Anime when?

Anime when?
Which studio?

Attached: 490504 animal_ears jahy jahy-sama_wa_kujikenai! konbu_wakame pointy_ears tail.jpg (2894x4093, 567K)

Other urls found in this thread:,wn


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doga kobo
as soon as possible

>tfw you wear oversized shirts

Who should be her VA?

When some one puts mone into it

Jahy-sama can't afford an adaptation.

i have 3 mone to contribute

It will take more than that to pay for rent and an adaption

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You will get your damn rent when you fix this door!

I'd rather put mone into adopting my own jahy

where can i get a jahy?

In two years. Summer. I guarantee it.
Shaft is in talks to do it.

>tfw started reading it because of the Shinka McDonald's thread
It's pretty damn good!

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Never and Kyoani

Jahy will never an anime with her criminal record

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>Anime when?
>Which studio?
fuck off

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Where is the Jahy porn?

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Salwa-sama > Jahy >Landlady > Owner > Magical Girl > Druj

this is actually baffling, things more obscure than jahy have porn

Jahy is not for pornography, only sexy clothed pictures.

There is alarmingly little of it around. I do not know why.

The manga art is too good and discourages art out of concerns they cant do it justice

I feel conflicted. On the one hand I want to give loli Jahy lots of love and cuddles and sit her on my lap while I read her bedtime stories and tickle her and protect her smile and if anything were to happen to her I'd kill everyone in a 10 km radius and then myself.

On the other hand I want to fuck adult Jahy until my penis shrivels up into a pile of dust.

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this but reverse the jahys

/c/ > /e/ > /h/

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Jahy is so smelly and repulsive no one wants to sexualize her!

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naomi oozora

I just want to say i fucking love brown lolis.

After tomboys, dumb poor unlucky demon girls is my favorite type.

Good taste.

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actually scratch that, I want to do all the listed things but only with smol jah


cute and funnypilled

>right shade of brown
>flippy wigglers
>dark hair + yellow eyes

it's like she was made for me

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This thread needs more steppy

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I will always love how her demon ears are part of her hair. It looks really nice.

Brown little Girls are the best after all

lol, it's gonna happen whether you like it or not.
Enjoy your threads getting ruined by secondaries.


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So she's wearing a band-aid then.

She looks like she fucks dark skin demons

Would she ever consider prodtitution or is she just too dumb to even realize she can monetize her cunny?

ilegal in her country

she probably gets propositioned quite a lot when she works in the bar

If she was smart she would let me pay her for taking care of her

Jahy is only for oneesan blonde lady landlords and restaurant owners.


Fuck off Drujl.

Doubt it. Judging by the manager, it seems like a proper establishment rather than a seedy watering hole. I think we've also seen her serving food, so it's probably something of a pub (isn't that how Japanese bars are in general?).

I don't like this manga. She's unlikable and unfortunate which is a shit combination, if she was a good girl like Pekora, you'd feel sorry for her. But she a shit so she has it coming.

>flippy wigglers
they're called hair fangs

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she does

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>>flippy wigglers

I like it

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That's literally the best combination. You get to laugh at someone else's misfortune with no guilt. What, do you hate Always Sunny as well?

she's just too attractive and exotic-looking. at the very least people ask her out on dates, for sure

Pekora is a slut though

>laugh at
I ain't about dat life, senpai.

I want to repeatedly flip Jahy's shirt to reveal her butt for the sole purpose of pissing her off. No lewd thouhts at all.

she doesn't wear panties

That is true.

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I know

Why is she always barefoot?


Ideally she'd be wearing nothing at all, but shoeless is a compromise.

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do you also have horns? if so, boy golly do i have a lap you should sit on.

Can someone please make this edit.

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I like it because its a story of a formerly powerful person being humbled by life. Instead of ending the story defeated, she'll come out as a more understanding, compassionate person.

Jahy escaped from jail and broke into your house to hide. What do you do next?

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Force her to get a job and pay rent.

How is she even unlikable? She is a second rank in the demon world, of course someone who has been living a long time in such important position completely surrounded by luxuries will always feel she's always at the top of the world. What makes Jahy so charming is that she's dropped all of a sudden into poverty, completely alone and without a single shred of her power left, other than being able to transform to work a part time job, yet she not only never gives up in her efforts to recover the demon world to its former glory, but she's shown to be very warm hearted, she simply never opened her heart like she has done to the sisters and Kokoro.

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reminder jahy is for spanking

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pay rentbs

Salwa-sama is my favorite reverse-trap
they're horns, like her boss

imagine lifting the shirt up

imagine forcing her to take a bath and wear proper clothes

imagine dehorning her so she can be a proper member off society.

no the horns are fine but she needs to dress properly
imagine combing her hair out properly in the bath

What does it say?

imagine hiding her clothes while she's in the bath and forcing her to walk around with only a towel


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Can't wait for the ritual posting and forced unfunny nicknames like "goat" or "tilly"

But she's already using the public baths.

you die if you work

Jahy's most admirable quality is that she's almost as functional as a fat NEET. Her personality is unlikable and her manga is dull.

That's only my take on her, but I suspect it's a common one, given the lack of fanart of an otherwise appealing character design.

>love oversized shirts
>they look shit on men and cute on women
How do I get XX chromosones

>she's almost as functional as a fat NEET
Nigger, she has a stable job that she uses to pay rent.


Gravure > JAV

It's good to see my stealth advertisement worked.

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>frenchie calling others filthy and smelly

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Seems to work for Aqua from Konosuba.
>Implying Aqua would be remotely likeable if not for her misfortune, mostly due to her stupid decisions

What about hiding the towel too?

She actually has her good points in the LN.

Yeah, after being humbled by the poorfag life. In the beginning of the series she is obnoxious.

I recite the holy Manthra Spenta as it is an effective remedy against Jahy and other noxious creatures, and the Hymn to Haoma, whereby I reject the temptations of the Polluting Whore.

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Of course, she wears diapers

Also Seska

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dumb, stinky persian demon whore

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jahy is not stinky!


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she's putridly pungent

jahy smells wonderful

So who wants to volunteer to wash Jahy?

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let me wash you jahy!

The duality of man.

I will purify her with powerful prayers:

fratarəmcit tē havanəm vaca upa-staomi huxratvō yō ąsuš han̨eurvayeiti uparəmcit tē havanəm vaca upa-staomi huxratvō yahmi niγne narš aojan̨ha

staomi maēγəmca vārəmca yā-tē kəhrpəm vaxšayatō baršnuš paiti gairinąm staomi garayō bərəzantō yaθra haoma urūruδuša

staomi ząm pərəθvīm paθanąm vərəzyan̨xvąm xvāparąm barəθrīm tē haoma ašāum staomi zemō yaθra raoδahe hubaoiδiš aurvō carānəm uta mazdå huruθma haoma raose gara paiti ...

vareδayan̨uha mana vaca vīspēsca paiti varšajīš vīspēsca paiti frasparəγē vīspēsca paiti fravāxšē

haomō uxšyeiti stavanō aθā nā yō dim staoiti vərəθrająstarō bavaiti nitəmacit haoma hūitiš nitəmacit haoma stūitiš nitəmacit haoma xvareitiš hazan̨raγnyāi asti daēvanąm

nasyeiti haθra frākərəsta ahmaṯ hacā nmānāṯ āhitiš yaθra bāδa upāzaiti yaθra bāδa upāstaoiti haomahe baēšazyehe ciθrəm baēšazəm

vīspe zī anyē maiδyån̨hō aēšma hacinte xrvīm-drvō āaṯ hō yō haomahe maδō aša hacaite ...

aurvantəm θwā dāmiδātəm baγō tatašaṯ xvāpå aurvantəm θwā dāmiδātəm baγō nidaθaṯ xvāpå haraiθyō paiti barəzayå

āaṯ θwā aθra spenta fradaxšta mərəγa vīzxvanca vībarən ...

āaṯ āxva paurvatāxva pouru-sareδō vīraoδahe haomō gaoma zairi-gaonō ā-tē baēšaza irīraθarə vaŋhēuš manaŋhō ...

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I wouldn't mind if Jahy got a 15 min anime, but I want Doga to do it because they get nice tracks.

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how's that for nice tracks?,wn

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She has crocs but her shoes only fit her adult form.

And what about some water and soap to go with the prayers?

i will lick her clean

she'll make the soap stink!

They're horns not ears