate universe/scub world
There is none. No sequel to Eureka Seven was ever made.
They literally introduce a mech sized gun called the Retcannon that retcons things and aborts character relationships and development. Does that answer your question?
Dead thread
Just finished Xam'd and it gave me mixed feelings. Is this show any better?
I prefer much more E7 to Xam'd, try it but don't let the 10 first episodes discourage you because they are slow af and nothing happens.
Saving it with power of love
And is part of why any continuation should have focused on Renton's lust for Eureka and him getting some loving.
I advocate skipping the first cour entirely and only watching it after you see what it was building towards.
Mixed feelings is the right response to Xam'd.
I felt AO had some nice elements and ideas set up by. Episodee20, but it had to wrap up. Its been years since I watched I and never finished, but it was something I felt could have benefitted from another cour or 2
Based thread
I fucking love it.
>tfw they never did a combined sequel/prequel focusing on the chaos and war following the first Summer of Love and the attempts to avoid it and establish peaceful governance following the second
It was painful waiting a year or two for the last 10 episodes to get subbed.
Kenchi Yoshida designs are PEAK PERFORMANCE
Xam'd is basically one big Eureka Seven reference that doesn't actually do anything interesting with the reference it's trying to make. Basically just a ton of wasted potential. E7 is way better in every way.
Also Akiyuki's outfit change from the final arc is really underrated, it's basically just a revamped PEAK PERFORMANCE Renton outfit except he gets it before the very final episode.
Xam'd is cursed with its awkward length. They don't have enough time to flesh out the Emperor and stuff, but they attempted too much in the interim.
Haru's plot basically dies a quiet death; Akshiba is fucking shafted with no screen time...
It's a pity. I really like the main arc, but it fights to be heard when there's so much unexplained bullshit going on around everything else.
>literally started rewatching this series 3 days ago
>suddenly see an E7 thread
God bless you, Yea Forums.
I tried watching Xam'd once but dropped it halfway in;
one of the most boring anime I've ever seen.
The soundtrack was absolutely god-like though.
Preach it.
Eureka is a really good female lead. She has a lot of fantastic moments, like the moments in the mining town of her being a mopey bitch, because she thought the Nirvash was ditching her for Renton and lashed out (like the child she is.) Even taking out her anger on Renton's door and eventually trying to kill herself. It's impressive how much I came to like her and feel for her, despite going in thinking she was just going to be another stock Kuudere. Eureka is blessed