I like it more then Dr stone

I like it more then Dr stone

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That's cool.

ESL firespics can't spell

Thanks for proving that Stone chads have a higher iq than fireflop spics op

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nigga theirs a reason we call it Dr flop

so this is actually a Soul Eater prequel right?


I started watching it today maybe its too early to say this bc im only at ep 3 but aside from mc the other characters arent very interesting. The animation and art are really good though. It also helps that the ED is a banger

Nah the author just has no originality


So you like "le ebin punchin anime"? It's ok, there's a hundred more of them for you to enjoy

wish i could. has some of the better girls of the season.

but i HATE i mean HATE the whole "hero" crap. its like dragging nails on a chalkboard.

With that post I think you've just disproved it, though.


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Repeating buzzwords like neanderthals. Sasuga Stonefags

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I would have agreed with you if you didn't post an even worse anime

You fool noone stoneshit.

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I became a stonechad after they introduced the slut in fireflop

what would you do if Stone anime adapting into the part where they introduce biggest manslut

Its awright but coming from the makers of Soul Eater I was expecting so much more.

>Series not as interesting as Soul Eater
>Boring character's expect Arthur

Soul Eater was amusing


Sales does not equal quality.

I think they are both pretty good
I really don't like Tamaki Kotatsu, though, awful character

Second opening.

She's barely a character though, even in the manga.

I need a Jordan Peterson remix of this

yeah, she does jackshit after the arc the anime is in until the most recent arc in the manga. It really feels like okubo was strong armed into her inclusion on the main cast and he's only know finding use for her.

I think he wanted her to be designated fanservice and nothing else but then panicked when he saw her at second place on the popularity poll

Seeing her and Maki in the same squad really shows the difference between a useful female character and just fanservice bait, hell even Iris is more relevant overall than Tamaki.

Even now she's sharing the spotlight with Licht and fucking Lisa of all people.


the hentai monster

And we should know that because?

You mean the bitch who's even less of a character than those two shitkids that hangout with Benimaru?

no thats Tamaki


Honestly there only difference to me it the shape of the fire coming out of their ass, both of them are shit tier next to Maki.


Both are shit for different reasons.

I'm liking Dr. Stone more, so far.
Fire Force just seems to make flimsy excuses to have firefighters fight each other.

I do hope that in between fights between firefighters we get some decent infernal fighting filler

Dropped dr stone after the first ep because I hated the entire premise.
Was it a mistake to drop it that early?

Yes user. Next episode will be fantastic.

It's just, it would have been simple to show off the new powers by having a call go during their meeting instead of Shinra picking a pointless fight.

That would have been cool yeah

Depends on how you define hated the premise
If you mean you heard about the villian and din't like them the villian was only created because they weren't sure if what they really wanted to do would sell and he was put on the backburner

At this point the show is just about the fun of building new things

The anime is weird but infinitely more watchable than dr _eddit
I couldn't stand Senku, dude behaves like he has chuunibyou and the loud stupid guy is just annoying

Both are entertaining in their own ways

>the loud stupid guy
Get's written out after 7 episodes

Dr Stone is entertaining but I can't watch more than an episode of it at once.

>dr. Reddit
This meme is going to die this week and it'll be hilarious, Reddit will shit themselves when they get a fat Ed all over their screens

Yeah I feel like it is the sort of thing to benifit from the weekly structure that netflix is trying to kill

If you have time, read the adapted chapters after. It's nice when you can admire certain panels that you can't in the anime.

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Sales does not equal quality, yes. But if its to the point that its flopping hard, then yes, that means its shit.