Anime is fucking garbage, why do you guys like it?
Anime is fucking garbage, why do you guys like it?
Stockholm syndrome.
i like to beat my meat to cute anime girls
I dont, I only read manga.
Most of the alternatives are worse.
I don't like being force-fed propaganda by hollywood.
based op
Manga only here
What do you like OP?
Oiled-up, sweaty men wrestling in a ring!
Kill yourself.
I can see why you may have problems seeing the appeal of most anime then.
Manga is trash, too
Based e-chads destroying this board
God damn it feels good to be an e-chad
'cause i'm ugly, virgin and short dick
Unlike Blade 3, anime is sometimes capable of having likable characters and jokes you can laugh at.
And if you're not HHH, consider yourself blessed and you have my apologies.
I don't. I just come here to shitpost.
Fuck off Paul
Go somewhere else then.
thats me btw sorry
>unironically using a /qa/ screencap as an argument
animeteens, ladies and gentlemen
there are no shounen and buyfag generals on /qa/
unironically more Yea Forums than here
Literal immigrant.
>Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse.
>Yea Forums Pass users can bypass this block
Which kind of terrorist attack my region executed to be discriminated like this? Or is this just Hiro's new strategy to generate more money to the site?