Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!


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kouko matsumoto is still the best character in wataten, fuck hana

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Imagine if Miya-nee will awaken her demon power. Hinata's support will be enough to defeat all the magical girls around.

Is Mya-nee really as fat as people claim?

Yes, that's what Mya-nee should do.

Posting the cutest.

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is it me or did that png take a while to dl?

That's cute.

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Sasuga Myanee

She's funny but Mya-nee doesn't deserve such punishment.

Dunno but it's nice that a round and soft girl like her is described as a beauty is n canon. Nip tastes matured a bit.

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Kouko is Mya-nee's rightful wife.

If for rightful you mean forced then yeah.

its not forced if koko mindbreaks mya-nee after raping having consensual sex with her

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That's the very definition of forced.

If anything I imagine Matsumoto will simply get tired of waiting for Miyako to open up and will get her into a shotgun wedding.

When Hinata grows big enough and inherits her mother's strength and can womanhandle Myanee with ease, her and Koko will make Myanee their breeding slave.

as they should

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>Breed with Mya-nee
Are they hermaphrodites?


they took the futa pill

Or the Eve pill

>not marked as spoiler
you are doing it wrong

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What the hell is her problem?

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Special needs child.

>photoshop slander

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Are you sure?

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>tfw no qt stalker gf

why live

What did they mean by this?

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It's interesting how romantic interest in this series is universally treated as obsessive. Only Kanon is maybe an exception and that's because she's a masochist.

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She knows Miyako the best

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For me, it's Noa. :3

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that's because they're all mentally ill lesbian pedophiles

Even Hinata?

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Hinata is the craziest character in the show
She has no personality whatsoever outside her obssessive, unconditional, all-consuming love of her worthless sister

Her personality is Chad.

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Mya-nee could completely cease to exist and Hinata would still be a well-defined hyperactive tomboy chadloli. It's the fact that she's also a sister-obsessed psycho on top of it that makes her such a strong centerpiece to the series.

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No, it's a headcanon. In the OVA they showed how it's done.

Stop pretending you watch any of the series you shitpost about. Do you think you're fooling anyone but the sub-20 IQ retards that are the mods?

>he didn't watch the wholesome scene from the OVA of Myaa-nee and baby Hinata
Dude you're missing out

Only one of them is a pedophile though.

Noa definitely wants cunny. She'll probably lust over the thought of current Hinata for the rest of her life.

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Her real personality comes out when she is with Noa.

images with images hidden in them are heavy.

You know what else is heavy

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Lets be real. It would be a waste if here genes stopped here because she likes little girs. She needs a man.

>doesn't know about ips

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Enlighten me.

why are lesbian stalkers so cute ?

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>Watching this with Tinder date that was into anime
>"user these girls so cute and funny don't you think?"
Was it pure coincidence or a clever trap?

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kill yourself

She is only dating you to get close to your little sister.

COME ON Mya-nee!

i hope you dont have a sister

Fuck off.

This is what "cute and funny" posters think is funny and appropriate for Yea Forums.

A meme that won't be a thing in your lifetime.

Imagine spending day in and day out just shitposting. You're worse than ACK at this point, at least he had the excuse of being completely insane. Then again, if the mods treated me like he thought they did his boogeyman, maybe I'd be the same.

But it's funny though.

One thing I would have liked is more homage cosplays. Especially boats or 2hus.

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Thanks for the nendo Hina-chan.

I'm gonna say the M word

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Tell her, Hinata!

What about chinese boats?




I think they're cuter than the boats.

Why does this "loli show" attract so many haglovers?

It's a yuri show with lolis, not a loli show.

No one really likes Koko, it's all about Miyako and how much of a fat breedable girl she is.

Like said, Wataten is a show for ironic lolicons and true yurifags.

That doesn't make sense considering the average wataten thread.

Chinkboats would probably piss a lot of people off but as long as they're cute/funny I wouldn't mind personally.

>no porn about having sex with watatens in cosplay
Shit japan get it together

Saving this thread.

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The hags are funny and contribute meaningfully to the show. Saito and Pops were popular in Colors threads for the exact same reason.

Obvious LRD is obvious by the way.

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Vice President Kanon serving under President Koyori.

Oh no, this is one of those series where all the doujinshi is too funny.

Fug, pic related.

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is this a YuruYuri reference

Now post the real version

get the fuck off my 4channel

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keep seething normalfags

What makes Yu so great?

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She knows koko's master plan is to cuck myaanee with hana.

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She's the only well-adjusted wataten character.

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sister of best girl


Imagine the shitstorm when they all hit puberty. Including Mya-nee.

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Gay orgy?

I want to give Hinata an STD so she spreads it to every girl in her school.

That just gave me an epiphany.
>having sex with a girl is like having sex with everyone she's ever had sex with
>so a chad like Hinata is basically a walking harem

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But she's only interested in Noa.

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Mya-nee cosplayers*
Worst case scenario she's just a little girl, I could probably beat her in a fight and impress her with my spirit.

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She was being smug there. Noa is for bullying.

Do not bully my daughter, for she is whole and pure as milk and honey.

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Noa is the easy pussy that you use for a quick release

why is happy happy friends so addicting it's starting to piss me off for how much I enjoy listening to it

Where is the SYKE?

To me it's one of those so extremely happy songs that it turns into mood backlash and comes across as something you expect to play to contrast something negative or bittersweet.

Also as catchy, listenable, and watchable as it is, it turned out that the OP's actually better.

Hinata's dress in the ED is so damn sexy. Imagine if it had an exposed back.

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imagine the smell

Hana would smell like someone with unhealthy eating habits.
Noa would smell like commercial cleansers.
Kanon would smell like leather bondage.
Koyori would smell like grass and dirt/dust.
Hinata would smell like prime pheromone-dense femininity and cinnamon.

Noa's is clearly the best because the gloves are the longest.

For me, it's Noa's Mom
Emily, the BEST wataten.

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