Him and I will be just like Adam & Eve!

>Him and I will be just like Adam & Eve!

What did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Senku is unironically gay.

senku thinks getting another guy to cum inside his ass means he can be a mother.

user, your text caught me by surprise and made me laugh out loud at 1 in the morning. Thank you for that wonderful sentence.

I agree! I quite literally felt my sides split in half from such an amazingly well-crafted joke! I may need medical assistance! It's also quite late in the morning as well! Imagine that!

our brain matter must be in perfect sync fellow human

I have an IQ of several billion and laughed so hard my neighbors died from sheer brainwave radiation.

"This week, we're going to get biology completely wrong"

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Now THAT excites me!

Senku had to teach himself everything, but he never learned about the birds and the bees

why does this show/manga suck so much ass?

it doesn't.

must be your shit taste

Looking at the comments above, yea poeple who like this shit are mentally ill

When does the plot get good?

Literally never. Onion boy will keep pulling recipes out of his ass meanwhile the rest of the cast are there to say how awesome the mc is.

Yeah bro! Let's bazinga !

next episode is when the story starts to get real good.

Episode 1

>Senku = Tree of Knowledge
>Taiju = Tree of Life/Vitality

It's really not that hard, OP

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Stop reading yaoi fujo

Mistranslation. He meant Adam and Steve.

Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve ok. Praise Jesus

he wants to get fucked by another man

>t. brainlet

The plot is already good
>Cure girl in tribe era of a sickness by jumping years ahead at a time to gain the trust of the community
If that doesnt entice or interest you or you need something epic and world changing then this story isnt for you and you should probably read something like DragonBall where people are fighting for the stakes of universes and shit, but every step in the story to achieve this plot is entertaining and well done.

Says who? Oh, the rick and morty pasta posting leek-haired e=mc2 Yea Forumsermin epic memers?

They don't matter. It's obvious they don't watch the show and you can easily tell by the same stale obsolete phrases they repeated since episode 1.

Hahahahahaa holy fuck

As a man of science, he wouldn't believe that.

None of the comments above are from people who like the manga


I agree. There's no other explanation for his apparent disgust with the idea of exchanging genetic material with Kohaku.

Fujoshi are the main buyers of shounenshit since little boys don't have much disposable income.

He told him off shortly after, he told off Tsukasa too and Gen and Hyouga.


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Go back to watching DBZ.

I think it's fun


>I judge a series based on the shitposters & memers

He is a big gay like all the stonfaggots watching his terrible anime. Fuck Dr Stone

This manga makes no fucking sense and is stupid as hell but it's kind of fun and the girls are hot so I think it's alright.

Seething brainlet.

That's the best word for it really, it's pure fun

It means he will lead Senkuu into ruin by his naivete .

Indeed. I bellowed so heavily that my two ton penis bounced on the floor and caused a hole to form, which was most upsetting for my downstairs neighbor given the ungodly hour it was. Haha.

>being good
>being rational

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I've watched the show and read ~70% of the manga before dropping it. The show is embarrassing at best and the manga is irredeemable with bad plot, generally poor writing and dialogue, terrible character interactions, decent art minus the downy faces of half the females, but a "How Stuff Works"-tier understanding of the concepts presented. You don't even have an argument and all anyone else has to back it up is, "IT'S FUN," but no actual defending arguments or even so much as why they think sludge like this is fun. This shows that these idiots are just trying to rationalize enjoying a bad fucking manga.
The fact that you're probably an anime-only (despite the show being even worse than the manga so far) is laughable. Kill yourself. A cooking manga is "fun," battle manga is "fun," having to watch/read some horrible "nerd" self insert power fantasy, like how a stereotypical geek in a tv show would daydream about being stuck on a deserted island with the hot girl in class, along with cringey dialogue and shitty BAZINGA tier catchphrases is a retard's idea of fun.

You gave no argument what parts arof the story are bad. You need to fix that before you call people out.

The ost disc is missing the best one, the lion escape and kohaku tsukasa fight
You guys think there will be a second ost disc or we're screwed?

A second

Low iq detected

From this post I gathered that user is angry cause he can't selfinsert as the MC and that's why it's shit.
You're the only one that wants to selfinsert here, I think you missed the point of the series.

But both adam and eve only ate the Tree of Knowledge right?

How do fujoshis get the income then ? Aren't they little girls ?

Well he invented the pole dancing coil so… when are we gonna get a strip club/power plant
Things that he need to invent especially considering he has a cavewoman girl eating from his palm and dying to secure his genes
>Anti polio shots
>Jewelry (this one is also needed for circuits)
>all the kitchen tools (this one can also be easily done if you have access to bronze)

You lost me, buttrope is fine

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It's fun because it's stupid. What's entertaining is seeing what dumb ass shit the author will think up next. It doesn't take itself seriously at all and doesn't give a shit about actual details. Sure, a guy can catch a crossbow bolt from like 15 feet away. Sure, they can make a fucking perfect ocean faring boat in a year. Yup, he definitely wouldn't go insane counting seconds for 3700 years. Fuck it man. The science is just a flavor.

I always wondered why he turned a lab coat into a dress

>people still don't get it

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You are looking at the wrong direction, you have to keep the twins secure and in place if don’t want them to go saggy before time

Go look at those african tribeswomen, they're not all saggy. There must be more to it.

Atheists and theists btfo.
Atheist-agnostic master race here.

senku has big gay

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Magma debut this week, everyone sleeping on bestbully

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He has already appeared though

Yeah but no one took notice, they won't be able to ignore him now

He's angry because the big bang theory still lives rent free in his head over a decade later
I mean yeah big bang theory was kind of shit especially in how often the jokes fell flat but it has led people to hate anything with science just on princible

They're sexually frustrated women that focused on making money so they can buy doujins and figures of their favourite anime boys instead of focusing on 3D. They're actually pretty based if you think so.

Kill yourself

What, do you think that grapes don't exist? Or that they didn't make wine like that in the Mesopotamia? Humans are making alcohol since forever

Holy shit this is great


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It had exactly one joke and it was burned super fast. I don't know how did it last more than one season.

The art style and entry-level science

Also e=mc^2

I hate how it conflated cliches about "losers" with people that clearly had their shit together. Like, why in hell a guy that works for nasa lives on his mother's basement? If even NASA doesn't pay its employees enough to live by themselves, where do you have to work for not being a loser?

For some reason as a kid I didn't really realize how unfunny it was
Probably because it did have the occasional bit of humor but all the funny jokes were divorced from the premise and I didn't really notice the pattern of the jokes that fell flat, I noticed they fell flat but never how frequently it happened

I think the point I turned against the show was when I was watching an old episode and the entire joke of a certain scene was that sheldon was playing an old text adventure game and we were supposed to find that inherently funny somehow.

Sorry that the truth hurts so much user

The things people don't understand is what's real and what isn't
>Ubermensch characters
Based on reality
So when people go muh lion punch, they assume the lion is fiction cause he died so easily. The lion is based on reality, Tsukasa is just superhuman. So the things you should be asking yourself is how hard would you need to punch to take out a lion and that's how strong Tsukasa is.

Why is it in english?
I guess that sort of tune doesn't work so well in jap

That’s because those are 14 to 16 years old as soon as the get soggy they woman is used to feed the lions or to train the African child soldiers on the arts of woman beating.
Also Kohaku is being a savior for her kind if you think about it the other tribeswoman will have to lose about 1/3 of the children they bear to various natural (and often hilarious causes) while she will most likely see all of their grow big and smart.

I can't even say that I hated it, but I certainly didn't care enough to watch it past season one. We still watched a lot of TV, there was the shit that you watched religiously, and things that you watched because the TV was on and you were waiting for something else on the same channel, and Big Bang Theory was the second. If someone else wanted to change channels when it was on, no one cared.

>I am a master of minds
>Perfected the craft of the rhymes
>let's rise from the ashes and climb to the top of this magical vine
>God tier woman voice and harmonies
>That instrumentation
>That kickass acoustic guitar
One of my favorite tracks, possibly ever. Great choice user.

We don't know what kind of father Senkuu would be.

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You can kill a lion on single punch to the liver, but goddamit it would be a hell of a punch to land.
That’s actually what I like so much about his design!
How hardcore you have to be to have the Recipe to an unimaginable power engraved on a place where everyone can see it at any time on your body! find me another anime character that does this

Just going off the fact Tsukasa can split boulders and cut tree trunks with a single swipe. The guy is a monster.

Senkus father was a pretty cool dude so I figure senku would probably turn out a decent father as well

Well he is a man of science who had a fairly good role model, maybe having a child would make his perspective change a lot of the better.
Now all that remains is to see if Kohaku can solve a mystery that has been haunting countless Shonnen girls through the ages… How do I extract the seed from my MC before the end of the series?

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Of course he is a superhuman, I was just pointing out how out of all the hilariously impossible thing he’s done (like capturing a duck mid-flight whit a jump) the lion punch was not that impossible

The boars and duck wasn't in the manga.

The only thing Senku never saw coming… some cavewoman loving, this could be really fun actually if played well

Are you asking why this shonenshit is garbage? It isn't very hard to figure out.

Is post-apocalyptic MacGyver any good? I only watched the first few anime episodes.

It is great and gets better constantly.

The scary part is if Kohaku willed it there's nothing he could do to stop it. Lucky for Senku his lanky onion-headed ass doesn't even remotely turn on this cavewoman so he's safe from a death by snu-snu for now.

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Idk, even the cavewomen are not all about looks. He's a great provider for her offspring.

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Been reading the manga since day 1, power through the first 4 eps, enjoy some primitive crafting on 5,6. Then the great part starts, the village arc.

Adam fucked his own rib.

It's not all about looks but I'm sure her cavewoman lady parts aren't at all aroused by a lanky boy who can barely lift a rock.

Young people have an incredible amount of spending power through their parents. You don't need to take an economics course to realize this

I mean true, but he can do "sorcery" to lift it. I'd like to imagine women of any era liked magic. She did say that he's hot, but not in a conventional way. 10 bil IQ gorilla babies imminent. At least I'd like to believe that. Doujins when.

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manlet, right?

If they are I hope they're femdom and end with a sore Senkuu.



I'm just a fan of strong girl, wimpy guy dynamics. That and Senku's lack of any romantic or sexual feelings at all makes it much more likely sex would have to be something forced upon him rather than an activity he engages in willingly.

Why does it need to hurt tho? I want kinky feel good woman rape, not him getting pegged.

I don't want him to get begged. I meant more in an exhausting animalistic pelvis smashing kinda way. Hardcore cavewoman grinding.

>with Kohaku
you mean with every single female character

>smashing against your pelvis

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This, but for an hour, dick first.

No. Many of them are 18+ women.
Look at the attendees of Comiket.

Not an argument.

>no u! u just wanna self insert!
Not an argument.

>he watched Big Bang Theory

>it's stupid.
Glad we agree. Concession accepted from everyone.

>says he can't selfinsert
lol okay

No such thing as gays in a stone world.