Why exactly did Shinji, crying and sad, masturbated looking at Asuka's naked body while she was unconscious in a coma...

Why exactly did Shinji, crying and sad, masturbated looking at Asuka's naked body while she was unconscious in a coma? What would be the psychological explanation of this? Repressed feelings?

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sad that she was in a coma
horny because he had a crush/was a teenager
mostly just contributed to his overall self loathing desu

Even when Asuka is right there for the taking, he can't claim her and instead resorts to masturbation. It goes to show that he doesn't feel worthy of having her because of his lack of self-esteem, but still fantasizes about her in a sexual manner. He's not a deranged pervert, but is rather a pathetic one.

Have you never tried relieving stress with masturbation?

Asuka was in the hospital after trying to kill herself. Shinji also presumably tried to kill himself at the start of EoE since you can see him drenched in front of the lake where he met Kaworu. So Shinji wanted to harass Asuka to comfort him even though he never did anything for her, saw her titty(and we know he is attracted to her sexually) and since he is an asshole he fapped and then cried because that is disgusting.

He was feeling really down and needed any sort of relief. He didn't have the self control to stop and the realization of his actions killed his already low self esteem. The point was to get him to his lowest point. Weird enough, originally he was going to go home and do it there. Anno just wanted to fuck him up good.

Asuka didn't try and kill herself. The bath water doesn't look like blood in the director's cut (so I hear) and she doesn't have any cuts in her wrists. It's actually debatable what the intent was.

Only the hardcore Asukafags find it debatable. The rest see teen suicide as teen suicide

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You didn't address the points

Because he's so fucked up.

He is the worst.

because EoE, along with every other piece of eva media after eva, was designed to make you dislike eva cause evidently you were too stupid to get the message from the 26 episode anime.

The hospital was probably understaffed but would nerve be able to protect him if he was found and the Japanese government wanted to try him if he actually raped her or is it a Nerv hospital and he’s being monitored?

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Tits. Literally tits I mean come on, think of that hot chick from highschool you liked. Now imagine she falls in a comma, you go visit her and after shaking her up her blouse opens and you see what you've always wanted.

In fact, the normal reaction would be to penetrate her body. The true meaning of this scene wasn't to show how "fucked up" Shinji was, it was to show how weak he is by choosing to jack off instead of going inside Asuka

the entirety of tokyo 3 is under nerv authority, the magi are literally the city government

At this point of the story Shinji lose pretty much everything.
>The Rei he loved died and he know she's a clone.
>Kaji died
>Asuka is on this state
>Misato and him became distant and he was disappointed by her.
>Kaworu died and he was the only person who said openly that he loved him for no reasons.
>His Friends moved because the city was destroyed.
>He know that the relation with his dad is fucked forever.
>All Angels died but the shit with Evas fucking continues and he losed everything piloting this shit.


because he is a man of culture

Man, absolute mess.

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I guess Casper and Balthasar overlooked it because of the Chad Ikari genes.

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