Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains


Episode 117: 交わらない道 – Majiwaranai Michi
(Paths That Won't Intersect)
After finding out where Ai is, Yusaku heads to an island located on the outskirts of Den City, all by himself. Ai has already started making copies of himself on the island, using the SOLtiS he acquired from SOL Technologies. Ai reveals his motive for attacking humans, as well as all the thoughts he's been keeping to himself. And now, with the future of the world on the line, Yusaku and Ai begin their first and final battle.

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Homura Takeru/Soulburner: Kaji Yuki
Kogami Ryoken/Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: えらん|| Eran
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生 || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei



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Other urls found in this thread:


Crow is the biggest mistake character by proportion of screentime
Zarc is the biggest mistake character by failure to deliver on build up

If this is supposed to be Noh’s last episode, and there are only 4 episodes left, will Ebina make a surprise return? ;_;

Enjoy your c-team animation

From 0 to 10 how'd you rate Vrains so far?

Yusaku has surpassed Yuma as the worst protagonist.

>revolver didn't even get to win agains crow 2.0
i'm sorry lads but this guy is just the worst rival all he had to do was just keep savage dragon on board to negate SB's top deck but no let's make him summon zerovoros for no reason

Kawamura will probably handle one of the 4 episodes so his episode will look pretty good whichever it ends up being. I doubt any of the Arc-V deserters will return since Gallop fucking sucks. Maybe Ogawa can turn out another episode too

Middling 4 to a very light 5

So who's going to be the ceremonial duel? Will there even be one or will Yusaku vs. AI last 4 episodes?

Ogawa will definitely do his 5 seconds for the duel finisher but as AD of an entire episode, no way

0, it's garbage

The greats were interesting and the visuals are always fun to watch, the characters are charming but sadly they didn't take advantage of this and the interaction almost didn't exist. If vrains had all been like today's episode it'd totally have been a 9.

he was already the worst rival since ep 12, people just kept deluding themselves into thinking he was something better, based lightning, soulburner, and yoshida for laying the smackdown on these revulvatards



Nigga Yusaku VS Ai IS the ceremonial duel.

6 at best

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Let me guess, and you would rate arcV a 10, right?

Nah, Yuma is still the worst.

Yes because he's a troll


How anyone can think yuya isnt the worst I'll never know

two more months.

not him but arc v and vrains are both bad but vrains is worse than arc v

>Narrator & Playmaker say Revolver is testing SB to help him
>Revolver gives advice that even Flame says its right
>Could have won but gives SB another turn
>that smirk when SB gets his mojo back
A loss is a loss but imagine being so blind you cant even see things being spelt out for you.

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Shame. I guess there's only Kawamura's episode to look forward to

Why even care what happens at this point knowing it’s been axed?

Not him but I really think you most likely either didn't watch arcV or didn't watch VRAINS.

There is no point, just hoping yusaku vs ai isnt garbo

Alright boys, rate Revolver and Soulburner now that their character arcs have closed

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So how would you make the other skills into actual cards?

This is the not the quarterly manga in shonen jump that stop running.

But it feels weird for it to also be the main villian of the arc. AI was always the obvious pick but it feels strange that it's going to be the same duel. Could've been vs Revolver or based hot dog man but both don't seem likely anymore what with Revolver losing his mask and hot dog man not doing anything this arc either

I like revolver aesthetically so maybe a 5.5 ...? Takeru, eh, a 4

No? It's also a 0, arguably a -1

You're the one coping the most seeing how you're pathetic enough to only shitpost

Battle beast tier dueling from Soulburner

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>what's Ai's goal
>will he try to convince Yusaku?
>will Ai have a breakdown?
>how would Yusaku punish Ai

They are both shit.
The only decent character in this series is Brave Max.

Kill yourself you dumb shitposter

Turns out vulvaposter are also the pissposter.
Who would've thunk?

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5 and 5, pretty mediocre, both of them.
Revolver because he never achieved anything (neither in duels nor ideologically).
Soulburner because his "you still have rage in your heart" felt like as he was another Yusaku-lite that should have had another motivations.

He's neat looking.

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>Brave Max
Why he didn't become a regular character, again?

4 and 3 respectively.

It was an incoherent slog.

Clearly, the user you responded to is right.

8-link card when?

>Kernel, Gazer and Burning Draw
What brilliant duel writing, I'm sick

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Of course you of all people would complain over borrels. Pathetic cuck

>tfw Revolver and Playmaker’s last duel was at the end of season 1


The lost incident children deserved more attention.

The posting style made it pretty obvious

10 arcvs levels of fail

Revolver 7/10 was fun as fuck early on but kinda meandered until his lightning duel. Then he became really fun again
Soulburner 8/10 honestly the best chara in the show. Even if he was obviously the Konami whipping boy this season I still enjoyed all his duels and this episode was my favorite one in all of Vrains

Someone put hikokubo in the mental hospital

Kill yourself you pathetic shitposter. Nobody wants you here, sp00ks.

The only good thing was the recaps.
I miss the recaps.

You know what? If Yusaku vs Ai is truly the last duel, then Roboppi is pretty high tier as a duelist in his own. They even had to pull a Jonouchi on him to give Soulburner a win.

Watched Arc-V.

At least it had better characters than this pathetic slogfest.

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Soulburner is generic shonen MC which makes him the best because he’s the most grounded so his duels are more fun than muh ideological bullshit that literally every other character duels with

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If you're gonna samefag so badly at least change your insults, dumb autist.

Aren't vrains cast dead or comatose most of the time?
Why are you being so nice

Noh is the fucking hero

maybe if VRAINS could change it's writing policy
>literally kill everyone 3 arcs in a row


Hot dog man was such a waste. Got one single duel in the entire series

No you didn't. You're just some pathetic pendulumcuck who thinks Z-ARC is cool when he's absolute garbage

The directing of this episode and how they timed and paced everything including use of ost was genuinely great
If only better duel writing and story was involved

Comparing blue jobber to zarc
I think its time to stop posting

They're much more charming this way.

4/10 and I feel like I'm being generous with that score.

Vrains feels so rushed with all the blatant retcons. It also has some of the worst signature monster designs I've seen yet. They all look bland and unremberable. Heck this applies to their Archetypes as well.

Vrains has the worst cast of ygo characters I've seen yet. AI was the only saving grace of the cast. Bohman and Haru are easily the worst ygo villains ever.

Plot wise, Vrains was honestly a waste of potential. Yusaku was setup as this Anti-hero, theres a three way conflict between Yusaku, SOL, and Hanoi. Mystery bait of Vrains and the Lost incident, and unraveling of lost memories.

Unfortunately they dropped the ball on this HARD.

All in all, Vrains is honestly the worst Yu-gi-oh series I've seen yet. Mind you, I haven't since Zexal, but I doubt it'll be worst than this heap trash fire.

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>Just dump all these effects onto one card

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Imagine thinking zarc is cool. You dumb zoomer understand nothing of how bad he was. Pathetic pendulumcuck.

>Bohman and Haru are easily the worst ygo villains ever.
Mask of light and darkness.

Its like if everybody on the cast got the team rocket treatment

Bohman was a baffling antagonist
How can lightning manage to be decent while on screen but bohman be so atrocious while getting so many duels

There's worse and zexal and arc-v are worse than vrains.

Aoi fanboys were laughing at Shotafags, but who got the last laugh now? 1 out of 2 VRAINS shota turned out to be competent (that's 50%), while all VRAINS females in the end turned out to be jobbers!

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He was also the autist that was Spectre avatarfagging do he’s been doing this stupid shit for 3 years now

But blue jobber's only quality is tits, digital tits

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Vrains is one of the worse shows this season
And theres trainwreck trash like arifureta airing

>worse than literally nothing VRAINS
>when it's the best spinoff

lmaoo absolute state of blindfags. Cope.

I say he bounced back and forth. Remove his duels against blue maiden and soulburner and he'd be alright. Wasn't necessary to put him behind so many blocks though.

>Heck this applies to their Archetypes as well.
Cyberse in general has such lazy designs.

>zexal and arc-v are worse than vrains
>worse than vrains
even zexal's garbage first half is better than all of vrains and nothing that arc v or vrains has can top it's second half

I find it really cute that Ai shares so many things with Yusaku. Today's episode was really neat. Looking forward the next!

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At least he got to duel unlike other characters

>garbage first half
Dumb meme, it wasn't garbage at all. Fuck off already.

>best series
>introduced xyz master race
nice joke

maybe when stop the whole 5ds is only good 64 episodes meme

>positivity in a VRAINS thread on Yea Forums

Wow so that's why revolver couldn't use Borreload's other effect, well shit....

I miss the tron bros
IV, come back

best zexal girl, tops all yugioh girls

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Not everything that doesn't align with your opinion is a meme.

I like both Zexal and Vrains but arcV is just unsavageable. I understand that you may like it but you can't deny it went fucking downhill. Vrains always stayed good even if some duels became painfully repetitive they were still entertaining.


That too. It's another dumb meme. Yliaster literally saved 5D's from having a dull final boss like macho!Goodwin.

Yuma isn't even a bad protagonist

Then why does she lose to Tori user?

Even then, he still has
>I'm here on this statue for some reason, and I'm you, Playmaker!
>I know what I am for realz this time and now for the final duel whoops it's a tie see you later

>Vrains always stayed good

L to the O to the L

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I can take some comfort in Roboppi's loss being one of the better done moments of the show

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>1/5 duel wins

Why is draw power useless in vrains?

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Is there a better way for you to show that you only started coming after the ending rumors started? I don't think so.

I think the thing you mentioned about the characters is my biggest issue with Vrains. I just don't give a single fuck about any of these people. They're not fun or interesting (except Revolver in season 1). A big part of why people even stick with the YGO anime series is because of the characters and if they're all wastes of time, what the fuck can you really give a shit about? Certainly not the plot

more than Kotori

Arc-V is about the same level as Vrains but for different reasons. Zexal actually improved on itself so that makes it better than Vrains, at the very least, for the animation alone

im gay for soulburner

still in denial, aren't we?

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Ai, Go, Aoi, Akira, Emma.

Zexal's first half wasn't garbage but only when it wasn't a Yuma focused episode or had Shark, Kaito or Tron Family involved, or was an Astral focused episode. Yuma in the first half was pretty awful on his own

Both the plot and characters were really interesting. Children being tortured to create AI based off them and suffering severe traumas afterwards is just such a great plot. But they had to focus on useless Jobbers like Go, Emma and Kengo. Wasted potential.

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>Generation wars are still going on

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I kinda like some of them but they're all (besides Ai I guess) so disconnected from the MC, who inevitably has a lot of the screentime even if it's less than other ygo mcs

Arc V was mediocre and some fairly likeable characters. Vrains has no likeable characters and never showed anything promising outside of its premise.

Except that most S1 episodes involved Shark, Kaito and Tron Family.

People are overexaggerating the fillers.

And even then, some fillers like pic related were great.

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it's not it's literally what won SB the duel

Yuma was the best character. The others were boring for the most part. I don't see why people aggressively push zexal as the best when most people don't agree on which characters were good.

Nobody's denying that Arc-V went to shit. But it had a crude, strong and held people's interest. That's why people were so especially pissed about how bad it got, because they were invested. VRAINS has just been consistently dull. It never took a nosedive, but it was never that great, either.

Franchise too big and that the spin offs are isolated from each other creates this climate. I still am happy because at the end we are all Yugioh.

They push zexal but hate its protagonist.

Ai is okay, not as good as Revolver. I don't care about any of those people. Especially Go, are you crazy? Not even the staff liked Go

>a EVIL persona story is unsalvageable
Say hello to my friend
>perfect sized oppais
>perfect amount of lust
I'm gonna call bs in your argument

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That’s not Earth’s death

Well, with the show is confirmed to be almost over, there's literally nothing to talk or speculate about.
Yusaku will beat Ai and the world is saved. The end.

This. ArcVfags might be mad at vrains but we all love YGO.

That duel of iv and iii vs yuma and kaito blows the vast majority of notable vrains duels out of the water in terms of entertainment, and it's not even the best one

Who cares, she's a jobber

Please. Revolver vs lightening blows that shit out of the water.

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I don't think many think of Zexal as "the best" but it got a bad reputation despite how it improved

>when most people don't agree on which characters were good.
But that's every series.

Shun VS Sora and Yuya VS Sora are unironically some of the best duels in the franchise

Arc-V’s first 50 were kino

>Vrains always stayed good
More like Vrains always stayed 'consistent', which means boring as shit


If we use TRAINS as an analogy:

Arc-V was a train that started with decent speed, then it became faster, so the passengers were happy with it. Then it became fast so fast that no one could enjoy the ride anymore and by the end, the train didn't hit the brakes, so it became a trainwreck at the end.

Vrains, in other hand, started slow and people expected the journey to be faster and said: "well, it's only the beginning, of course it will start slow", but then they knew such train would never pick speed and that the journey was not worth it that everyone left the train like two or three stations earlier before the end of it.

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>Who cares, she's has a pussy
Gay and bluepilled

>But that's every series.
I think it's really bad when people don't like the main character but still push it.

Well we're more arguing about show quality, not game mechanics, which I think is a little better


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I dont even remember much of yuya v sora dbh
Yuya vs reiji 2 was some good shit. Probably the last top tier duel in arc v

>Vrains always stayed mediocre


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Imagine Zexal without Nasch, Vector, and Kaito and you have a series more boring than Vrains. If only they were in a better Yugioh series

autistlove posters are much worse

Isn't it better for a long running show to be more consistent?

>but they're all (besides Ai I guess) so disconnected from the MC
Yup. Having an MC who doesn't like having friends and the story never tries to push toward making new friends (except maybe Ai I guess) feels almost anti-ethical to the concept of YGO

That's a matter of tastes, dude.

>Imagine Zexal without things people like about Zexal
You might as well have said "Imagine DM without Kaiba, Atem and Marik"

>Vrains always stayed boring
Bohman is that you?

He's a bit cold and focuses on his mission that doesn't mean he doesn't want anyone as a friend.

They don’t even exist now

Considering how the 2 after turned out, zexal was the luckiest of them all


Not if it's consistently boring and dull.

Nah Vrains is a train that's not only slow, but runs out a fuel midway during the destination. Because it's getting canceled early lol.

Hey it's fine to not like Yuma, I personally don't like Yusei that much.

Yeah imagine zexal without Yuma and astral at this rate. You can't just off 3 main deuteragonists and say this with a straight face

if only

I don't really think so, I only really remember vector anyway.


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>No Jonouchi or the DOMA squad
Damn did you even watch the whole series?

So the first volumes of the manga? That sounds kino as fuck.


By that logic the later part of Arc-V is good because it's consistenty pissing you off.

Its more like the god man yusaku never ever needs anything as low and earthly as close friends

s1 city loop.mp4
s2 bohman.mp3
s3 season4itwillbegood.jpeg

The first volumes of the manga had Atem in it

Remember how the OPs and Ends made out Soulburner to be the Johan of this series?

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Yes user, imagine Zexal without the villains.

Fucking retard. Zexal is awful and the most nonsensical of all Yu-Gi-Oh series but this argument was retarded

Well, every protagonist is god like, that was true from the start. Yugi supposed to be like horus or at least atem is.

Yeah DM still holds up without those characters. If those characters got removed, we still have pegasus. Meanwhile zexal shills have to rely on those 3 characters, whenever they shill their favourite series.

The first ~15 episodes are almost pure trash, it gives a terrible first impression.

>Soulburner topdecks a draw card in order to topdeck another 4 cards of which 1 is a Salamangreat monster reborn and the other 3 are just what he needs

>imagine Zexal without the villains
So yugioh vrains?

But they still had at least 1 or 2 actual human friends

They better make YGO 7 good after what they did with this.

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>Massive Revolverfag
>can't be mad that he lost this duel because of how gr8 it was.

Up until Kaito shows up Zexal isn't that good.

>People are overexaggerating the fillers.
They're pretty bad to be fair

It was not really Atem and more of a psychotic Yugi as he was still amnesic and his egyptian roots (besides the Millennium Puzzle clue) were not really established.

You know if Revolver didn't nuke his own field, he could've negated that draw card(well it wouldn't have been able to activate in the first place due to him controlling chimera).

What's going on with this thread?

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Not if that consistency isn't interesting

Yusaku clearly has friends, he's just withdrawn.

Nasch was apart of one of the best duels in the franchise so I can’t hate him. Kaito I can understand but Yuma’s irritating character made his hype moments a million times better

Even if you leave you won't be missed revolver fujo. keep seething!

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>People are overexaggerating the fillers

I've rewatched this duel like 4 times
Arc v has only 2 or 3 I would rewatch and they're all in the early part of the show, but they're pretty damn great

This episode has movie quality. Fucking incredible.

Shitposters shitting on each other for even DARING to like or dislike something over another thing

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scumbag reporter man was right, close it down.

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Arc-V is the only Yugioh I didn't watch so I have no say in it. But Vrains was pretty mediocre.

>Nasch was apart of one of the best duels in the franchise so I can’t hate him
You mean one of the worst? Nasch could've won turn 7 if he copied Neo tach's effect, thus preventing Yuma from activating his stall cards. The entire duel is a joke, to the point where Nasch an heros just so he can escape Yuma's autistic ass LOL.

One of them was a bad guy turned good and the other was the opposite. Sounds like you’re the retard here you retard

This is the peak of the show along with Sora v. Shun

Dont get ur hopes up

Okay my point was "imagine DM without the other Yugi part". I was just saying Atem cause that's his name

>>I'm here on this statue for some reason, and I'm you, Playmaker!
That was probably the dumbest episode along with the tree backstory.

Vrains is getting cancelled

Vrains is very likely to end soon, which means that people that keep saying that the early S3 was just a setup for something big pretty much changed their tune to shitting on it.

>Yusaku clearly has friends
Does he really?

I still remember that EAT SHIT moment when Reiji declared Kali Yuga's last effect.

I meant Nasch vs Vector and at least that duel wasn’t as bad as the duels in these past few series.

This is one of those good tier moments when the presentation of the duel, the plot so far, the conflict between character motivations, and the stakes all line up so amazingly

Too bad it doesnt happen on that level since then

What the fuck were they even thinking with Bohman, I'm still baffled by this. I thought, like, Zarc and Darkness were the worst YGO villains but holy shit

Truly, JoJo of card games

I don't think Arc-V's biggest problem is that it went too fast, it's that the passengers enjoyed the sights, but then there was a fucking huge tunnel in the middle that took longer than anybody expected, so they had to skip some of the sights people wanted to see to get there on time, then sped up so fast it rolled over onto and over the destination and said "okay, we're here".

VRAINS is a train that goes slowly, keeps stopping at suspiciously similar-looking stations, and when they finally get to the destination, the passengers are just left with a feeling of "oh, this is the stop?"

It looked like shit though

I've already come to grips that Revolver lost and is a jobber, though. I just don't like the rushed ending. The animation was great though, as expected of Noh.

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Watch them pull a Bohman again for YGO7

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Look at these threads and tell me you see any shipping shit left

Don't worry I lost my hope about 3 years ago.

I wonder how many of you remember Leo Akaba

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No show that fails to save itself with 100+ episodes is going to do better with more runtime. Sometimes a dead dog is just a dead dog and keeping it longer will just stink

That duel I admit I enjoyed. But what comes after ruins it. Yuma trying to extend a hand to Vector after all the retarded shit he did, trumps every single EGAO moment in Arc-V.

He's expressed so multiple times.

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GX was a stupid wild ride and I loved it.

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*has the best duels in the whole series*

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JUDGEMENTO ARROWS are my new trigger after "But you still take the damage"

Yusaku x Emma was the kino pairing but we didn't get shit because we can't have nice things.

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biggest retard in ARC V and that's saying a lot

I think by the time he was relevant, people had already given up on him

Egao is a very impersonally used plot device compared to a 1 on 1 gesture or action between characters. Even if you obtusely hate it, its comparing apples and oranges

I do. And I am still waiting for his cards to be released.

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And Ai has expressed that he's the bestest duelist ever and Playmaker only won because he was there.

So they were both bad guys at some point, aka the villains, you enormous retard

Then he would draw a Salamangreat evenly matched that activates on MP1 and brings back Heatleo. Just look at Kernel and the other cards he drew.

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I dont see it. I'm often on good terms with coworkers as well but we dont hang out

This guy might be more retarded than Revolver. Keyword, Might.

How does that mean he has friends? We know what friendship looks like in YGO. This is just "I know who Ghost Girl is"

Yeah, I don't get why the animation was so bad for such an important duel.


Yikes, oof, cringe Snoyvolver keks still seething.

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The early ending shitstorm really overshadowed the upcoming PM vs Ai huh, even though this is supposed to be the big emotional payoff for the entire series.
Granted, the animation from the preview didn't help either.

>Monster Effect
>Once per turn: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone.
>Pendulum Effect
>You can return this card to the Extra Deck.

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I think the real problem is that nuh uh user doesnt personally know what friendship looks like

He's not really wrong with all the storm accessing.

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>trumps every single EGAO moment in Arc-V.
Worse than "children don't need food, they need smiles" and the final battle being over making a baby smile?

It's very very hard to give a shit about anything coming now knowing all the setup was basically wasted

Like casual interaction really matters, that shit got shafted in the manga for the card game.

>thread has only been up an hour
>almost halfway to the bump limit

Quick, post the best duels of your favorite series and anons rate your taste. Let’s keep this activity going. This might be one of the last times threads will be this alive until Vrains is over and YGO7

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Bohman wasnt a character. He was a plot device.

So you're not going to refute that you've never had a real friendship?

God that fucking moment was so good. Just the complete dominance Reiji exuded still leaves a lasting impression on me


What does that have to do with anime? You don't need casual interaction for a friendship, Yugi and Kaiba had none.

Nice, glad I'm not the only one who noticed. If I weren't upset about Vrains ending, this ep and the next duel is the most excited I've ever been tb h.

Attached: tip tip.jpg (651x720, 89K)

Wow, not even a direct refutation or a pretend answer
I pity you, and it explains a lot

Pretty much this. I was one of the people that got excited when Ai was revealed to be the villain, but I hardly give a fuck now.

In the manga I wouldnt call kaiba and yugi friends. They spent a lot more time together in the anime and even then it's more frenemies if you even grasp that concept

It's hard to get excited when this duel was the highlight of the show and they put all their marbles on this fight. Yusaku vs AI won't look half as good because of it

I refuse to blog.

Atem sees it differently.

The amount of chad levels exuded from this episode was outright godly

Reiji was too good for Arc-V

Dear anons I come from the future with terrifying news: Ygo7 is so bad that we now all consider vrains to be the last good yugioh series

Attached: render-artist-creates-a-back-to-the-future-tesla-roadster.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

War fan dumb, and Vrains supposed sudden cancellation

Did they at least nerf Links?

Damn, I knew this would happen but I'm mad about it anyway

Animation wasnt great but it's one of those times where the ost, VA delivery, and directing did its fucking hardest to make up for it. Arc v's ost has salvaged several moments

If they saved the series as good guys then it doesn’t matter if they’re villains or not you brain dead retard

Despite Don thousand making all of the barian emperors evil, the other 6 still kept their morals and sense of honor. They saw each other as familiy, which humanized them. Vector on the other hand was a completely unhinged, narcissistic asshole who showed no signs of stopping even after seeing his memories. Hell even Don couldn't control this guy, and he's basically satan in that universe. I'd be similar to Yuya trying to save Z'arc with smiles(although vector was much worse).

Attached: quadborrel.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

nothing can be worst than vrains and the last good yugioh was zexal

Because there is not really anything of value to expect from that duel. Ai will have some dumb motivation like he miss the AIs, always felt alone, or think humans just used them for bad actions, some shit like that. Then, Yusaku will prove him otherwise, they will reach an understanding and Yusaku will proceed to BTFO him. Then, everyone lived happily after, the end.
The only doubt I have is if Ai (and possibly the rest of the AIs) will be alive at the end of Vrains, but to be fair, that's not really important considering how the partner always depart in some way or another.

they nerfed it in mr5 but then they reset it starting with mr6
Forgot to mention that we're talking about ygo series with 120 episode mark

He's not completely devil may care, since he cried out for his life pitifully in his last moments. Yuma saw that he's quite pitiable and sad in a way

Why would the next series being bad suddenly changed my mind about how Vrains and Arc-V are also bad?

5Ds > Zexal > GX > DM > VRAINS > ARC V

>vrains above anything
fuck off dullfag

Vector could have torn up HOPU while raping Kotori and Yuma would have forgiven him. No matter how unrealistic the chances are, as long as there is a single hope for a good outcome, Yuma will go for it.

Attached: screenshot0139.png (1280x720, 817K)

>zexal that high

But Vector came back to join the good guys side at the end.

Bad as a trainwreck like Arc-V or bad as "I could be watching paint dry and still would be more fun than this" like Vrains?

I don't know if this information will change the basic structure of timespace but the next series is overrated with tournaments and has no supernatural or tech plot.
Vanguard threads are now popular and respected on Yea Forums with everybody lusting after the new loli protagonist.

Attached: end like this.png (1280x720, 712K)

Never mind that, tell us the color of the cards for the new ED mechanic.

I'm still mad she didn't get enough screentime. Fuck Kotori and fuck her VA.

>everybody lusting after the new loli protagonist
I like this timeline.

You can't blame Kotoris VA for Konamis bullshit

If you guys are so obsessed with interactions why do you watch battle shonen?

Sadly it happens alot like with Yugi vs Atem and Nardo vs Pain

I want magic back in yugioh, not completely OUT
Vanguard is so boring to me, it just doesnt jive. I'll probably stop for good if yugioh anime just becomes vanguard 2

>Fuck Kotori
Well, if you insist.

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DM = 5D's > GX > Arc-V > Zexal > V-Rains

Most shounen weave interaction and the actual battling together. Shocking I know

I have no clue how you’re defending Zorc and Zone

they actually don't like anime but make a special exception for YGO

>vanguard doing anything original again after nostalfags lapped the reboot up like starving dogs
kek you tried

VRAINS does that. You guys just ignore it in favor of jobber posting.

It's not different than a serial killer complying to avoid further punishment. He betrayed Don thousand, he would've betrayed Yuma later down the line.
Yes as sad as it is
Yuma uses the numeron code to bring back the emperors in his own image. The revived Vector is nothing like the asshole that got absorbed by D.T. Why do you think Nasch was contempt with everything, despite making it clear that he'd chosen barian world over the human world?

Has there ever been a good final boss in YGO? There are always much better villains that came before.

Then it isn't made for you. It's supposed to be for children you bunch of edgelords. That's why the first episodes ARE kiddy. It came after 5D's, which was grimdark for it's entire beginning.

that's supposed to be bad? it's not even a filler, but a vital part of the tournament

Yuma doesnt use the code, astral does as a basically new god

>VRAINS has interaction
>it's only and only about PLOT
>when everyone fucking dies all the time and Chadmaker has to save everyone

YIKES vrainsapologists are truly a new level of low

I'd switch Zexal and 5Ds, but yeah pretty much.

Yuma is just a kid with issues of being abandoned by those close to him. It would make less sense for him to just let Vector die.

Card effect spamming and explaining doesnt count

Yes, but people here don't understand kids at all, yet alone fictional kids. They want everyone to be realistic and muh edgy and killing mindset because "W-WELL THAT'S HOW PEOPLE WORK R-RIGHT?"

5Ds > GX = DM > Arc-V > Vrains > ZEXAL

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Zexal is not better than DM or GX

You're not meant to completely agree with a character's decisions all the time just because they're the MC. But you cant call it bad writing if its consistent with how the character has been by that point in the show

>5ds best because muh MATURE protag and his endless kizuna speeches
>zexal bad because muh KIDDY yuma
holy fucking cringe boomer edgelord

If your LP are lower than your opponent's and only your opponent controls a monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck: Draw 2 cards. You can only activate 1 "Final Offguard" per turn.

Attached: FinalOffguard-JP-Anime-VR.png (552x867, 477K)

But DM is shit, dumb nostalgiafag

You guys ignore all the conversation, what's the point?

says you posting in a fucking VRAINS thread of all thing.

DM is million, million times better above this shitshow VRAINS

if your tastes were any good, you wouldn't even be here

That’s a top 5 worst moment but I won’t let Yuma’s putrid autism ruin that masterpiece of a duel. I mean who the fuck is going to leave his pussy, friends, and family behind for a psychotic serial killer that wasn’t even the guy he fell in love with?

Because Vector was originally kind, before DT influence. Also why would Nasch be happy with the result? He lost but in the end he and his Barian brethren were brought back and were free of Don Thousand's influence.

I didn't even mention Vrains, nigger

>Life-like texture :_:

I'd like to know which battle shonen did you read that doesn't have any casual interactions like Vrains.
Even DBZ that's 99% fights still have casual interacions here and there.

>zexal is great but fuck yuma
great thread.

No 5D’s good because the duels tagged with the soundtrack were amazing

Zexal bad because the only good thing about it are the rivals and Vector

Vrains worst moments with bohman did nothing to change my negative opinion of arc v. Both were bad

[ Dragon / Effect ]
If a Link Monster(s) is Special Summoned to your opponent's field: Target 1 of those monsters; equip this monster from your hand or field to that target. You can only use each of the following effects of "Karmacept Dragon" once per turn.
● If the monster equipped with this card by this card's effect is banished: You can inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the monster this card was equipped to.
● If this card is sent to the GY: You can target 1 Link Monster in your opponent's GY; Special Summon 1 of your banished Dragon Link Monsters with an equal or lower Link Rating than the targeted monster.

Attached: KarmaceptDragon-JP-Anime-VR.png (595x866, 642K)

I feel bad for the guys pushing such a great ship. With all that effort put into that pairing, I could see Emma winning the Yusakubowl in an actually decent shonen series

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Yu-Gi-Oh! after it becomes about card games. It's very sparse compared to before. In fact manga can spend months without casual interaction and just have battle specifics.

But best girl never wins, user.

I’ve watched every yugioh series from beginning to end and I cannot fathom how anyone can honestly claim Zexal was good. Any anime where you have to sit through an entire first season before things get even close to worth watching is embarrassing

Why would you watch YGO, a show literally about characters and their friendships being a main part of the stories to the point where they make speeches about it and a fundamental part of Kaz's philosophy when he was making the manga, and not expect interaction?

Give me three reasons why I should have any hopes on future YGO Rivals.

Attached: Three Reasons.png (743x418, 178K)

That’s funny because 5ds was still boring as fuck even with the animation and OST backing it up in the second half of the series

5 I guess. I really enjoyed a handful of select duels in Vrains but other than that as an overall package it's pretty mediocre. Final impressions are still overall more amicable than Arc-V at least.

I only had a problem with Yuma in the first half, the rest of the characters were fine.

Just because there's speeches doesn't mean there's a ton of casual interactions. It's usually conversations just interspersed in duels.

Because Revolver was a good rival. He was just used poorly once he stopped being a villain

Characters are directly related to their decks, which Konami wants to sell. Dull characters = less profit. VRAINS is much worse for the game overall than any other series.

I didn't say there was a "ton" though. I said, 'they existed'
>It's usually conversations just interspersed in duels.
Stuff outside the duels matters too you know? Or else GX would be worthless

Because we found out today that hes literally never experienced friendship irl
I get that Yea Forums is for the antisocial nerd stereotype but someone who's that socially stunted and unable to understand will find it difficult for anyone to play along even in online spaces

It used to be considered the worst but then Arc-V and VRAINS happened.
Besides you already had GX as the series where you had to get through the meh first season before all the good stuff happened.

R-Remember me?

Attached: FirewallDragon-COTD-EN-ScR-1E.png (690x1010, 1.71M)

>He says while tourney attendance and sales are higher than ever
>not to mention competitive viability of Vrains archetypes have been pretty consistently up there
The quality of Vrains: the anime is another question, but physical YGO TCG/OCG is bigger than ever

Does he touch himself with that hand?
PM vs Ai will surely start in 117, then developed in 118 and 119, and finally 120 will have the last turn and epilogue.
They must smoke something very good.
Vulva user on suicide watch.
Revolver was great from Season 1 up to the Windy Duel. Then he just lost more and more screentime with his only highlights being this Duel and the one vs Lightning. I like his Season 2 design more than Season 1's, though.

Soulburner was mediocre, same problem with Revolver that he loses screentime from the Duel with BS and onwards. Design is great too.
Fort is still best Trap.


How could I ever forgot my favourite MC ace of all time design-wise

Attached: 1564447911365.png (844x806, 594K)

Okay but vrains isn't always in duels, there are plenty of episodes where it takes 5-8 minutes to get into a duel. The only difference here is there's not a lot of "just for fun" stuff.

At this point I bet mobile games and the card game alone sell cardboard much more aggressively than the most lukewarm received show on nico

>what is salamangureto
Retard. Don't talk about stuff you know jackshit about.

>cucked by decode talker from the main ace position
>hated by meta decks
>banned IRL
>he only exists to suffer
Being firewall is suffering

You know, just like the manga after it became about card games.

I'm sure at that point in the series Astral was aware of how Yuma would've wanted the world be, and rewrote the universe to fit his ideal.
I can't really say much, as I'm not familiar with someone who has that experience.
Not saying it's bad writing. I could probably use your same argument for the ending of Arc-V, the ending which everyone in Yea Forums collectively hates.
fair enough
>Because Vector was originally kind, before DT influence.
yet he still crossed the line multiple times. I already pointed how he was the only one who went as far as to betray the other emperors.
>Also why would Nasch be happy with the result? He lost but in the end he and his Barian brethren were brought back and were free of Don Thousand's influence.
You forget the core aspect of his character. The fact that he never forgives or forgets. If he was truly revived he would've started fighting against Yuma's side again since Yuma destroyed barian world(well fused everything), and forgave vector. And he would've likely sided with the 'chaos" that we see at the end.

Attached: Ace Monsters.jpg (2048x1152, 416K)

Tournament attendance increase at YCS level is completely unrelated to VRAINS.
2018 is widely recognized by the community as the worst year for competitive YGO ever, and numbers were up.

Do people actually consider the first season of GX as bad? It’s so much fun

Worse first halves tend to have both more dedicated haters and fans. I dont really like gx that much but I kinda see its weird niche appeal

Vrains soundtrack is beautiful though.

Idunno, ask Janime or something

Bleach, FMA, Kuroko, Shingeki, and JoJo all had the best girls winning


I miss Janime

>the only MC with a 2300 main ace
>wingman doesn't count

It used to be considered the worst because not enough people watched it back then and dropped it early

The Seven Stars arc and the SOL filler episodes were pretty entertaining

Arcv was not nearly consistent with how characters reacted to situations and their treatment by the show itself. The main thing ppl complain about with yuya is how he seemed to cycle backwards midway with the start of xyz

First season of GX was so comfy it blows my mind how they’ve never been able to get that type of magic again. Now everything is way too serious or too zany where it’s borderline cringe

Sure thing, but that doesn't change the fact that Vrains hasn't "negatively" impacted the game in any way, especially on the financial front. If by "worse for the game" you mean people mumbling and grumbling about Links/Links era, that doesn't change the fact that there's more people playing than ever either.

You forgot to mention Oreimo, Naruto and Nisekoi.

Lol no?

This was only done because it's not like they can promote physical sales of a banned card. Darkfluid itself is evidence enough that the Firewall series is still Yuusaku's ace(s) for better or for worse.

Attached: FWD-DF.png (622x622, 2.23M)

The side characters and villains were able to salvage it from being a complete train wreck just in time

It's because it's got a lot of really weird filler duels in it.

Shark's dilemma was that he never could get full insurance about it astral world will come after barians or not if they hold the nuke. If yuma won (basically saying he won the argument) then he has to have faith Yuma's influence is powerful and lasting enough to secure safety since astral becomes god, basically having to trust that Yuma and astral have complete, immaculate, and unbreakable trust between them

Anything you want to say to Revolver's ace monster?

Attached: Vrains 96 Borreload Dragon.jpg (1280x720, 522K)

Wait for October 30th friendo

>This is the only link 5 you will ever get
LINK summon was a mistake

And you're obsessing over an anonymous poster on an imageboard. I guess you're both pretty stunted, huh?

Don 1000 cares about barian world, shark cares if his people get to continue their existence

I miss Rio

Attached: 152c884447fea40a8503b14c1b456711.jpg (600x929, 68K)

VRAINS is officially the worst YGO era ever.
>MC's ace is so broken it rips the physical game apart and has to eventually get phased out of the anime so that it can be banned in the real game
>anime is boring and has boring characters
>barely any anime decks get printed
>anime gets axed
>physical game is filled with stale metas thanks to most sets being mediocre to shit
>FTK year with 3-4 FTK decks entering the meta, handloops and pseudo-FTKs (Knightmare Extra Link, Utopic Zexal, Rhongobongo)
>TCG refusing to import Link VRAINS Pack cards to let weaker decks function under MR4

Attached: She's currently making Raku and Chitoge's wedding cake.png (285x323, 35K)

I still don't care about shark.

I liked his design more than any other borrel

Attached: autistic screeching.gif (500x285, 3.09M)

I guess, but I can still see why people want to see closer friendships in yugioh. I just dont get why an actual genuine antisocial wants to play contrarian on an anime thread about badbyugioh anime

Best girl's theme. Shame it only played like once in the show.

Yuusaku and Ai's duel better look at least this good as well

I dont see your point for Vector. We know that he was a good person before Don Thousand changed his memory and he even had a change of heart and let go of Yuma instead of dragging him to his death at well. In the end he changed to somewhat neutral or good person, to Yuma at least.
Also Nasch was fighting for his people, no matter what form they have. That's why he became a Barian on his own will. Since his people became human/denizens of the combined Astral-Barian world why would he keep on fighting. Also this

If GX was airing today, people would hate the show for how they handled Misawa

Attached: Bastion_Duel_Monsters_Spirit_Day.jpg (640x512, 55K)

You forgot that we will never get a link 6, 7 and 8

Man GX got so much hate for being "random XD school for card games" and also being the first spinoff. Now people wax lyrical about it. Stuff like this is why I roll my eyes at anyone shitting over the newer series. It's like a dumb endless cycle.


Attached: 601.jpg (938x477, 58K)

Yes, the currently airing series is generally hated by many.

Didn't he help save the Academia in one of the alternate dimensions back in S3?

>hated by meta decks
no it was hated because it was played in meta decks while also being played in rogue decks

Nice image of a blue sky you got there

Eh dont hope too much

That goes for every character that's not Jaden. But yeah, Bastion got it the fucking worst. Doesn't even appear in S4.

>no it was hated because it was played in meta decks while also being played in rogue decks
Exactly it changed the game to summon firewall shit x and more firewall

>Saved the people and the city
>Got thicc, muscular Amazonian pussy
>Had a great sendoff
Why are you still pushing this retarded meme?

except GX always had the wacky randomness factor. VRAINS has nothing to go for it, people will never feel nostalgic for a series this bland and soulless.

Attached: soulburner gets blasted.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

>>physical game is filled with stale metas thanks to most sets being mediocre to shit
This should be more of an ARC-V thing.
>physical game is filled with stale metas thanks to most sets being mediocre to shit because konami started backpedalling on the powercreep because the previous era was OP as shit

>get amazon pussy
Incels everywhere

youtu.be/XeeRD4pjZ6Y playmaker storm accesses for powercode and some big green dragon appears in the background. Is this a dropped plotline? It's not darkfluid btw.

Attached: JPEG_20190517_081259.png (1024x1024, 667K)

Crazy link strategies.

First season 6 the rest 3

All the spinoffs did.
>5Ds got hate for CARDGAMES ON MOTORCYCLES but now people love it
>Zexal got hate because of Yuma being retarded but now people love it
Same shit'll probably happen to late ARC-V and VRAINS 5-10 years from now.

GX had some growing pains from it's first season but these days people have way way better feelings for it due to it's second and third seasons.

Vrains will never have this

Speak for yourself. The show hasn't ended yet and I already know I'll miss it.

Playmaker is the dragon.

That’s a big ass reach but she’s still great
The fuck am I reading?

Wasn't that powercode's figure

I will for Yuusaku's final turn against Bohman. In fact, any of Yuusaku's final turns with Noh at the helm have been great

Attached: Playmaker Drawing.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

>Yuusaku and Ai at a duel stadium in PV
>cuts to PM and Ai
Fuck, no real life duel?

And The World God Only Knows.

See you in 10 years and be prepared to eat your words. I've seen this exact thing play out for every series.

I don't think it's going to happen for Arc-V because it will always be the lowest ranked series in Japan probably forever and if someone brings that up or the NicoNico stuff, discussion of what happened to the series will start up as well.

Plus, I think unlike other series, watching it in burst swill not make it better

Because it's the cool thing to like things "ironically" these days. Ppl just jumped on the GX meme bandwagon.

I remember when Chazz was a very divisive character, now everyone wants to act like them loved him from the beginning. GX Dub was notorious and hated among the community, but irony and memes gave it a second chance among the fandom.

It's a shame ppl have to hide behind "irony" to like stuff these days.

DM and Zexal did that too but I don’t see your stupid asses saying anything about them

No it's just for flashiness
Storyboarders arent going to mind read writers for every little planned detail

Not now, Aoi, the adults are talking

>not remembering trickstars

Attached: sweetguitar.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Yeah you're right. What I thought were wings are just powercodes massive shoulders. Thanks for clearing up

>I remember when Chazz was a very divisive character,
Wasn't this because of the dub and he sounded like a prick? Manjoume SANDAA when GX got fully subbed was always enjoyed

Fuck off

What was so divisive about Manjoume again?

In the anime everybody got what they deserved.

I still dont like early Yuma, I just think he came up much better by the third cour or so

We don't remember useless shit

>Asuka x Chazz will never be a thing
And that's why you should never ship characters in a childrens card game commercials

That was only before the show aired

And people still love the first 64 episodes but the common thought is still "After Dark Signers it goes downhill". Hell, everybody still hates Crow

I don't remember that theme ever playing in the show at all. A few tracks on ZeXal's sound duels never seemed to be used in the show.

Do things have to be sky striker level to be useful now?

I remember Trickstar, but no one's going to remember Blue Jobber. In fact, Vrains archetypes will very likely outlive their anime duelists.

>useless shit
daily reminder that was aoi was a world champion

It played when she fought Shark and used Zereort.

Based. That last turn was amazing.

People will remember Aoi transforming at least.

Her deck was, not her


Attached: 68792010_p0.jpg (4093x2894, 1.2M)

Here's a completely pointless trivia, Vrains is the first ever ygo anime to ever showcase a Dinosaur archetype

>remembering the useless trash that is aoi

Anons of Yea Forums, you have great rage in your heart...

Attached: Red Lantern Ring.jpg (425x466, 32K)

I guess the only useful card in arc-v was plushfire.

stop playing duel links and actually pay attention to what happens to the game

Attached: Blue Maiden Transformation.webm (480x270, 1.96M)

Attached: Darkfluid.webm (666x372, 2.96M)

No, Yea Forums, please.

Bohman was final boss of show, This arc was just one long epilogue. Ai is ceremonial duel

This episode was fucking great. Why are you fags arguing over nonsense instead of celebrating it?

Color war yugioh when?

that's not true a lot of performapal and performages got hit or banned

Sky Striker screams "anime deck" so much I am surprised it wasn't featured in the anime.

Attached: SkyStrikerManeuverVectorBlast-SOFU-EN-SR-1E.png (476x696, 711K)

She was?

Because of the early ending drama putting anons on edge, I guess

This is not Magic, user. Vrains could have pulled that with the AIs but they were not even trying.

Links were honestly a mistake.

>Sky Striker screams "anime deck"
no it doesn't just because it has a cute cyber terrorist in it doesn't mean it has a place in the show plus the duel writers don't know the combos the deck has

iirc, also the one to give a new dinosaur fusion in a bajillion years.

You know who else is world champion?

Attached: 1472965289148.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Because the show is ending extremely prematurely so very little of this matters. The last battle will be Yusaku vs. Ai and we basically know how it's gonna end at this point

We already hailed Noh. Theres not much to say after saying hes great as usual

So only gumblar and firewall are considered useful by you guys? Damn I guess useful means nonstop bitching.

It's that time of day when shitposters wake up. I've noticed it for a few weeks now but these past few days are particularly bad.

I mean in how it's about one character changing mecha suits and taking actions. It would look really nice animated.

Attached: BorrelswordDragon-CYHO-EN-ScR-1E.png (479x700, 791K)

Just a couple weeks ago it was peaceful besides the revolver spammer.

trickstars won the 2018 worlds user aoi will live on in the minds of the anti-aoi fags Rent free for ever


yes but seeing the writers botch the way it's played would be hard to watch

>vrains apologists spend half a thread trying to shit on Zexal and failing
If you guys really want vrains to not be the worst entry in the public eye, aim for easy and smart targets like Arc-V

I feel it is not only one this time, honestly. The news sure attracted a lot of haters.

Hes always here anyway as a constant so you can neglect to mention him

>it will always be the lowest ranked series in Japan probably forever
it literally got beaten this year

Also a new Dinosaur Synchro and Tuner after 5D's era
Yeah, Dinosaurs as a type got the short end of the stick when it comes to the Extra Deck generally

Same, I'd love to see these get released. Plus maybe they could also get some new cards in the process.

It's like you are not even following the thread. Get glasses.

It's been 3 and I still dont like arc v. Arc v apologists like that avatarfag have always been consistent about their stance but I haven't seen anyone flip their opinions

KF2 is not as bad as ARC-V. It stole ARC-V's deserved worst rated spot because of obsessed nips wanting to take revenge.

>This episode was fucking great.
It really was. I find the best time to discuss an ep is usually an hour or two after the subs drop.

It is really odd that something that is going great out of a sudden fall in disgrace like arcV and that animals anime did. Luckily it didn't take long that arcV lose the lowest ranked episode.

I meant lowest-ranked YGO series specifically but if anything the association with KF2 makes it worse

The issue is not the episode. Nobody is saying this episode was bad. The issue is the larger more relevant problem of the show getting cancelled and no YGO7 announced

This episode specifically, the directing of sound and visuals was really damn good, it's a wonder that the the visual artists can care so much but writers cant be assed

Hey, guys, I love all ygo series!!! Except season 0

3 episodes for pic related. HYPE.

Attached: Ai hugging Yusaku.jpg (1875x1250, 92K)

You will remember him. The boss monster to win the most.

Attached: cyberse clock dragon .png (853x482, 478K)

>no YGO7 announced
YGO7 is already confirmed for April 2020

What is really a mistery is how no one at NAS realised arcV's story was so fucking stupid in the last two arcs.

No, he's ugly. The quasimodo of yusaku's ED

Hard to forget when he's genuinely had a great showing. Plus he's been the Yuusaku Cyberse/CT deck OTK ace for a while in the TCG until Darkfluid drops.

Then you'll remember him for that.

We're just letting out all our rage and anger for the next three weeks before we go six months without a ygo

The writers do care, or at least, I'm very convinced there's a staff member who's really into puzzles/crypto stuff because of all the hidden messages that they didn't have to put effort into but did.

I guess their brains were too fried and stressed, or the series composer actually did on purpose since ono went MIA. But ebina and noh were at the top of their game regardless so idk what their excuses are

>tfw Soulburner's Burning Draw would've been a dead card if Zeroboros had it's TCG text

Attached: TopologicZeroboros-SDRR-EN-UR-1E.png (674x984, 1.63M)

>RIP he kept winning

Show me them old/existing card usage

Attached: Cost Down.png (1280x720, 826K)

>YGO7 is already confirmed for April 2020

I've seen this mentioned a few times now. What's the difference between the OCG and TCG text and how much did it affect the duel?

I'd say KF2 is on par with Arc-V in terms of how bad it is. The extended lore even ruins the first season everyone enjoyed so much.

Yoshida's a nerd.

>cute cyber terrorist

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OCG Text is Zeroboros returning to the field after the standby phase of the next turn instead of the owner's standby phase. Also, Burning Draw has to rely on a Link monster on the field to activate it.

My terrorist cannot be this cute!

Are you fucking serious?

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>5ds at the top
Fucking nostalfags.

Attached: Cute dragonmaid.jpg (1095x1645, 218K)

Attached: topologic zeroboros.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)


Not an archetype

it's too bad raye couldn't stop salamangreats from winning this year's worlds


Low zexal so it's tied with 5ds and it'll be right.

EP19-JP068 冥王結界波 Dark Ruler Barrier Wave (TCG: Dark Ruler No More)
Normal Spell Card
Neither player can activate monster effects in response to this card’s activation.
(1) Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn, also, for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, your opponent takes no damage.
>begining of the slow age

Next you'll post ryuzaki.

Boomer nostalgiafag ratings.

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Thanks user. That's a pretty huge difference to have between versions.

Fucking beautiful

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I fucking hate Extra Pack month.

Dragon Maids anime> shit > ygo anime

ArcV sucked at the end I'll give you that. Vrains was consistently average with some ups and some downs but overall I enjoyed all the YGO series and can't bring myself to call any of them "bad" as a whole.

Attached: ArcV pSYcho art.jpg (2655x1973, 736K)

Based tewart saving the meta

Attached: Kevin_Tewart_with_the_best_monster_ever.png (640x473, 531K)

You are idealizing an Dragonmaid anime too much, mate. Remember that it would have lots of YGO elements within it.

Fuck Tewart for making the new gadgets so shit. There better be more in CHIM

The fact that it is being packed to the OCG so quickly shows that it had to be a desition taken by both TCG and OCG to slow down the game.

Didn’t he have Tyrannos or some shit?

No! You're wrong! How fucking DARE you not shit and whine on Vrains, the worst and most soulless YGO ever made and then declare that you thought Arc-V was so much better!

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>imaging archetype that can summon from the banished zone
Everybody would use macro cosmos

Because he wasn't the generic edgy rival, his Ace Monsters were the Ojamas, was a joke character, and he wasn't a plot relevant character like Kaiba or had a deep rivalry with Jaden akin to Kaiba/Yugi.

Attached: IMG_1371.jpg (720x960, 43K)

Its not archetype, its not even a series, its like calling "Dragon" an archetype

I think they're just talking about the dragon maid anime that already exists.

Wow a bunch a desperately needed anti meta cards at secret rare, thank you for making these so easily available konami.

Needs to be more sensible anons like you around imo. Also cool creepy art.

It's for Duel Links.

Can't be because that one's called Maidragon.

That shit sucked ass. It is extremely dumb and cringe. Not even the good animation saves it.

Attached: not this one baka.jpg (640x432, 88K)

How would fondling her tits feel like?

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Pure Thunder Dragon

I mean they were the only dinosaur deck that got printed until now


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fuck off kaiba

Yeah but they're still not an archetype unless you really wanna call Cyberse an archetype

You idiot, that's because dons magic cursed them to be as evil as they were good.
Vector was an extremely good person before and so he became extremely bad

Who would you reproduce with?
But Kaiba chased the Pharaoh in the afterlife just to get his D.

Attached: EC4nH_9U8AAv4pu.jpg (1032x768, 200K)

kaiba only cares about dragons user him chasing after atem is just him being autistic

He did nothing wrong.

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If the first episode didn't have dueling, will the last?

>chase after the pharaoh and not want his D
He used his entire fortune to get alive in the Egyptian afterlife and you call that not homo?

In which way was Revolver being an obstacle to Soulburner as everybody was masturbating to.
He literally lost to a single equip spell.

>will the last?
I hope the last episode is a recap just so that I can get a good kek!


wanting to beat someone badly is not homo

Why can I actually see this happening?

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There's no production left to save for.

Its really dumb, when the other characters dueled, I don't think they ever were put into a overly advantageous position with literally just one card like SB did. Revolver literally had to draw the right cards and do some really obtuse plays just to get over it.

This one is weird as fuck.

GX was never hated in the community, revisionist-kun. Neither was the dub. In fact the theme song is constantly said to be one of the best 4Kids ever made

Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard

Didn’t like SB much but these last two duels he was part in were great. Both had me on edge of tears, I really can’t imagine what awaits in the Ai one

Oh man I can already see furture anons posting
>Arc-V was never hated in the community

post more dub

>Vrains was never hated in the community

Why wait?

Arc-V was never hated in the community, revisionist-kun. Neither was the dub. In fact the theme song is constantly said to be one of the best Konami Cross Media ever made

Vrains might have not been the best, but in no way was it hated. I don’t think anyone is happy that it’s getting an early ending

yeah and fuck duel links for being an excuse to make archtypes shit.

Aoi can forget all of this with a hotdog.

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Vrains was never hated in the community, revisionist-kun. Neither was the dub. In fact, the theme song is constantly said to be one of the best Konami Cross Media ever made.

>I don’t think anyone is happy that it’s getting an early ending
Yeah I honestly just want some solid confirmation already. Episode summary spoilers anything. This thing is gonna have me felling antsy and on edge for a month.

Dub was very much so hated. They hated the replacements of OST and taking away the seriousness of the Darker aspects of the series.

It's dead, no point believing anything else.

It was fitting though.

Right. Don’t know where he got that from. Go to Pojo forums and look at the threads from 10 years ago and you’ll see there wasn’t any blatant hate for GX. Just a bunch of losers asking for 4Kids to dub the 4th season.

Zexal was the one that was hated and is now getting some type of ironic love because people think 4 character who all end up getting killed off suddenly can make a series worth sitting through

Still not gonna have peace of mind until I see that ending 終 in the spoilers.

and here's piggu

Attached: piggu.png (183x254, 63K)

What the meaning of this post?
Is it a new meme?

I think if you look at Yea Forums threads from the end of the gx era they're not very receptive. Of course most yugioh threads were just people trying to get fives.

>ironic love
Just because the main character at the start is a low point doesn't mean the show is bad.

I love that theme.

Actual Yugioh threads as a regular thing didnt start until your turn threads towards the end of zexal
Then it was a small number of people watching very early arc v before snowballing from there, partly from suddenly seeing yugioh has a more regular presence on Yea Forums

I don't know about the other Zexal anons but I only started liking it after giving it a chance years later.

I unironically like zexal
That doesnt mean I love every little aspect about it

I think the biggest consus we got here is that VRAINS is not particularly awful but simply very boring and uncreative at many occasions.


I love GX but I also knew many people who hated it because it was too goofy.
I expect they would have liked the 3rd and 4th but they never gave it enough of a chance to get there.

This duel was Revolver helping Soulburner cope with Vrains ending, kino

Yeah, I tried making a couple of episode threads on Yea Forums for Zexal and then for early Arc-V.
Holy fuck were they dead.

Also Zexal didnt really have consist subbing so I had to watch it mostly RAW.

>ironic love
Pretty narrow minded of you to think that way. I binged DM to the end of Zexal S1 in one shot and loved every bit of them all.

What nonsense are you spouting?

Don't do that you fucking idiot

>Also Zexal didnt really have consist subbing so I had to watch it mostly RAW.
Same. People seem to forget that getting consistent timely subs helps a lot with momentum. I remember having to watch chinese subs for zexal because those would come out first before eng subs.

Burn in hell

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Yeah no. I dont like children

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