Did Shinji do anything wrong here?
Did Shinji do anything wrong here?
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I self insert as Shinji so no
With a bod like that, can you blame him?
nope, sakura is literally his property.
reminder she enjoyed it in the visual novel
Rape is bad kids
Eh, where?
in her vagoo of course
A lot of wrong. I can see why he did it but that doesn't justify rape.
Mostly irrelevant. She could not feasibly refuse his demands.
why did he do it ?
t.haven't watch the anime or the Fate license at all
considering doing it at one point if it gets good.
long story short, he was butthurt about being a shitter
Why he raped her in the past: because he was pissed off that she "stole" the role of rightful heir from him
Why he tried to rape her in the present: he's pissed that Shirou "stole" her from him and wants to assert ownership
The best way to get in is to read the VN. Otherwise, Zero->UBW->HF works.
Adding to what the other anons said, I believe initially he treated Sakura nicely so he wasn't a complete asshole until he felt wronged by her.
but to the point of raping her ? isn't he a douche ?
should i even bother with Fate ?
also what anime order should i watch if i ever bother with this ?
Yep he is a douche, especially to those who he considers an enemy. I was saying it's understandable why he dislikes Sakura but raping her was way over the line.
As for anime the user here already gave a good suggestion. Worth remembering there's a 2006 anime by Deen where Saber is the main heroine but it's not really worth watching. It's a bad adaptation of a boring route.
No she didn't.
They make that extremely clear in the VN (as well as in Carnival Phantasm during the Sakura+Rider skit).
hes an asshole, not a homo.
She literally can't dislike it. As she said, it's like breathing for her.
Didn't wear head protection during sex.
>recommending zero first
Faggot like you are what is killing this fanbase. The proper thing to say is READ THE VN OR FUCK OFF
>be reddit the guy
>stick dick into worms
>Did Shinji do anything wrong here?
You can do better OP.
It's clearly specified she acts like a dead fish when Shinji rapes her to the point even he couldn't get a boner because of how frigid she was and eventually stopped doing it.
The main reason this scene happens is because for once Shinji finds out something that can get under her skin by threatening her relationship with Shirou, which he does with gusto only to end up getting murdered.
No, the best thing to say is read Zero and then stop.
no i won't cancerous faggot.
whats this from? image search gives me nothing.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Shinji is the true tragic hero of the VN. He literally gets fucked over by everything and everyone at every point since the end of the 4th GW.
If he had chuuni powers like literally every other character around him people would cream their pants over how "cool" and "edgy" he is.
Yes, he didn't cum inside or make her suck his dick and swallow daily
F/HA Shinji is great though.
Absolutely. The scene with him on the pier is golden.
Absolutely correct. We don't need any more F/0 secondaries.
I'm not sure you got the joke in that skit, user. It's heavily implied that she's enjoying her "tragic heroine" status and perpetuating the situation. That's why it's funny, and not just depressing.
Absolutely correct. This is why we needed the Wakame Paradise route.
Nope. Sakura is bonerrific.
I just realized that sakura mouth isn't draw as a straight line here, thats pretty cute
If Sakura "literally did nothing wrong" then the same applies to sjinji
He didn't kill Sakura or Rin when he had the chance.
Picked wrong hole.
He was merely punishing a serial killer.
By being the first person she killed?
Sakura's pretty much an ojou-sama in the same league as Luviagelita when she lets her hair down. It's only natural that her smugness would be par for the course.
F/HA is great the whole way through.
is that shirou? that's rich coming from the stay in the kitchen asshole
45:50 to 55:10
Shirou is old fashioned. Women are safe and happy in the kitchen.
fuck this shit
The women under his roof wouldn't have it any other way. That's why they all like him so much.
Damn she killed shinji so Shirou doesn't have to take the burden himself. I didn't remember that. Sakura is pretty based
the burden to kill shinji*
By the time he dies in HF, they do a good job of explaining why he is the way he is, but understandable does not mean acceptable.
Before or after she nuked his fucking organs?
I think Sakura had it worse than him to be honest
Shinji is the tragic hero and Sakura is the tragic heroine. That's why Shinji and Sakura make the perfect couple.
>No Shinji pasta yet
Sorry, user. I don't have it saved.
>Runs away from the safety of Shirou's house where she is still wanted despite being a serial murderer back to her own house where her mentally unstable brother that raped her countless times lives
Being downtrodden and put-upon is her forte, user. Not critical thinking skills.
Quick reminder that 50 shades of gray sold over 100 million copies, mostly to middle aged women
Women want to be raped, but only by Chad.
>middle aged white women
to be fair, western media grooms white women for this purpose
Evolutionarily it just makes sense to enjoy being raped. If the woman is unaroused, then the unlubricated vagina will be less pleasant for the man, and that means the man will just be raping her longer and harder to get off. Conversely if she is aroused and that makes it more pleasurable, then the man will get done faster and be able to leave her alone. There's basically no benefits to not being aroused by rape, all it adds is danger.
They only enjoy the rape if the man shows signs of high T levels.
he has two scenes I can think of
Yeah, she also went to confront her grandfather to protect Shirou's "purity." Sakura was trying to be Shirou's hero but fell on Zouken's trap. Shirou also was trying to be her hero, and mostly fell on Zouken's trap too. They failed to comunicate with each others (Rin and Ilya too) and this just played in Zouken's plans and hands. Sakura's mind was breaking too, her body was fucking weak because she died last night (Gil decapitated her in the VN not just eviscerated her). She had lost her sense of time and still dragged herself out to try to suicidically protect Shirou from getting his hands dirty.
Yeah, they mirror each other pretty well, their relationship is pretty simmilar to saber/shirou in a warped way
To be more precise, it's more like they want to be "raped" exactly the way they happen to want. So if you're not psychic, don't expect it to go over well when you rape someone
That's more enjoying it (sense of superiority) vs sense of enjoying it (sexual stimulation)
I suppose "wouldn't mind being raped by Chad" is more accurate. Most women just let things happen to them anyway, instead of being the active participant in any matter.
Well, Shinji is a canonical chad.
The VN sort of abandons that right after introducing him
What the fuck Sakurafags? I didn't think you guys were cuckolds.
Shinji is the one getting cucked
Secondary here, why does gilgamesh attack the shadow?
Isn't it his goal to have the evil comes and fuck shit up so only the strongest make it?
sakura is ugly so gil disslikes her
That was really lame imo, I had no idea Gilg actually died before I read it after, I thought that he surely had to get away somehow.
It's been 5 years since I read the VN. So he could survive being dunked in the juice during the 4th GW, but couldn't survive being attacked by the Shadow in the 5th? Even though he shrugs it off, it always seemed like he wasn't quite like himself after he gets dunked for the first time. He's much less...regal, in a way.
Isn't sakura one of the very few characters that gilgamesh never calls mongrel?
he considers her even below that
You seem to know him well, who are you?
Yeah, being dunked in all the evils did affect him. Every other being would go completely insane and die while he survived but his psyche wasn't unharmed. He's also a bit on life support in the 5th war. Other thing is that Shadow is more "concentrated" so his attack is more dangerous?
More like he considers her submissive character ugly.
no one
Try not being an autistic incel and you might have the answer
She had to do it, or the shadow would kill more people next time she fell asleep.
Even without the rape stuff, Shinji is a colossal douchebag in every route in the VN with close to 0 redeeming qualities. He is an insecure little bitch who blames literally everyone else but himself while trying to fuck over everyone else constantly.
Also, if you want to get anything meaningful out of Fate, just bite the bullet and read the Stay Night VN.
Because he can't control who it kills.
The broken gate spilling out its refuse and the living physical gate that's a direct hotline to Angra Mainyu and also has Matou magic are two very different levels of fuckery. The Shadow is a lot spookier than just a run off of curses.
So sakura needs mana for both her worms and the shadow?
her worms were sustained by only shinji's semen before?
The Shinji in the fifth grail war is at his lowest and highest in a sense. He's been having a spat and drifted away from his one real friend, who is also an enemy in the war. His new power gives him a high contrasting with his resentment and struggle with the fact that despite he'd be considered amazing anywhere else, at his home he's considered worthless and something seen as disgusting due to being the end of his family's legacy personified. The legacy that he's charmed by and desperately wants to inherit.
Shinji is a dick but he's a very well written and pretty human dick desu. Also he's very entertaining in body language, attitude and jokes.
She only "enjoys" it in the sense that it relieves her of the pain from being mana deficient. People keep forgetting that Sakura is literally a parasite who needs cum to sustain herself.
I like used goods, does that make me a cuck?
There is no guarantee the Shadow would not have eaten Taiga next.
I really like how Shinji is written also, but he is still a scumbag nontheless.
Also I might be remembering this wrong, but in the Fate route Rin talks about everyone having at least some really minor affinity for magic, that's why Shirou can do some very basic magecraft after practicing every day for a decade. Even though Shinji is far from the potential his bloodline may imply, he could learn some kind of magecraft if he really wanted to.
No. Only cucks dislike women for not being virgins.
that would've been a gift to everyone
Dox yourself so i can steal your girl cuck
Sakura has worms inside her
Unfortunately you need circuits to connect to the planet for magic to happen at all.
Otherwise Shinji and Shirou’s dynamic as friends is unironically really nice. It would have been great if we had more material in which that’s shown.
not unless you try to wife her
Sorry, I'm not a virginityfag.
You dont care about virginity so there ahouldnt be a problem if i cum in your girlfriend then?
Cuckolds want to be a woman's first partner. Men want to be her last partner.
That Yea Forumsnon doesn't mind if his girlfriend had a relationship with another man in the past, ended the relationship and then became his girlfriend.
Are you really this dense?
Yeah be her last partner and raise my child cuck
Shut up bitch and give me your girls numbah white boy
>Yeah be her last partner and raise my child cuck
Fucking btfo
Abortions are a thing.
I wonder why shitposters care so much about sakura not being a virgin but then there is no shitpost in the casca threads for example, who not only got raped but literally gave birth to griffth's creatura. Is it because berserk public is not filled with underage people's waifuwars?
This would be closer to the cuckoo bird cucking is named after but cucking in humans involves taking away a partner.
Abortion is literally murder. Shirou MURDERED Angra Mathhew. Don't be like Shirou.
Doesn't Shirou insert circuits into himself or am I remembering something wrong?
Only in degenerated 3rd world that is american
If youre licking up someones sloppy seconds you arent "taking" anythying from anyone. Youre literally picking up someone elses trash
>t. /pol/cancer
Funny how you saying this outs you as being an actual 3rd worlder. Abortion is legal in any relevant country.
There's Casca rape shitposting but not on this level because as you say, fewer waifuwarriors.
And if you don't accept their children to raise, there are no sloppy seconds.
You can't spell "used goods" without good. Them not being virgins is proof that they're good enough for sex.
>cuckoo birds
amateurs at best
Every time.
I really cant think of a character more cucked than F/HF Shirou.
> gets saber killed.
> abandons all his ideals
> lets sakura get away with murder cuz "muh curroption"
> chooses to commit to a used up whore who literally needs cum to survive.
Based, we need a pasta to shit on shitrou.
But Shinji is the one who gets cucked, not Shirou. Do you idiots even know what "cuck" means
>dies anyways outside of UBW Good
>the entire point of the series is that him abandoning them is a good thing
>sakura only kills four villains
>she's a virgin who just needs blood in realta nua, not to mention rin is more of a whore despite being a virgin
>>sakura only kills four villains
we have the movies now so even secondaries can see beyond the lies
I don't think so.
So you work out, earn a lot of money and are generally a chad. But this slimy doctor is going to have a bigger genetic legacy.
Why even live?
I bet shirou would even raise shinjis son if sakura got preggo LMAO.
Speedreader here, why does shirou die in Fate and UBW True?
He was talking about Saber, not Shirou. Saber dies in every route except UBW Good.
Saber dies in Fate and UBW True. Slow down there speedoreada-kun!
Sakura never consciously intended to kill anyone until Shinji. The movie makes this so clear that even a secondary should be able to understand it.
The entire plot of HF is literally about Shirou aborting Sakura's unborn child.
>the entire point of the series is that him abandoning them is a good thing
what is UBW
Not the true ending of F/SN.
>Using rape to make viewers feel bad about a female character
Literally terrible edgy 12 year old writing. And this is the most popular franchise in Japan?
He die like a bitch
umm no sweaty last episode is the true ending of fate stay/night
OK cool, I guess rape is a forbidden topic now. Or else you're not allowed to feel bad for someone who's had bad things happen to them
I don't see how this proves anything
LE is only in Realta Nua. Realta Nua doesn't change the line about HF being the true ending, as evidenced by the voiced lines.
The true ending is LE, sorry. No amount of wormfag seething will change that.
it's the final yeah so what
all the routes are canon
shirou's ideals are worth protecting
>Sakura was someone he felt he needed to protect. Shirou is a self-sacrificing idealist who was essentially guided through life by the things he believed in, but Sakura was an exception for him. Only when dealing with Sakura was the idealistic and profound Shirou Emiya reduced to a mere human being with more mundane thoughts and emotions.
>I believe Shirou discovered his "most human" self in Sakura's route
>Q: Are the three routes of "Fate/stay night" parallel worlds existing at the same time? I was curious since I was how it would look to Zelretch.
>A: They're parallel... sort of. But if Zelretch was observing, it'd become true, and my feelings on the matter is that I'd rather two routes disappear if one was true. If all of these became possible at the same time, the other routes would become meaningless.
LE can't change the fact that Fate is the worst route and everyone but the craziest of Saberfags knows it
what's your point here?
Did the worms sterilize Sakura? Important question.
Guess which route Zelretch appears in?
Fate route is better than UBW.
>if Zelretch was observing,
if anything UBW is now more canon than HF since strange fake mentions shirou going at the clock tower
And he was. He directly observes HF True.
>strange fake
Literal fanfic.
canon fanfic
That's why Nasu keeps contradicting it and giving the writer aneurysms, right?
because he wants the canon to be coherent
he wouldn't care if it was just fanfic
It means Nasu sees it as just a fanfic no matter how hard Narita tries. The same happened to Zero.
>The same happened to Zero.
you mean it became canon too?
Stupid Shinji, I said get in the robot not in the vagoo.
One timeline doesn't stop being canon because another timeline exists.
>Its a X route is more canon than Y route discussion part #13041 thread
say that to the HF tard
I agree with you
He deserved what he got because he tried to do NBR incest, which is a crime against all that is decent. There's no point if you're not actually related.
Zero is officially seen as a non-canon spinoff nowadays due to some minor contradictions.
Reminder that the only canon route is Archer's because he appears in every 5th grail war we see.
If Angra Mainyu was born, he'd wipe out the entire human race. Some grail mud would merely wipe out most humans. That's the difference.
best post and best butt ITT
Shirou has circuits naturally. Every magic user "inserts" their circuits the first time they use them, and just has to activate them after that. Shirou was using an incomplete method that forced him to insert it every time. People born without magic circuits can't naturally use magic.
Both look wonderful, but I need my Dark Sakura fanart boom now.
Here's the best of the relatively recent Dark Sakura fanarts
No he didn't, he wasn't there for it. He showed up afterwards. Unless you mean to say that he without a doubt checked the records and confirmed it (he did not, he just showed up to distract the Clock Tower from persecuting Rin).
Him showing up afterwards still confirms everything leading up to it. Think about how timelines work.
>Shadow Giants
Nice, I like when they're part of the pics. I can't find the one drawn by st parasu, the ancient Sakurafag, so here a confused Sakura I guess.
Nevermind, found them. They're too cute.
Thanks user, I knew these but I didn't have them saved
God I want to sexually assault Saber without regards to the consequences.
>tfw the Archer summoning fanfic never got fully translated and the guy's website died so you can't access to it anymore
Sakura want Shinji d
>shinji is fucking hostile to shirou in every interaction they have and acts like he hates shirou's guts
>"shinji's muh friend lmao"
I never understood this
Where does she get the semen before Shinji
Blood works just as well.