Nostalgia Thread

Does Yea Forums still remember Nihonomaru

>We came up with the name "Nihonomaru" to define originality. Maru by definition is a particular cat in Japan that has become an Internet celebrity. While Nihono was deprived from the Japanese word "Nihao" i.e., Hello. Hence, the definition of Nihonomaru is Hello Maru of our magical cat that wonders the anime & manga world.

It started dying fast with the death of megaupload but it used to be one of the alternatives to panda every time Comiket was held in Japan. It just feels startling how the passage of time encourages centralization instead of decentralizing

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>It just feels startling how the passage of time encourages centralization instead of decentralizing
I'd say we're still pretty decentralised, user. Pretty much everything nowadays is replaceable.

Sheeeeeeit, I went on Nihonomaru and downloaded hella shit before I got into torrents. Takes me back.

Surprised hongfire has lasted as long as it has.

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The manga half of baka-updates is older than the vast majority of posters on Yea Forums and still alive, well, and fit for a purpose.

Same, I would always download my hentai from there during middle school.

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There's another half?

It tracked fansubs originally. The manga half is actually a spin off. The original site quickly fell out of favor because TT came along did the same thing with the added benefit of indexing the torrents of those releases themselves.

I still got my account I think, maybe.

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I have to wonder, do zoomers even have their own culture. They seem entirely parasitic which is why they keep coming here.

By way of things like manga traders being stone dead I guess you can say the vestigial remains of much better dead sites are totally "replaceable", you know because they accomplish next to nothing.

went on hongfire a year ago, was 100% just adds, every post, every subforum. really a shame a site can just be completely murdered by bots

The recent Sadpanda incident says otherwise.

the issue isnt "zoomers" so much as internet becoming increasingly centralized and global (dumber people have access).

Kinda sad to see how the manga downloading community died.
First was stoptazmo, then MT, and now goddess is basically just an archive.

I forgot my password like 3 years ago and just said fuck it. It was never even close to what MT was. How could it be? Many hands make the work light.

They'll never be a replacement for MT. At this point I'm resorting to ripping with FD.

There's at least 3 functional mangadex rippers, the problem is finding licensed stuff that hasn't been JpEg'D to fuck and back now that MT is gone. I'm only reading 3 things that are licenced in the US but I have to get them in their original quality from 3 different websites.

I blame phones.

I went through my email and found an old message from this tenchi muyo fanfiction site I used to browse, shits like 13 years old.

At this point I just went into manga online sites like mangarock or mangadex, fuck searching some translator site manually.
The sekrit club aspect and retarded admins killed it.

>Japanese word
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

I miss Mahou Showtime. I just want a simple table of airing times without all the fancy promotional arts and synopses.

That was the official statement from Nihonomaru's faqs page so take it up with the MIA admin.

I'm pretty sure they had a database breach once and I had to change my password.

>Nihon Omaru
>Japan Potty

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It don't even feel like they're that old.
Nihonomaru wasn't much better off in the last 8 years.

I remember lurking in CR forums back in ~2006.

You should be blaming social media.
The internet started getting absolutely flooded by the general populace post 2006 because of myspace, fb, and twitter all blowing up in such a short timeframe.
I remember literally every boomer and talk radio show talking shit about twitter as a concept.

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I remember when I used to upload anime to youtube in the early years, using shitty freeware video editors to cut episodes into 3 parts.

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I just hate how commercial it's all become. Not that it wasn't always, mind but it feels like what a lot of what is said and discussed is controlled to tightly by the actual publishers. Free discussion basically exists here and here alone while reddits and wikis are closely monitored for anything that might negatively effect a shows image. Series are hits before they're released and personal opinion is all but dead.

You summed it up pretty well, user. It fucking sucks that this place is being overrun by ironic teenagers exactly because of that.

>Series are hits before they're released
fucking this. the first time I noticed it was with Game of Thrones viral marketing in ~2011, but I assume there are prior examples.

It's not even anime. Take a look at the western movies and comic book industries. I remember people blasting the Star Wars prequels out of the water. The reception against Jar Jar was so bad he was reduced and all but dropped from the next ones. Now you can't even make a mild criticism of the new trilogy's non characters because click bait and headlines will drown you out and call you a fake fan.

That's depressing. Honestly the site went to shit after getting rid of downloads

Last I checked, illusion threads were still alive for mod sharing.

You could say that's how they died. You couldn't even find stuff like app loc anymore.

Reminds me of Madoka the same year, actually. It had a lot of accusations of Aniplex shilling in Japan too.

Then how was there a huge backlash against the last season of GoT?

Not the same. Shows stuff other than anime airing in a season, doesn't have countdowns that highlight the row when it's close to airing, and there's no sorting by clicking on table headers.

post proof of that

Plenty of anime that were pretty much created to become hits ended up becoming duds and are forgotten, though. Remember Asterisk? Or QUALITY Code? Or even Spyce?

What an exaggeration

I watched a lot anime this way.its sad that the old yt is long dead.

>It just feels startling how the passage of time encourages centralization instead of decentralizing
Because it simply comes down to convenience. Remember that laziness trumps effort.

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No attention to tripfags.

Enjoy the spoon.

I watched 50 episodes of Bleach like that, back when I was like, 11. What a time.

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Im surprised at how redditors are gullible about CR's illegal streaming history. Fuck I still remember watching live action Japanese Drama like Gokusen in there.

I watched shana and even eva like this.
I cant stand the tiny screens and pitched voices these days.with seasonal stuff you can still get lucky on yt and dailymotion.

I still get birthday well wishes from hongfire.

People are herd animals, who will always flock to the biggest thing. When Yea Forums became a thing many of the smaller anime communities died of in the 00s and now Yea Forums is declining against Reddit.

I still think that most of them only watch anime because it got popular and thats why they dont really care.

I think that's a good thing at least. Redditors arent welcome here in the first place. Im suspecting that there's also migrants from other shitty anime websites like MAL in here because their webmaster is retarded and Reddit infested their website or something like that

>Implying many posters didn't double post on here and Reddit.
Sekrit club is dead user.