Blind girls in anime and manga?
Blind girls in anime and manga?
She must've been vigorously touching GS's face when he was unconscious
if she's blind how did she write the sign
Someone else did, duh.
she open her blindfold to unblind herself duh
She wrote it before she was blinded, duh.
Do you not have a sign prepared in case you lose your eyesight and your home?
if they can't see you, then they definitely can't gauge whether you're an ugly bastard or not
She is blind?
I watched Darker Than Black two times and didn't realised Yin was blind
I thought she was just an "empty" autistic girl
Wait... was this /shota/ also blind?
Were all the Dolls blind???!!!
They are a miracle of the universe.
>Yin was blind
>/shota/ also blind?
For real!?
Wow, rude.
>Yin was blind
Wait, what?
>not watching the OVA leading up to Hobo Hei
I see what you did there.
In her case, she doesn't really need her eyes to sense the enemies.
uh, forgot to quote
Dolls are blind because they lose their vision in exchange for stupidly powerful esper powers.
It really sucks when the cataract is a genetic thing.
It's not as rage inducing when you can't hear it.
Is not blind...
She just sucks at aiming.
how cna she speak if shes blind
She has her hearing aid for that.
>mfw they kill the loli
spoiler me.
When they say she is blind?
Learn English, Pablo.
Fun fact
Chinese beggars are part of begging gangs and it's not abnormal for them to kidnap kids then mutilate them (i.e. cutting off their legs or blinding them) so people will have more sympathy for them when they beg.
Never give money to an asian beggar
>Never give money to an asian beggar
never give money to beggars, ever.
>mfw hearing the fucked-up shit people have done with those beggar schemes
The assassin in Samurai Champloo.
*jerks-off into her donation bowl*
MC teach some kids in slum, they had good time. Then next episode, those kids got killed by explosion because apparently everyone hate them.
I don't event know what's the point of that. Also that blind girl survive since she's not part of the class.
Imagine the possibilities
You could grope her, feel her all over, and she would never know who did it
Oh, I thought you meant the blindloli got killed off in the LN, ESL-kun.
She's partly deaf, not blind you BAKA
Manga about a blind girl and a delinquent
>jazz for your soul
Anything to avoid an honest days work. I get that there often aren't enough jobs to go around but I don't get why these people don't just go into theft or something
Look, a blind and helpless woman
Why did she became ugly in the second part?
Best girl.
I don't believe
this anime is "ded lolis:The anime" after all
Well, LN is also dead.
It's part of human nature. If there's opportunity then there will be someone to throw themselves on it.
Would you let a blind girl touch your face?
A soda tab. What a fucking cock.
Wait, really?
She's not actually blind. It's like she's looking through a thick haze.
Please understand the author user. You can only write "The Loli Killing LN" for a while before it completely destroys your soul.
all of them after seeing you
I always thought she was just crippled, and the eyes were something like her brothers.
And in probably shittest anime ever existed.
Wait, really?!
She has an eyehack which give her 360 degrees x ray vision over 20km.