What's the difference between good fanservice and bad fanservice?
What's the difference between good fanservice and bad fanservice?
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How much it panders to me.
There isn't one. If fanserive still works on your, then you've clearly not seen enuogh anime or are meticulously looking for something to be upset about. Fanservice has neither a positive nor negative effect on a piece of animation.
How much of an erection I get from it. The visuals are only half side off the coin. Plot is important too, or else I'd be watching porn or my little sister in the shower something.
That's simply not true. But context is important, or it wont work at all, no matter how big the tiddies.
Good fanservice: Cunny
Bad fanservice: Hags
Good fan service increases my net appreciation of a show, bad fan service detracts. If it would have been a boring show but all the fan service makes my dick rock hard, then it's good. If it would have been a good show but all the fan service distracts from the story, then it's bad fan service.
if sex is primary or secondary when it comes to the show's themes, fanservice can actually make it somewhat stronger.
The easiest way is to judge whether or not it is incorporated into the plot in any way. However, I would argue that even if it has nothing to do with the plot whatsoever but the scene is still effectively sexy, then it's good fanservice. In summary, think with your dick first, then your brain.
I dunno. I like it but I can probably think of a few times when a show was trying to be serious in the moment and was still shoving panties in the dead center of the screen
good fanservice is what OP likes
good fanservice: monogatari
bad fanservice: everything else
when I, the fan, am serviced by it
skirted bikinis and bikini bottoms with strings sticking out are hot
actual fpbp
I don't think you can measure it in good or bad, it's more about degree and subtlety. There are shows where fanservice is the entire point and there are shows where fanservice is used very selectively. Also remember that not all fanservice is erotic. An author bringing back a fan favorite character or doing a callback to a previous arc can be its own kind of fanservice. Different kinds of fans like different kinds of fanservice. The only thing I'd be willing to say is objectively bad is when fanservice takes priority over the actual story or characters. It can be a massive waste of potential when an author decides that giving the audience what they want in that particular moment is more important that properly developing the story and characters.
there is none
Good fanservice: Slow Start
Bad fanservice: Harukana Receive
The ethos of the show it finds itself in.
>good fanservice: monogatari
Easily the best example, and simply unmatched. Also proof that good fanservice isn't just about pantyshots and tiddies.
good fanservice doesn't have unhealthy fat cows
There is no bad fanservice unless it's QUALITY ridden. In the average show you can just ignore the occasional boobie, and you should know what you're getting into if you watch an ecchi show. If you're seriously that bothered by fanservice, anime is not for you.
how well it's drawn
depends, is the service in the form of cute feet?
Theres such a thing as bad fanservice?????
To be serious, I don't think any fanservice is bad per say, just different fanservice will appeal to different people, just like different genres of porn is gonna appeal to different people.
Like, I wanna say really over the top / badly animated stuff like Eiken is bad, but I'm sure Loli's with gigantic boobs appeals to SOMEone out there, and it appeal to some people on a "so bad its good" making fun of it kinda way.
Good fanservice is suprising and rare
Bad fanservice is abundant and predictable
>good fanservice
Ass, pits, navel
> bad fanservice
Dudes, feet
A false sense of moral superiority
Good fanservice is subtle. When it lewds it feels like plotwise it's the logical thing to do, like there was no other way to advance the story without these shots. Sometimes you might even miss them.
Bad fanservice is when the author simply given up and decided to slap some tits to shut the horny teens up. It's crude, straightforward and lacks any originality. A generic beach scene or "ah, I didn't see you there" or girls lacking self-awareness. Or a pantyshot frame that is impossible to miss since it's panning for 10 seconds with some gibberish dialogue in the background.
>Not appreciating good manservice
Makes my penis hard
Makes my penis cum
>Bad fanservice is when the author simply given up and decided to slap some tits to shut the horny teens up. It's crude, straightforward and lacks any originality. A generic beach scene or "ah, I didn't see you there" or girls lacking self-awareness. Or a pantyshot frame that is impossible to miss since it's panning for 10 seconds with some gibberish dialogue in the background.
Why do you Americans have this weird idea that the nerds that make anime/manga/ln don't like fanservice themselves and don't find enjoyment in drawing naked girls?
Bad fanservice occurs when the fanservice is at odds with any other tone that a given scene is trying to convey. The Grisaia anime is a good (bad?) example of this - there’s nothing wrong with the idea of having fanservice in the show, but they put random ridiculous pantyshots in scenes that are trying to be serious establishing scenes or tense climax scenes, which causes these scenes to be less effective at the primary intended purpose.
Compare with Monogatari (which several people have rightfully pointed out as a good (good) example). Even though the show is more fanservicey, it is not an issue because much of the fanservice is during banter scenes which have a similar light tone. When a serious scene has fanservice, it is often played in a threatening manner (consider how Black Hanekawa is portrayed at the ends of the Cat and Family arcs). The show is also not afraid to tone down fanservice even when the presence of it would make sense “realistically” - in the novel version of Tiger, Hanekawa’s clothes ended up in about the state you’d expect after trying to attack a tiger made out of literal fire by hugging it to death, but for the anime having her half-naked would break the serious tone that is meant to be had, so the damage is changes to a few minor rips in her clothes.
Kill la Kill is another good example - you may not like the show, but there is at least no tone dissonance - the fanservice is over the top, but the entire show is like that.
Ended up dropping that shit show. Who could have thought that a show featuring cute girls in bikini every episode would be so bad.
Because westerners are such neurotic people who believe sex is taboo. And even more funnier, they try to find ways to "intellectualize" the issue. Trying to act like fanservice is anything more then fanservice, or trying to condemn its existence.
Great vaginabones.
Nonsense. An episode is a zero sum game. There's 21 minutes of actual show and every second spent on fanservice is a second spent not doing literally anything else.
When the fanservice add something extra to a show instead of being it's only selling point.
Bad fanservice is a talking point for casuals, ironic weebs, and SJWeebs. Everyone else either watches a different show or enjoys what is offered.
This, the west and America in particular is retarded about sex while bathing in violence.
It comes from corporate/government culture. Pic related, Amazon owns twitch and will ban the fuck out of lewd games, but meanwhile their server farms are running processes to help drones kill dune coons. It's about appearances, you don't suspect Amazon has a hand in killing because they're protecting you from naughty things.
Paypal won't let you buy adult figures off AmiAmi but you can certainly use it to buy guns and ammunition from various online storefronts. I'm not even a gun grabber but the hypocrisy is palpable.
This 100%
Fanservice should be like an added cherry on top.
>not eating a can of cherry pie filling with a spoon like the lardass you are
absolutely correct
Cherry pie is shit, apple or butterscotch is far better.
>i want to normalize tasteless, depraved scenes in anime so people dont think im weird for liking it
I don't care what normies think about me liking it I just want to see anime titty because it makes my pp happy
>Good fanservice
Shots and scenes that appreciate and show the beauty of the female body
>Bad fanservice
Shots and scenes that fetishise the female body
Subtlety or extravagance - pick a route and commit. The infamous Nisemonogatari toothbrush scene is a perfect model of the latter. It's over the top and indulgent and completely shameless about everything it does. To embrace that is key in more obvious fanservice. Conversely if you're just trying to inject a little sexiness into things you need to maintain composure and avoid drawing too much attention.Maybe subtlety isn't the right word - it's more like compliance. Being integrated into the scene is key here.
Like all things it's about knowing what you're going for - a show is trying to make you feel or think a certain way and if the fanservice has nothing to do with that, or contradicts it, then it fails as a scene. Of course there are more basic levels to fail at - such as poor animation and sound design. And if there's one cardinal sin of fanservice it's being unsexy. If it's not sexy you failed at the most fundamental level.
All fan service is bad
2D girls are pure, PURE!
Nipples, no fan service can be good without nipples
>Maybe subtlety isn't the right word - it's more like compliance
how about pic. related? too subtle?
What if I fetishize beauty?
You didn't read my post at all, great job.
I don't care if it's "normalized" I just want killjoys like you to fuck off and leave it alone.
I did read it and your degeneracy will never be accepted. Seriously, you're crying over not being able order to a figurine to cum on.
unironically this
it varies from show to show, with personal preferences and cringe factors, etc.
Try asking yourself: what would change were the scenes in question not present?
For example, Tsuujou Kougeki this season, is completely degenerate with its situational gratuitious scenes pretty much designed for Bluray bait. However, in absence of the lewd moms and tiddy dragons, the show is consistent in a comedic portrayal of the awkwardness and resentment experienced by adolescents from hyperbolic caricatures of motherly behavior. The over-the-top fanservice even helps here at times, in breaking up the discomfort the viewer might feel if they relate too closely to the subject matter.
Jesus fucking Christ! All I see while reading this is some fag with neon dyed hair and a bachelors in psychology throwing out every 3 syllable word he can think of to make himself sound superior. I mean, you summarized it perfectly, but still the way it is written is cringy as fuck.
While anime titty is nice and all. The real nigga fan service comes in the form of non-lewd fan service.
>I want to get rid of fan service in anime so I can share it with my normalfag friends and they won't think i'm weird.
Yes because I'm not a degenerate like you
I'm actually glad it upsets you, now go back to Yea Forums and post cumbrain memes.
>waaahh why is sex so taboo in the west i want to see anime titty
I'd rather stay and watch dumb fucks like you cry over censorship and the gradual eradication of tasteless fanservice
When the whole show is fanservice
This fanservice has context. The audience sees the mc's pov
You were supposed to approach it as a slice of life yuribait show, since it's a Kirara adaptation. The bikinis were just a bonus,
Succinct and well put.
The simplest way to put it is a matter of ownership. Take pride in your filth. Don't try to hide it for the sake of people who don't appreciate you. An excuse in show is one thing to justify the perversion but don't try and fool your viewers.
You really are from Yea Forums, anime doesn't have issues with censorship or resetera trannies guilt-tripping the industry.
Stay mad.
That's how I approached it but the amount of boring volleyball really got in the way by the end.
The good one make you fap.
>anime doesn't have issues with censorship
well that's not true but that's really more about scamming BD sales
Story is serious in tone
Bad fanservice
Story is not serious in tone and kind of trashy
Good fanservice
I couldn't have put it better myself.
>the detail on the feet
>that face
Fair enough, still nothing like the shitshow of the western video game market.
If it makes my pp go strong mode its good
Say dick or cock you fucking pussy.
But that's homosexuality only girls should say those words
The stiffness of my dick.
Its good if it can make a few hundred anons buy the DVD and Blu Ray.
Araragi pls.
Yuuta is SO lucky to have a girlfriend like Rikka!
>Bad fanservice
>Shots and scenes that fetishise the female body
Are you gay?
>anime doesn't have issues with censorship
It does on TV. Huge issues began to affect the industry around 2010.
Japan cared about showing nipples, not about showing lewd lolis btw.
Maan, Amagami SS was great
Kinda boring 2bh. For a show about relationships, it sure lacked lewdness.
This anime as such a good PLOT.
Speaking of PLOT, why are there no vagina bones in anime anymore?
How much it blends with the show. If it's shoehorned in just for the sake of having it, it's shit.
In the Harry Potter half-blood prince. Dumbledore ask harry if he likes hermoine for no reason in the middle of a convo. That’s bad fan service
Good fanservice works up your libido by sexualizing middle school age girls. You should then have the drive to get out there and find a girl through various means to get your release. Bad fanservice does none of this and you are left with a confused feeling where you want to invest your emotions into the character like you do with all stories so you can connect and understand their plight, but it falls short.
Sometimes its easier, more convenient and more specialized (catgirls, skin and eye color) than you can get with harder to find child pornography.
The only reason for monogatari was black cat.
There seems to be some kind of mistake here
There is no ""bad"" fanservice. It's good to give fans some eye candy as long as it's not out of control.
Fanservice is only problematic if it only caters to heterosexual men, while the female audience gets no fanservice at all, which still happens in 2019 for unknown reasons
Black Cat. There is no greater in the series.
While it did have some creatively lewd scenes like the back of the knee or the stomach ones, I always felt the show was mention to appeal to your heart boned before your dick one.
This one feels kind of off when I watch it. Trheres zero movement when her hand makes contact with the rest of her body. It's like watching her rub an inanimate object.
Strike Witches was an example of how to successfully integrate fan-service with the story. Pic related -- it's the fan service.
How much it panders to this particular user
All is bad. Go look at hentai if you want to jerk your penor.
Hentai is boring. It leaves nothing to your imagination. Ecchi is where it's at, baby.
Easiest (You)s ever.
I like : is good
Me no like : is bad
absolutely fucking bada-badess-based
Yeah, that's da shit
>If you're seriously that bothered by fanservice, anime is not for you.
Why would you watch something that is notorious for having sexy girls then complain about sexy girls? Because you're angry that it has sexy girls and want it to conform to your puritan rules.
But if the fanservice is good enough it can in itself be the selling point. Take DXD for example. I don't think people are watching that show for the gripping plot.
Correct. There hasn't been good hentai since the 90s.
Fanservice is bad when it appears in a situation with an incompatible tone and ruins the atmosphere the rest of the scene is attempting to set up. If you want a scene to look tragic to the audience for instance, you probably shouldn't fill it with entirely unrelated and random pantyshots. Thankfully this is fairly easy to avoid, most shows don't fuck up in this manner. It's bad if it detracts from other aspects of the show, essentially.
What a sorry state western anime fandom is in. Normal fans love hot ass. Women love cosplaying as slutty looking characters. But then here come the SJWs HOMOgenizing yet another hobby.
Good fanservice makes you hard.
Bad fanservice does not.
Progressivists get pissed about 2D because they're seething that there is still an outlet for men to enjoy women being feminine instead of the ugly masculine cunts they show on t.v. over here.
If I wanted to jack off, I'd be watching porn.
It's not about jacking off, it's about turning you on and making you horny as shit. Big difference. Then you can go jack it if you want.
Why is Yea Forums cum brain central?
Any enjoyment a man has is illegitimate and stolen from the womyn proletariat
The kind that makes me forget the nightmarish warzone future that awaits us.
Ahhhh now I want to rewatch Slow Star
Whichever one makes my wee wee hard
Fanservice is good when a non-gaijin non-raijuu is watching it
Fanservice is bad when a filghty american pigdog is watching it
mizugi kanojo was kinda good. i would say 2014-2015 was when 95% of hentai was absolute dogsshit, because of poro and queenbee, and the new style to over exaggerate every boob instead of only some.
it is also when i stopped collecting, though hanime.tv
i kinda wish i kept watching this when it aired, i see it around so often but i just couldnt get around the first episode, the entire premise and world was so fucking retarded i even skipped a few scenes.
True, if it actually can make you hard and it isn't just random panty shots but actually has a buildup with good animation, hell, even toothbrushing looks like a hot quality hentai
>What's the difference between good fanservice and bad fanservice?
certain degree
Fanservice is good if it's cool enough.