Well, hasn't it?

Well, hasn't it?

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lol no

not at all

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What about men? What happens to them?

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Sure, why not

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They ask too many questions and then get confession.

I've been having a good time

Well FUCK you then buddy

heh no, fuck this meme life I was born in

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You have aroused my interest.


Everyday i pray to God to end me but he doesnt listen.

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If getting bullied constantly in middle school and half of high school, plus getting molested at the ages of 8 and 12 by two separate people, then sure it's been great.

It's not life fault that you too much of a faggot user

Based and funpilled

As much as i agree with you, come on man, have some pity for the poor user.

It's been better than when I wasn't living

Disagree, I miss the void

What's the void like?

Eh I didn't really feel anything about it

Not a joyful rude but a pretty calm one i give my thanks
It's better than selling my ass to Western tourists in thailand, Living in a country with a thought police like UK,getting cucked by Rapefuges while no one bats an eye Or getting shot in school,a mart or the cinema.
Being a neet is cool but not very luxurious im glad i can live peacefully minding my own business.
But i would be lying if I'd say i never thought about suicide.
It wasn't bad but it wasn't great either ...you can't have everything i guess

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Life gets me down sometimes, but there's a lot of things I'd miss if something happened.

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Yeah life has been pretty great so far. Good job and enjoying my hobbies.

Life is good, just graduated so no job yet, waiting for the ceremony.
Gonna travel to Japan with my family after the ceremony then start looking for a job next year.
I hope you guys find many happiness in life, it suck sometime but i wanna see the end of this road.

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Life has its ups and downs. We're sentient bags of meat and bones on a rock flying through space.

Buddhism has helped me let go and enjoy life a little more, though.

Is that a different TL or am I just retarded?

Sometime living in a not at the bottom third world is good, pretty comfy unlike first world where shit happen everyday.

Most people here follow buddhism, seem cool, i sometime visit the temple.

In the west there are a lot misconceptions about it. A lot of people think there is reincarnation and all of that but that is hinduism. And karma just basically means cause and effect; not some sort of point system that some mysterious accountant keeps track of.

I have never lived

I certainly can't complain. I've been afforded enough in life that I have a well-founded belief that I might be able to effect a positive change for those who come after me, and that is all I can really ask for. Nice cars and big houses are transitory and petty when compared to a legacy which you might even have a chance to observe while you're still living, of course I won't turn down all three.

Really my only issues are with myself and my inability to feel positive emotions. I have immense difficulty empathizing and it annoys me to no end.

Do not lost your hope user, i know the good times will come, i'm waiting for the good times too

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How does one know if they're really alive?

By dying

could be worse, if i had rolled worse i could be dying of cholera in a third world shithole.
pity its all absolutely meaningless.

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Fucking shit i have had a nothing life like mangetsu but im not a loli im a faggot who does drugs

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Kind of. I wish I'd died from my aortic aneurysm back in 2013. Nothing has gone right since. I was at peace with dying, dammit! And then I woke up! Don't get me wrong. I'm not suicidal at all, but still...

Only the first 15 or so years and even then only kind of sometimes

There are 2 TLs

Wish I could die

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That's the third one I've seen. First one was the Yea Forumsnon TL someone typeset, then whatever OPs TL is, and then the official English release TL. They're all basically the same aside from what word they use to describe having lived/been alive.

It is not easy but i can do it because i am not fucking bitch made. You fucking faggots need to grow a fucking pair

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It's alright. although it isn't the best, I have to make do with what I have and finish my list b4 it's 2 late

>pity its all absolutely meaningless
I find it rather calming to think that there is no inherent meaning. if there isn't some big goal for it all then we could do whatever we want in life and enjoy it as best we can.

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Actually yes.

Apart from breaking my elbow yesterday, I have not a lot to complain about.

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It's only a game. Why do you have to be mad?