What's with with these killing manga becoming farm simulator?

What's with with these killing manga becoming farm simulator?

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medieval japan ran on the rice that fed its militaries

Because medieval times were 99% peasants growing rice and only tiny fraction various wars. So we are getting a historically accurate slice of life.

Soldiers gotta eat, bro.

honestly we're still getting a very summarised view of it, not enough rice paddy tending.

It a great way to filter fightfags.

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amazing filter indeed. they are not ready for what is to come

Except kitils farm was actually a useful farm arc while vagabond was just a waste of time.

you farm to sustain warriors
in the past farmers were forced to be warriors

There's tons and tons of manga about killing people. Taking a break from it occasionally shouldn't be an issue.


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>Small brain shounentard doesn't understand farming is harder than swordmanship

>Everything after that is shit

Why are you greentexting like a retarded newfag?

Why is this making me laugh so hard?

Why the fuck should i give a fuck about what you think is "cool" and "oldfag"?
Trying to fit in or something?

Answer my question.

What about the reverse where the farm simulator turns into a game of Total War or some other autism war simulator vidya simulator?

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Why you think that? I think both work in the same way.

destroying/killing is simple.
growing and making something isn't.

What are you going to do if i don't? Suck my dick?

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It's a good thing that you have self-awareness, time to go back then.

Good, don't come back.

Seeth more

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>u mad bro
Literally Yea Forums tier shit. Can't you do better than that? Doesn't even deserve my reply.