>gets in depth training from some ex special forces guy
>refuses to kill Johan in the forest because of an old man's story
>decides to try and kill Johan in a crowded library and causes it to be burned down, putting everyone's lives at risk
>johan escapes, causing deaths of who knows how many more people, including near destruction of an entire town
>shoots Roberto, but turns out he was fine 2 weeks later
>shoots an associate of Johan is about to shoot Eva
>oh you though he killed someone? tis but a arm wound
>Johan is literally about to execute a child
>Tenma is about to shoot him
>Johan actually gets fucking shot in the head
>you thought Tenma was actually going to do something? It was actually the child's drunken father who was hallucinating and thought johan was a literal demon and shot him
>proceeds to save Johan again despite causing innumerable deaths
>but it's fine since he might have amnesia
Do people actually think this is good writing? Every single time Tenma was put into a situation where he should've killed someone, a plot convenience saves him from actually taking a life, even in situations where his inaction would've caused the deaths of not only himself, but others as well.
Gets in depth training from some ex special forces guy
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i watched it like last year for the first time, i think people tend to overrate the first title they watch in a genre
this is practically ain't shit happening: the 70ep series and i don't know if studios will get financed for long shows like this anymore because this is a good reason why they shouldn't have
I enjoyed it for the most part while watching, but the ending really soured the rest of it for me.
I hated how Roberto is like 90% of the driving force for the story, he just shows up at random places to advance the plot, even him being at Kinderhiem doesn't make up for it.
Am I really supposed to believe this man that was shot several times, fell into an inferno from probably 20 feet, within a week managed to become the assistant of a well known and respected lawyer and handling the defense of someone accused of a 10 year long serial murder case across an entire nation?
20th Century Boys is even more ridiculous.
Never seen the anime, but the manga was decently paced.
Robert was based.
>refuses to kill Johan in the forest because of an old man's story
No you fucking retard.
He didn't want to kill him, that's why he hesitated every time.
>Am I really supposed to believe bla bla bla
This is the whole point of the series and the storytelling Urasawa uses.
He makes things realistic but at the same time fantastical enough to make readers think.
Johan is a human but throughout the series he's treated as a monster. He's playing with the audience this way.
Even at the end Johan survives after getting shot in the head and he even wakes up from his coma and this is presented in a manner so that the viewer questions if he did really wake up or it was just Tenma's hallucinations.
This is what makes Urasawa at his best such a good storyteller.
He's not trying to tell a logical story, he's fucking with the audience and he's a master at doing it.
20th CB sucked.
Roberto was a bitch.
I loved it when Runge put him on his place.
It was certainly underwhelming.
Anime really isn't badly paced. It's just fucking casual faggots who only 1 cour anime that complain about it.
The only thing I would complain about is those long needless recaps at the start of each episode in last 3rd of the series...which thankfully you can fast-forward through but it's still a little bit annoying.
The characters and the writing were underwhelming.
The whole "muh 50s-60s hippie rock/atomic age" theme was cringe.
Also what was he thinking with MC missing throughout most of the series?
The only good thing about it was the endless plot twists.
> Surgeon who took the hippocratic oath has trouble killing someone
Not hard to believe.
I loked some of the characters, but fir the most part they weren't all that memorable. There was a stretch of chapters I really liked but can't remember which ones exactly. It didn't leave much of an impression on me.
>but fir the most part they weren't all that memorable
This is what I mean.
The character I like the most was fucking Kyoko of all people and she was a side-character.
I'd say 20th CB left an impression on me for some of the absurd ideas he was coming up but it didn't left an impression on me with the storytelling, it was just all over the place.
Like the manga was at its best when it was being told from the flashback perspective.
Problem is thought that Fukubei was such a damn lame villain with such flimsy excuses for motivations.
I mean he went through all of that shit because of some gripe he had with Kenji when they were kids or smth? It just seemed so childish.
And then the 2nd Friend Katsumata was just pointless.
I can't even remember who I liked. I read it last year and it's honestly hard to remember much about it other than how fucking ridiculous it was. Like you pointed out, Friend's motivations and the second Friend were just so dumb. Not to mention how easy it was for him to climb into power. Or rather, it was how he came into power that threw me off.
Read it again.
Something is wrong with you if you don't understand that Tenma is the most idealistic guy in this manga, he don't care about politic, about promotions, he just really want to help, it's why he can't kill people even if he have to.
>I just want to help people so I better continually let a serial murder go and kill more people.
You both missed the point hard.
Tenma doesn't want to kill anyone no matter what. He values his virtues too much.
That is the selfishness, the monster inside him if you will.
It all comes down to Tenma not wanting to kill anyone. But he felt like the only man for the job of killing Johan.
Personally I didn't like the latter half of Monster.
But the start is fan-fucking-tastic.
The series should have just been Tenma going around doing shit and meeting interesting people.
>"I believe in your humanity."
Gets me every time, man.
Urasawa is a great writer for really interesting shit like that.
When Nina goes to a town shes never been too before, trying to track down Johan. And everyone in the town recognises her and greets her fondly. That shit is real smart for a horror series.
Monster, take it or leave it. You'll miss out on great stuff if you leave it, you'll get a smack of disappointment if you take it.
Speaking of Urasawa. Whats going on with Mujirushi? Did it end?
>Personally I didn't like the latter half of Monster.
shit taste
>The series should have just been Tenma going around doing shit and meeting interesting people.
Stick to Mushishi SoLShitter.
It's one of those "12 y. o.'s idea of deep and mature" series. If someone thinks it's good you know their opinion doesn't matter.
>Anime really isn't badly paced
Well that's one opinion. Mine's that it's some of the single worst direction I've ever seen. I would teach it in class as an example of what not to do.
Maybe he should have read the Bible and shot the fucker. Even Jesus would tell you to kill Johan.
>tfw tenma is literally a bigger moralfag then kenshiro, but pseuds still claim this show is super deep and amazing
>"muh 50s-60s hippie rock/atomic age"
No that was fucking cool. 20thCB was amazing before the Third Timeskip
I mean 2nd Timeskip
>>but it's fine since he might have amnesia
is this the interpretation the common people got with the ending? it's no wonder brainlets say they didn't like it, now I know why
>decides to try and kill Johan in a crowded library and causes it to be burned down,
yeah, certified brainlet
>This is what makes a good storyteller.
>He's not trying to tell a story
The experts of Yea Forumsspergers have spoken.
>Even Jesus would tell you to kill Johan.
I kinda doubt that.
Then he should have suffered some sort of actual consequences for his monster of inaction instead of everyone at the end of the story going back to normal after being involved in a serial murder case.
>raised to be the next Hitler because apparently Hitler was a Mary Sue with super powers
>before he even hits puberty he manipulates an entire orphanage of children and adults to kill eachother trough unexplained magic super powers
>is EVIL and SO CHAOTIC and has a wicked sense of humor, just like me
>kills his adopted parents for no reason
>tells his sister to shoot him in the head for no reason
>gets saved in a hospital
>pulls poison out of his ass and poisons a bunch of people as a thanks or something to the guy who saved his life
>decides to start tormenting the guy who saves his life because?
>uses his magic brainwashing powers to turn people into literal mindless slaves who will do anything he wants
>uses them to fuck with the guy who saved his life
>has an IQ of 50000000, just like me, so he knows exactly where the main character is going and what he is doing at all times so he can always be ahead of him and leave messages and slaves exactly where he will go