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>great story
>good pacing for a shonen, namely, the end is not in sight
>great animation
>best op of the year
>best girl

Best boy as well

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Its pretty good, I like it more than BNHA.

samefag making multiple bait threads for his shounenshit

Hello r/eddit

>no incest
Yeah, no.

Wow, I thought there would be incest

>great story
>good pacing for a shonen, namely the end is not in sight
>great animation
>best op of the year
>best girl
if by best girl you mean shinobu then yes


but if it makes it to season two and ufotable still does it

that will easily be some of the best shit to come out of the last decade

I got bored and quit after episode 6. Should I keep going?

The animation is great I guess but aside from that this series is nothing more than a basic shounen.

Dropped it after Cringosuke was introduced. picked it up again after the ep 19 hype. Its not that bad, I give it a solid 7/10

Eh, I might pick it back up. I try to give shonen series a little more time to get going.

brother sister pedo


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Its literally bokunopico macademia but executed well with a better and more interesting setting

god you are delusional

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Mangafags where are you? Will there be less demon sympathy bullshit?
The show keep acting like i should feel bad for demon that murder hundred human

Based sun Bro next season

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N-No laconic yaiba haters, we were supposed to be too smart for this show

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It's going to have twice as much now

You should. They were once humans too.

>>best girl
who are you referring to and explain your reasoning

>More interesting setting
>It's just vampire shit with samurai

>this dude murdered my whole family but i feel bad for him since hes human like me
Empathy has its limit, user. No sane person would actually feel bad for a demon that's killed many.

When will they fuck?

>Bland story
>Forgettable character archetypes
>Clichéd shounenshit plot
But it has good animation and flashy fights with screaming voice actors so AOTY!!!!1!!!
I swear the bar for you shounenfags is always so low.

These types of Yea Forums bait threads are made to encourage fighting among fandoms.
Stupid newfags fall for it every time.

>muh Yea Forums
You the newfag here retard

> people bitching about O MY ROTOSCOPE DAD
> but no one talks about nezuko asspull
one job shitposters, one job.....

Attached: nezucute.jpg (458x458, 38K)

I'm enjoying symphogear more.

This is the correct choice
>Finale to the biggest underdog series of the decade
>Managing to close up all the loose ends of the previous four seasons
>The music is better than ever
>Easily the best animation of the season (KnY 19 is a single episode yet XV has managed to have stellar animation in each episode)
>8 episodes in and there's already been two fights that have felt like they're fit for the season finale

Most anime dream of having even an ounce of the soul Symphogear XV has.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.20_[2019.08.23_17.52.46].jpg (1280x720, 110K)


Never. Go back to your hentai.

in manga very few demons got sad flashbacks, hand demon didn't have a flashback, kyougai's flashback lasted two panels, spider sister didn't have flashback, and rui's flashback lasted few pages
anime will probably add original flashbacks anyway
second season shouldn't have any flashbacks until its second half
the final boss of second season is going to condemn tanjiro saying "you humans are the true evil" and then his flashback will reveal that he was piece of shit even as a human

Go back to

That's the wrong picture.
Fire force is AOTY

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He chops their heads off first without even blinking, user. You and others seem to forget that. He reminisces about their human past, not their monster self. Plus he has Nezuko, though she doesn't hurt anyone besides demons.

Nezuko is the exception, she hasn't killed a bunch of humans as far as im aware. Even if Tanjiro chops their heads off instantly, the author still sends the message of having sympathy for mass murderers by giving them tragic backstories.

Look at this normalfag