Shokugeki no soma

Finale releases in 24 hours. Commemorative best girl + best ship thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hope Tsukuda never gets to make another manga ever again.

so is he forever her manservant in the end?

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Smfh I want the hentai spinoff I was promised

Let Tosh handle that never, Shueisha would never let that happen.

Seems like it. He seems alright with it though. Alice always had top energy.

She looks beautiful, and owns an inn at 25. I wasn't expecting anything, but Tsukuda came through.

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>tfw no true orgy ending
why live?

Megloomy a shit
Alice a best

I wanted her to be travelling the way she was shown to be globe-trotting in high school, but I don't mind this at all. She seems to be doing well among her cohort.

Also-- she's so pretty and elegant now, but she couldn't lose the braid? Megumi with her hair down >>>>

Megumi, and Alice are both a best.

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Imagine trying to pick a fight with Megumifags when Alice is 95% of our second pick. Stop dividing ranks.

The real evil is Erinafaggotry.

weren't you an erinafag or was that another tripfag?

It's almost time for us mangafags to finally be freed.


haven't been following for a while, what happened to stinky girl

>to stinky girl
the stalker chick? she hasn't been seen in years

I'm gonna miss this cast so much, you guys.

Truly, deserved better.

She was in the gallery at BLUE, but that's all anyone's seen or heard from her in hundreds of chapters.

I think Tsukuda legitimately forgot about her.

I'm a namefag and I've been saying for some years that Megumi is shit compared to X character(except meat because she is the second shittiest one)

They all died in the middle of the Central Arc as far as I'm concerned.
I miss them.

you're entitled to your wrong opinion, user.

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Wouldn't be the first time he forgot something.

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>tsukuda now hates his fanbase
>fags are expecting a good ending

just watch when he ends with his childhood friend

The half-assed romance is something I legitimately don't care for though.

wow truly best girls

I'd genuinely be ecstatic if he ran over his own series like this.

so Tosh is finally free?

So which characters would you say have the best endings that we know of? (We're still missing some of the Jewel Gens like Giganigga etc)

Same, the only ending I want is everybody's more fleshed out endings except the characters named Erina and Soma

I want a original h-manga with a Hishoko lookalike

>still one of the best hype moments

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Shinomiya, as long as this final chapter doesn't shoehorn something stupid for him.

Souma and Megumi's friendship > Sorina.

I'm pissed we never got to see this ship.

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Soma/Erina combo hardly ever interacted with Shinomiya who was the chad of the series. By default they lose against the Soma/Megumi combo

Good, and I say this as a Megumifag. The only Megumi romance I'd accept is one Tsukuda is committed to, and doesn't half-ass.

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Watertight logic, user.

Also, Souma and Megumi actually had a funny character dynamic lmao. They have a combined brain cell count of 3 together it's endearing as fuck.

I never really cared for Megumi and Takumi together but I see the appeal now

On one hand, I agree.


>Best girl
Why did you smir shit all over where Rindou's pic shoud be, then?
>best ship
Again, where is Tsukasa x Rindou in your pic related?

They are the cutest.

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Alice is great. Memegloomy a T-rex sized shit.

finally you see the light, user

For what? Look at how he developed his main ship. The guy can't write romance for shit.

I don't remember them having any significant moments together that could be used as fuel for a ship.

They would've had the best chemistry ever. Don't even @ me.

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Soma and Erina bombed so fucking hard for me (not that I was rooting for them in the first pace) that Takumi and Megumi, who's had 0 love relationship development is endearing now


Can't we dream, user? Also they had a moment or two in the extra material, afaik. I'll try and pull something up.

Italian boy and Japanese gal? Sign me the fuck up. Takumi would be flustered if caught off guard but we know he's going to be romantic af and treat Megumi good

I hope to fucking god there's going to be more 25 year old Megumi panels

Cause they don't, but it's not like that matters. For some shippers, all two characters need to do is stand alongside each other and that's enough fuel. I even saw one person say that they should get together cause they have the same color scheme-yellow and blue.

I can't believe no one got together. These boys and girls went to school for 3 years together and none of them developed romantic feelings for each other? Hell even if Soma and Erina didn't get together, I thought that at least Tsukasa and Rindo or Momo/Saito would be a thing but not even side characters like them got anything.

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The chapter is 38 pages supposedly. It's not fully out.

>Italian boy and Japanese girl
That only happens in female-written series, like Blend S.

>should be canon at this point
Tsukuda failed to deliver and decided to waste chapter 2 on a weak sauce flashback and (Ass)ahi

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What are you talking about, everyone's favorite pair Hayama and Jun are canon h-haha.

They genuinely have the best fucking character dynamic in the series. Based Shino.

Would Jun really marry Hayama though? Didn't she view him as a song?


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what's his name again?

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They look cute together man.

His character sheet said his "type" was a girl with grace and elegance.

Megumi means grace in Japanese.

Coincidence? I think the fuck not.

Also she has geisha imagery associated with her or whatever.

Enough of this foreplay, give it to me for real.

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>Also she has geisha imagery associated with her or whatever.
Literally what?

I thought it ended already

Ngl I hope we see them in the finale running a bbq joint together or something.

and a ching chong nip nong to you too young lady

Where's my Giganigga.

Remember "miss geisha" and all the inn mistress shit from the hot spring arc?


he probably doms her in the bedroom though. at her request.

what does this mean lol

el hermano

Only with his bandanna on.

we need more of them but unfortunately the author has this notion that Soma and Erina are the superior ship when in fact, they are the ranked last

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Post the link. I wanna see what the nips are saying.

Good fucking lord I want to marry her and start a family.

You've doomed this thread with a shitty op

I can't believe some people actually ship based shino with the mizuhara dyke lmao

She's such prime real estate it's not even funny anymore.


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a bunch of it got translated here -
but here's the thread -

Blame Tsukuda for making that one omake.

lil gay to call a cum. i mean cream-covered megumi shitty, user.

wait is this an official copy? just let me know so i can drop this manga from my memory.

Megumi turned into a BABE, my god she's so fucking beautiful??

Character fates

Still an assistant to Erina
A boss
A literal butler
A teacher and married
Serving Hinako
Serving Hinako
Still rich as fuck
No one cares
Owns a restaurant
Owns a restaurant
Probably took over the family restaurant with his brother
>Tsukasa, Rindo, Megishima, Momo and Saito
All own 1 star restaurants
Still cooking
A teacher
Been cooking all over the world

We're still missing Mimasaka, Witch girl etc

I can only get so wet.

I haven't read this shit since season 1 of the anime, did megumi and soma fuck yet or what?

No lmao, it's just an edit. They do look like that in the final chapter, though.

I haven't seen a more disappointing ending since. Ever.

Soma was turned into Erina's slave and her family counselor. He lost the flair he had at the start of the series that he doesn't deserve to be with best girl Megumi anymore


>A literal butler

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Megumi only helps Hinako on her free time, she has her inn.
Aldinis have both restaurants on Italy and Japan.
Dog helps out Alice but he supposedly Is working on his own project or something.


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Megumi helps out Hinako. She runs her own Inn and Restaurant.

The rest though. Lmao.

Wonder who Hayama fucked. Hisako? Jun?

Older Takumi is literally just Dimitri from the new Fire Emblem game

yikes, i havent read this in literal years, so this might've changed, but holy fuck erina is such a shit tier girl, I figured they'd bullshit some contrive reason to make her win soma by the end, but "cook slave"
fuck, take me out back and blow my brains out

>Serving Hinako
She has her own inn. Supposedly. Not sure where the info comes from though cause it's not in the spoilers.

He's working in Marine Biology, apparently.


I want to see 25 year old Megumi in the hot spring

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>Tsukasa, Rindo, Megishima, Momo and Saito
>All own 1 star restaurants
Wow they did pretty well for themselves

The resemblance is genuinely uncanny. I don't know why they turned his hair stringy.

>She runs her own Inn and Restaurant.
The spoilers don't say this.

Stinky was one of the kids shown to be hand picked for the jewel generation

I want 25-year old Megumi to put her fucking hair down holy shit. Can you imagine.

It does if you can just read the pages, user.

user said they translated as that in the previous thread

pajeet is now legal and nobody wants an old hag so why not?

Yeah, the melty mozzarella hair is a weird look

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Conclusive proof that Megumi > Erina. I don't take constructive criticism.

dear lord, my imagination isn't strong enough, I need some fanart

Previous thread was deleted.

>Find a woman you want to dedicate your cooking to

Oh god damn it...

>manga full of people stripping and orgasming
>only one who gets married is the indian guy
Checks out

Tbf him and Hayama >>>>> the other jewel gen boys even now, so.

Tsukasa already won the Rindoubowl so whatever.

Is Megumi best girl now?

It's not like there were other contenders. Rindou was horny for the aspie dick since day 1.

>Tadokoro falls to yuri
If this Japanese shitposter is to be believed, Megumi turns to carpet munching.

she's always been best girl

They know the same shit as Is, they are just shitposting because of Hinako.

>DogDog's Bizarre Adventure

Nah Ikumi was always best girl. American Meat is superior to Chink Stink.

it's the truth

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Maybe we should have seen this coming.

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>best anything

She's a chink with a fake tan you moron.

Fuck, I love this spread so much. I miss when Megumi felt more like the heroine.

They do tempura, apparently the gayest cooking.

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>tfw no gangbang hentai based off this spread.
why live?

I hope to god tosh is lurking, please hear our prayers

Looks good ngl. I could go for some right now.

I would do anything to see Megumi in a loving, femdommy orgy. Ever since she whipped that guy at BLUE into submission I've been losing my shit.

same here

>belly button reveal
holy shit I'm sweating buckets

wow the art was so creative and good back then, I miss that

Megumi's always been so fucking underrated.

best girl

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> tsukuda dropped the megumixsouma comfy arcs for the garbage tsundere
Im seething and coping hard bros...

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That's not Dojima.

we got garbage tsundere but at what cost?
>the entire fucking cast


Don't know why, Souma is one of the shittiest MCs I have seen.

shamelessly admitting im an anime only fag for this series, which makes me really far behind.

so the manga is actually ending? for real and for true? do you think they will animate the whole thing, or will they just stop short like spice and wolf? if they do animate the whole thing, how many seasons do you think it will fill?

Who is this ugly chick?

Effing can't wait for Souma and Erina to end up together.

Story became garbage, characters sidelined, whole series is garbage/10. But if they give me one shipping ending, I'll be generous and rate it 1/10.

Erina is short hair is meh. Japan loves her artwork though.

yeah, he started off great, but then he became really repetitive and boring as hell, I'd opt Takumi over him any day

>comfy arcs

the ones where's megumi was useless and was shoehorned into everything for no reason?

for real. The manga actually ended months ago but these are just epilogue chapters, this being the very last one.

No Sorina moment has yet to top this. Embarrassing.

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>Effing can't wait for Souma and Erina to end up together.

user I...

He was alright in the first half when he had challenges he needed to work hard to overcome, but once Azami blew into town he stagnated as a character and a chef because the plot mandated that he was absolutely not allowed to lose.

Hayama is the mc.

Read the rest of my post.

It's funny you say that but despite Megumi being there, the manga was striving but started to dive the moment those comfy arcs took the backseat

>trying this hard to act like he didn't enjoy early shokugeki no soma that was fun and comfy

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holy shit thats wild. thanks for the info!

Megumi is a objectively better character.
What do people see in Erina besides her design?

You mean this moment that ended up... going nowhere?

I like early Soma x Megumi, back when Soma was a likable MC.

Their balcony scene was superior as well in terms of both art and mood

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Believe it dattebayo

>A teacher and married
Who's the bride?

She's a competent chef who never loses, probably.
Megumi grew on me, but it's frustrating that despite her development she was never allowed to win a single important shokugeki. In a series where winning matches is everything it's a big letdown.

yeah, I used to ship them really hard but not anymore. Megumi deserves to be with someone better

She was fantastic at the culmination of her dad's arc. Majority of fans were cheering as her character development came into full swing.

Then El Hermano and Blue arc happened, and Tsukuda reset her character. We went WTF. Only after the arc, she became herself again. I like to pretend the last two arcs didn't happen. She's alright now.

Also, Megumi's put more on the line for Souma than Erina ever has. Risking expulsion, actually fighting off Eizan's goons to buy him time, being his sous chef every time he's needed a hand...

>going nowhere
I don't get what you mean, as in romantic pay-off? Has any moment in this series between two characters ended in some romantic pay-off so far?

This was great too. Early Shokugeki really was a fun read.

>The cherry on top
Megumi never tried or actually prevented Soma from pursuing his dreams which is what Erina did in chapter 2 and got Nikumi to expel him

Shipper glasses user. You could say Sorina Train Scene, Balcony Scene (the part where he was enthralled by her), dedicating her food to her, etc is tons superior. I come in peace btw, as a Sorina fag.

>that scene after soma saves the dorm and megumi is in the middle welcoming him back

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This sole panel triumphs any Sorina scene.

Don't know. We've just seen the ring on his finger from the scans. We'll probably never know either desu

the art in Central-END is abyssal compared what it had before. Megumi and Soma sharing the balcony together plus the kindergarten chapter right after are superior to those scenes you stated combined.

another platonic ship that was superior to the actual pairing. same thing happened in bleach.

> I don't get what you mean, as in romantic pay-off? Has any moment in this series between two characters ended in some romantic pay-off so far?

Yup. Only once there was a pay off, but in the form of crumbs. Souma stares at Erina, dumbstruck by her beauty for one long moment until Erina woke him up. That sealed the deal for almost 99% of Japanese fandom, Sorina fans and the like.

It's shitty writing still, and almost pathetically sad that we had to live off crumbs. Character development wise, Megumi wins the biggest pay off, despite inevitably losing the MC bowl.

Megumi literally has all the waifu qualities

This thread has to be one of the bigger copefests I've seen.

It really is objective user. What's the point of constantly going 'hur hur my balcony scene is better than yours' when both sides love both scenes for what it is? One is a friendship scene, one is a mesmerizing scene. If you wanna duke it out with Tosh's artwork, take it up with him. It's clear his passion for drawing the series dwindled.

>sad that we had to live off crumbs.
You can speak for yourself. Despite not happening, Soma x Megumi had great/cute moments that I can still appreciate.

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what's with WSJ authors and romance. The only good sub-plot romance done actually right was from a sumo wrestling series, hinomaru zumo

Which one is that? Was it Ichigo x rukia? I heard it was the main pairing for a while until author changed his mind?

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>sourgrapes Mehgloomyshitters everywhere
Lmao at your life. Souma can get it off to low cooking power level bitches like gloomy, so cope.

>the i like your cooking, it warms your heart line >>>>> noticing fleeting physical beautiful


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I am speaking for myself bro. Despite Souma/Erina inevitably happening, I can still appreciate their cute moments as well. It's just that for a main pairing, in reaching this point, it's near unacceptable.

I only remember Megumi, who the fuck are the other characters?

>I heard it was the main pairing for a while
It wasn't. Orihime was the only one in love with Ichigo. The outcome was obvious.

tfw Souma and Megumi have the literal same philosophies in life.

There's nothing to cope, dumbass. She lost poorly developed mc, who cares? We only need happiness for Megumi and that's what she got. Owns an Inn at 25 and helps out with an alumni chef

Just because it was obvious doesn't mean it was good.

I don't know user. Maybe authors think that sparse ship teases are a good enough substitute for fleshed out romantic development because the majority of their fanbases come with shipping goggles grafted to their skulls.

I'm just appreciating early Shokugeki, and what came along with it in its final moments.

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Memegloomy was always literal hot garbage. Best girls were Rindou, Alice and Hishoko in that order.

Lol. At least this is better than Onodera, who had to bake a Christmas wedding cake for her crush and rival. Otherwise, they would've went 'my girl is better off without MC!!!'

Who would want a darling like Tadokoro to end up with a crackhead like Souma lmao.

Sakaki, Yoshino, Satou, Aoki, Marui, Ibusaki

Where did I argue it was good? It was pretty much a standard for battle shonen anyways.


Megumi was just a shitty parasite. Old Souma was the one carrying this shit, since stagiare was the manga's peak and it had third best girl Hishoko as Souma's partner instead of tetanus-chan.

Huh? She was literally a maid/mommy to Erina in majority of her panels. The only time she had a personality outside of the caretaker role was when she wasn't glued to Erina, but she was glued to her 98% of the time.

>Stagiare arc sets Hisako up to stand out as an independent chef who had traits other than "Erina's servant"
>development goes in the trash because of Central
Not even a Hisako fag and I'm still mad. What a fucking waste of a perfectly good cast.

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If it makes you feel better Erina almost ended up with her half-brother near the end there.

the manga just kinda glosses right over that it would've been incest

>Old Souma was the one carrying this shit
Not really. The manga did as well as it did for quite some time because of how well everything worked together, and how the story flowed nicely. Good art, interesting cast that got screentime, likable MC you're able to root for, pretty girls, cook-offs that engage readers, etc. Early Shokugeki had it all.

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Megumi's the parasite despite being the one who actually saved her and Souma's asses from getting expelled with her warm-hearted cooking style? The only reason Shino didn't kick their asses out of school was because of her thoughtfulness, not because of Souma's gimmicks.

And she never ever needed help from him after that. She qualified for the top 8 on her own, cleared the buffet challenge incredibly fast and on her own. Got A's after that on her own. Went up against Momo on her own. Got into Beat a Noir on her own. BLUE on her own. Became a globe-trotting Elite 10 member on her own. Asked Asahi to fight her mano-a-mano on her own. Runs an Inn now on her own.

Erina's the one who's a mindbroken damsel in distress half the fucking time lmao.

The manga thrived in spite of lamegumi, not because of her. She was basically just a bystander that reacted to Souma being sugoi. That got stale fast which is precisely why Tsukuda had to mix it up with just as if not better results pairing Souma with other and far more competent girls (meat in the Kaarage arc, Hisako in stagiare).

All of this for one (1) shitty tsundere. Feels bad, bros.

I'm not saying it was just Megumi, it's the arcs as a whole and they were comfy and down to earth, compared to Central and so on

>That got stale fast
So why did he always go back to his original duo?

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>In spite of lamegumi.
My man straight up forgot about the sheer hype of Megumi v Shino.

And the monkfish butchering.

And Megumi v Ryo.

user Big Mad because Erina will never be Souma's confidante or best friend the way Megumi has been for YEARS.

She's STILL his first point of contact.

Megumi was a fucking useless jobber right until the middle-end, where she decides to fucking stand up for herself like what she should've done earlier instead of going 'SOUMA-KUN SOUMA-KUN'

Never even fucking won one single match, and a few where Souma and Erina had to save her. She can go back to running her lol!warm-hearted inn and bake Christmas cakes because she hasn't got enough to stand in the spotlight.

>She's STILL his first point of contact.
Wait, seriously?

dynamic duo, they were a fun tsukkomi and boke combo, too

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You seem mad.

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>Wasting trips on parroting a bunch of subjective statements.
This should be a bannable offense.

I think you need to re-read the manga user

> She's STILL his first point of contact

Really? Since when lol. Wouldn't Erina be the first point of contact since he keeps running to her?

>mehgloomyfags still seething after all these years

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She's the first one he calls-- and then it's Megumi texting everyone else to let them know he's coming home.

Majority of the cast were jobbers though, even Jou.

>where she decides to fucking stand up for herself
She decides to stand up for herself after the Shinomiya events which was chapter twenty something. That's not the middle-end.

And the Erinafags start pouring in

He called Meg first lmao. He can be Erina's significant other and still have a close and exceptional relationship with his best friend.

Where? All we're doing is praising her, and how good early Shokugeki use to be.

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> and then it's Megumi texting everyone else to let them know he's coming home.

Souma texted everyone. Is this about the 'new creation' food? His grandfather had the same message as well lol. And it's why Erina was waiting at the diner...

Megumi's been standing up for herself since the Shino match. What the fuck have you been reading lmao.

When your precious Erina was having a mental breakdown over her half-brother trying to fuck her, it was Megumi who told Asahi to piss off. Take several seats.

>what is Rurouni Kenshin
>what is Psyren
>what is flame of Recca
>what is Busou Renkin
>where did Ichigo a 100% ran
Holy fuck, is this thread kindergarten central or what?

> He can be Erina's significant other and still have a close and exceptional relationship with his best friend.

Original commenter here. Much agreed user.

I should have stated recent shonen manga

how long since we last have a decent Shokugeki doujin? Imagine a series so bad, even the hentai artists are fed up with it.

>tfw you realize Alice won less matches than Megumi

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Megumi's clearly texting in the panel. How come Souma called her specifically, and then texted everyone else? It only makes sense for Megumi to have let everyone know after talking to him on the phone.

I don't think he called anyone. Everyone got a similar text around the same time.

Those grapes are so sour, user.

Psyren was OK but the ending felt so rushed that I forgot how it ended.

Wait, isn't she on the phone with him? If I fucked up reading the panel I'm gonna be so mad.

Souma at least GOT some good doujin. If you want a series still running in Jump with zero doujin see Black Clover. Ziga has more doujin than Black Clover- just think about that.

Souma ain't grapes. Megumi can genuinely do better.

This is why I keep harping on about Takumi Route.

Mehgloomyfags, obviously. Just look at them (YOU) being so retarded that you can't appreciate the fine irony of reminiscing all her "best moments" when they all involve her being a parasite to Souma's panel time.

even KnY have more doujin than Black Clover. I wonder why, is the anime not popular?

lol I think you misread user. Even Kuga was replying: "Sorry sorry Sooooory. I can’t come this time. I’m just about to depart to China~~~” it shows Souma texting everyone.

Imagine being this mad because the series tanked as soon as your waifu came to the fore.

She still has ten times the personality and looks than Mehdoormat does.

Wincest fag here.

When Asahi became Erina's bro, I hardcore ship it.

Don't lie to me, faggots, I know you've been reading hentai wincest doujins like the vets you are.

I DID misread. Sorry lmfao that's on me.

>ust look at them (YOU) being so retarded that you can't appreciate the fine irony of reminiscing all her "best moments" when they all involve her being a parasite to Souma's panel time.
That was just shipping talk though. Not sole character talk.

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>we never got Ryoko or Yoshino doujins

the true loss

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Despite Megumi being my favorite, I always found Ryoko/Alice to be the prettiest of the bunch.

By that logic, wouldn't that make Erina and her Nakiri parents even bigger parasites to Soma's panel time?

Ryoko was the prettiest, hands down. Erina can't even compete.


They didn't even bother giving a love interest something? Whatever

Erina and her crackhead parents were a parasite to the entire fucking manga. I still can't believe how their shit drama dragged the entire thing down until it got the axe.

JC liked lezzing them up so much.

At the end of day, Megumi is always superior to Erina. Both in look and personality.

Why yes, I do think that Erina and all of her drama ruined the manga. In fact I do think the rest of the female cast is far much better than the main "heroine" and is filled with good girls. How could you tell?

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> the manga was a flop since chapter 1
> WJS: we need a studio who hypes black clover, like BNHA or Haikyuu, maybe xebec is a good choi.....
> Flops and the anime until today is still a joke
and some cloverfags on Yea Forums, ironically, defend pierrot's mess , atleast souma had a good season 1

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BC's anime apparently does decent enough numbers? The tank sales aren't mindblowing but they're alright too.

It's just baffling though- because if you have good girls you get doujin and even if I don't think much of BC as a manga it has some pretty hot girls in it.

Tosh doujins

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Is he allowed to do that?

Oh the things that could've been. On the other hand, Tsukada would've butchered her so it's probably for the best that she wasn't the main girl.



There's nothing with Erina's design since Tosh draws pretty girls. She has a nice color scheme with the gold hair and purple eyes, but her hair always felt over-designed and her latest hairstyle looks like something a 40-year-old soccer mom would have. Megumi's hair feels mommyish as well, but has an ara ara mom vibe to it. I just think Megumi looks the best time-skip wise alongside Hisako/Alice.

I talk about megumi getting the takumi route but thank fucking god Tsukuda didn't actually try to shoehorn it in.

The man has no idea how to write romance.

Alice's short hair was Elite, but I don't mind the new style.

Hisako looks like she did in the beginning lmao.

Megumi looks cute af. Wish she let her hair down though.

Probably Jun.

>S4 soon
So don't hope ship confirmation or Erina end

Yes, a parasite. Souma never needed her (even the Shino expulsion you mentioned only happened because he wanted to undertandably expel Mehgummy for being a shit cook, which angered Souma, but he had already passed), and her inclusion in every arc was just forced since she either didn't make any difference, or was there just to job. Even after all her supposed character development and "potential", she only took part in the RdC because Rindou was fucking around and gave a pity pass to her and Takumi, which didn't mean jackshit in the end since she was juts Momo's punching bag. She was also a joke in Blue, literally not even worth showing El Hermano kicking her ass.

>but thank fucking god Tsukuda didn't actually try to shoehorn it in.
Exactly why I was always so against it. If that's the best he could do with his main pair then imagine how shitty Megumi x Takumi would have been done. There was a slim chance that Megumi x Takumi became one of those side pairing that outshined the main one.

Ziga had that one girl with an excellent character design. Can you blame them?

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Damn, when did everything went wrong? I just want my comfy cooking manga back. Fuck you Tsukuda for turning a gem of a manga into irredeemable piece of garbage.

Still baffles me to this day that Tsukuda didn't let her win a single damn Shokugeki. Does he secretly hate her?

Being a parasite would mean she dragged the series down which she didn't. We all know which sole girl brought the series down, and the sales reflect this.

She won three-- but they were off screened.

>shoehorns her till the very end for whatever reason
if anything megu is one of the few characters he liked enough that he just had to include her in almost everything

>only one doujin
>it's gay bara trash
I REALLY hope that other doujins have been made and they're just not getting uploaded.

They would've been so cute. Too cute.

Only one I remember was that noir chief who was supposed to be hot shit.

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>megumi vs Shino
You mean Souma vs Shino. Everyone knew Tardokoro wasn't going to accomplish shit there, which was mostly true had it not been for the first of many, many "muh potential" pity free passes for her.

>And the monkfish butchering
I sleep

>And Megumi vs Ryo
I'll admit I nearly ruptured my sides laughing at delusional Memegloomyfags after that one. You're gonna try to pretend otherwise, but your unwarranted self-assured smugness was hilarious to watch as it crumbled.

BC girl's are in a uncanny valley, take Mereleona as a example she's supposed to be a slim women with big tits but there's no feel to lewd her

There was the central goon she beat for her research society, and the hot spring noir.

I completely forgot about the hot spring arc. Now that I think about it that and the Beach exam chapters were the only decent developments to come after the Central arc.

I don't get the constant put down between Megumi and Erina.

Both girls treat each other as good friends.

Both girls grew in their own development. One from the bottom rising up, one from the top being humbled.

Both girls are renowned chefs.

Can someone explain the shitwanking to me?

>Tadokoro wasn't gonna accomplish shit there.
The only reason Souma wasn't expelled was because of the sheer heart in Megumi's cooking. His cooking was way below par. He owes her his fucking career.

>I Sleep.
People CRIED at that episode, user.

>Self-assured smugness.
Nobody thought she was gonna win. Regardless, it remains one of THE most iconic shokugekis in the series.

It's just shipperwank, user. Megumi and Erina genuinely seem to care for each other, and deeply so.

Holy kek. Also no, she's not getting any of that either. I hope she likes petting pussy...cats.

To be fair, majority of her important matches were against better chefs. Shinomiya, Ryo (at the time), and Momo. I got the impression that Tsukuda felt it was more important to show the difference in how Megumi takes up these opponents. We can see the difference in how she reacts to Shinomiya, and later Momo. She's in tears in the former, and confident/ready in the latter. It's a shame she never got to win an important match, but she did seem to touch the hearts or at least surprise of all her important opponents IIRC. Her character never wanted massive glory, she just wanted to cook warm dishes. One of my absolute favorite moments is when she cooks a light dish for the judges cause they ate so many heavy dishes.

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This happens a lot with fandoms. Take Fate where Saber and Rin have lesbian sex, yet their fans hate each other or Archie comics where Betty and Veronica are extremely close friends, yet same thing. Shippers tend to hate competitors regardless of the characters' own behaviors together. Megumi and Erina could fuck-onscreen and there'd be shipping wars.

He's the prettiest boy in the school, user.
>she's not getting that either.
She should've, smfh. If she's the ryokan mistress, you best believe they're getting it on every time he comes from Italy. This is my headcanon and I'm sticking with it.

This thread reminds me of how awful, annoying, and retarded the Megumi and Takumi pairing was.

>stand next to each other for a few chapters
>not even look at each other
>not even say a single word to each other
>they must secretly want to fuck


It's just for shits n gigs, user.

It's ridiculous how much art and fic there is for them tho.

>Megumi and Erina could fuck-onscreen
Lesbian troll end

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She really is, and I'm so happy with the current spoilers we have. Her design is beautiful, and I hope the inn spoiler is true.

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>Ryoko doesn't even appear in the epilogues
What a waste

We don't have all the pages yet.

>is when she cooks a light dish for the judges cause they ate so many heavy dishes.

>Saber and Rin have lesbian sex, yet their fans hate each other
All I ever see are Sakura and Rin fans fighting. I don't think I've seen saber and rin fans fight in years. Hell i've even seen some of both say sunny day is best end.

No. As bad as those developments were and how awful both Azami and Mana turned out, they legitimately moved the plot along by being active factors in them. Most of Memegloomy's panel time on the other hand, is devoted to her either standing around to remind the audience how awesome Souma is, or losing literally all her important matches.

EriMegu genuinely good ship. Girlfriends avenging each other.

Megumi was the HEART of Early Shokugeki.

>Megumi X Erina is now officially a couple


yeah ok whatever Erina still tanked the series

>I don't think I've seen saber and rin fans fight in years
A rabid Rinfag shit up a Saber thread a few weeks ago. The fighting is mostly between the Sakura, and Rin fans though. Saber fans don't bother.

>they legitimately moved the plot along
Until the series got so bad it got the axe.

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I friendship Megumi and Erina together and find all these passionate Megumi vs. Erina arguments very amusing.

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Really user? No Shokugirls Ever Again. Think.

Yuri just cannot stop winning.

Erina is still way better looking than megumi. Better hair/eyes color scheme, better body, prettier eye shape etc. The only difference with this latest designs is that Erina's hairdo is awful while Megumi's is generic but serviceable. Also, OG Erina's bangs design was just the right amount of detailed. It only got overdesigned in the Blue arc.

>mfw no travelling arc where the students visit different spots on the globe
I was hoping the hot springs arc would kickstart something similar to that, but then noir chefs and el hermano happened.

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>they legitimately moved the plot
You're not wrong but boy did I fucking hate the "plot" Tsukuda came up with.

I'd agree for 99% of the series.

25 year old Megumi blows 25 year old Erina out of the water for me.

Yeah, they moved the plot so much you could argue Erina became the protagonist and souma was relegated to focus character in her story.

Neither of the girls have designs that really speak to me. As I said earlier, Ryoko and Alice were always the prettiest to me despite being a Megumifag. Erina has a pretty color scheme, but I always hated her hair and Megumi was more cute to me. Now I find her beautiful.

>Lesbians winning

This saves the manga.

No. He just didn't care to show any of the other girls being all that strong except for muh Erina. And this is coming from someone that genetically likes Erina.

I really was hoping that this would happen, and that the cast would meet up at BLUE after a year of traveling. With Soma arriving last from god knows which country.

At least Megumi got matches. Think about the rest of the cast lmfao.

>we never got a valentine arc

wait wasn't el hermano dude Soma's half brother?

tfw the whole series is based in the idea of finding someone to cook for but there aren't any side pairings developed despite an incredibly varied cast.

>Megumi is the HEART of shokugeki

Don't remind me about how shafted Alice was. It hurts.


He was introduced as Soma's brother, but the twist was that he wasn't and the big epilogue twist was that he was actually Erina's half brother.

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Your absolute mind, user.

Did the Chunni and Loli get together?

nope. no couples have been confirmed so far. just that curry is wearing a wedding ring.

If it's Jun, I'm gonna be so fucking pissed.

Well Erina and Megumi are confirmed as a couple.

Well who else is it gonna be, fucking Nao?

>7 years for erina to realize she might be into souma
my sides are in orbit

People were theorizing Hisako, I guess.

1. He was only ever in any danger of being expelled BECAUSE he felt like he had to pick up her slack, you dingus. He could have easily just let it go or find a way to appeal her expulsion that didn't endanger his own expulsion. In other words, they got lucky because the plot demanded because if something she did wrong.

>people CRIED at that episode, user
Mehgloomyfags are cringy spergs, in other news water is wet.

>nobody thought she was going to win
Uh-hu, here we go with the revisionism

>it remains one of THE most iconic Shokugekis on the series
For you, maybe. I can barely remember anything about ut other than Kurokiba kicking her ass and jojo references.

Megumi realized this from listening to Erina talk about Souma for 30 seconds. Best girl coming through w the superior brain cell count.

Are you big mad because the fandom unanimously agrees that megumi arcs >>> erina arcs? Lmao.


>>people CRIED at that episode, user
>Mehgloomyfags are cringy spergs, in other news water is wet.
tosh confirmed he cried as well, dumbass

So can Tosh get back to doing hentai again?

Honestly looking back Azami as a antagonist was not a bad idea but Tsukuda for some reason turned him into the most saturday cartoon esque villain

He could develop Azami into holding a radical doctrine different to Totsuki but somehow is still as competitive and the hero would teach him there's more than that

No taking the school, no wanting to take over the world, the elite 10 not becoming evil, no the entire school becoming evil,etc.

Tosh said he liked Erina better as the heroine, but liked Megumi better as a character.

>megumifags are still the same annoying fucks after all these years

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And Erinafags are still tasteless horndogs who think tits on paper are a substitute for a likeable personality. What's new?

It's almost like Tsukuda is a shit writer with no capacity for nuance or ideological subtlety.

Erina has been a part of the story since the beginning and was Souma's endgoal from the start. She's not my favorite or anything but saying she tanked the series is ridiculous. It was mismanagement on the writer's part, but if you want to reduce it to individual characters, then Azami, his son and Mana were more responsible for the manga's decay than Erina. She was fine by herself and she was even beginning to mellow out for Souma by the time of the festival arc, before Azami's introduction.

And why were those elements brought into the fore? To give miss frigid queen bitch serious character overhaul. It was inorganic, shitty writing. She tanked the series.

Erina was on the backburner for many chapters, which is why her fans were eager for her arc. She was always apart of the story, but had minimal screen-time. Then comes her arc, and the manga starts its downfall, sales even back this up. Erina tanked the series because what came with her character were two shitty arcs filled with shitty drama that Tsukuda felt was necessary for her character growth or whatever. Not like that growth mattered as seen in the final arc since she just regresses until Soma saves her.

Erina still looks more shapely. Her hairxut just plain fucking sucks. The only good news is that she can always grow it back unlike Tosh's permanent botched lip job on meat (meat used to be legitimately the sexiest girl in the series for me until Rindou's introduction)

>Erina still looks more shapely.
Erinafags only care about tits. What else is new?

Booo, Erina's a dime-a-dozen big titty ojou-sama. Megumi actually has something uniquely charming about her.

>Erinafags are autists who try to pretend she's the best tsundere ever made even as the manga focusing on her drives the ratings into the ground and gets the manga cancelled

Delusional. The manga's heart and wit used to be Souma. Manga got boring as soon as he turned boring.

>meat used to be legitimately the sexiest girl in the series
that's pretty disgusting to be honest

ugly shit complexion
ugly blonde hair that clashes with her complexion
nigger lips
short hair
stupid bikini uniform that doesn't even make sense

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>this thread
Might as well post this meme one last time.

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You live?

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> erina is the main reason why the series got axed
> why people insult erina? I dont understand!!!

Ah, I'll miss this.

Sounds to me like every single shipping shitter is about to get btfo.

just sibling things

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There are people who ate up the second half of this series and enjoyed it sinply because a garbage tsudere with big tits was the one shitting in their mouths.


Series Tanker Tier List: BLUE edition

>Unsalvageable Damage Tier
El Hermano
Cross Knives
Noir Chefs
Bullshit cooking methods
Skipping most of the food and the cooking in a COOKING manga

>Bad Tier
Mana Nakiri drama
Soma's stagnant character development
Erina's regressed character development
Soma beats El Hermano with The Heart

>Not Good Tier
Takumi winning the Mezzaluna back offscreen
Megumi jobbing to El Hermano
Offscreening the one big Shokugeki Megumi won
Retconning Azami's motivation to "muh Mana's god tongue"

>Not Great but manageable Tier
Gun Noir
The rest of the cast not being included in the BLUE arc

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> r/shokugekinosoma


This hair was genuinely cute on Erina.

>Megumi jobbing to El Hermano
How? It's EL Hermano, obviously she would job. Even Jou jobbed. Speak of You, him jobbing should be in the first tier. Same with Soma never getting another one on one with him despite the fact that beating him was his goal.


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>a handful of waifufag autists in a mongolian basket weaving forum represent the fandom
>implying it's unanimous even here
Mehgloomy was what? Like only the eighth most popular character in the manga? The nips wanted more Erina but Tsukuda was too retarded to deliver her in a satisfying manner. That's all there is to this.

>Like only the eighth most popular character in the manga?
3rd in the first poll, 4th in the second, and 5th in the last one.

Sort of lumped Jou jobbing with EL HERMANO but that page was so bad it probably deserves its own line

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Peak Erina design. Too bad about Tosh's streamlining, it immediately made her unique bangs not as good looking.

If that's your definition of "annoying" then I'm assuming you don't browse the rest of this board.

Imagine denying the consensus that early shokugeki > later shokugeki. Brainrot, literally brainrot.

Smoke-kun was always a based character in my opinion even though he didn't do much but look cool. Always wanted him to be a major rival to Souma, or him having some epic backstory to go along with his mysterious look.

Not that user, but do you honestly think that majority of the readers prefer Azami and after Shokugeki to pre-Azami Shokugeki?

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What's so uniquely charming about her? The fact that she's a perma loser? Her design is basically background basic slut from Toshe's old doujins.

As with several other WSJ manga, I'm going to pretend the final arc never happened and hold onto the good memories. Not even Tsukuda can take that away.

For a second I thought this was the scene in Death Note where L fell off his chair in shock.

>didn't even give Meat an end
she's secretly following souma around the world

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She's with Eizan and Yoshino.

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It's that she contains multitudes. At 25 she embodies traditional femininity. Erinafags may not have the IQ to understand these nuances, but that's your L to take. The fact that she may surprise you then and again with bouts of sensuality is what's charming.

jk lmao i just like a girl with a personality

Early SnS was good because of the main character and the premise being still fresh (no pun intended). To say that was all because of a waifubait character that was basically an expectator is complete nonsense but meguniggers are trying to conflate them.

stay mad lmao megumi > erina

i don't get why you're both arguing as if erina or megumi are anything special. erina is the rich ojou-sama autist with family drama(same as yukino from oregairu) while megumi is the gentle girl with confidence issues who tries her best(hinata from naruto).

neither character trope or design is special. both girls will be forgotten by the masses once this shit is finished. not even erina will end up becoming some legendary waifu like say rei or haruhi.

Mito's full dsl used to be sexy. Fucking Tsukuda killed Tosh's motivation, I swear.

I pray that tsukuda cucks Erina-fags with childhood friend or anyone offscreen and lets them join the rest of us in the shadowrealm feeling bad about this shit manga. It would be the best outcome.

we're just passing time till the chapter drops lbr

I didn't know doormat with a bad case of peripheral paralysis counted as a personality, but whatever.

Ever since leddit found this place, I can't tell who's shitposting or not.

bro you're trying way too hard lmao


Me, I don't really care what happens in the final chapter as long as Erina and Alice and Hisako are happy. Ending up with Souma isn't much of an achievement but if that's what she wants, good. Ideally there will be no Asahi but of course he'll be present.

It's Shokugeki. It's all shitposting.

Just answer me this, is Souma fucking anyone at the end?
besides the readers

>This thread

Attached: 1526666927142.jpg (630x465, 90K)

If I had to guess I'd say leddit are the posts using terms like "lmao" and other abbreviations, but someone mentioned that it's Erinafag central so maybe it's the hardcore Erinafags.

It's just the usual circus when a high profile manga ends with several "contenders" for the MC's D. Even if the manga had declined in quality and people tuned out they'll show up for the final chapter because that's when the "winner" and "losers" are decided for shitposting. No one gave a shit about Masamune Revenge after the anime ended until the last couple chapters where it looked like Yoshino would win. Same for Nisekoi and all the rest.

I just came around to see what happened to Megumi, Alice, Takumi, and Shinomiya in the end. As long as they all have successful careers then I'm fine. I'm content with the designs of the first three, especially Megumi.

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Go back to plebbit.

Yeah, I was there for the BLUE chapter threads and they were completely dead.
Weird how there wasn't a single Erinafag in sight until the end, not even to laugh at Megumi when she jobbed to Asahi.

>someone mentioned that it's Erinafag central
It's funny, back in the day when Erina wasn't popular Reddit was supposedly Megumifag central. I don't know if that was ever true or who they like now but I wonder how people find out. Surely they don't actually go there.

If Shino doesn't make an appearance, I'm gonna be so pissed.

Everything's been recycled and done before, even these threads. The losers cry the loudest, then they move to a new series, pick another obvious loser, and then cry again.

Why would they laugh at Megumi for that? The only reason Megumi went up against Asahi in the first place was for Erina's sake.

I just lurked in those threads. There was a time where I would have shitposted about Megumi jobbing but by that point it wasn't even worth it

>The losers cry the loudest
I don't see what's wrong about still liking Soumegu despite them not happening.

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I only gonna miss the hentai vibes

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Yeah but it's still Megumi jobbing again. You'd think that would be worth at least a shitpost or two.

They're honestly so wholesome and straight up just likeable.

I blew all my shitposting energy on the bombs and guillotine and claws and chainsaw nonsense

who are the losers here? cause the megumifags in the thread don't even want her with current souma. they all just seem to be speaking of the old shokugeki no souma and how good it was.

Tbf it'd be hard to make fun of her for jobbing when she had a win in the same chapter.

Nobody was shitposting. Nobody was posting anything period, the threads were a ghost town.

All the megumifags here are just that: megumifags. Not so much shipperfags, though some of them are talking about a Takumi ending.

This is the most active shokugeki thread I've been on in months.

Wrong, I went in one and posted this shitpost.

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>This is the most active shokugeki thread I've been on in months.
You weren't threads that announced the manga would be ending?

The 10 people here who make up about 300 posts in this thread.

>428 replies in 4 hours
Those were active, but a thread hasn't been this lightning fast in a while.


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I dunno if it's the hellish weekly schedule or if WSJ editors are terrible influence, but god damn are they bad at making satisfying endings. AssClass was probably the last good ending I read, is it really that hard for a writer to follow through on whatever setup they did at the start of the story?

>remember when i got into this manga years ago
>read through all the available chapters in one sitting
>loved everything about it especially soumegu vs shinomiya, hisako vs hayama, the egg matches, the entire autumn election in general
>looking forward to the first anime season
>love the anime
>hype for the elite 10 reveal
>azami happens and things just keep getting worse and worse
>axe finally happens
>two of three epilogue chapters are shit so far with the exception of jou and tamako backstory
feels fucking BAD

Based Erina. She wasn't just some girl in the manga, or just an important character or a romantic interest. SHE was the plot. Also
>undefeated against the mc
You can't make this shit up.

Dude, you actually liked that backstory? I thought it was so tepid.

Hot take but the best backstory romance in shounen is Ryuuken and Kanae Ishida from Bleach. No, I haven't read Naruto.

I remember being excited about this
many years ago

I'd rather have my cast back than be pandered to by this op mary sue.

>manga basically becomes shokugeki no erina
>sales fall to a new low and it gets the axe
makes sense

>Hot take but the best backstory romance in shounen is Ryuuken and Kanae Ishida from Bleach.
Not him, but what? They got about two or three scenes together. Best backstory romance undoubtedly goes to Kenshin x Tomoe.

I may be ignorant in the matter but wasn't she the most popular character with the audience, isn't that why the story became pandering to her fans?

>megu became a christmas cake
A fitting ending. She dodged a bullet with Souma.

Based Kenshin x Tomoe. I supported Kaoru in the beginning, but Kenshin’s back story blew me away. Never looked back since.

AssClass was one of my all time favorite things to come out of WSJ and I thank based Matsui for following through on his promise to end the manga as soon as he intended to.
Saiki had a great ending, but it was a gag manga that set up a certain plot point early on that allowed it to end at any time the author wanted it to.
Hinomaru's ending was nice but somewhat abrupt. Story ended as soon as he beat the champion with no epilogue or aftermath or anything.
Sesuji's ending was surprisingly satisfying for an axed manga.
I'm currently praying to all that is good in this world that World Trigger follows suit doesn't and doesn't let me down either.

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we get it, you're homosexual

Okay but consider:

> Maid/Master Aesthetic.
> Star-crossed lovers.
> Love through class lines.
> Lancer/Knight Aesthetic.
> Victorian Romance levels of repression = insane amounts of sexual tension.
> That insanely emotional confession in the rain.

Quality over quantity, man. I know it's a super weird choice but they stole the show for me.

Erina is the most popular character. You only have to look at the Japanese fandom to see their sentiments.

Erina became the most popular character by the time the third poll came around, and we were well into her arc. It's not surprising the Erinafags took over. She beat Takumi by a mere 128 votes in the second poll.

Such pigs in human clothing. Erina was always Souma's endgame, from pretty much her introduction since she was the person he was trying to impress with hus cooking, and most of the wholesome shenanigans you liked happened either because of her direct actions, or a scheme she plotted. Either way she was always the most important character in the manga next to Soma.

Just tell me how many hours left for the full chapter. I need to sleep

Takumi took the biggest L in the polls. Went from 3rd to 9th, I think. In comparison, Megumi went from 3rd, to 4th, to 5th.

What the fuck are you talking about with this tvtropes shit? Fucking hell. They had about three scenes, and the confession isn't a straight ILY one. Shippers and their delusional minds that make something bigger than it really is.

I wonder what an end of series popularity poll would look like. Erina would probably still come out on top.

>pigs in human clothing.
imagine being this mad about a series this shitty and a character even shittier.

Yeah, but Tsukada didn't take into account of the fact that he had Down Syndrome, so there was a lack of execution in that pandering.

>. Erina was always Souma's endgame
It's so hilarious at how terribly-written Soma x Erina ended up being despite Erina always being his endgame-even though Tsukuda said himself he was more for Megumi in the beginning.

I hate that Souma and Hisako's chemistry went nowhere. I liked their interactions the best.

Just go to sleep user.
It's not worth it anyway.

Imagine if Tsukuda latched onto his accidental stroke of genius with the Souma-Megumi relationship. Imagine how wholesome the romance could have been.

>most of the wholesome shenanigans you liked happened either because of her direct actions, or a scheme she plotted.
how does erina connect to the polar dorm members hanging out together and getting to know one each other? explain further

I haven’t read the dessert chapters since the first one, what happened so far? I really don’t feel like reading this shit

He's talking out of his ass, user.

Usually they're either too incompetent to follow up on the premise they've establish or they decide to ride their series' popularity by making it much longer than they intended to. Don't have the evidence on me but from what I've read around here One Piece and BnHA were intended to be a lot shorter than they ended up being.

Shark teeth and sundress turned out to be a killer combination. A shame her series was shit.

only "important" thing is that el hermano is actually the half-brother of erina. also the souma parents backstory but it was nothing special. i don't even think we were told how or why she died. now we're 7 years into the future.

EL HERMANO MAYOR de Erina appeared.

>not getting the reference
What the fuck happened to my Yea Forums? Also, more proof all this Mehgloomyfags come from reddit.

>next to Soma

Attached: poor souma.png (495x485, 233K)

>more proof all this Mehgloomyfags come from reddit.
Or just newfags like a lot of other anons in here.

erinafags, megumifags, and sourinafags, so what's new?

>all this
Ok, ESL-kun.

Actually, I'm just a newfag waiting out the chapter drop. Everyone on reddit's an Erinafag.

That's actually the true tragedy here. The Megumi x Souma shit I've seen a million times and done better, and Souma x Erina was so obvious the writer put very little effort, but Souma x Hishoko would've been an Ookami Shonen level of happening. Now that was some chemistry.

>, but Souma x Hishoko
i don't even remember their scenes

>tsukuda now hates his fanbase

Honest to god typo. English is actually my third language.

>Erina (true MC), Erina's assistant, and Erina's cousin all beat Souma in the poll

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you mean her maid

Souma and Erina are cute, but it's open ended.

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>he doesn't remember stagier arc.

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Replace Erina with Rindou, and you get the absolute best girl trifecta in the story.


Ohhh man


Can someone explain why Tsukuda thought this was a good ending? Can someone explain why he turned to shit the moment he changed editors?

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Holy shit.
Sorry for doubting you, user that kept saying that it wouldn't be resolved.

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No one should be surprised. Neither had canon feelings for each other. I pointed this out in older threads, and got waved off. The most shippers should have expected was teasing.

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Okay, this is genuinely so cute.

Fuck u Tsukuda I'll never read anything from u again

I'm extremely happy right now.

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Damn, Megumi got ever cuter

Megumi is SO gorgeous now holy shit.

This is exactly what I wanted fuck all shipping faggots.


What happens when Soma crushes Erina?

Fuck El Hermano. He doesn't get to be part of the JUMP formula.


lets take a moment of silence for the cocky sorinafags that thought they had it in the bad. reddit is gonna lose it if it's actually erinafag central.

holy fucking JUST

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Post all of the pages, you slut. Please

Isn't the JUMP formula Friendship + Effort = Victory?

Died on the way back to his home planet. Same with Marui and the Buttbros.

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He's talking about Mimasaka, you chucklefuck.

Fuck you man wheres you know I meant Giganigga and also what happened to Sasaki?

You're making me want to go to leddit just to harvest the salt. Stop tempting me.

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>open ended

My bad. That guy definitely deserves to be part of the JUMP formula

Must be early in the year if Erina's not 26 yet. Or Tsukuda's forgetting birthdates.

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Everyone looks so oddly thin and hunchbacked. What the fuck happened to Tosh?

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I'm actually really embarrassed for the Soma x Erina shippers if Tsukuda actually kept it open-ended. There's something so humiliating about claiming canon status only to get BTFO in the end.

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Look at Erina salivating over the dick here. No canonic feelings my ass, if nothing ever happened/happens it's because Souma is asexual.

art looks like pure shit. holy fuck. what is going on with takumis brother here ??

yuki cute

>everyone thinks it tastes bad
Kinda cute honestly.

>implying that will ever happen

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He dont give a fuck anymore user
You can see quality went down the drain since the start of El Hermano arc

How could he catch feelings for someone who was just another part of his youth harem and saw on and off for 7 years liks the rest of them, Soma played all the females user.

So did Souma ever beat his dad?

10 years after Erina made this work, Souma's still failing.

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Soma was fucking a beauty in every country he traveled, baby.

He did that in, like, Chapter 1. With Peanut Butter and squid legs.

>megumi and erina both get panels to taste his dish
Tsukuda clearly didn't want to pick between the girls. He said it himself that he was more for Megumi in the beginning.

does beating el hermano count?

It counts because he beat his dad by proxy. Soma said this himself.
t. Tsukuda



If only, now that would be truly based. Imagine both Erina and Megumi running to him to hug him just before they both had a long dramatic cliche conversation about how they're gonna fight for him cleanely and with no hard feelings, only for him to reveal tne fact that he's banging a bunch of hot babes all over so he has no time for their bullshit.

that lanky souma.....where the fuck did he travel? iraq or some shit?

Thankfully user, Tsukuda himself lets you pick your canon ending, so harem is as real as it gets.

That's some next level coping, user.

Cope with what? Hack writing? Fuck off.

In a better place


How is it coping when he literally knew thr character had so much going for them that he decided to retcon his obvious choice at the end, he choked because he put himself in a spot where he couldn't pick because Erina fags would lose their shit.

Imagine reading a cooking manga just for the "romance" that never happened, ever.

Nah, for maximum tears you have to go even further
>they decide to fight it out in one last shokugeki
>everyone there is biased so they need to find a new judge
>Soma brings out a 5 year old kid
>it's his son

>three megumi are featured

new thread

The cooking part didn't happen either for the last 50 chapters.

>her hair got even shorter
And the art is lackluster overall. Didn't they have a month to work on this? What a sad end.

Are you suggesting these aren't perfectly normal proportions for a human being.

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oh piss off. obvious outcome was an erina end and he backed off cause he didn't wanna pick at last minute. fucking hack.


He didn't "choke" jackshit. Megumi never ever standed a chance and the only reason he's blueballing his audience of a seemingly foregone conclusion is because he still thinks he can milk this some in the future. If not with Jump, some other magazine in the future, but if that doesn't happen he'll just say this is the ending he always planned.

tsukuda ruined his manga for a ship he didn't even make canon at the end. he really does hate us.

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Tosh's final act of rebellion

>standed a chance
Ok, ESL.

>here's how Erina can still win
Now that's what I call coping.

>Megumi never ever standed a chance
I mean Tsukuda said it himself that he was more for her in the beginning. Why would he give it an open ending with only both girls getting panels to taste his dish in the end instead of going full shippy especially when Soma x Erina was the fan favorite pairing? It makes no sense unless Tsukuda himself didn't want to pick at the end.

He literally did all the Erina bullshit and ruined his manga and at the end he thought "Fuck, this isn't what I wanted, let me force Megumi into this last scene..." LMAO

It actually did go pretty shippy user. But it's open anyway despite the Souma and Erina focus, so it's not like it matters in the end.

Full shippy as in romantic payoff aka canon pairing. Why wouldn't he go down that way when he basically ruined the manga for the ship?

I already told you why, he's reserving a last resource trick in case he doesn't get a gig like this again. It's far from the sentimental bullshit you're suggesting.

Not because of megumi, that's for sure.

Because his manga was cancelled and he wanted one last fuck you?

Absolutely coping. If was he saving for a last resource trick, he would have just given us another generation with kids.


For old times sakes post the best doujins guys.
Lets remember the story in bliss.

Megumi didn't deserve to be in this shit series.
Her and Alice are wasted on this steaming pile of shit.

I can dig this particular page but just not how we got to it, if that makes sense

What was the purpose of the timeskip??? Like literally nothing happend.

I actually agree.
I hate shipping but they would've made sense as a couple.

The balcony, this whole chapter/scene and specially the kindergarten episode made it seem as if they where perfect for each other. There was a lot of implied romantic scenes and unlike Erina/Souma, Megumi and Souma's development actually felt organic. If the series had to have a romance it should've been Souma and Megumi.
Instead, Tosh trashed his own series due to his obsession with Erina. A real shame but it is what it is.

Tsukuda has no idea how development works. He could never develop a plot, his characters are heavily underdeveloped, and for all the so-called relevance in Souma and Erina's relationship, whatever there is between them was hardly ever developed.

Tsukuda seems to think he can just write things as he pleases, without even stopping to consider he has to properly set things up, and that said set-up requieres development.

How can someone fail so hard at writing? How could his editors allow all this mess? You'd think editors would have a notion about the writing process and guide Tsukuda to properly write his desired story. This manga feels as if no editor was involved after Central started.